Used to 構造在日常英文交流中非常常用。讓 ELSA Speak 幫你更清楚地了解其含義、用法和練習示例,幫助你更有效地學習英文吧!

Used to構造

Used to 的結構

“used to” 構造被用來描述一個曾經發生過但已經結束且現在不再發生的習慣、狀態或事件。這個構造通常帶有比較過去和現在的意思。


肯定句 S + used to + V(inf – 原形)I used to go to school by bus, now I go by bike. 
否定句S + didn’t use to + V(inf – 原形)John didn’t use to clean the house everyday when he lived alone. 
大致翻譯:John 以前一個人住的時候不常每天打掃房子。
疑問句Did + S + use to + V(inf – 原形)Did he use to come home this late? 

Used to用法 

“used to” 構造常用於描述過去發生過的動作、習慣、狀態或事件,且這些現在已經不再發生。有時 “used to” 還用來強調過去與現實之間的差異。因此,“used to” 通常只用於過去式,特別是過去簡單式。


  • My grandmother used to tell me stories about her youth. (我奶奶曾經給我講過她年輕時的故事)
  • I used to love spicy food, but now I can’t handle it. (我曾經喜歡吃辣的食物,但現在已經不能吃了)

學生們需要注意的一點是關於 “used to” 構造的:當句子中did” 時,我們用 “use to”;而當句子中沒有 “did” 時,我們用 “used to”。

Be used to + Ving構造

Be used to 的結構


肯定句 S + be + used to + V_ing/NounWe are used to the working time at this company. 
否定句S + be + not + used to + V_ing/NounShe was not used to the noise from our radio, so we always had to turn it off when she stayed at home. 
疑問句 Be + S + used to + V_ing/NounAre you used to getting up at 6 a.m every day? 

Used to + Ving用法

“Be used to” 構造常用於描述某人已經多次做某件事,已經習慣並且對該事物也有了經驗而且不再陌生。


  • They are used to the peaceful atmosphere of the countryside (他們已經習慣了鄉村的寧靜)。
  • I am used to the heavy traffic during rush hour (我已經習慣了高峰時段的交通擁堵)。

Get used to + Ving/N構造 

Get used to 的結構

注意:“Get” 將根據句子的主語和時態像普通動詞一樣變化。


肯定句S + get + used to + V_ing/NShe got used to exercising every morning. 
否定句S + 助動詞 + not + used to + V_ing/NHe didn’t get used to eating with a fork, did you? 
疑問句助動詞 + S + get + used to + V_ing/NIs he getting used to living his current life? 

Get used to + Ving用法 

“get used to” 構造常用於描述某人逐漸習慣某事或某個問題的過程。


  • After living in the city for a year, he finally got used to the noise (在城市生活一年後,他最終習慣了噪音)。
  • After a few weeks, she got used to the rhythm of the dance (幾個星期後,她已經習慣了舞蹈的節奏)。

使用 used to 時常見的錯誤

在使用英文中的 “used to” 構造時,使用者通常會犯以下幾個錯誤:

  • 不使用 “to be”: “Used to” 是 “used to be” 的簡寫,所以不要忘記在 “used to” 後面使用 “to be”。例如:“I used to be a teacher” 而不是 “I used to a teacher”。
  • 動詞使用錯誤: “Used to” 只用於原形動詞,不能與其他形式的動詞一起使用,例如帶有 ‘to’ 的原形動詞或帶有‘ing’的原形動詞。例如:“I used to play soccer” 而不是“I used to playing soccer”。
  • 時態使用錯誤:“Used to” 只用於過去,不用於未來或現在。例如:“I used to live in New York”而不是 “I am used to living in New York”。
  • 在 “used to” 後使用 “will”:“Will” 是未來時態,不能用在 “used to” 後。例如:“I used to go to the gym every day, but now I don’t” 而不是 “I used to go to the gym every day, but now I will not”。


練習1:請正確使用 used to, be used to 和 get used to 構造來完成以下練習:

1. Did they … to let you smoke in cinemas?

2. I didn’t … to do much skiing.

3. I hardly ever … to have time for going out.

4. John didn’t … to like Mary when they were teenagers.

5. There … to be a lake here years ago.

6. They … not to let women join this club.

7. We … to walk to school when we were children.

8. We never … to have electricity in our house.

9. When … they …. to live here?

10. Why did you … to use this old photocopier?


useuseuseduseuseduseduseduseddid useuse

練習2:選擇句子構造(使用 used to, get used to, be used to 構造)

1. When Nam started to work here, Nam needed a lot of help, but now Nam is (used to doing/ used to do/ get used to doing) all the work on his own.

2. She (was used to reading/ used to read/ got used to reading) several books a month, but she doesn’t have time anymore.

3. Nam was surprised to see his driving – he (got used to driving/ was used to driving/ didn’t use to drive) when we first met him.

4. Don’t worry, it’s a simple game to play. You (are used to/ will get used to/ used to use) it in no time, I’m sure.

5. When we had to commute to work every day we (used to get up/ used to getting up) very early.

6. We are afraid we will never (get used to living/ used to live/ got used to living) in this place. I simply don’t like it and never will

7. Whenever they came to Coventry they always (used to stay/ got used to staying) in the Central Hotel. They loved it.

8. When Nam was the head of our office everything (got used to be/ used to be/ was used to being) well organized. Now it’s total chaos here.

9. Lan was shocked when he joined our busy company because she (wasn’t used to/ didn’t used to) doing much work every day.

10. At first, the employees didn’t like the new office, but in the end they (got used to/ get used to/ are used to) it.


am used to doingused to readdidn’t use to drivewill get used toused to get upget used to livingused to stayused to bewasn’t used togot used to


1. My mother used to / is used to cook on Sundays.

2. Didn’t you use to swim / swimming?

3. I didn’t use to watch / watching this much TV.

4. You will be used to / used to noisy children soon.

5. Allison used to be / being my best friend.

6. I used to drink / drinking a glass of red wine every day.

7. I was used to seeing / see sunshine in Hawaii.

8. Are you used to eat / eating spicy food?

9. My brother is used to get up / getting up early for school.

10. Did you use / used to eat meat?


used toswimwatchbe used tobedrinkseeingeatinggetting upuse

練習4:用正確形式的 used to 或 be/get used to 以及下面的動詞來完成句子和問題

be/ cycle/ (not) get on/ (not) eat/ sing

1. My grandma ____________ in a band when she was young. They became quite famous too.

2. When Roberto first moved to Japan, he ____________  the food for a long time. But he likes it now.

3. ____________ (you) or walk to school when you were a teenager, Mum?

4. I ____________ with Jake very well, but now we’re good friends.

5. They inherited a lot of money last year and Debbie and her family ____________  rich now!


used to singdidn’t get used to eatingDid you use to cycledidn’t use to get onare used to being

希望通過以上 ELSA Speak 提供的信息,您能夠學會如何使用 used to, be used to 和 get used to。此外,為了更好地掌握這些構造,您可以靈活結合各種練習題來提高您的英文水平!