Author: Linh Chau
你掌握如何用英文說謝謝了嗎?日常生活中,我們肯定會遇到需要說謝謝的情況,但如果我們一直把 ”Thank you“ 應用於所有情況,那會很無聊是不是?
帶著希望幫助你們進步,加強英語交流的重要組成部分,ELSA Speak 整理了一份詳細完整表達感謝的方式總結,請參考!
定義:為了表達對幫助過我們的人的感激之情,我們經常用「謝謝」這兩個詞。同時,用英語(或台灣語)表達感謝,我們會根據語境和目的,結合不同的詞語和語調,創造出不同的 “感激程度”。
在英語中,我們都知道 “謝謝” 為 “Thank you”。但實際上,根據不同的情況,有許多不同的表達方式。
- Thank you: 謝謝你!
- Thanks!: 謝謝啊!
- Thanks a lot! : 多謝!
- Thank you so/very much!: 非常感謝!
- Thanks (a lot) for + V-ing/ noun (phrase)!: 非常感謝你!
- Thank you (so/ very much) for + V-ing/ noun (phrase)!:(非常)感謝+因为/关于/為了 + V-ing/名詞
- Thanks a million (for + V-ing/ noun (phrase)): 十分感謝
- Thanks a bunch! : 多謝啊!
- Sincerely thanks!: 衷心感謝!
- Thank you/thanks in advance!: 那先謝謝你了!
- Thanks again!: 再次謝謝!
You are so kind
You are so kind 意思是你人真好,你很好,常与“Thank you!”、“Thanks!”等句子连用,以额外輔助。
例如: Thank you for the ride! You are so kind.
It is/was very kind of you to + V0 …
使用“is”或“was”取決於我們要感謝的事情是發生在過去還是剛發生。這句話也經常與“Thanks/Thank you…!”這句話一起使用。補充並表示您非常友善地…
例如:It was very kind of you to drive me home last night. Thank you!
I owe you one
I owe you one 常與‘Thank you!’, ‘Thanks!’ 等句子一起使用。以額外輔助。這句話主要用在關係比較親近的人身上,表示我欠你一個人情/幫助,…!
- A: Alright, your car is fixed
- B: Thank you very much! I owe you one!
- A:好,你的車修好了。
- B:非常感謝!我欠你一個人情!
I can’t thank you enough (for + V-ing/ noun (phrase))
這個英文的謝謝句子結構比‘Thanks a lot!’ 更正式,這意味著我對你的感謝還不夠(為…)。
例如: This is amazing. I can’t thank you enough.
I really appreciate it/that/noun (phrase)
I really appreciate it/that/noun (我真的很感激)經常與句子‘Thanks!’/‘Thank you!’/v.v.等一起使用。更明確、更真誠地表達說話者的讚賞和尊重。除了使用‘it’ 或 ‘that’之外,我們還可以用名詞(片語)來代替它們,以清楚地表達我們所欣賞的是什麽)。
例如:Thank you for your support! Our team really appreciate it.
You are the best
You are the best (你是最好的/第一!) 語氣歡快、友好,並且根據具體情況,帶有一點興奮。可以與‘Thank you!’/ ‘Thanks!’ 一起使用,或者如果說話者覺得說“謝謝”太禮貌了,可以用它來代替“謝謝”。
- A: I heard you had a sore throat, so I made you some lemon and ginger honey.
- B: Oh, Daniel, you are the best!
- A:聽說你喉嚨發炎了,所以我幫你做了一杯檸檬薑蜂蜜。
- B:哦,Daniel,你是最好的!
You are so sweet
You are so sweet(你是如此甜蜜/善良/可愛)有一種歡快、親密、視情況而定、有點興奮的語氣,只適用於親密的人。可以與 ‘Thank you!’/ ‘Thanks!’/… 一起使用,或者如果說話者覺得說“謝謝”太禮貌了,則可以用它來代替“謝謝”。
- A: Happy birthday, Sarah! Here’s a home-made cake for you.
- B: Thank you, David! You are so sweet.
- A: 生日快樂,Sarah!這是給你的自做蛋糕。
- B:謝謝你,David!你真可愛。

I’m so grateful/ thankful for + noun (phrase)
I’m so grateful/thankful to – 我非常感激/感謝…可以在演講和撰寫正式文件時使用。
例如: Mr. David, I’m so grateful/ thankful for your support and encouragement. I am always glad to be a part of your team.
I can’t express how grateful/ thankful I am for + noun (phrase)
在演講和撰寫正式文件時使用 – 意思是我無法表達我對…的感激/欣賞。
例如:Ms. Rose, to be honest, I can’t express how grateful/ thankful I am for your understanding and kindness.
I would like to express my gratitude (to + noun (phrase) (指人)) + for + noun (phrase)
例如:Dear Ms. Lee, First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for your constant support and trust.
I highly appreciate it/ that/ noun (phrase)
I highly appreciate it/that/noun (phrase)——我非常珍惜//欣賞那個/…這句話經常與 ‘Thanks!’/ ‘Thank you!’等句子一起使用。
例如: Thank you so much for the presentation! I highly appreciate your effort.
I want/ would like you to know how much I value + noun (phrase)
意思是我希望你知道我有多支持/欣賞!這句話經常用來表達對你來說意義重大的事情的感激之情。可以在說話或寫感謝信/電子郵件時使用。當我們使用動詞「want」時,正式程度較低,而當我們使用「would like」時,正式程度較高。
例如: Emily, I really want you to know how much I value your condolence and encouragement. Without you, I don’t think I could have overcome such a great loss.
大致翻譯: Emily,我真的想讓你知道我有多重視你的哀悼和鼓勵。如果沒有你,我想我無法克服如此巨大的損失。
No words can express how thankful/ grateful I am for + noun (phrase)
例如: Dear Angelina, No words can describe how thankful/ grateful I am for your help.
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Angelina 女士, 沒有任何言語可以形容我對你的幫助的感激之情

Thank you for contacting me/ us (about/ regarding + noun (phrase))
例如:Dear Mr. Anderson, First of all, thank you for contacting me…
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Anderson 先生, 首先,感謝您與我聯係,…
Thank you for reaching out to me/ us (about/ regarding + noun (phrase))
這句話的意思是感謝您聯絡我/我們(關於…)。與第一句話類似,這句話也用在電子郵件的開頭,以感謝某人主動給您發送電子郵件。動詞短語「reach out to」的意思是「跟…聯絡」。
例如:Dear Mr. Williams, Thank you so much for reaching out to us about the date and time of our next meeting…
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Williams 先生, 非常感謝您就我們下次會議的日期和時間與我聯繫……
Thank you for informing me/ us of + noun (phrase)
感謝您告知我們……這就是這句話的意思。這句話用在電子郵件的開頭,以感謝之前透過電子郵件告訴您某事的人。短語「告知某人」‘inform somebody of’ 描述了告知某事給某人的行為。
例如: Dear Ms. Chuang, First of all, thank you for informing us of the delay in the delivery of your order. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience…
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Chuang 女士, 首先,感謝您通知我們訂單交貨延遲的情況。對於由此給您帶來的不便,我們深表歉意…
Thank you for raising your concern(s) (about…)
例如:Dear Ms. Brown, Thank you for raising your concern about the progress of the StarX project!…
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Brown 女士, 感謝您表達對StarX項目進展的擔憂!
Thank you for your (prompt) reply
Thank you for (prompt) reply! 感謝您的快速回覆!這句話用在電子郵件的開頭,以回應其他人的(快速)電子郵件回覆。名詞 “reply” 的意思是「回應」。其前面的形容詞「prompt」的意思是「快速」。
例如: Dear Jack, Firstly, thank you for your prompt reply!…
大致翻譯: 尊敬的 Jack 先生, 首先,感謝您的快速回覆!
Thank you for the information (about…)
例如:Dear Rebecca, Thank you for the information!…
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Rebecca 女士,謝謝您提供的資訊!
Thank you (in advance) for your cooperation
當電子郵件收件人之前收到並滿足我們的請求時,我們會在電子郵件開頭使用這句話(不帶“提前” – ‘in advance’)。我們在電子郵件末尾使用這句話(帶有“提前”‘in advance’)來提前感謝他們對我們上述請求的配合,並含蓄地表明我們希望他們能夠配合。
例如:Dear Chen, Firstly, thank you so much for your cooperation!…
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Chen 先生, 首先,非常感謝您的合作!
Thank you for your consideration
例如: Thank you for your consideration! I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Zhang Jia Ling
Thank you for your understanding!
例如:Once again, I apologize for asking you to complete this urgent task on your day off. Thank you for your understanding!…

除了以上幾種常用的英語表達方式之外,ELSA Speak 還整理了具體情況下具體的、詳細的表達方式。
例如 | 大致翻譯 |
Thank you for always being there for me. | 謝謝你们一直陪在我身邊。 |
Thank you for your unconditional love and support. | 感謝你们的愛護與支持。 |
I am grateful for the warmth and joy you bring to our family. | 感謝大家帶給我們家的溫暖與歡樂。 |
Thank you for providing a loving and nurturing home. | 感謝你们给我一個充滿愛和養育的家。 |
Thank you for teaching me valuable life lessons. | 感謝你們教導我人生中寶貴的課程。 |
Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in me. | 感謝你們對我堅定不移的支持與信任。 |
Your love and encouragement have given me the strength to overcome challenges. | 你們的愛和鼓勵給了我克服挑戰的力量。 |
Thank you for always being my rock and my safe haven. | 感謝你们一直是我的依靠和避風港。 |
Your presence and love have made our house a home. | 你的存在和愛使我們的房子成為一個家 |
例如 | 大致翻譯 |
Thank you for always being there for me, supporting me through thick and thin. | 感謝你一直在我身邊,風雨同舟地支持我。 |
I am grateful for your love and devotion. | 我非常感謝你的愛和奉獻。 |
Thank you for making me a better person. | 謝謝你讓我成為一個更好的人。 |
I appreciate your patience and understanding, especially during difficult times. | 感謝你的耐心和理解,尤其是在困難時期。 |
I am grateful for every moment we have shared together, for the love and happiness you bring into my life. | 我非常珍惜我們一起分享的每一刻,感謝你為我的生活帶來的愛和幸福。 |
Thank you for the laughter and joy you bring into my life. | 感謝你為我的生活帶來歡笑和歡樂。 |
Thank you for my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life. | 感謝我的伴侶、我最好的朋友和我一生的摯愛。 |
Thank you for being the anchor that keeps our family grounded and strong. | 感謝你成為我們家庭紮根和堅強的支柱。 |
例如 | 大致翻譯 |
Thank you for always being my lighthouse and inspirer!y | 謝謝您一直是我的燈塔和激勵者! |
Thank you for guiding me through not onl lessons but also stages of life! | 感謝您不僅指導我完成課程,也指導我人生的各個階段! |
I’m very lucky to have you as my teacher. | 我很幸運有您作為我的老師 |
I’m always touched by your warmth, sincerity and devotion. | 我總是被您的溫暖、真誠和奉獻所感動。 |
例如 | 大致翻譯 |
Thank you for always being there for me. | 謝謝你一直陪在我身邊。 |
I’m incredibly grateful for your friendship. | 我非常感激能成為你的朋友。 |
Words cannot express how much I appreciate you. | 言語無法表達我對你的感激之情。 |
Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face. | 謝謝你總是帶給我微笑。 |
I appreciate your constant support and encouragement. | 感謝你一直以來的支持與鼓勵。 |
Your friendship is a blessing. Thank you for being in my life. | 你的友誼對於我是一種祝福。謝謝你出現在我的生命中。 |
Thank you for always understanding and supporting me. | 感謝你一直以來對我的理解與支持。 |
Thank you for always being there to listen. | 感謝你一直在場聆聽。 |
Thank you for being an incredible friend and making my life brighter. | 感謝你成為一位令人難以置信的朋友,讓我的生活變得更加美好。 |
- Thank you for this lovely gift! I love it!
- How do you know I want this? You are thoughtful as always. Thank you so much!
- What a meaningful gift! Thanks a lot!
翻譯為: 多麼有意義的禮物啊!非常感謝!
- You must have put your heart and soul into preparing this present. I can’t thank you enough.
翻譯為: 為了準備這份禮物,你一定花了不少功夫。我不知道該怎麼謝謝你。
- I see you as not only my boss but also my inspirer. Thank you for everything!
- I can’t thank you enough for your support, patience and valuable pieces of advice.
- To me, you are not only a co-worker but also a friend or a mentor. Thank you for what you have done for me!
- Thank you so much for making this company, my second family!
翻譯為: 感謝您讓這家公司成為我的第二個家庭!
正常回答 | 大致翻譯 |
You’re welcome! | 不客氣! |
Don’t mention it! | 別提了! |
Never mind! | 沒關係! |
No big deal! | 沒什麽大不了的! |
Not at all! | 不用謝 |
Think nothing of it! | 別想他了! |
That’s alright. | 沒關係。 |
That’s okay. | 沒關係 |
I’m always happy/ willing to help. | 我很高兴/愿意提供帮助。 |
H3: 優雅的回答方式
優雅回答 | 大致翻譯 |
You’re welcome! It was my pleasure to assist. | 别客氣!我很高興為您提幫助。 |
It’s nothing, really. I’m just glad I could help. | 沒關係!很高興能為您提供幫助。 |
I appreciate your kind words. It means a lot to me. | 我很感激你的讚美。這對我來說意義重大。 |
I’m honored to have been able to help. | 我很榮幸能夠幫助你 |
It’s my pleasure to assist you. | 很高興為你提供幫助 |
Thank you for acknowledging my efforts. | 感謝你認同我的努力。 |
I’m glad I could be of assistance. Thank you for your appreciation. | 我很高興能為你提供幫助。謝謝你的讚賞。 |
以上是在許多不同情況下如何用英語說謝謝的詳細而完整的總結。 ELSA Speak 希望透過本文您可以自信有效地使用它!
英文自我介紹是一個重要的步驟,可以幫助您在與合作伙伴, 同事, 朋友會面,尤其是在面試中留下深刻印象. 一起跟 ELSA Speak,探索英語自我介紹範本為學生, 大學生和熱門專業的工作人!

1. Hi/ Hi there/ Hey, what’s up, guys? – 嗨/大家好/嘿,大家好嗎?
2. Morning (不使用: Afternoon/ Evening).
3. Hey, it’s nice/ good to see you – 很高興見到你.
4. Hello everyone – 大家好.
5. Good morning – 早上好.
6. Good afternoon – 下午好.
7. Good evening – 晚上好.
8. Nice to meet you! – 很高興認識你
9. Good to meet you! – 很高興認識你
10. Pleased to meet you! – 很高興認識你
11. Happy to meet you! – 很高興認識你
12. Great to meet you! – 很高興認識你
結構 | 例如 | 大致翻譯 |
I am … | I am Nan. | 我是南. |
My name is… | My name is Yang. | 我的名字是楊. |
My parents named me… | My parents named me John. | 我父母給我取名叫 John. |
Please call me… | Please call me Jun. | 請叫我君. |
You may call me… | You may call me Ling. | 你可以叫我玲. |
Everybody calls me… | Everybody calls me Fu. | 大家都叫我福. |
… is the name I go by | Mei is the name I go by. | 梅是我用的名字. |
I am known as… | I am known as Long. | 我通常被稱為龙. |
結構 | 例如 | 大致翻譯 |
I am … (years old) | I am 23 | 我二十三 (岁) |
I am over … | I am over 20 | 我二十多岁 |
I am under … | I am under 23 | 我不到二十三岁 |
結構 | 例如 | 大致翻譯 |
I was born and grew up in … | I was born and grew up in Taipei. | 我在臺北市出生和長大。 |
I come from … / I’m originally from … city. | I’m originally from Taipei City. | 我來自臺北市。 |
I live in …/ I live at … | I live in Tainan City. | 我住在臺南市。 |
My address is … | My address is… | 我的地址是… |
My hometown is in … | My hometown is in Zhixia province. | 我的家鄉在直轄省。 |
I have lived in … for …months/ years | I have lived in TaiPei for 5 years. | 我在臺北住了大約五年。 |
I have lived in … since 2022. | I have lived in Tainan since 2022. | 我自 2022 年一直住在臺南。 |
結構 | 例如 | 大致翻譯 |
I’m interested in + 名詞表示習慣,愛好 | I’m interested in music | 我对音乐感兴趣 |
I’m keen on + 名詞表示習慣,愛好 | I’m keen on playing the guitar | 我非常执着,热衷于弹吉他 |
I love / enjoy / like + 名詞表示習慣,愛好 | I love reading books | 我喜欢读书 |
I’m a big fan of + 名詞表示愛好 | I’m a big fan of soccer | 我是足球迷(意思是非常喜欢,热衷) |
My favourite sport / movie / book… + is + 名詞 | My favourite movie is “Inception” | 我喜欢的电影是《盗梦空间》 |
In my free time / When I have some spare time / When I get the time, I usually / often … | In my free time, I usually go hiking | 空闲时间,我经常去徒步 |
結構 | 例如 | 大致翻譯 |
I’m now a student at … primary school / secondary school / high school | I’m now a student at Greenfield High School | 我现在是 Greenfield 高中的学生 |
I’m a freshman / second-year student / third-year student / final-year student at + 大學名稱, majoring in + 專業名稱 | I’m a sophomore at Harvard University, majoring in Biology | 我现在是哈佛大学大二学生,专业是生物 |
I’m doing / taking / studying for a bachelor’s / master’s / PhD degree at + 大學名稱 | I’m studying for a master’s degree at Stanford University | 我正在斯坦福大学读硕士学位 |
I graduated from + 大學名稱 + with + a bachelor’s / master’s degree in + 學位 | I graduated from MIT with a master’s degree in Computer Science | 我毕业于MIT并获得了计算机科学硕士学位 |
I have a bachelor’s / master’s degree in + 學位 | I have a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering | 我拥有机械工程学士学位 |
例如 | 大致翻譯 |
I have been working in Tainan City for 3 years | 我在台南市工作了三年。 |
I have pretty much experience in the field of customer care | 我在客户服务领域有相当多的经验。 |
I can speak English fluently and read and understand intermediate documents | 我能流利地说英语,阅读和理解中级文件。 |
I won the company’s Excellent Employee Award in 2023 | 我获得了公司2023年度优秀员工奖。 |
I won the company’s Best Sale Award in 2023 | 我获得了公司2023年度最佳销售奖。 |
I helped the company gain a 10% market share in the market | 我帮公司在市场上获得了10%的市场份额。 |
詞彙 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
Brave | /breɪv/ | 勇敢 |
Careful | /ˈkeə.fəl/ | 小心 |
Cheerful | /ˈtʃɪə.fəl/ | 快樂 |
Easy-going | /ˌiː.ziˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ | 隨和 |
Exciting | /ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪŋ/ | 有趣 |
Friendly | /ˈ | 友善 |
Funny | /ˈfʌn.i/ | 開心 |
Generous | /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/ | 豪放 |
Hard-working | /ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ/ | 勤奮 |
Kind | /kaɪnd/ | 和善 |
Outgoing | /ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ | 豪爽 |
Polite | /pəˈlaɪt/ | 禮貌 |
Quiet | /ˈkwaɪ.ət/ | 清静 |
Smart = intelligent | /smɑːt/, /ɪnˈtel.ɪ.dʒənt/ | 聰明 |
Sociable | /ˈsəʊ.ʃə.bəl/ | 合群 |
Soft | /sɒft/ | 溫柔 |
Talented | /ˈtæl.ən.tɪd/ | 才能, 有才華 |
Ambitious | /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/ | 有很多野心 |
Cautious | /ˈkɔː.ʃəs/ | 慎重 |
Competitive | /kəmˈpet.ɪ.tɪv/ | 競爭 |
Confident | /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/ | 自信 |
Serious | /ˈsɪə.ri.əs/ | 诚挚 |
Creative | /kriˈeɪ.tɪv/ | 創新 |
Dependable | /dɪˈpen.də.bəl/ | 靠譜 |
Enthusiastic | /ɪnˌθjuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/ | 熱情 |
Extroverted | /ˈek.strə.vɜː.tɪd/ | 外向 |
Introverted | /ˈɪn.trə.vɜː.tɪd/ | 內向 |
Imaginative | /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪ.nə.tɪv/ | 富有想像力 |
Observant | /əbˈzɜː.vənt/ | 善於觀察 |
Optimistic | /ˌɒp.tɪˈmɪs.tɪk/ | 樂觀 |
Rational | /ˈræʃ.ən.əl/ | 有適度,有理智 |
Sincere | /sɪnˈsɪər/ | 誠實 |
Understanding | /ˌʌn.dəˈstæn.dɪŋ/ | 知識, 体谅, 了解 |
Wise | /waɪz/ | 淵博 |
Clever | /ˈklev.ər/ | 得體 |
Tactful | /ˈtækt.fəl/ | 禮讓 |
Faithful | /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/ | 忠實 |
Gentle | /ˈdʒen.təl/ | 溫和 |
Humorous | /ˈhjuː.mə.rəs/ | 幽默 |
Honest | /ˈɒn.ɪst/ | 誠實 |
Loyal | /ˈlɔɪ.əl/ | 忠誠 |
Patient | /ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/ | 耐心 |
Open-minded | /ˌəʊ.pənˈmaɪn.dɪd/ | 豪爽 |
Talkative | /ˈtɔː.kə.tɪv/ | 健谈,愛説話 |
詞彙 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
Bad-tempered | /ˌbædˈtemp.əd/ | 壞脾氣 |
Boring | /ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ | 乏味, 無聊 |
Careless | /ˈkeə.ləs/ | 疏忽, 草率 |
Crazy | /ˈkreɪ.zi/ | 瘋狂 |
Impolite | /ˌɪm.pəlˈaɪt/ | 不禮貌 |
Lazy | /ˈleɪ.zi/ | 懶惰 |
Mean | /miːn/ | 小氣 |
Shy | /ʃaɪ/ | 害羞 |
Stupid | /ˈstjuː.pɪd/ | 愚蠢 |
Aggressive | /əˈɡres.ɪv/ | 囂張 |
Pessimistic | /ˌpes.ɪˈmɪs.tɪk/ | 悲觀 |
Reckless | /ˈrek.ləs/ | 莽撞 |
Strict | /strɪkt/ | 嚴格 |
Stubborn | /ˈstʌb.ən/ | 倔強 |
Selfish | /ˈsel.fɪʃ/ | 自私 |
Cold | /kəʊld/ | 冷酷 |
Mad | /mæd/ | 瘋狂 |
Unkind | /ʌnˈkaɪnd/ | 心懷不善 |
Unpleasant | /ʌnˈplez.ənt/ | 不舒服 |
Cruel | /ˈkruː.əl/ | 險惡 |
Gruff | /ɡrʌf/ | 粗獷, 粗鲁 |
Insolent | /ˈɪn.səl.ənt/ | 放肆 |
Haughty | /ˈhɔː.ti/ | 高傲 |
Boastful | /ˈbəʊst.fəl/ | 吹噓 |

英文自我介紹 大學
Hello, I am Lina from Taipei City. I am 10 years old. My favorite hobbies are listening to teen and romantic music while reading their lyrics.
My family has 4 people: my parents, my brother and me. My brother is 15 year old. He is also in secondary school. Everyone loves me and of course, I also love them so much. I wish them always happiness.
大家好,我是來自台北市的 Lina。我今年 10 歲。我最大的愛好是一邊聽青少年和浪漫音樂一邊讀歌詞。
我家有 4 個人:我的父母、我的哥哥和我。我的哥哥今年 15 歲。他也在上初學。每個人都愛我,當然,我也非常愛他們。我希望他們永遠幸福。
Hello everyone. My name is Mina. I am a girl of twelve. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with long straight hair, black eyes. As to my appearance, I’m not tall and slim. I have never thought I’m a beautiful girl, I wish I were more beautiful day by day. I think that I’m even tempered, rather reserved, calm and self-effacing. But sometimes I can lose my calm and become either angry or sad.
I like staying alone and occasionally I retreat into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke with them because I have got a sense of humor. It means I understand humor and appreciate it. It is very nice to meet all of you today.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Even tempered | /ˈiː.vən ˈtɛm.pərd/ | 冷静 |
Rather reserved | /ˈrɑː.ðər rɪˈzɜːvd/ | 比較内敛 |
Calm and self-effacing | /kɑːm ænd sɛlf ɪˈfeɪ.sɪŋ/ | 冷静谦虚 |
Lose my calm | /luːz maɪ kɑːm/ | 失去冷静 |
Retreat into myself | /rɪˈtriːt ˈɪn.tuː maɪˈsɛlf/ | 自己的空間 |
Sense of humor | /sɛns əv ˈhjuː.mər/ | 幽默感 |
Hello everyone, my name is Emma. This year I am 14 years old, I live in Taipei City. There are four members in my family, including my parents, elder brother and me.
Now, I am studying at Caota Junior High school. At school I have a lot of friends, they are all docile and lovely. Everyone says that I am a very active and energetic child so they love me so much. My favorite subject is Physics and English. My hobbies are cooking and reading books.
Some of the favorite books are science fiction, detective, history and art. In my spare time, I also take an online piano course. In the future, I will try to get more experience to pursue the dream of becoming a famous pianist performing in the world.
It is my pleasure to meet all of you today. Thanks for listening.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Docile and lovely | /ˈdɒ.saɪl ænd ˈlʌ | 溫順可愛 |
Active and energetic | /ˈæk.tɪv ænd ˌɛn.əˈdʒɛt.ɪk/ | 活潑 |
Take an online piano course | /teɪk æn ˈɒn.laɪn piˈæn.oʊ kɔːrs/ | 参加在线钢琴课程 |
Pursue the dream | /pərˈsuː ðə driːm/ | 追随梦想 |
Hi everyone. My name is Ling. I was born in Tainan City. I live here from a child with my parents. At present, I’m 11 years old and I’m studying at National Tainan Girl’s Senior High School. My family has 4 people, including my parents, my brother and me. We’re willing to help together and my family is very happy.
To my classmate, I’m active and humorous child so they love me so much. I have a lot of friends in my school. Besides that I’m good at Math and English. I usually obtain many high scores in this subjects. I’m a big fan of detective stories. In my free time, I always read them with intensive passion. In the future, I also want to become a detective as Sherlock Holmes.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Willing to help together | /ˈwɪl.ɪŋ tə hɛlp təˈɡɛð.ər/ | 願意幫助 |
Active and humorous | /ˈæk.tɪv ænd ˈhjuː.mər.əs/ | 活泼幽默 |
Obtain high scores | /əbˈteɪn haɪ skɔːrz/ | 高分数 |
Hello, I’m John and I’m in my early 20s. I’m going to introduce myself. I’m in my last year in computer science in this National Taiwan university of science and technology.
As for my family, I’m the only child in my family. I’m interested in many things such as hi-tech equipment, and watching movies. My other hobbies including hanging with my friends.
I want to improve my English skills and I am glad to be here. It takes a long time to improve my English and hope that I’ll be able to meet these challenges.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Early 20s | /ˈɜː ˈtwɛntiːz/ | 20歲出頭 |
Only child | /ˈoʊ tʃaɪld/ | 獨生子 |
Hi-tech equipment | /haɪ tɛk ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ | 高科技設備 |
大家好,我是John,20 歲出頭。我來介紹一下自己。我是國立臺灣科技大學計算機科學專業的最後一年學生。
Hello, my name is Adan. I am from Taipei City. I completed my Bachelor of Engineering degree in 2009 from National Taiwan university of science and technology. I got hired by a renowned IT company for 10 years now.
I have learned the ins and outs of IT operations in my journey from a fresher to a manager. My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate for the profile. I am looking to join your organization to explore new dimensions and for the further development of my skills.
詞匯 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Bachelor of Engineering degree | /ˈbætʃ.əl.ər əv ˌɛn.dʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ dɪˈɡriː/ | 工程師學士學位 |
Renowned (adj) | /rɪˈnaʊnd/ | 有名, 名聲 |
Ins and outs | /ɪnz ənd aʊts/ | 詳細,營運細節 |
Explore new dimensions | /ɪkˈsplɔːr njuː dɪˈmɛn.ʃənz/ | 探索新深度 |
大家好,我叫 Adan。我來自台北市。我於 2009 年在國立臺灣科技大學獲得工程學士學位。我被一家有名 IT 公司錄取,至今已有 10 年。
從一名應屆畢業生到經理,我了解 IT 運營的方方面面。我的資歷和工作經驗使我成為該職位的合適人選。我希望加入貴公司,探索新領域並進一步發展我的技能。
My name’s Amy. I got married and had one daughter, I’m living in Taipei City. I have 10 years experience in Marketing field and I’m a group leader of Shining Group. I’m friendly and kind to help other people. I like dealing with difficult problems and challenged issues. I’m rather serious I work and can work under high pressure.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Group leader | /ɡruːp ˈliː.dər/ | 組長 |
Dealing with | /ˈdiː.lɪŋ wɪð/ | 處理 |
Challenged issues | /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒd ˈɪʃ.juːz/ | 具有挑戰性的問題 |
Serious (adj) | /ˈsɪə.ri.əs/ | 認真 |
Work under high pressure | /wɜːrk ˈʌn.dər haɪ ˈprɛʃ.ər/ | 高壓工作 |
我叫 Amy。我已結婚,有一個女兒,住在台北市。我在市場營銷領域有 10 年經驗,是 Shining Group 的組長。我性格友好,樂於助人。我喜歡處理棘手的問題和具有挑戰性的問題。我做事比較認真,可以承受高壓工作。
I’m XiaoMei. I’m 28 years old and I’m single. I was born and grew up in Tainan City, but I have been working in TaiPei City for 5 years. I graduated from Peking university and got 4 years experience in administration and human resource management.
I’m active. I like work related to human beings. I’m rather serious and sensitive, I can quickly catch up psychology of other people. I often read newpapers and listen to music in my free time.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Born and grew up | /bɔːrn ənd ɡruː ʌp/ | 出生和長大 |
Administration (n) | /ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃən/ | 行政管理 |
Human resource management | /ˈhjuː.mən rɪˈsɔːrs ˈmæn.ɪdʒ.mənt/ | 人力資源管理 |
Psychology (n) | /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒi/ | 心理學 |
Sensitive (adj) | /ˈsɛn.sɪ.tɪv/ | 敏感 |
My name is Anna. I’m 23 years old and I’m single. I have just graduated from university in August with a major in accounting. I have 3 months of experience as an intern at Tenmax company. I like reading books and cooking. I’m a careful and hard-working person. I’m eager to learn new things and willing to work in a team. I easily adapt to new working environments and take initiative in work.
詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Major in accounting | /ˈmeɪ.dʒər ɪn əˈkaʊn.tɪŋ/ | 會計專業 |
Experience as an intern | /ɪkˈspɪər.i.əns æz æn ˈɪntɜːrn/ | 實習經歷 |
Hard-working (adj) | /hɑːrd ˈwɜːrk.ɪŋ/ | 勤奮 |
Eager to learn | /ˈiː.ɡər tə lɜːrn/ | 渴望學習 |
Adapt to | /əˈdæpt tuː/ | 順應 |
Take initiative | /teɪk ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/ | 積極主動 |
- 簡單準確地介紹自己的基本信息,避免講得太長而沒有切入主題。
- 表現自己是一個願意交談並且用有趣的事情來介紹自己,這樣會讓對方更加關注你。
- 您可以提前準備一些主要思想,以便更流利地表達它們,但別死記硬背,因為這會讓您的聲音不自然,給對方留下負面印象!
- 不要嘗試使用太多困難和複雜的詞彙。只需進行交流根據您的詞匯水平,不要忘記對自己的能力充滿信心。
- 將對方視為朋友,視為可以輕鬆交談的熟人,而不是給自己施加壓力,強迫自己變得緊張。呼吸均勻,盡量放鬆,一切都會好起來的!
通過上述文章,ELSA Speak 希望為您提供許多有關用英文自我介紹的有用知識。自我介紹是一件小事,但卻極其重要。請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的下一篇文章!
在大多數英語對話中,您經常使用 “How are you?” 這句話。當詢問某人的健康狀況時。在下面的文章中,ELSA Speak 將提供不同的打招呼方式用來代替很熟悉的 “How are you?” 説法,以及該問題的相應英文回答。
Key takeaways |
- “How are you?” 的其他代替句子: How are you doing?; How’s it going?; You all right?; What’s up?; What’s new (with you)?; What have you been up to?; How’s everything?; What’s going on with you?; It’s been a while!; Long time no see!
- “How are you?” 的回答句子以及體現很積極的類似句子: I’m good/I’m well; Pretty good; It’s been good; Things are good; Doing fine.
- “How are you?” 的回答方式以及體現比正常興奮,快樂的類似句子: I’m great!; Excellent!; It’s been great; It’s going well; I’ve never been better; As good as it gets.
- “How are you?” 的回答方式以及體現很正常的類似句子: I’m okay; Not too bad; Same old; same old; I’m alright.
- “How are you?” 的回答句子以及體現很消極的類似句子: I’ve been better; I’m not doing too well / I’m not doing my best; I can’t complain too much; I’m hanging in there!
- 使用 “How are you?” 的其他代替句子和回答此問題的注意事項: 注意提問或回答的場合以及溝通的對象,注意對話的語境,明確說話的目的。
How are you 是什麽?
“How are you” 是一個問句,意思是: “你好嗎?”, “你覺得怎麽樣?” 或者 “好嗎?” 是一個普通的打招呼句子. “How are you?” 是一種開始對話的方式,通常用作與他人見面時的問候語。
How are you 的用法
“How are you?” 用於見面時打招呼和問候別人的情況下,這是一種開始對話的方式。事實上,當彼此見面時,本地人會說:“Hello/ Hi, How are you?” 或者 “How are you today?”
How are you 回答方式
當許多人被問”你好嗎?”的時候,最常見的回答通常是: “I’m fine, thanks. And you?”, 這句話雖然沒有錯,但是卻很呆板。如果想用更自然並給對話帶來更快樂的感覺的 “How are you?” 問句的回答方式,可以使用以下方式:
當你處於一種非常好、快樂、 一切都很好的狀態時
- I’m AWAP – 最好的可能 (AWAP = As well as possible).
- Sunshine all day long! – 我什麽時候也開心 (字面意思:一整天溫暖的陽光).
- “Good!” – 好 “Great”- 非常好. (本地人的自然回答).
- Pretty good – 比較好
- Pretty fair, thanks/Very well, thanks! (And you?) – 很好,謝謝!
- Very well (thank you/ thanks) – 挺好的 (謝謝).
- I’m on top of the world/I’m blessed – 我很高興 / 我非常幸福。
- I’m full joy of spring – 我舉得十分開心.
- I’m doing really well – 我挺好的.
- Yeah, all right – yeah,一切都很好.
- I am feeling really grateful for this beautiful day – 我真的很感激這美好的一天。
- I’m excellent/I’m wonderful – 太好了!
- Can’t complain – 沒什麽可抱怨的,還行吧。
- I am feeling really grateful for this beautiful day – 我真的很感激這美好的一天。
- Better yesterday but not as good as I’ll be tomorrow – 比昨天強,但沒明天好。
- Getting stronger – 我越來越堅強了。
- I’m alright/I’m right – 還行,到目前還好。
- Not my best day, but not my worst day either – 這不是我最好的一天,也不是我最糟糕的一天。
- Not too bad – 還不錯。
- Could be better! – 可以更好(發生的事情不一定是壞事,但它帶來了不好的結果)。
- Going great – 一切還好。
- So far, so good – 到目前為止一切都很好!
- Oh, just the usual – 哦,跟平時一樣
- Same old really! – 切還是一如既往,跟平時一樣
- I am still alive – 我還活着。
- I have been better – 我好點了。
- I think I am doing Ok – 我想我還是挺好的。
- I am proving – 我正在有進步。
- Not giving up – 還在努力,不放棄。
- Fine, thanks/So so, thanks/I’m OK, thanks/Ok, thanks – 我很好,謝謝!
- I am feeling down – 我很無聊。
- I’m trying to stay positive – 我在努力樂觀起來。
- I am still sucking air – 我只是在呼吸(一動也不動,什麼都不做)。
- Not so great really! – 不是很好的。
- Really bad –很糟糕,確實很糟糕。
- Horrible – 可怕,太恐怖了。
- Real terrible –太糟糕了。
- Not so well/Not so good/Not great – 我不是很好。
- I am sad – 我很難過。
- I am beat/I’m worn out = I’m fatigued/exhausted/very tired – 我好累,我已經筋疲力盡了。
- I would be lying if I said that I’m fine – 如果我說很好,那我就是說謊。
- In need of some peace and quiet – 我需要一點平靜和安靜。
- I get knocked down, but I will get up again – 我士氣低落,但一切都會好起來的。
- I am feeling bad/terrible – 我覺得不好。
- I’m sick – 我生病了。
- I am not sure yet – 我不確定。
- I’m not on a good mood – 我心情不太好。

How are you 的其他代替問句
How are you 問句在日常英語溝通中極為常見。但是,在以下情況下,還有一些其他詢問方式可以代替“How are you”:
How are you 的其他代替問句用爲打招呼的意思
- How are you doing? – 你好嗎?
- How is your day going? – 今天一切怎麽樣?
- You all right? – 你還好吧?
- What’s up? – 你怎麽樣了?
- Howdy! – 你好!
- How do you do? – 最近怎麽樣了?
- How have you been? – 你是怎麼做到的?
- What’s new? – 有什麽新事情?
- How’s it going? – 你怎麽樣了?
- Are you well? – 你好嗎?
How are you 的其他代替問句用於很久不見的情況下
- How’s it rolling? – 最近怎麽樣了?
- How’s everything little thing in your life? – 你生活中的一切怎麽樣了?
- How is life sailing? – 你的生活最近怎麽樣了?
- How are things going? – 一切怎麽樣了?
- What have you been doing since we last talked? – 自從我們最後談話以來你做過什麼嗎?
- How long has it been? – 多久沒見了?
- How are you feeling? – 你覺得怎麽樣了?
- How’s everything? – 一切還好吧?
- How’s everything coming together? – 一切是如何來到你身邊的?
- Anything interesting happening in your life lately? –最近你的生活中有發生什麼有趣的事嗎?
- How are things? – 一切怎麽樣了?
How are you 的其他代替問句用於詢問現在的情況
- What is happening? – 什麽事情在發生的?
- How are things coming along? – 一切在怎麽發生的?
- What’s going on? – 什麽事情在發生的?
- What’s new with you? – 你有什麼新鮮事情嗎?
- What’s sizzling? – 有什麽吸引人呢?
- What’s up with the flow? – 有什麽在發生的?
- Is there anything concerning you? – 有什麽關於你的?
- How do you fare? – 最近怎麽樣?
- What are you up to? – 你打算做什麽?
- How was your day? – 你的今天怎麽樣?
- How are you holding up? – 你如何應對這個問題,還好吧?
- What was the highlight of your day, so far? – 你一天中最有意思/精彩的事是什麽?
How are you 的其他代替問句
- Sup? 怎麽了?
- What are you heading? – 你在想針對什麽?
- What’s the latest buzz in your world? – 有什麼最新消息嗎?
- What’s with the face? – 你的臉怎麽了?
- What’s shakin’? – 是什麽?

使用 How are you 問句和回答方式的注意事項
在使用“How are you?”等問題或回答問題時,應注意以下幾點:
首先,要注意提問或回答的場合以及溝通的對象,提問者需要根據情況以及與談話對象的關係來調整自己的表達方式 (是朋友、親戚還是合作夥伴?)
最後,特別重要的是明確自己的演講目的。例如,如果提問者確實很關心對方的情況或者身體狀況將需要使用與只想打招呼的提問者的其他不同 “How are you?”的其替問句
使用 How are you 問句和常見的回答方式的對話
- A: Hi! How are you today? – 你好,你今天怎麽樣?
- B: Oh, hi. Same old really! How about you? – 哦,你好. 老樣子, 沒什麼事。你呢?
- A: I’m not on a good mood – 我不太好
- Student: Hello, How are you? – 老師好,您好嗎?
- Teacher: I’m alright (Thanks). And you? – 我很好(謝謝你), 你呢?
- Student: Well, I’m a little worn out! – 我有點累!
- A: Hi! How are you today? – 你好,你今天怎麽樣?
- B: Oh, hi, I am on top of the world today (thanks). How about you? – 哦,你好, 我今天覺得很幸福 (謝謝). 你呢?
- A: I’m full of the joys of spring – 我像元旦節一樣高興!

本文章已分享如何在每種情況下回答 “How are you” 的問題,ELSA Speak 希望您能學習到不同的回答方式並提高自己的打招呼技巧。
Used to 構造在日常英文交流中非常常用。讓 ELSA Speak 幫你更清楚地了解其含義、用法和練習示例,幫助你更有效地學習英文吧!
Used to構造

“used to” 構造被用來描述一個曾經發生過但已經結束且現在不再發生的習慣、狀態或事件。這個構造通常帶有比較過去和現在的意思。
肯定句 | S + used to + V(inf – 原形) | I used to go to school by bus, now I go by bike. 大致翻譯:以前我坐公車上學,現在我騎摩托車。 解釋:搭公車的行為只發生在過去,現在已經不再這樣了。 |
否定句 | S + didn’t use to + V(inf – 原形) | John didn’t use to clean the house everyday when he lived alone. 大致翻譯:John 以前一個人住的時候不常每天打掃房子。 解釋:談論約翰過去的習慣就是他不常每天打掃房子。 |
疑問句 | Did + S + use to + V(inf – 原形) | Did he use to come home this late? 大致翻譯:他以前經常像這麼晚回家嗎? 解釋:詢問他過去回家晚的習慣。 |
Used to用法
“used to” 構造常用於描述過去發生過的動作、習慣、狀態或事件,且這些現在已經不再發生。有時 “used to” 還用來強調過去與現實之間的差異。因此,“used to” 通常只用於過去式,特別是過去簡單式。
- My grandmother used to tell me stories about her youth. (我奶奶曾經給我講過她年輕時的故事)
- I used to love spicy food, but now I can’t handle it. (我曾經喜歡吃辣的食物,但現在已經不能吃了)
學生們需要注意的一點是關於 “used to” 構造的:當句子中有 “did” 時,我們用 “use to”;而當句子中沒有 “did” 時,我們用 “used to”。
Be used to + Ving構造

肯定句 | S + be + used to + V_ing/Noun | We are used to the working time at this company. 大致翻譯:我們已經習慣了在這家公司工作的時間。 |
否定句 | S + be + not + used to + V_ing/Noun | She was not used to the noise from our radio, so we always had to turn it off when she stayed at home. 大致翻譯:她不習慣我們的收音機噪音,所以她在家的時候我們總是關掉它。 |
疑問句 | Be + S + used to + V_ing/Noun | Are you used to getting up at 6 a.m every day? 大致翻譯:你已經習慣每天早上6點起床了嗎? |
Used to + Ving用法
“Be used to” 構造常用於描述某人已經多次做某件事,已經習慣並且對該事物也有了經驗而且不再陌生。
- They are used to the peaceful atmosphere of the countryside (他們已經習慣了鄉村的寧靜)。
- I am used to the heavy traffic during rush hour (我已經習慣了高峰時段的交通擁堵)。
Get used to + Ving/N構造

注意:“Get” 將根據句子的主語和時態像普通動詞一樣變化。
肯定句 | S + get + used to + V_ing/N | She got used to exercising every morning. 大致翻譯:她已經習慣了每天早上運動。 |
否定句 | S + 助動詞 + not + used to + V_ing/N | He didn’t get used to eating with a fork, did you? 大致翻譯:他還不習慣用叉子吃飯嗎? |
疑問句 | 助動詞 + S + get + used to + V_ing/N | Is he getting used to living his current life? 大致翻譯:他已經習慣現在的生活了嗎? |
Get used to + Ving用法
“get used to” 構造常用於描述某人逐漸習慣某事或某個問題的過程。
- After living in the city for a year, he finally got used to the noise (在城市生活一年後,他最終習慣了噪音)。
- After a few weeks, she got used to the rhythm of the dance (幾個星期後,她已經習慣了舞蹈的節奏)。
使用 used to 時常見的錯誤
在使用英文中的 “used to” 構造時,使用者通常會犯以下幾個錯誤:
- 不使用 “to be”: “Used to” 是 “used to be” 的簡寫,所以不要忘記在 “used to” 後面使用 “to be”。例如:“I used to be a teacher” 而不是 “I used to a teacher”。
- 動詞使用錯誤: “Used to” 只用於原形動詞,不能與其他形式的動詞一起使用,例如帶有 ‘to’ 的原形動詞或帶有‘ing’的原形動詞。例如:“I used to play soccer” 而不是“I used to playing soccer”。
- 時態使用錯誤:“Used to” 只用於過去,不用於未來或現在。例如:“I used to live in New York”而不是 “I am used to living in New York”。
- 在 “used to” 後使用 “will”:“Will” 是未來時態,不能用在 “used to” 後。例如:“I used to go to the gym every day, but now I don’t” 而不是 “I used to go to the gym every day, but now I will not”。
練習1:請正確使用 used to, be used to 和 get used to 構造來完成以下練習:
1. Did they … to let you smoke in cinemas?
2. I didn’t … to do much skiing.
3. I hardly ever … to have time for going out.
4. John didn’t … to like Mary when they were teenagers.
5. There … to be a lake here years ago.
6. They … not to let women join this club.
7. We … to walk to school when we were children.
8. We never … to have electricity in our house.
9. When … they …. to live here?
10. Why did you … to use this old photocopier?
use | use | used | use | used | used | used | used | did use | use |
練習2:選擇句子構造(使用 used to, get used to, be used to 構造)
1. When Nam started to work here, Nam needed a lot of help, but now Nam is (used to doing/ used to do/ get used to doing) all the work on his own.
2. She (was used to reading/ used to read/ got used to reading) several books a month, but she doesn’t have time anymore.
3. Nam was surprised to see his driving – he (got used to driving/ was used to driving/ didn’t use to drive) when we first met him.
4. Don’t worry, it’s a simple game to play. You (are used to/ will get used to/ used to use) it in no time, I’m sure.
5. When we had to commute to work every day we (used to get up/ used to getting up) very early.
6. We are afraid we will never (get used to living/ used to live/ got used to living) in this place. I simply don’t like it and never will
7. Whenever they came to Coventry they always (used to stay/ got used to staying) in the Central Hotel. They loved it.
8. When Nam was the head of our office everything (got used to be/ used to be/ was used to being) well organized. Now it’s total chaos here.
9. Lan was shocked when he joined our busy company because she (wasn’t used to/ didn’t used to) doing much work every day.
10. At first, the employees didn’t like the new office, but in the end they (got used to/ get used to/ are used to) it.
am used to doing | used to read | didn’t use to drive | will get used to | used to get up | get used to living | used to stay | used to be | wasn’t used to | got used to |
1. My mother used to / is used to cook on Sundays.
2. Didn’t you use to swim / swimming?
3. I didn’t use to watch / watching this much TV.
4. You will be used to / used to noisy children soon.
5. Allison used to be / being my best friend.
6. I used to drink / drinking a glass of red wine every day.
7. I was used to seeing / see sunshine in Hawaii.
8. Are you used to eat / eating spicy food?
9. My brother is used to get up / getting up early for school.
10. Did you use / used to eat meat?
used to | swim | watch | be used to | be | drink | seeing | eating | getting up | use |
練習4:用正確形式的 used to 或 be/get used to 以及下面的動詞來完成句子和問題
be/ cycle/ (not) get on/ (not) eat/ sing |
1. My grandma ____________ in a band when she was young. They became quite famous too.
2. When Roberto first moved to Japan, he ____________ the food for a long time. But he likes it now.
3. ____________ (you) or walk to school when you were a teenager, Mum?
4. I ____________ with Jake very well, but now we’re good friends.
5. They inherited a lot of money last year and Debbie and her family ____________ rich now!
used to sing | didn’t get used to eating | Did you use to cycle | didn’t use to get on | are used to being |
希望通過以上 ELSA Speak 提供的信息,您能夠學會如何使用 used to, be used to 和 get used to。此外,為了更好地掌握這些構造,您可以靈活結合各種練習題來提高您的英文水平!
中秋節,又稱團圓節,是台灣最重要的節日之一,充滿了濃厚的文化特色和巨大的精神價值。我們跟 ELSA Speak 一起來閱讀以下文章,探索與中秋節相關的英語詞彙吧!
中秋節的英文是 Mid-autumn festival。除了這個常見的名稱,中秋節還有三個別稱:Mooncake festival、Moon festival 和 Full Moon festival。這些名稱的發音如下:
英文 | 發音 |
Mid-Autumn Festival | /mɪdɔːtəm ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/ |
Mooncake Festival | /ˈmuːn.keɪk ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/ |
Moon Festival | /ˈmuːn ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/ |
Full Moon Festival | /ˌfʊl ˈmuːn ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/ |
- Wish you and your family a happy Mid- Autumn Festival.
- Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.
- The Mid-Autumn Day approaches. I wish your family happiness and blessings forever.
- Happy Mid-Autumn Day! Wish that you go well and have a successful and bright future.
- The roundest moon can be seen in the Autumn. It is time for reunions. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life.
- Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day.
- A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss and happiness.
- I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Mid-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.

詞彙 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
Mid-autumn festival | /mɪd-ˈɔːtəm ˈfɛstəvəl/ | 中秋節 |
15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar | /ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ deɪ ɒv ðiː eɪtθ mʌnθ ɒv ðə ˈluːnə ˈkælɪndə/ | 農曆八月十五日,中秋節 |
15th of August | /ˈfˈɪftiːnθ ɒv ˈɔːgəst/ | 八月十五日 |
Lunar Year | /ˈluːnə jɪə/ | 農曆 |
Festival | /ˈfɛstəvəl/ | 節日 |
Harvest | /ˈhɑːvɪst/ | 收穫季節 |
Crescent moon | /ˈkrɛsnt muːn/ | 殘月 |
Full moon | /fʊl muːn/ | 滿月 |
Moon palace | /muːn ˈpælɪs/ | 月宮 |
Magical banyan tree | /ˈmæʤɪkəl ˈbænɪən triː/ | 榕樹 |
Lion dance | /ˈlaɪən dɑːns/ | 舞獅 |
Lantern | /ˈlæntən/ | 燈籠 |
Five-pointed star-shaped lantern | /faɪv-ˈpɔɪntɪd stɑː-ʃeɪpt ˈlæntən/ | 星星燈籠 |
Carp-shaped lantern | /kɑːp-ʃeɪpt ˈlæntən/ | 鯉魚燈籠 |
Mask | /mɑːsk/ | 面具 |
Lantern parade | /ˈlæntən pəˈreɪd/ | 燈籠遊行 |
Laughter | /ˈlɑːftə/ | 笑聲 |
Crowd | /kraʊd/ | 人群 |
Traditional | /trəˈdɪʃənl/ | 傳統 |
Traditional festival | /trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfɛstəvəl/ | 傳統節日 |
Traditional customs | /trəˈdɪʃənl ˈkʌstəmz/ | 傳統習俗 |
Folk | /fəʊk/ | 民間 |
Folk games | /fəʊk geɪmz/ | 民間遊戲 |
The Earth God | /ði ɜːθ gɒd/ | 土地公 |
Reca spathe fan | /əˈriːkə spaθ fæn/ | 蒲扇 |
The Moon lady | /ðə muːn ˈleɪdi/ | 嫦娥 |
Moon rabbit | /muːn ˈræbɪt/ | 玉兔 |
Moonlight | /ˈmuːnlaɪt/ | 月光 |
Lion | /ˈlaɪ.ən/ | 中秋獅子 |
詞彙 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
Mooncake | /ˈmuːnkeɪk/ | 月餅 |
Baked mooncake | /beɪkt ˈmuːnkeɪk/ | 烤月餅 |
Snow skin mooncake | /snəʊ skɪn ˈmuːnkeɪk/ | 冰皮月餅 |
Wheat flour | /wiːt ˈflaʊə/ | 小麥粉 |
Salted egg yolk | /ˈsɔːltɪd ɛg jəʊk/ | 鹹鴨蛋 |
Dried sausage | /draɪd ˈsɒsɪʤ/ | 臘腸 |
Mung bean paste | /muːŋ biːn peɪst/ | 綠豆蓉 |
Lotus paste | /ˈləʊtəs peɪst/ | 蓮蓉 |
Sugared pig fat | /ˈʃʊgəd pɪg fæt/ | 糖漬豬油 |
Lotus seed | /ˈləʊtəs siːd/ | 蓮子 |
Pomelo | /ˈpɒmɪləʊ/ | 柚子 |
Persimmon | /pɜːˈsɪmən/ | 柿子 |
Gold apple | /gəʊld ˈæpl/ | 黃柿 |
Longan | /ˈlɒŋɡ(ə)n/ | 龍眼 |
Guava | /ˈgwɑːvə/ | 芭樂(番石榴) |
Dragon fruit | /ˈdrægən fruːt/ | 火龍果 |
Banana | /bəˈnɑːnə/ | 香蕉 |
Orange | /ˈɒrɪnʤ/ | 橙子 |
Pear | /peə/ | 梨子 |
Pomegranate | /ˈpɒmɪɡranɪt/ | 石榴 |
The filling of the cake | /ðə ˈfɪlɪŋ ɒv ðə keɪk/ | 餡料 |
Green bean | /griːn biːn/ | 綠豆 |
Drink tea | /drɪŋk tiː/ | 喝茶 |
A symbolic dish | /sɪmˈbɒlɪk dɪʃ/ | 象徵食物 |
Mooncake paste | /ˈmuːn.keɪk/, /peɪst/ | 月餅餡料 |
Moon cake mold | /məʊld/ | 月餅模具 |
詞彙 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
To celebrate the harvest | /tuː ˈsɛlɪbreɪt ðə ˈhɑːvɪst/ | 慶祝收穫 |
To watch/admire the moon | /tuː wɒʧ muːn/, /ədˈmaɪər/ | 賞月 |
To make mooncake | /tuː meɪk ˈmuːnkeɪk/ | 做月餅 |
To eat mooncakes | /tuː iːt ˈmuːnkeɪks/ | 吃月餅 |
To savor a sip of tea | /tuː ˈseɪvə tiː/ | 品茶 |
To light the lanterns | /tuː laɪt ðə ˈlæntənz/ | 點燈籠 |
To parade with lanterns | /tuː pəˈreɪd wɪð ˈlæntənz/ | 提燈籠遊行 |
To join a lantern parade | /tuː ʤɔɪn ə ˈlæntən pəˈreɪd/ | 中秋節提燈籠遊行 |

- Stands of selling mooncakes: 賣月餅的攤位/店鋪
例如: The stands selling mooncakes start to appear on the street, with all kinds of delicious mooncakes.
- Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival: tổ chức lễ/tết trung thu
例如: We celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival every year with a big family gathering and a feast of delicious mooncakes.
- Eat mooncakes: 吃/品嚐月餅
例如: My children love eating mooncakes, so I make sure to buy plenty for them.
- The Fifteenth of August, Chinese calendar: 農曆八月十五日
例如: The Mid-Autumn Festival is often held on the Fifteenth of August, Chinese calendar, which is a different day each year.
- Perform/parade lion dance on the streets: 在街上表演舞獅
例如: The children heard the music and flooded outside their houses to watch parade lion dance on the streets.
- Symbolize luck, happiness, health and wealth: 象徵吉祥、幸福、健康和財富
例如: Mooncakes do not only look like the full moon, they actually symbolize luck, happiness, health and wealth – a “full” life.
- The roundest and brightest moon: (月亮)最圓最亮
例如: You cannot miss the moon tonight, it’s the Mid-Autumn Festival’s moon – the roundest and brightest moon!
- Watch/admire the moon: 看月、賞月
例如: There’s nothing like sitting with your family to drink tea, eat mooncakes and admire the moon on this day.
範文 1
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, I feel very excited and looking forward to it. The countryside scene under the moonlight is beautiful. At eight thirty, the Mid-Autumn Festival program took place. First was the lion dance performance of the union members. Colorful unicorns are performing to the bustling sound of drums. After that, Ms. Hang and Mr. Quay appeared with a humorous response. We also got to see many good musical performances. I feel very good and happy.
範文 2
Mid-Autumn Festival is a day that we all eagerly look forward to. Every year, as we prepare for the full moon day of August, our parents buy us each a pair of delicious baked goods.
Right on the evening of the 15th, when it was only dusk, we joined the guild and headed towards the village’s cultural house. Dozens of colorful lanterns, one shaped like a fish, one shaped like a butterfly, a star, … swinging by, swinging back, shining brightly. I really love the Mid-Autumn Festival because through that occasion we know how to unite and love each other more.
範文 3
The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important traditional holidays in Vietnam. To me, it is also the most wonderful and exciting one. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated not only in Vietnam but also in some other parts of Asia as well, including Singapore, Japan and Korea.
Every year, it is on 15th August of the lunar calendar, when the full moon shines at night. The original meaning of this ancient festival is that it represents the family reunion. People will come back home and eat moon cakes together. On the night of Lunar August 15th, the streets are always full of people buying festival stuff and wandering. I like the Mid-Autumn festival because it is a chance for me to remember my childhood and feel young again.
範文 4
The Mid-Autumn festival dates back to the Rice Civilization of the Red River delta, over 4,000 years ago. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month (often in late September or early October) in the middle of autumn and it is celebrated for a whole day.
Besides the Tet Holiday, Mid-Autumn festival is one of the most famous festivals and it is a traditional celebration for Vietnamese children. Everywhere is fallen in the active and colorful air. Mooncakes are specific cakes and are only for this festival.
Moon cakes, which are made from flavor, meat, egg, dried fruit, pumpkin’s seed, peanut, are so sweet and good tasting. Mooncakes symbolize Luck, Happiness, Health and Wealth on the Mid-Autumn day. Apart from mooncakes and lanterns, the other most visible tradition related to the Mid-Autumn festival is the lion dance.
Mid-Autumn celebration is also an opportunity for members of the family to get together and share everything in their year. The young generation express their gratitude to the old generation. The parents show their love for their children.
範文 5
The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is an important celebration in Taiwan that takes place on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is a time for families to gather, give thanks for the harvest, and enjoy the beauty of the full moon.
One of the most iconic symbols of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Taiwan is the mooncake. These round, sweet pastries are filled with a variety of ingredients, such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and egg yolk. Mooncakes are traditionally exchanged between family members and friends as a gesture of goodwill.
In addition to mooncakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also a time for enjoying traditional performances, such as dragon and lion dances. These lively dances are believed to bring good luck and fortune.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a cherished tradition in Taiwan, and it is a time for people to come together and celebrate the beauty of the autumn season and the importance of family.

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通過遊戲學習詞彙是一種既常見又有效的方法,特別適合剛開始學習英語的孩子們。您可以利用一些有趣的遊戲,如:Board Race, Word Jumble Race, Hangman, Pictionary, Bingo等,以有效地記住中秋節相關詞彙。
以上是關於中秋節主題的詞彙、例句和祝福語的總結。希望通過這篇文章,ELSA Speak 能幫助您更有效地學習英語。請關注ELSA Speak的後續文章!
憑藉採用人工智能的獨家語音識別技術,ELSA 可以幫助您糾正每個音節的發音錯誤,讓您可以帶有國際口音的說英語。此外,如果您知道如何在 ELSA Speak 促銷時領取折扣碼,您就能以難以置信的價格徹底征服英語。
關於 ELSA Speak
ELSA Speak 是當今世界上最好的 5 個人工智能軟件之一,與 Cortana 的微軟和谷歌的 Google Allo 相當由 Research Sniper 建議。此外,ELSA Speak 還得到 Fast Company 評為 2020年改變世界的創意之一。
ELSA Speak 是一款通過練習發音技巧來學習英語的應用程序。 ELSA 利用人工智能 (AI) 技術幫助用戶準確、自信地提高英語發音。
ELSA 以斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的研究為基礎,專註於訓練用戶英語發音時的聲音和語調。該應用程序使用錄音和分析來準確評估您如何發音每個單詞,並提供詳細的反饋來幫助您改進。
ELSA 提供一系列從基礎到進階的練習和測試,幫助用戶提高英語溝通的發音、語調、反應和流利程度。您可以根據每個主題、每個級別並根據您的個人時間表進行練習,以滿足您的學習需求。
有了 ELSA,您可以透過手機上的應用程序隨時隨地學習英語。此外,ELSA 還提供額外的學習材料,如講座、課本和語法材料,幫助您提高英語知識。
立即了解 ELSA,成為一名自信、流利的英語使用者!
使用 ELSA Speak 應用程序學習英語的好處
使用 ELSA 應用程序學習英語會給您帶來許多實質性的好處。以下是使用 ELSA 提高英語技能的一些好處:
- 提高發音準確性:ELSA 使用 AI 技術來評估您的發音並提供即時反饋。您將收到詳細的說明和改進建議,以正確、清晰、更自信地發音。

- 靈活自學:有了 ELSA,您可以通過移動應用程序隨時隨地學習英語。您可以選擇每個練習、主題和級別來滿足您的個人需求和目標。
- 擴大詞彙量和語法:ELSA 提供一系列練習和測試來幫助您提高詞彙量、語法和聽力理解技能。您會接近各種補充學習材料、講座和教科書來擴展您的英語知識。
- 自信地用英語交流:隨着發音、詞彙和語法的進步,您在用英語交流時會感到更加自信。 ELSA 幫助您練習自然的溝通技巧,通過實際練習,您將準備好面對日常溝通情況。
- 節省時間和成本:與參加傳統課程不同,通過 ELSA 學習英語可以幫助您節省時間和金錢。您可以根據自己的日程靈活學習,與參加面對面課程相比,可以實質性的節省成本。

ELSA 是一位可靠且先進的英語講師。通過 ELSA,您將擁有愉快、有效的英語學習體驗,並在英語交流方面取得實質性的進步。
關於ELSA Premium 套餐,ELSA Speak 經常有促銷活動嗎?
- 集合 ELSA 全部功能。
- 使用 ELSA AI 練習英語口語:
- 選擇劇本:從可用的劇本選出或創造自己的狀況。
- 角色扮演與AI 智能對話:自然的跟 ELSA AI 開始以你的方式聊天。
- 獲得評估:A I 智能將根據您的能力並提供詳細的評估和建議個人化練習課。
- 與 Speech Analyzer 全面提升您的口音能力:
- 收回饋:在會議,演示或模擬考試期間立即收到您的演講有關的回饋。
- 評估演示:透過 5 個因素評估您的演示:發音、語調、流利程度、語法、詞彙。
- 預測成績:預測雅思、托業、托福等國際證書的口語考試成績。
- 體驗證書課程以便充分的準備國際英語考試(雅思、托福、托業等),並掌握商務英語。
ELSA Speak 巨額優惠套餐:

原價:5,250 元 -> 2,888元(折扣 45%)
ELSA Speak 其他優惠套餐

原價:2,100 元 -> 945 元(折扣 57%)

原價:850 元 -> 508 元(折扣 40%)
注意:文章中的促銷活動更新於 2025 年 02 月 05 日。促銷活動並可能隨時更改。
為了讓每個用戶都有機會體驗和探索該語言的全部潛力,ELSA Speak 定期推出促銷活動以最優惠的價格,為每個人使用 ELSA 並改善溝通創造條件。此外,ELSA 還準備了特別節目給名人的粉絲者,例如: Chen Lily, Howard,…
ELSA Speak 定期提供不同折扣的促銷活動。該應用程序還調整了從 1 個月到 1 年的多種不同時間的套餐,幫助用戶輕鬆選擇最適合其學習目標的成本。
領取優惠碼 – ELSA Speak
為了在 ELSA Speak 促銷時領取有吸引力的優惠,您應該選擇 ELSA 的可靠渠道,以避免被騙、折錢但仍未收到優惠碼或優惠碼無效。以下是領取 ELSA Speak 優惠碼的方法:
方法一:在此訪問 ELSA 主頁:
您可以閱讀主頁橫幅上的學習包信息,了解有關 ELSA Speak 學習包的更多信息。
ELSA Premium: 領取優惠碼的鏈接
方法三: 訪問其他 ELSA Speak 頻道:
有了 ELSA Speak,學習英語從未如此簡單。無需擔心花太多錢或考慮課程,只需在 ELSA Speak 促銷時領取優惠,全球領先的人工智能應用程序就在您手中。現在,您可以隨時隨地與 ELSA 一起學習並征服英語!
家庭住址是英語基礎知識之一,尤其是講通。因此,如果您想以最完整、最準確的方式傳達您的地址,一起跟 ELSA Speak 探索如何用英文寫地址吧!
例如: 台灣, 臺北市, 中正縣,信義公路, 120號, 第 3 樓.
>> 3rd Floor, No.120, Xinyi Street, Zhongzheng district, Taipei City, Taiwan.
- 公路: Xinyi Street, Fuxing South Street, Bade Street, Ren’ai Street,…
- 區: Xinzhuang Quarter, nangang Quarter, Lugang Quarter,…
- 縣: Zhongzheng District, Datong District, Zhongshan District,…
- 公寓名稱: Diamond Apartment, Sunshine Apartment, Golden Harbor Apartment ,…
- 公路: Street 4. Street 5, Street 10,…
- 公寓名稱: Apartment No.103, Apartment No.9, Apartment No.2,…

- 桃源縣, 福星鎮, 中原村.
>> Zhongyuan Hamlet, Fuxing Town, Taoyuan District.
- 宜蘭縣, 礁溪鎮 , 桂山村.
>> Guishan Hamlet, Jiaoxi Town, Yilan District.
- 台灣, 臺北市, 仁愛縣,信義公路, 2號
>> No.2, Xinyi Street, Renai District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
- 台灣, 臺南市, 達安縣,忠孝公路, 23號
>> No.23, Zhongxiao Street, Da’an District, Tainan City, Taiwan.
- 台灣, 臺南市, 福星縣, 中原公路, 燿陽公寓, 第 3 樓, 302號
>> Apartment No.302, 3rd Floor, Sunshine Apartment, Furen Street, Fuxing District, Tainan City, Taiwan.
- 台灣, 臺北市, 礁溪縣, 林琪公路, 鑽石公寓, 第 10 樓, 1009號
>> Apartment No.1009, 10th Floor, Diamond Building, Linqi Street, Jiaoxi District, Taipei City, Taiwan.

詞彚 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Province | /ˈprɒv.ɪns/ | 省 |
City | /ˈsɪt.i/ | 城市 |
District | /ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ | 縣 |
Town | /taʊn/ | 鎮 |
Hamlet | /ˈhæm.lət/ | 村 |
Street | /striːt/ | 公路 |
Apartment | /əˈpɑːt.mənt/ | 公寓 |
Building | /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ | 大樓 |
Special Municipality | /ˈspeʃ.əl/, /mjuːˌnɪs.ɪˈpæl.ə.ti/ | 直轄市 |
Highway | /ˈhaɪ.weɪ/ | 國道 |
詞彚 | 縮寫 |
Apartment | Apt. |
Building | Blgd. |
District | Dist. |
Street | Str. |
Road | Rd. |
Number | No. 或者 # |
Room | Rm. |
- What is your address? (你的家庭地址是什麽?)
- Where do you live? (你住在哪裡?)
- What is your domicile place? (你的居住地址在哪裏?)
- Where are you from? (你從哪來?)
- Are you a local resident? (你是當地居民嗎?)
- I live/My house is at…(僅提及特定的家庭住址包括門牌號和公路名稱)
- I live/My house is on… (僅提及公路、區、鎮和村的名稱)
- I live/My house is in… (僅提及城市,國家)

以上是最完整的英文地址寫法。 ELSA Speak 希望這些知識能夠幫助您在英語交流過程中取得更好的成果。
生日是你回顧過去一年並帶著希望和信念展望未來的機會。為了幫助您更有效地自學英語口語,ELSA Speak 已經總結了所有的生日快樂英文祝福語,來一起參考吧!
單詞 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
Celebrate | /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/ | 慶祝 |
Fantastic day | /fænˈtæs.tɪk/ | 美好的一天 |
Filled | /-fɪld/ | 充滿 |
Laughter | /ˈlɑːf.tər/ | 笑聲 |
Happiness | /ˈhæp.i.nəs/ | 幸福 |
Fulfillment | /fʊlˈfɪl.mənt/ | 圓滿 |
Bright | /braɪt/ | 光明 |
Moment | /ˈməʊ.mənt/ | 時刻 |
Passed | /pɑːs/ | 過去 |
Opportunity | /ˌɒp.əˈtʃuː.nə.ti/ | 機會 |
Present | /ˈprez.ənt/ | 現在 |
Reach | /riːtʃ/ | 達到 |
Receive | /rɪˈsiːv/ | 收到 |
Remember | /rɪˈmem.bər/ | 記得 |
Scroll | /skrəʊl/ | 捲軸 |
Seek | /siːk/ | 尋找 |
Special | /ˈspeʃ.əl/ | 特別 |
Still | /stɪl/ | 仍然 |
Success | /səkˈses/ | 成功 |
Treasure | /ˈtreʒ.ər/ | 寶藏 |
Turn | /tɜːn/ | 轉變 |
Unconditional | /ˌʌn.kənˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ | 無條件的 |
Until | /ənˈtɪl/, /ʌnˈtɪl/ | 直到 |
Wish | /wɪʃ/ | 希望 |
Confetti | /kənˈfet.i/ | 花朵紙彩 |
Blessing | /ˈbles.ɪŋ/ | 幸運 |
Surround | /səˈraʊnd/ | 圍繞 |
Unforgettable | /ˌʌn.fəˈɡet.ə.bəl/ | 難忘 |
Memories | /ˈmem.ər.i/ | 回憶 |
Embrace | /ɪmˈbreɪs/ | 擁抱 |
Wrinkles | /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/ | 皺紋 |
Collectible | /kəˈlektəbl/ | 收藏品 |
Flame of passion | /fleɪm/, /ˈpæʃ.ən/ | 激情的火焰 |
Pomp | /pɒmp/ | 華麗 |
Splendor | /ˈsplen.dər/ | 光輝 |
Stratosphere | /ˈstræt.ə.sfɪər/ | 平流層 |
Express | /ɪkˈspres/ | 表達 |
Appreciation | /əˌpriː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ | 感激 |
Epic | /ˈep.ɪk/ | 壯麗 |
Incredible | /ɪnˈkred.ə.bəl/ | 不可思議 |
Inspiration | /ˌɪn.spɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ | 靈感 |
Sibling | /ˈsɪb.lɪŋ/ | 弟弟 |
Reminder | /rɪˈmaɪn.dər/ | 提醒 |
Whenever | /wenˈev.ər/ | 無論何時 |
Achieve | /əˈtʃiːv/ | 實現 |
Adventure | /ədˈven.tʃər/ | 冒險 |
Aspiration | /ˌæs.pɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ | 抱負 |
Resilient | /rɪˈzɪl.i.ənt/ | 堅韌 |
Courage | /ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ | 勇氣 |
Sparkle | /ˈspɑː.kəl/ | 閃耀 |
Colorless | /ˈkʌl.ə.ləs/ | 無色 |
Whatever | /wɒtˈev.ər/ | 無論什麼 |
Spread | /spred/ | 傳播 |
Desire | /dɪˈzaɪər/ | 渴望 |
Skinned knees | /-skɪnd/, /niː/ | 擦傷的膝蓋 |
Deserve | /dɪˈzɜːv/ | 值得 |
Guide | /ɡaɪd/ | 指導 |
Evolve | /ɪˈvɒlv/ | 發展 |
Motivate | /ˈməʊ.tɪ.veɪt/ | 激勵 |
Distinguish | /dɪˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ | 區分 |
Mischief | /ˈmɪs.tʃɪf/ | 惡作 |
Sincere | /sɪnˈsɪər/ | 真誠 |
Deepest | /diːp/ | 最深的 |

- It’s time to celebrate!
大致翻譯: 現在是慶祝的時刻了!
- All the best on your special day!
大致翻譯: 祝你在這特別的日子裡一切順利!
- I hope you have a fantastic day!
大致翻譯: 希望你有美好的一天!
- May your birthday be filled with laughter!
大致翻譯: 祝你的生日充滿笑聲!
- Wishing you a day that is as special as you are!
大致翻譯: 祝你度過一個像你一樣特別的日子!
- Happy birthday! May all your dreams come true.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!希望你所有的夢想成真。
- Wishing you a day filled with love and happiness.
大致翻譯: 祝你的一天充滿愛和幸福。
- Happy birthday! May this year bring you success and fulfillment.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你今年成功和成就。
- Sending you warm birthday wishes and lots of joy on your special day.
大致翻譯: 在你特別的日子裡送上溫暖的生日祝福和很多快樂。
- Happy birthday! May your life be as bright and beautiful as you are.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你的生活像你一樣光明美麗。
- Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and blessings.
大致翻譯: 祝你一年充滿愛、笑聲和幸運。
- Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true and bring you happiness.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你所有的願望成真,帶給你快樂。
- Sending you birthday hugs and kisses. Have a wonderful day!
大致翻譯: 送你生日的擁抱和親吻。祝你有美好的一天!
- Wishing you good health, happiness, and success on your birthday.
大致翻譯: 祝你生日健康、幸福和成功。
- Happy birthday! May you always be surrounded by love and laughter.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你永遠被愛和笑聲圍繞。
- Wishing you a year filled with adventures, opportunities, and love.
大致翻譯: 祝你一年充滿冒險、機會和愛。
- Wishing you endless joy and happiness on your birthday.
大致翻譯: 祝你生日無盡的快樂和幸福。
- Happy birthday! May this day bring you lots of love and unforgettable memories.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願這一天給你帶來許多愛和難忘的回憶。
- Happy birthday! Remember, age is just a number. In your case, a really big number!
大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!請記住,年齡只是一個數字而已。在你的情況下,這個數字真是驚人!
- Happy birthday! You’re not getting older, you’re just increasing in value like a fine wine.
大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!你並沒有變老,你只是像一瓶好酒一樣升值!
- Congratulations on surviving another year of your life! Here’s to many more and even more gray hairs.
- Happy birthday! Don’t worry about your age, it’s not like you can do anything to change it. Just embrace the wrinkles and enjoy the ride!
大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!別擔心年齡,因為你無法改變它。接受皺紋,享受生活吧!
- Congratulations on reaching the age where it takes longer to recover from a night out than it does to complete a marathon. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 歡迎來到這個年紀:現在從一個晚上玩樂後恢復精力所需的時間,比完成一場馬拉松還要久。生日快樂!
- Happy birthday! Remember, you’re not getting older, you’re just becoming a classic, like a vintage car or a collectible toy.
大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!記住,你並不是變老了,你只是變成了古董,就像一輛古車或一個珍貴的收藏品。
- Congratulations on turning age! You’re now officially old enough to complain about the younger generation and their music. Enjoy your oldies playlist!
大致翻譯: 恭喜你又長大了一歲!現在你可以抱怨年輕一代和他們的音樂風格了。享受你的老歌單吧!
- Congratulations on reaching the age where it takes longer to scroll down to your birth year. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 祝賀你到了需要更多時間才能捲動找到出生年份的年齡。生日快樂!
- You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 生日快樂啊,你比昨天老,但比明天年輕!
- Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 用微笑來計算你的人生,而不是眼淚。用朋友來計算你的年齡,而不是歲數。祝你生日快樂!
- A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you wish may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 生日那天的一個願望,任何你要求的你都會得到,任何你尋求的你都能找到,任何你想要的總是會實現。祝你生日快樂!
- Another adventure filled year awaits you. Welcome it by celebrating your birthday with pomp and splendor. Wishing you a very happy and fun-filled birthday!
大致翻譯: 又一年充滿冒險的旅程在等著你。以華麗的方式慶祝你的生日吧。祝你生日快樂,充滿歡樂!
- May the joy that you have spread in the past come back to you on this day. Wishing you a very happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 願過去你散播的歡樂在這一天回到你身邊。祝你生日很快樂!
- Happy birthday! Your life is just about to pick up speed and blast off into the stratosphere. Wear a seat belt and be sure to enjoy the journey. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!你的人生將加速並衝向平流層。繫好安全帶,享受這段旅程吧。祝你生日快樂!
- I wish you full of happiness and love. May all your dreams turn come true and may lady luck visit you everyday. Happy birthday to one of the greatest people I’ve ever known.
大致翻譯: 願你永遠充滿快樂和幸福。所有的夢想都能實現,幸運仙女每天都會敲你的門。祝你生日快樂,致我認識的最棒的人之一。
- Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in the beautiful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever.
大致翻譯: 你的生日是新的365天旅程的第一天。成為生活刺繡中最美的一根線,讓這一年變得精彩。
- Blowing out another candle on your cakes means that you have lived another year of joy, and that you have made this world a better place. I wish you have a delightful birthday!
大致翻譯: 吹滅生日蛋糕上的每一根蠟燭意味著你度過了一年充滿歡樂,讓世界變得更美好。 祝你有一個難忘的生日!
- Here is my birthday wish for you: I hope you will never stop enjoying every small thing in life. Because that’s what makes life worth living. I hope that you take time to enjoy the present while working for a better future. I hope your year will be full of memories, happiness, and adventure.
大致翻譯: 這是給你的生日祝福:願你不斷享受生活中的每一點小確幸,這才是生活的意義所在。願你享受今天,並為更美好的明天努力。願你的來年充滿快樂和冒險。

- Wishing happy birthday to the best person I’ve ever met in this world.
大致翻譯: 祝世界上我遇到最棒的人生日快樂。
- Thank you for all the memories we have. Without you the world would have been colorless to me.
大致翻譯: 感謝你給我們所有的回憶。沒有你,世界對我來說是無色的。
- Dear sweetheart, you are the reason why I smile every day. Our flames of passion will never be extinguished and may our love shine brightly to bring you a wonderful birthday. I love you and Happy Bday!
- To the world, you may just be one person. But to me, you are the world. Wonderful Birthday, my darling!
大致翻譯: 對世界而言,你可能只是某個人。但對我而言,你就是我的全世界。生日快樂,親愛的!
- I just want to say how grateful I am to have you in my life. Best birthday to you and thank you for always being there for me. I love you so much!
大致翻譯: 我只想說,我很感激有你在我的生活中。祝你有一個最美好的生日,謝謝你一直在我身邊。我非常愛你!
- Sweetheart, may you receive everything that you have wished for on your birthday! I love you to infinity and beyond!
大致翻譯: 親愛的,願你在生日那天能實現所有的願望!我非常愛你,更多!
- Happy birthday to the love of my life! Every moment with you is a blessing.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我的愛人!每一刻和你在一起都是一種祝福。
- Happy birthday, my love! Thank you for filling my life with so much love and happiness.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我的愛! 謝謝你讓我的生活充滿愛和幸福。
- To the one who makes my heart skip a beat, happy birthday! May this year bring us even closer and make our love stronger.
大致翻譯: 送給讓我心跳加速的人,生日快樂!希望這一年讓我們更接近,讓這份愛更強烈。
- Happy birthday, my sweetheart! You are the reason behind my smile and my happiness. I love you more than words can express.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我的親愛!你是我所有的靈感來源。我愛你勝過言語所能表達的。
- On your special day, I want to remind you how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, love!
大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,我想讓你知道你對我有多重要。生日快樂,我的愛!
- To the person who stole my heart, happy birthday! I am grateful every day for having you in my life.
大致翻譯: 給偷走我心的人,生日快樂!感謝每天都有你在我生命中。
- To the love of my life, happy birthday! You bring sunshine and warmth to my world every day.
- Happy birthday, my darling! May your day be as lovely and handsome as you are.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我親愛的。願你有一個像你一樣美好的日子。
- Happy birthday, Mom Dad! Wishing you a day filled with love, joy, and wonderful memories.
大致翻譯: 祝爸爸媽媽生日快樂!祝願爸爸媽媽有一個充滿愛、快樂和美好回憶的一天。
- To the best parents in the world, happy birthday! Thank you for always being there for me and for your unconditional love.
大致翻譯: 送給世界上最棒的父母,祝爸爸媽媽生日快樂!感謝爸爸媽媽一直在我身邊,給我無條件的愛。
- Sending you heartfelt wishes on your special day, dear Mom Dad. May you have a year filled with happiness, good health, and success.
大致翻譯: 送上滿滿愛意的生日祝福給爸爸媽媽。希望爸爸媽媽有一個充滿幸福、健康和成功的一年。
- Happy birthday to the most respected parents! I’m grateful for everything you do for our family. May your birthday be as special as you are.
大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的父母生日快樂。我感謝爸爸媽媽為我們家庭所做的一切。希望爸爸媽媽的生日能像你們一樣特別。
- On your special day, I want to express my deep love and appreciation for all that you’ve done for me. Happy birthday, Mom and Dad!
大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,我想表達我對父母深深的愛和感謝。祝爸爸媽媽生日快樂!
- To my wonderful Mom, happy birthday! You are my role models and my biggest source of inspiration. May your day be filled with love and joy.
大致翻譯: 送給我最棒的媽媽:生日快樂!媽媽是我的榜樣和最大靈感來源。希望媽媽的每一天都充滿愛和快樂。
- Happy birthday to my incredible Dad! Thank you for always supporting me and believing in me. Have a fantastic day filled with wonderful surprises.
大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的爸爸生日快樂!感謝爸爸一直以來的支持和信任。祝爸爸有一個美好的一天。
- Happy birthday to the most loving Mom Dad! Your love and guidance have shaped me into who I am today. Enjoy your special day!
大致翻譯: 祝我最愛的兩個人生日快樂!媽媽爸爸的愛和指引讓我成為今天的我。請好好享受這個特別的日子!
- When asked who my favorite real-life superhero is, I always say ‘It’s my mom.’ Have an amazing birthday, Wonder Mom!
大致翻譯: 當被問到我最喜歡的現實生活中的超級英雄是誰時,我總是說“那是我的媽媽。”祝媽媽生日快樂!
- To the world you may be one person, but to me you are the whole world. Happy Birthday Mom!
大致翻譯: 對全世界來說,媽媽只是一個人,但對我來說,媽媽就是全世界。祝媽媽生日快樂!
- You are my first friend, my best friend, and my forever friend. I can’t wait to help you celebrate your birthday!
大致翻譯: 媽媽是我的第一個朋友、最好的朋友,也是永遠的朋友。我迫不及待地想幫媽媽慶祝生日!
- Growing up, I always admired your awards. Today, I have to say that you deserve the Best Dad in the World award for all that you do. Have a happy birthday, Dad. You deserve the best!
大致翻譯: 長大後,我一直欽佩爸爸的成就。今天,我想說爸爸值得獲得“世界最佳父親獎”,因為爸爸為我們做的一切。祝爸爸生日快樂,爸爸值得擁有最好的一切。
- I always wanted to grow up to be just like you, and I still haven’t changed my mind. You are my perfect example of strength and love, and I aspire to be the same type of dad to my kids that you have always been for me. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 我一直希望能像爸爸一樣長大,這個願望一直沒有改變。爸爸是堅毅和愛的完美榜樣,我也希望成為像爸爸那樣的好父親。祝爸爸生日快樂!
- Happy birthday to the best father ever. I remember when you cleaned up my skinned knees, held my hand across the street, taught me how to reach for the stars. You are my inspiration and my hero.
大致翻譯: 祝世界上最棒的爸爸生日快樂。我記得當爸爸幫我清洗膝蓋上的擦傷,牽著我的手過馬路,教我如何追求夢想。爸爸是我的靈感和英雄。
- All your life, you’ve worked towards making our wishes come true. Today, it’s your turn to make some wishes. Happy Birthday, Dad!
- Happy birthday to the most amazing person in the world – me!
大致翻譯: 祝世界上最棒的人生日快樂——我!
- Wishing a very happy birthday to myself. May I continue to grow and achieve my dreams.
大致翻譯: 祝自己生日快樂。希望自己能繼續成長並實現自己的夢想。
- Happy birthday to me! Cheers to another year of adventures and growth.
大致翻譯: 祝自己生日快樂!為新的一年滿是冒險和成長而乾杯。
- Happy birthday to the one and only me. May I always be surrounded by positivity and success.
大致翻譯: 祝獨一無二的自己生日快樂。希望我的周圍永遠充滿正能量和成功。
- Here’s to another year of learning, growing, and becoming a better version of myself. Happy birthday to me!
大致翻譯: 祝我生日快樂!這又是一年學習、成長並成為更好的自己的機會。
- Happy birthday to the incredible person that I am. May I continue to shine and make a positive difference in the world.
大致翻譯: 祝我這個了不起的人生日快樂。希望自己繼續閃耀,並在這個世界上創造積極的影響。
- Sending warm wishes and self-love on my special day. Happy birthday to me!
大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,送上溫暖的祝福和愛給自己。祝我生日快樂!
- Happy birthday to the amazing person that I am becoming. May this year bring me closer to my dreams and aspirations.
大致翻譯: 祝我正在努力成為的了不起的人生日快樂。希望新的一年能讓我更接近我的夢想和渴望。
- Wishing myself a birthday filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments.
大致翻譯: 祝我生日快樂,願我的生日充滿笑聲、愛和難忘的時刻。
- Happy birthday to the strong and resilient person that I am. May I always find the courage to overcome challenges and achieve greatness.
大致翻譯: 祝強大堅韌的自己生日快樂。希望我總能找到勇氣克服挑戰,取得成功。
- Happy birthday to the fabulous person that I am. May I continue to sparkle and inspire those around me.
大致翻譯: 祝我這個了不起的人生日快樂。希望自己繼續閃耀,並激勵身邊的人。

- Happy birthday to my wonderful brother! May your special day bring you happiness, love, and endless joy.
大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的哥哥生日快樂!希望這個特別的日子帶給你無盡的幸福、愛和快樂。
- Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, dear my sister. May all your dreams and wishes come true.
大致翻譯: 送給我親愛的姐姐,最幸福的生日祝福。願你的所有願望都能成真。
- Happy birthday to my amazing sibling! Thank you for always being there for me. May your day be filled with unforgettable moments and good times.
大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的弟弟生日快樂!感謝你一直在我身邊。希望你的生日充滿難忘和美好的時刻。
- Wishing you a fantastic birthday, my dear sibling! May this year be filled with love, success, and endless opportunities for you.
大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的妹妹生日快樂!希望你今年充滿愛、成功和寶貴的機會。
- Happy birthday to my wonderful sister! May your day be filled with laughter, joy, and precious memories.
大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的妹妹生日快樂!希望今天你的每一刻都充滿笑聲、快樂和寶貴的回憶。
- Happy birthday to my cute sister! Thank you for being my best friend and constant support. May your special day be as amazing as you are.
大致翻譯: 祝我可愛的妹妹生日快樂!感謝你一直是我的好朋友並且一直幫助我。希望這個特別的日子和你一樣美好。
- Wishing my dear sibling a birthday filled with blessings, success, and a lifetime of happiness. You deserve all the best.
大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的哥哥生日快樂,願你的生日充滿快樂、成功和幸福。你值得擁有最好的一切。
- It’s my brother’s birthday. Now you’ve more grown up. Every year you’re becoming more perfect. Happy birthday my sister!
大致翻譯: 祝我弟弟生日快樂。你已經長大了,每年都變得更加完美。弟弟,生日快樂!
- Wishing my brother a very happy birthday and I hope you get what you wished for. Love my brother dear.
大致翻譯: 祝我哥哥生日快樂。希望你的生日充滿幸福,願你實現所有的願望。愛我的哥哥。
- It’s your birthday. Now you’ve more grown up. Every year you’re becoming more perfect. Happy birthday my sister!
大致翻譯: 今天是你的生日,你已經長大了。每年你都變得更加完美。祝我親愛的妹妹生日快樂!
- Wishing my brother a very happy birthday and i hope you get what you wished for. Love my brother dear.
大致翻譯: 祝我哥哥生日快樂,希望你的生日充滿幸福,願你實現所有的願望。愛我的哥哥。
- You are a person who always deserves the best and obviously nothing less. Wish your birthday celebration will be as fantastic as you are. Happy birthday.
大致翻譯: 姐姐,你值得擁有最好的,這是理所當然的。希望你的生日如你所期待的一樣美好。生日快樂。
- Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday.
大致翻譯: 讓我們點燃蠟燭,慶祝你這個特別的日子。生日快樂。
- Happy birthday to my best friend! Thank you for always being there for me and for making life so much more fun.
大致翻譯: 祝我最好的朋友生日快樂!感謝你一直在我身邊,讓我的生活變得更加有趣。
- Wishing my dearest friend a year filled with happiness, laughter, and love. Have an amazing birthday!
大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的朋友生日快樂。希望新的一年充滿幸福、笑聲和愛情。
- Happy birthday to my partner in crime! We’ve shared so many incredible moments together, and I can’t wait for more adventures with you.
大致翻譯: 祝我的好朋友生日快樂!我們一起分享了很多美好的時刻,我很期待與你有更多新的冒險。
- To my lifelong friend, happy birthday! I am grateful for your presence in my life.
大致翻譯: 我生命中的朋友,生日快樂!我很感激你在我的生活中出現。
- On your special day, I want to express how grateful I am to have you as my friend. Happy birthday, and here’s to many more years of friendship!
大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,我想表達對我們友誼的感激。生日快樂,希望我們能做更多年的朋友!
- Wishing my incredible friend the happiest of birthdays! You bring so much joy and laughter into my life.
大致翻譯: 祝最棒的朋友生日快樂!你給我的生活帶來了很多歡樂和笑聲。
- To my amazing friend, happy birthday! You make everyday brighter with your presence. Here’s to another year of unforgettable memories.
大致翻譯: 我的好朋友,生日快樂!你讓我的每一天都充滿光彩。祝你在新的一年裡留下難忘的回憶。
- Happy birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you never talk to.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你的Facebook牆上充滿你從未聊天的人的留言。
- You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 今天你比昨天老,但比明天年輕,生日快樂!
- Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.
大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂,你是少數幾個我不用Facebook提醒就能記住生日的人之一。
- Happy Birthday! You know, you don’t look that old. But then, you don’t look that young, either.
大致翻譯: 生日快樂!你知道嗎,你看起來並沒有那麼老。但之後,你也看起來沒那麼年輕。
- You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 你只年輕一次,但你可以不成熟一輩子。生日快樂!
- People say that the heroes are one in many many thousands, but I say that a friend like you is always one in the lifetime. Happy Birthday to you!
大致翻譯: 人們常說英雄是千里挑一,但我說像你這樣的朋友是一生中唯一的。祝你生日快樂!
- Hey I just wanted to you to know that whenever you have a crazy idea, my only question will be: What time?. And remember to have a great birthday!
大致翻譯: 嘿,我只是想說每當你有一個瘋狂的想法時,我唯一的問題是:幾點?記得要有一個很棒的生日!
- A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Thank you for being that friend, and Happy Birthday.
大致翻譯: 一個朋友是理解你過去,相信你未來,接受你真實的自己,即使你正在變老。感謝你成為這樣的朋友,生日快樂。
- You understand me like nobody else. Thank you for always being there listen, I have a sibling in you my friend. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 你以一種別人無法做到的方式理解我。感謝你一直在那裡傾聽,你就像我的兄弟一樣。生日快樂!
- Best friend: someone who you can be yourself with, someone who you can have pointless conversations with, someone who still likes it even when you are weird, someone who forgets to buy you a birthday gift…that’s why I came up with this card only. Happy birthday my best friend!
大致翻譯: 好朋友:在他身邊你可以做你自己,可以整天聊天,可以接受你的瘋狂,會忘記在生日時買禮物給你…這就是我帶著這張卡片來的原因。祝我最好的朋友生日快樂!
- My best friend is even sweeter than cakes, more colorful than confettis, and hotter than a candles. And it’s today her birthday. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 我的朋友比蛋糕更甜美,比花朵更絢麗,比蠟燭更火熱。今天是她的生日。生日快樂!
- We’re different in lot of ways, but that’s what makes us such good friends. Puzzle pieces need to be different to fit together! Happy birthday to my most favorite piece!
大致翻譯: 我們有很多不同之處,但這使我們成為最好的朋友。就像拼圖需要不同才能契合。祝我最喜歡的拼圖塊生日快樂!
- Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 祝你在這個特別的日子裡每一刻都充滿笑容……希望你度過美好的時光,幸福的生日!
- Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires! Here’s wishing you a day full of pleasant surprises! Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 希望你的特別日子能帶給你所有心中渴望的一切!在這裡祝你驚喜連連!生日快樂!
- On your birthday we wish for you that whatever you want most in life it comes to you just the way you imagined it or better. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 在你的生日,我們祝願你生活中最想要的一切都能如你所願甚至更好地到來。生日快樂!
- Sending your way a bouquet of happiness…To wish you a very happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 送你一束幸福之花……祝你生日快樂!
- Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating another year of your life! My wish for you on your birthday is that you are, and will always be, happy and healthy. Don’t ever change! Happy birthday my dear.
大致翻譯: 言語不足以表達我對你慶祝生命又一年的喜悅!我對你生日的願望是你現在和未來都幸福健康。永遠不要改變!生日快樂,我的朋友。
- Just like a fine wine, you seem to get better with age. Happy birthday, handsome guy!
大致翻譯: 像一瓶美酒,你似乎隨著年齡的長大變得更加美味。生日快樂,帥哥!
- Sending some love to the most charming man in my life. You always bring the best out of me. I do not know how you do it, but I love you for that. Happy Birthday.
大致翻譯: 把愛送給我生命中最迷人的男人。你總是讓我變得更好。我不知道你是怎麼做到的,但我因為這一點而愛你。生日快樂。
- Happy Birthday to a great guy! You do so much for others. I hope you can take some time for yourself on your big day. You deserve it as much as anyone, and more than most.
大致翻譯: 祝一個了不起的男人生日快樂!你為他人做了那麼多。我希望你能在這個特別的日子裡給自己一些時間。你和所有人一樣,甚至比所有人都更值得這樣的待遇。
- I am blessed to have a buddy like you. Happy birthday, dear friend. May your special day be loaded with happiness and love.
大致翻譯: 我真幸運能有你這樣的朋友。生日快樂,親愛的朋友。願你的特別日子充滿幸福和愛。
- Today is your day, live it like you are the king of the world and don’t mind what others say, this day is just for you! Happy birthday.
大致翻譯: 今天是你的日子,活得像你是世界之王,不必在意別人怎麼說,這一天只屬於你!生日快樂。
- Hey it’s your birthday today and I just wanted to let you know that you’ll never have to face problems alone. I could not be able to solve every problem but I’ll always be there for you when you need me.
大致翻譯: 嘿,今天是你的生日,我只想讓你知道你永遠不會獨自面對困難的問題。也許我不能解決所有問題,但我會在你需要的時刻一直在這裡。
- When I think back to all the things we’ve been through, I’m so thankful that I got to go through which with you by my side. Happy birthday to you, it have always been great to work with you.
大致翻譯: 當我想到我們一起經歷的事情時,我真的很感激有你在身邊。生日快樂,很高興能和你一起工作。
- Very candle on your cake is another year I’ve been lucky to know you! Happy Birthday to the most wonderful colleague I’ve known!
大致翻譯: 你蛋糕上的每一支蠟燭都代表了我們相識的一年。祝我了不起的同事生日快樂!
- If your birthday is half as amazing as you are, it gonna to be epic. Happy birthday to the best friend and colleague that a person could ask for!
大致翻譯: 如果你的生日能有你一半精彩,那它就已經非常輝煌了。祝我們擁有最好的朋友和同事生日快樂!
- Hey, thanks for just being you. You are one of a kind and my best friend. Happy birthday and I hope with can have more chances to work together.
大致翻譯: 嘿,感謝你做你的自己。你是最好的同事和朋友。生日快樂,希望我們有更多的機會一起工作。
- Happy birthday to the coolest boss ever! May your leadership continue to inspire and guide us towards success.
大致翻譯: 祝我們最酷的老闆生日快樂!願您的領導才能繼續激勵我們,引領我們走向成功。
- Wishing our awesome boss a fabulous birthday! May you always be surrounded by loyal and hardworking employees like us.
大致翻譯: 祝我們的偉大老闆生日快樂!希望您一直有我們這樣忠誠和勤奮的員工。
- Happy birthday to the boss with the best sense of humor! Your wit and charm make the workplace so much more enjoyable.
大致翻譯: 祝我們幽默感極佳的老闆生日快樂!您的智慧和魅力讓工作變得更加有趣。
- Happy birthday to the most dynamic and innovative boss! Your leadership style is truly inspiring and pushes us to think outside the box.
大致翻譯: 祝我們充滿活力和創意的老闆生日快樂!您的領導風格真正激勵並推動我們進行創造性思考。
- Wishing our boss a birthday filled with love, happiness, and appreciation. Thank you for being an exceptional leader!
大致翻譯: 祝老闆在新的一歲裡充滿愛、幸福和感恩心。感謝您成為一位出色的領導者!
- Happy birthday to our visionary boss! Your guidance and strategic thinking have taken our team to new heights.
大致翻譯: 祝我們有遠見的老闆生日快樂!您的指導和戰略思維讓我們達到了新的高度。
- A great teacher is one who knows their students, motivates them, and helps them evolve. You are definitely one of the greatest. Thank you for all your guidance and all you have taught me. I wish you a happy birthday and many more birthdays to come.
大致翻譯: 一位出色的老師是那些了解他們的學生,激勵他們並幫助他們成長的人。老師絕對是最偉大的人之一。感謝老師的所有指導和教導。祝您生日快樂,收到更多的生日禮物。
- Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar as a kite, thank you for being my friend, mentor and light. Happy birthday!
大致翻譯: 感謝老師教導我讀書、寫字,引導我分辨對與錯。感謝老師讓我知道夢想,讓我飛得更高更遠,成為我生命中的光芒、指導者,也是我的朋友。祝您生日快樂。
- Happy birthday to you, I always hope you have lots of luck and lots of smiles on your lips. Even if we mischief and make you sad, we honestly love you.
大致翻譯: 祝老師生日快樂,我希望您永遠幸運、笑容滿面。雖然我們有時頑皮搗蛋,使您難過,但我們真心愛您。
- A great thanks to you! You are our teachers who give us a voice, an image and a thought to help build our lives.
大致翻譯: 最誠摯的感謝之詞送給您!您給了我們建議、夢想,幫助我們打造人生。
- We would like to send our sincere and deepest gratitude to you, the second father in our life. We wish you a healthy, happy, lucky and happy new age!
大致翻譯: 我們送給您最深、最誠摯的感謝,您是我們生命中的第二位父母。祝您新的一歲身體健康、幸福、好運、萬事如意!
- I wish that I could show my gratitude to you. However it is hard to express by speech. I just hope this little card can show a part of my warmest appreciation from the bottom of my heart.
大致翻譯: 願我能表達我對您無盡的感激。但實在難以言說,希望這張卡片能代表我內心深處對您的誠摯感謝。

以上是由 ELSA Speak 匯集的有意義的生日快樂英文祝福語,希望在讀完這篇文章後,您能在這個主題上更有效地交流。請努力學習哦!
即將到來的是陽曆6月10日,即農曆5月5日,是臺灣的傳統節日。我們與ELSA Speak一起了解關於端午節的概念、意義和起源的英文詳細知識吧!
在亞洲國家如韓國、中國、越南、朝鮮等…端午節通常在農曆5月5日舉行。因此,學習英語的人會關注端午節在英語中的翻譯是mid-year festival。
但是,臺灣人則將端午節翻譯成Dragon Boat Festival或Duanwu Festival。根據另一種翻譯方式,端午節也被稱為Double Fifth Festival,這是基於這個傳統節日在每年農曆5月5日舉行。

端午節在英文中除了被稱為Doan Ngo Festival,還可以根據每個詞的意義來翻譯。例如
,“Tết”意味著“festival”,“Đoan”可以有多種意思,包括“the start” /“straight” /“middle” /“righteousness” /“just”,“Ngọ”意味著“at noon”(從上午11點到下午1點)。
可以理解為,端午是太陽最接近地球的時刻,如果翻譯成英語,將是:“Doan Ngo is the moment that the sun is the most near the Earth”。
在臺灣文化中,端午節也被稱為端陽節,在英文中意思是“Dragon Boat Festival”。
香包用五色線縫製而成,形狀有趣, 可愛,內含香茅、香菜籽等其他香料。
這是一種在端午節期間常用的酒, 雄黃是一種特殊的礦物,也是一種能驅蟲解毒的藥材。與白酒混合後稱為“雄黃酒”。在節日期間,人們會喝雄黃酒,並將其塗在小孩的臉上或手掌上,意在驅除害蟲,防止疾病,帶來好運。
詞彙 | 發音 | 翻譯 |
Dragon Boat Festival | /ˈdræɡ.ən ˌbəʊt ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/ | 端午節 |
Dragon boat race | /reɪs/ | 龍舟競賽 |
Sticky rice | /ˌstɪk.i ˈraɪs/ | 糯米(用來做粽子的米) |
Wrapped in a piece of leaf / Wrapped in leaves | /ræpt/, /piːs/, /liːf/ | 包在葉子裡 |
Egg yolk | /ˈeɡ ˌjəʊk/ | 蛋黃 |
patriotic poet | /ˌpæt.riˈɒt.ɪk//ˌpeɪ.triˈɒt.ɪk/, /ˈpəʊ.ɪt/ | 愛國詩人 |
To commemorate Qu Yuan | /kəˈmem.ə.reɪt/ | 紀念屈原 |
Lunar calendar | /ˌluː.nə ˈkæl.ən.dər/ | 農曆 |
Keep up the tradition | 保持傳統 |

端午節的英語是 mid-year festival, Dragon Boat Festival 或 Duanwu Festival,這些是由節日 festival 和其他專有名詞組成的複合名詞。因此,端午節的名詞位置可以是:
- Mid-year Festival is held on 5th May Lunar every year.
大致翻譯: 端午節在每年農曆五月初五舉行。
- The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for families to gather and enjoy each other’s company.
大致翻譯: 龍舟競賽節是家人團聚並享受彼此陪伴的時刻。
- The government is promoting the Dragon Boat Festival as a way to boost tourism.
大致翻譯: 政府正在宣傳龍舟競賽節,作為促進旅遊的一種方式。
- The city government is sponsoring the Dragon Boat Festival this year.
大致翻譯: 市政府今年贊助龍舟競賽節。

這些英文句子與端午節的主題有關,包括 Duanwu Festival, mid-year festival 或 Double Fifth Festival 。這些端午節詞彙展示了在日常英語交流中的句子應用如下:
- We like to enjoy many activities on the occasion of the Mid-year Festival in some Asian countries.
大致翻譯: 我們喜歡在一些亞洲國家的端午節期間參加許多活動。
- There are some traditional Duanwu Festival foods like sticky rice wine, tro cake…
大致翻譯: 有一些在端午節的傳統食品,如糯米酒、灰水粽…
- Dragon boat racing is an exciting part of Duanwu Festival.
大致翻譯: 龍舟競賽是端午節的一個精彩部分。
- Zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) are a must-eat during Duanwu Festival.
大致翻譯: 粽子(糯米粽)是端午節期間必吃的美食。
- The festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who drowned himself in a river out of despair over the corruption of the Chu state.
大致翻譯: 這個節日是為了紀念屈原,一位因楚國腐敗而絕望投河自盡的愛國詩人。

Mei: Hey Lin, how are you doing today?
Lin: Hi Mei, I’m doing great! Are you ready for Duanwu Festival?
Mei: Absolutely! I love the lively atmosphere and delicious food.
Lin: Me too! Have you made any zongzi yet?
Mei: Not yet, but I’m planning to make some this weekend with my family. What about you?
Lin: My mom is already making zongzi. She’s an expert! I can’t wait to try them.
Mei: I’m sure they’re delicious. Are you going to any dragon boat races this year?
Lin: Yes, I’m going to watch the race near my house with my friends. It’s always so exciting to see the teams compete.
Mei: That sounds fun! I might go to the one in Tamsui. It’s supposed to be one of the biggest races in Taiwan.
Lin: Oh, I’ve heard of that one. It’s definitely worth checking out.
Mei: I know, right? And after the race, we can go to the night market and try all the delicious snacks.
Lin: I’m already in! Duanwu Festival is the best time to eat all the traditional foods.
Mei: I couldn’t agree more. It’s a great time to celebrate with family and friends and enjoy all the wonderful traditions.
Lin: Exactly! I’m so happy it’s almost here.
Mei: Me too! Have a wonderful Duanwu Festival, Lin!
Lin: You too, Mei!

Festival | Translation | Date |
元宵節 | Lantern Festival | 農曆正月十五 |
中秋節 | Mid-autumn Festival | 農曆八月十五 |
傳統新年 | Lunar New Year | 農曆正月初一起 |
端午節 | Mid-year Festival | 農曆五月初五 |
以上是 ELSA Speak 為您提供關於端午節英文詳細的知識。希望這篇文章能幫助您更好地了解端午節的英文表達、意義和起源。
不定代名词 (Indefinite pronouns) 是英語中 7 個常見代詞之一,經常出現在考試和日常用語中。 一起跟 ELSA Speak 來了解更多關於不定代詞的知識吧!

不定代名詞 (Indefinite pronouns) 指的是不特定的人、地方或事物。在英語中,有些不定代名詞是用量詞或個別詞形成,這類不定代名詞是以 any、some、every 和 no 開頭。
一些不定代詞:all, any, another, anybody/anyone, anything, everybody/everyone, each, everything, few, nobody, many, none, several, one, some, somebody/someone.
- Someone just called you but I told you you weren’t home.
大致翻譯: 剛剛有人打電話給你,但我說你不在家。
- Tomorrow, everyone must wear uniforms to perform the opening ceremony of the new school year.
大致翻譯: 明天,大家必須穿着校服來舉行新學年的開學典禮。
事實上,不定代名詞在句子中有許多不同位置。 具體來說:
- No one listens to him just because he lied to them.
大致翻譯: 沒有人會聽他只因爲他曾經對他們撒過謊。
- Someone called you, but you went out.
大致翻譯: 有人打電話給你,但你出去了。
- She didn’t invite anyone to her birthday party.
大致翻譯: 她沒有邀請任何人參加她的生日聚會。
- She looks so lonely, because there’s no one around when she’s having a bad time.
大致翻譯: 她看起來很孤獨,因為當她遇到不幸的時候,沒有人在她身邊。
- She lied to everyone at the office not to go out just because she ran out of money.
大致翻譯: 她在辦公室里跟大家撒謊說她沒錢了所以不出去。
- He was talking to someone but he seemed very serious.
大致翻譯: 他正在和某人說話,但看起來很嚴重。

單數代名指人 | 大致翻譯 |
Everybody, Everyone | 大家 |
Someone, somebody | 某人 |
Each | 每個人 |
Anyone, anybody | 任何人 |
Another | 另一個人 |
No one, Nobody | 無人 |
The other | 其他的 |
- Anyone can make their dreams come true, as long as you really try.
大致翻譯: 任何人都可以實現自己的夢想,只需要真正去嘗試。
- Everyone has their own life. So don’t judge anyone by their appearance.
大致翻譯: 每個人都有自己的生活。 因此,不要以外表來判斷任何人。
單數代名指物 | 大致翻譯 |
Each | 每個 |
Nothing | 沒有什麼 |
Everything | 一切 |
Something | 某事 |
Anything | 任何事物 |
Another | 其他 |
- Everything in this house is hand-picked and decorated by me.
大致翻譯: 這房子里的一切都是我親自挑選和裝飾的。
- Anything needs to be carefully preserved to prepare for International Women’s Day October 20.
大致翻譯: 任何東西都需要小心保存,為 10 月 20 日國際婦女節做準備。
單數代名指人和物 | 大致翻譯 |
Both | 兩者 |
Two others | 另外兩個 |
Neither | 無一個 |
Either | 任意一個 |
The other two | 另外兩個 |
- Both Lan and I have dreams of becoming a great leader. So now we are doing our best to make it happen.
大致翻譯: 我和蘭都夢想成為一名有才華的領導者。 所以現在我們正在全力落實。
- Neither the homeroom teacher nor the parents know the thoughts of their teenage children.
大致翻譯: 班主任和家長都不知道十幾歲孩子的想法。
一些不定代名詞可以是單數或複數,具體取決於主體想要指代的內容(說話者可能想將主語稱為可數名詞或不可數名詞)。 這些代詞包括 all, any, more, most, none, some, such.
根據情況使用單數或複數代名 | 大致翻譯 |
All | 全部,所有 |
Some | 一些 |
Any | 任何 |
None | 沒有人 |
Other | 其他 |
- All that food needs to be refrigerated before it goes bad.
大致翻譯: 所有這些食物在變質之前都需要存放在冰箱中。
- None of them achieved the success they wanted.
大致翻譯: 他們都沒有人取得自己想要的成功。


單數代名 | 複數代名 | 根據情況使用單數或複數代名 | 不可數代名 | |
One: 一 | Several: 幾個 A few: 一些 Few: 幾乎沒有Fewer: 較少 Many: 很多 | More: 更多 Most: 最多 | Enough: 足夠 A little: 一點點 Little: 幾乎 Less: 較小 Much: 很多 | |
例如 | Out of all my classmates, there is only one I don’t want to be friends with. 大致翻譯:在我所有的同學中,只有一個人是我不想成為朋友的。 | Many are called, but few are chosen. 大致翻譯:被叫來的人很多,但被選中的人卻很少。 | 不可數名詞 There’s no salt left in the pot. More is added later. 大致翻譯:罐子里沒有鹽了。 它們將在稍後添加。 复数名词 This paragraph lacks words. More are added later. 大致翻譯:這一段漏字了。 它們將在稍後添加。 | Although this book is very famous, little is known about the author of it. 大致翻譯:雖然這本書非常有名,但是幾乎沒有關於作者的信息。 |

英語中的不定代名詞常常讓很多人在使用時需要注意句子中的動詞而造成“困惑”。 以下是各個不定代名詞的詳細用法說明供您參考。
最常見的不定代名詞,例如: someone, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, each, every, either, neither, another, one 都有一個單數的含義。 因此,在使用這些代名詞作為主語時,我們也會使用單數動詞來表示主語和動詞數量上的一致。
- Everyone has to learn English at school, because it is a compulsory language.
- Someone spilled this pot, causing the soil to fall all over the floor.
- Looks like someone is here. I have heard someone calling for help many times.
大致翻譯:看起來有人在這裡。 我多次聽到有人呼救。
- Is there anyone handsome in the piano class?
- Anyone want to go out and enjoy the breeze with me?
不定代名詞指人在所有格中使用,以表達對某個群體的總體所有權。 要將所有格與不定代名詞一起使用,請在不定代名詞後面添加 s。
- Everyone’s rights should be respected and accepted.
- It’s nobody’s business. It’s a common job for everyone to do.
大致翻譯:這不關任何人的事。 這是大家一起做的公幹。
否定句中(含 not)、使用不定代詞組 any- (anything, anywhere, anyone).
在具有否定含義(不包含 not)的句子中,使用前綴為 no- (nobody, no one, nowhere) 的不定代名詞,而不使用前綴為 any-的代名詞。
- She doesn’t have anything to do => She has nothing to do.
- He doesn’t have anything to give you => He has nothing to give you.
不定代名詞用來代替可數或不可數名詞,表達不定的數量。 當用於沒有名詞的從句時,不定代名詞通常充當句子的主語或賓語。
- I played against most of the opposing team’s athletes in the last tournament.
- Out of all the teachers at my school, there’s only one I don’t like.
注意:為了更清楚地表達句子的意思,可以使用這樣的結構:不定代詞 + of + 名詞短語。 “of” 後面的名詞短語必須附有限定詞 “the” 或所有格形容詞,例如:your、my、their、…

- No one can answer that question = Everyone cannot answer that question.
在否定從句中,我們使用帶有前綴 no- 而不是 any- 的不定代名詞。
- Nobody knows who he is – 沒有人知道他是誰,而不是 Anybody knows who he is – 誰都知道他是誰.
練習 1: 選擇正確的答案
1. She went shopping yesterday but she couldn’t find ………. that I liked.
A. nothing B. anything C. everywhere
2. ate ………. in her lunch bag except for the carrot.
A. everything B. anything C. somebody
3. Excuse me, waiter. There’s ………. in my soup. I think it’s a fly.
A. something B. anywhere C. everywhere
4. She didn’t go ………. on his holiday. She was so bored!
A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere
5. My brother thinks intelligent aliens may exist ………. in the universe.
A. anyone B. something Cnowhere
6. ………. answered her phone when she called an hour ago.
A. No one B. Anyone C. Nowhere
7. My brother puts my glasses ………. in his office but he can’t remember exactly where.
A. somewhere B. everywhere C. anywhere
8. ………. ate my candy! Who? Who ate my candy?
A. Anything B. Somebody C. Anybody
9. My parents can’t meet me tomorrow because I have ………. important to do.
A. somewhere B. something C. nothing
10. ………. is more important than having friends and family who love you.
A. Everyone B. Somewhere C. Nothing
11. ………. in my class passed the grammar test!
A. Everything B. Everyone C. Something
12. Did you guys do ………. interesting on the weekend?
A. anything B. anywhere C. somewhere
13. ………. can lift this box! It’s too heavy to lift.
A. No one B. Something C. Anybody
14. Almost ………. in the world knows about the Olympic games.
A. somewhere B. everywhere C. everyone
15. Some scientists believe there is alien life ………. in our solar system.
A. something B. somewhere C. anything
16. There are still plenty of empty seats. We can sit ………. we like.
A. anything B. anyone C. anywhere
17. There’s ……………… in the room. I can hear some noise.
A. anyone B. someone C. no one
18. ……………. believed in what he said. He lied to them so many times.
A. Anyone B. No one C. Everyone
19. She put ……………… in the carton, all the things she had.
A. everything B. nothing C. anything
20. I went ……………….. last week. I stayed at home.
A. everywhere B. nowhere C. anywhere
21. “What’s wrong with you?” – “………………., I’m okay.”
A. None B. Nothing C. No one
22. In conclusion, the importance of luck in determining goal achievement is overstated, while there are much more significant factors to consider, namely hard work and determination. It is recommended that ______ who wants to pursue their dream should develop a strong will and perseverance.
A. Anyone B. Someone C. Somebody D. Everybody
23. There are severe consequences when copyrighted contents are distributed freely for______. This trend may well put the career of many authors, artists, and creative workers in danger, as they receive a significantly lower income from selling their books and songs. Yet this is not only a problem of finance but also an issue of morality. The proclivity of taking others’ work without permission is a form of disregarding their rights and stealing their work. From a broader perspective, when authors’ intellectual property is not respected, they may be less likely to positively contribute to society.
A. Everything B. No one C. Anything D. Everyone
24. Local news is significant to an average person because of a few reasons. The first is that it is immediately relevant to them. This high level of relevancy means that they are more likely to read the news and learn _______ new and interesting in their local area. That can be the opening of a new theme park, the premiere of a new film shown in the cinema, or a special lunch buffet that one may enjoy at the weekend. Local news, furthermore, gets people to know the issues that may have a direct impact on them. News on a recent road blockage near one’s neighborhood, for instance, may help them to choose a better route to their workplace every day.
A. Nothing B. Something C. Anything D. Nobody
1 | B |
2 | A |
3 | A |
4 | C |
5 | C |
6 | A |
7 | A |
8 | B |
9 | B |
10 | C |
11 | B |
12 | A |
13 | A |
14 | C |
15 | B |
16 | C |
17 | B |
18 | C |
19 | A |
20 | B |
21 | B |
22 | A |
23 | D |
24 | B |
練習 2: 選擇合適的不定代名詞
1. She would like (anything/ something) to eat.
2. My father knows (something/ nothing) about it.
3. He hasn’t got (something/ anything) to do.
4. We sold (everything/ anything) in the sales.
5. The girl didn’t say (nothing/ anything).
6. Is there (something/ anything) amusing on Iphone?
7. Our dog must be (somewhere/ anywhere).
8. There was a flood (anywhere/ somewhere) in Taipei
9. My mother would like to buy (anything/ something) for my dad.
10. My doctor did (everything/ somebody) to save me.
11. Has (anybody / nobody / somebody) seen my passport?
12. I was hungry because there was (anything / something / nothing) to eat.
13. There wasn’t (anybody / somebody / nobody) at the check-in desk.
14. We didn’t have (somewhere / nowhere / anywhere) to sleep.
15. Can I have (something / anything / nothing) to drink?
16. (Anybody / Everybody / Somebody) says that Paris is amazing in the spring.
1 | Something |
2 | Nothing |
3 | Anything |
4 | Everything |
5 | Anything |
6 | Anything |
7 | Somewhere |
8 | Somewhere |
9 | Something |
10 | Everything |
11 | Anybody |
12 | Nothing |
13 | Anybody |
14 | Anywhere |
15 | Something |
16 | Anybody |
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