您在使用英文條件句時遇到困難嗎?這類文法看似簡單,卻包含許多“陷阱”,讓您在溝通中感到困惑。別擔心,今天ELSA Speak將與您分享有關 if 用法,結構,概念 ,幫助您輕鬆自信地征服條件句。


英語中的條件句(Conditional sentences)是用來表示在滿足某個一定的條件時可能發生某個事件的結構。


如果子句 (If clause), 主要子句 (Main clause)


  • If子句 (If clause):陳述主句中事件發生的假設或必要條件。
  • 主句 (Main clause):表達如果條件子句中提到的事件的結果或後果。


  • If we had more money, we would buy that house.


  • We would buy that house if we had more money.




那 If後面加什麽以及 If如果用法?






結構: If + S + V(s/es), S + V(s/es)

其中:If子句(If clause)和主要子句(Main clause)- 都使用現在簡單式。


  • If you heat ice, it melts. 


  • My baby sister cries loudly if she is hungry.




第一類條件句 用於描述現在或將來可能發生的導致未來結果的情況。


結構: If + S + V(s/es), S + will/ can/ may + V


  • If clause (條件子句) 用現在簡單式
  • Main clause (主要子句) 用 S + will/ can/ may + V的結構.


  • If I win this competition, my parents will be proud. 


  • If you’re hungry, I’ll cook you something.






結構: If + S + V(ed), S + would + V


  • If clause (條件子句) 用過去簡單式.
  • Main clause (主要子句) 用 Would + V 結構.


  • If I were you, I wouldn’t lend him money.


  • If I won the lottery, I would buy a mansion.

翻譯: 如果我中了彩票,我會買一棟豪宅。

注意: 在 IF 第二類條件句中,to be 後面的所有主詞都是 were。


  • If I were you, I’d never marry a person like him.


  • If he were rich, he would take his parents to travel around the world.

翻譯:如果他有錢,他會帶父母去環遊世界。 (事實是他並不富有)。





結構: If + S + had + V3/ed, S + would + have + V3/ed.


  • If clause (條件子句) 使用過去完成式
  • Main clause (主要) 用 S + would + have + V3/V-ed 的結構.


Last night, if that man hadn’t driven carelessly, he wouldn’t have caused that accident. 


  • If Thomas had driven carefully, he would not have had an accident last night.

翻譯:如果 Thomas 開車小心的話,他昨晚就不會發生事故。


條件類              結構列如
第二和三的混合條件句If + S + V2/ed, S + would have + V3/ed
If clause (條件子句): 使用第2類條件句的結構.
Main clause (主要子句): 使用第3類條件句的結構。
If I were rich, I would have bought that house.
If I was a good cook, I would have invited them to dinner.
第三和二的混合條件句If + S + had + V3/ed, S + would + V (bare infinitive)
If clause (條件子句): 使用第3類條件句的結構.
Main clause (主要子句): 使用第3類條件句的結構.
If I had studied harder, I would have a better job now.
If we had caught the plane, we would be lying on a beach now.




使用 Unless 的情況

Unless 用來表達一個否定條件,意思相當於。 “if not” (如果不是).

第0類Ice melts if you don’t put it into a fridge 
=> Ice melts unless you put it into a fridge.
第一類She will have a headache if she doesn’t stop working now.
=> She will have a headache unless she stops working now.
第二類If you didn’t have to go to school, you could go to the zoo with us now.
=> Unless you have to go to school, you could go to the zoo with us now.
第三類Yesterday, I would have come to your wedding if I hadn’t worked overtime.
=> Yesterday, I would have come to your wedding unless I had worked overtime.
翻譯: 昨天,如果我不用加班,我就去參加您的婚禮了。
Unless 和 If 的結構區別

使用 if 替換短語的情況


As long as / So long as

As long as” 和 “so long as” 意思是“只要”,描述某事發生的必要條件。

結構: As long as / So long as + S + V, S + will/can/may + V


  • You can stay here as long as you keep quiet.

翻譯: 只要保持安靜,您就可以留在這裡。

  • So long as you finish your homework, you can watch TV.

翻譯: 只要您完成作業,您就可以看電視。

Provide (that) / Providing (that)

Provided (that)” 和 “providing (that)” 意思是“條件是”,描述某事發生的必要條件。

結構: Provided (that) / Providing (that) + S + V, S + will/can/may + V


  • You can go out provided that you finish your chores.

翻譯: 您可以出去,條件是您完家務

  • Providing that it doesn’t rain, we will have a picnic.

翻譯: 我們就去野餐,條件是不下雨

On condition that 

On condition that” 意思是“條件是”,經常用於正式寫作

結構: On condition that + S + V, S + will/can/may + V


  • You can use my car on condition that you drive carefully.

翻譯: 您就可以使用我的車,條件是您小心駕駛。

  • They agreed to the proposal on condition that certain modifications were made.

翻譯: 他們同意該提議,但條件是做出一些改變。

In case

In case” 意思是“以防”,描述針對可能情況採取的預防措施。

結構: In case + S + V , S + will/can/may + V


  • Take an umbrella in case it rains.

翻譯: 帶上雨傘,以防下雨。

  • I always carry a map in case I get lost.

翻譯: 我總是帶著地圖,以防迷路。

Whether or not 

Whether or not” 意思是“不管”,通常用於表達不確定性或不依賴具體條件的情況。

結構: Whether or not + S + V, S + will/can/may + V


  • Whether or not you like it, we are going to the party.

翻譯: 不管您喜不喜歡,我們都會去參加聚會。

  • I’ll go for a walk whether or not it rains.

翻譯: 不管下雨不下雨我都會去散步。

Suppose / Supposing (that)

Suppose” 和 “supposing” 意思是“假設”,用於做出假設。

結構: Suppose / Supposing (that) + S + V, S + will/can/may + V


  • Suppose you won the lottery, what would you do?

翻譯: 假設您中了彩票,您會做什麼?

  • Supposing that he doesn’t come, what will we do?

翻譯: 假設他不來,我們該怎麼辦?

用 wish / if only的情況

現在S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V(ed) + …If only + (that) + S + V(ed) + …表達說話者想要擁有但現在不存在的慾望或事物。與當前現實相比,這也可能是完全相反的假設。
She wishes she was a man –  她希望自己是個男人。
If only I were a billionaire – 要是我是億萬富翁就好了!
過去式S + wish(es) + (that) + S + had + V(pp) + …If only + (that) + S + had + V(pp) + …對過去沒有採取不同的做法表示遺憾,或假設如果過去沒有發生某件事,結果就會有所不同。這種用法與第3類條件句=非常相似。I wish I had studied harder for the exam – 要是我在考試時能更加努力學習就好了。
If only he hadn’t missed the train – 要是他沒有錯過火車就好了
未來式S + wish(es) + (that) + S + would + V-inf + …If only + (that) + S + would + V-inf + …表達希望將來會發生某事或有好事發生。這種結構表達了對未來的願望或希望,並表明它可能會發生,但仍然只是一種期望或希望。I wish you would come to my birthday party – 我希望您能來參加我的生日宴會。
If only he would get the job he applied for – 如果他能得到他申請的工作就好了。

注意:在 Wish/If only 句子中可以使用現在式的「could」來表達做某事的可能性,但這在現實中不太可能發生。當在Wish/If only句子中使用「could」時,我們清楚地表明說話者想要或渴望的事情可以發生,但在實施中仍然存在許多限製或障礙。


  • I wish I could visit my family more often – 我希望能常去看家人,但工作很忙。
  • If only I could play the piano – 要是我會彈鋼琴就好了,但我沒有機會學。
在條件句中代替 if 的詞



  • 用於將來可能發生的情況,強調事件發生/完成的狀態
結構: If + present simple, future continuous/future perfect


  • If we leave Taipei for Tainan today, we shall be staying in Tainan tomorrow. 

翻譯: 如果今天從台北市去台南市,那麼明天就到了台南市。

  • If you do your homework right now, you will have finished it in 2 hours’ time. 

翻譯: 如果您現在做家務,兩個小時內就能完成)

  •  在表示同意、允許或建議的情況下
結構: If + present simple, … may/can + V-inf


  • If it stops raining, we can go out. 

翻譯: 如果雨停了,我們就出去

  • 用於推薦、建議、勸或請求但強調行動的句子
結構: If + present simple, … would like to/must/have to/should… + V-inf


  • If you go to the library today, I would like to go with you. 

翻譯: 如果您今天去圖書館,我想跟您一起去。

  • If you want to lose weight, you should do some exercise.

翻譯: 如果您想減肥就應該運動

  • 對於祈使句(主語隱藏在主子句)
結構: ​​​​​If + present simple, (do not) V-inf


  • If you are hungry, go to a restaurant. 

翻譯: 如果您餓了,就去餐廳

  • If you feel cold, don’t open the door. 

翻譯: 如果您覺得冷,就不要開門。



結構 列如
If + past simple, … would/should/could/might/had to/ought to + be V-ingIf we left Tainan for Taipei This morning, we would be staying in Taipei tomorrow. 
翻譯: 如果我們今天早上從台南市進入台北市,那麼明天我們就能到台北市。
If + past simple, past simple.If the goalkeeper didn’t catch the ball, they lost.
翻譯: 如果守門員沒有接住球,他們就輸了。
If + past simple, … would be + V-ingIf I were on holiday with him, I would/might be touring Italy now. 
翻譯: 如果我和他一起去度假,我現在就會/能去義大利旅遊。
If 用於 “as, since, because”(可與主子句中多種不同式的動詞組合)If you knew her troubles, why didn’t you tell me? 
翻譯: 如果您知道她的麻煩,為什麼不告訴我?


If + past continuous, … would/could + V-infIf we were studying English in London now, we could speak English much better.
翻譯: 如果我們現在在倫敦學習英語,我們就能說更好的英語。
If + past perfect, … would/could + V-infIf you had taken my advice, you would be a millionaire now. 
翻譯: 如果您聼了我的建議,您現在就會成為百萬富翁了。


If + past perfect, … could/might + present perfectIf we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life. 
翻譯: 如果我們之前找到他,我們就能救他的命了。
If + past perfect, present perfect continuousIf you had left Taipei for Tainan last Saturday, you would have been swimming in HuangJin Haian last Sunday. 
翻譯: 如果您上週日離開台北市去台南市,您可能上週日就在黃金海安游泳了。
If + past perfect, … would + V-infIf she had followed my advice, she would be richer now. 
翻譯: 如果她聽我的建議,她現在可能會更富有。
If + past perfect continuous, … would + present perfectIf it hadn’t been raining the whole week, I would have finished the laundry 
翻譯: 如果整個星期沒有下雨,我就會洗完衣服了。


如果條件句有否定子句,可以用 unless 代替 if not


  • I will have a picnic this weekend if it’s not raining

翻譯: 如果不下雨的話這個週末我會去野餐

  • Please don’t text me unless you have a necessary problem. 

翻譯: 除非您有必要的問題,否則請不要給我發短信。

在第一類條件句中,如果 if 子句出現在主子句之後,則可以在 if 子句中使用將來簡單式

列如: If you’ll wake me up at 8 a.m, I will take you to the bookstore. 

翻譯: 如果您八點叫醒我,我就帶您去書店。

在第二類條件句,使用 were 代替 was

列如: If I were you, I would accept that offer. 

翻譯: 如果我是您,我就會接受這個提議。

使用第二類條件句和第三類條件句相當於 wish 結構和 would rather 結構,表達遺憾或責備

列如: If I had learned harder, I would not have failed my exam. 

翻譯: 如果我更努力學習的話,我可能就不會考不過。

=> I wish I had learned harder

翻譯: 我希望我之前認真學習



  1. If you …… (kick) a ball against a wall, it …… (bounce) back. 
  2. If David …… (eat) strawberries, he …… (get) an allergy. 
  3. A plant …… (die) if you …… (not water) it for a long time. 
  4. A child …… (not grow) up well, if you …… (not feed) him or her properly. 
  5. If you …… (tickle) Lucy, she …… (laugh) unstoppably. 
  6. If a stranger …… (touch) my dog, he …… (bark) immediately. 
  7. If you …… (heat) ice-cream, it …… (melt).


1Kick – Bounces 
2Eats – Gets
3Dies – Water
4Doesn’t Grow – Don’t Feed
5Tickle – Laughs 
6Touches – Barks 
7Heat – Melts 


  1. If my younger sister …… (win) this race, we …… (be) proud. 
  2. If I …… (get) that job, I …… (earn) more money. 
  3. If that client …… (agree) to sign the contract, she …… (let) us know soon. 
  4. My family …… (have) a better life if we …… (move) to that city. 
  5. If their nephews …… (pass) the exam, they …… (buy) them some new toys. 
  6. If that student …… (stop) talking in class, the teacher …… (be) very happy.
  7. His elder sister …… (get) mad if she …… (know) that he broke her favorite mug. 


1Wins – Will Be
2Get – Will Earn
3Agrees – Will Let
4Will Have – Move
5Pass – Will Buy
6Stops – Will Be
7Will Get – Knows


  1. If he …… (be) more good-looking, he …… (be) a model. 
  2. We …… (have) a better life if we …… (earn) more money. 
  3. If I …… (be) you, I …… (buy) that expensive bag. 
  4. His younger sister …… (have) more friends if she …… (be) more sociable. 
  5. If our parents …… (not be) too strict, we …… (not live) under pressure. 
  6. If that student …… (not talk) in class, the teacher …… (be) less annoyed. 
  7. If she …… (live) near her company, she …… (not have) to get up at 5am every day. 

答案 :

1Were – Would/ Could Be
2Would/ Could Have – Earned
3Were – Wouldn’t Buy
4Would/ Could Have – Were
5Weren’t – Wouldn’t Live 
6Didn’t Talk – Would Be
7Lived Near – Wouldn’t Have 


  1. Last night, if that woman …… (drive) carelessly, she …… (not cause) that accident. 
  2. That employee …… (not lose) his job if he …… (work) efficiently. 
  3. Yesterday, if that boy …… (not break) the vase, his father …… (not be) mad. 
  4. Last month, I …… (not meet) him if I …… (not go) to that party. 
  5. That day, she …… (not find) her dog if she …… (not go) into the garden. 
  6. Yesterday, if my brother …… (do) his homework, his teacher …… (not scold) him. 
  7. Last Friday, if she …… (know) your phone number, she …… (call) you. 

答案 :

1Had Driven – Wouldn’t Have Caused
2Wouldn’t Have Lost – Had Worked
3Hadn’t Broken – Wouldn’t Have Been
4Wouldn’t/ Couldn’t Have Met – Hadn’t Gone
5Wouldn’t/ Couldn’t Have Found – Hadn’t Gone
6Had Done – Wouldn’t Have Scolded 
7Had Known – Would/ Could Have Called 


  1. If that student …… (go) to bed early last night, he …… (not feel) sleepy now. 
  2. You …… (not have) a stomachache now if you …… (not drink) a lot of milk tea this afternoon.
  3. If we …… (not forget) our umbrellas yesterday, we …… (not be) sick now. 
  4. He …… (get) promoted now if he …… (work) hard in the past. 
  5. She …… (take) part in the race now if she …… (not break) her arm yesterday. 


1Had Gone – Wouldn’t Feel
2Wouldn’t Have – Hadn’t Drunk
3Hadn’t Forgotten – Wouldn’t Be
4Would Get Promoted Now – Had Worked Hard
5Could Take – Hadn’t Broken


  1. If I …… (be) you, I …… (help) that poor lady yesterday. 
  2. If we …… (have) children, they …… (take) care of us when we were in hospital last month. 
  3. I …… (save) that child if I …… (be) you. 
  4. She …… (take) that cup off the high shelf this morning if she …… (be) taller. 
  5. He …… (make) more friends at the party last night if he …… (be) a friendly person.


1Were – Would Have Helped
2Had – Would Have Taken
3Would Have Saved – Were
4Would/Could Have Taken – Were
5Would/Could Have Made – Were

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