想知道如何用”interact”以自然地用英語與人互動嗎?在這篇文章中,ELSA Speak將帶你探索「互動」在日常溝通中的詞彙、用法和應用。
互動 英文中怎麽説?
Interact – 互動英文動詞

To communicate with or react to someone or something.
- Dominique’s teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.
翻譯: Dominique 的老師說她與其他孩子互動得很好。 - It’s interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.
翻譯: 在聚會上觀察人們如何進行社交互動很有趣。
Interact with somebody
當我們想要談論與某人互動時,我們會使用interact with somebody。
- Teachers should interact with students to understand their needs.
翻譯: 教師應與學生互動以了解他們的需求。
- He enjoys interacting with new people at social events.
翻譯: 他喜歡在社交活動中與新朋友互動。
Interact with something
當我們想要談論與物件或事件互動時,我們使用「interact with something」。
- The software allows users to interact with the system easily.
翻譯: 該軟體允許用戶輕易地與系統互動。
- Children interact with toys in different ways.
翻譯: 孩子們以不同的方式與玩具互動。
Interaction – 互動英文名詞

An occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other.
- There’s not enough interaction between the management and the workers.
翻譯: 管理階層和工人之間的互動不夠。 - Language games are usually intended to encourage student interaction.
翻譯: 語言遊戲通常旨在鼓勵學生互動。
“Interaction” 既可以作為可數名詞,也可以作為不可數名詞使用,並根據語境接不同的介系詞來表示語意,例如:with(和)、between(在⋯⋯之間)、among(在⋯⋯中)。
例句 | 翻譯 |
This activity has created a lively interaction between the teacher and students. | 此次活動使師生互動活躍。 |
Good human interaction helps people deal with stress and life major changes. | 良好的人際互動有助於人們應對壓力和生活的重大變化。 |
They host regular gatherings to foster interpersonal interaction among group members. | 他們定期舉辦聚會,以促進小組成員之間的人際互動。 |
He likes to stay alone and tends to avoid social interactions with others. | 他喜歡獨處,傾向於避免與他人進行社交互動。 |
Interactive – 互動英文形容詞

根據Cambridge詞典, “interactive”的定義是:
- Involving communication between people.
(有關人與人之間的溝通。) - Describes a system or computer program that is designed to involve the user in the exchange of information.
- This will be an interactive workshop where you can practice the skills you are learning.
翻譯: 這將是一個互動研討會,是你可以練習你正在學習的技能的地方。 - The museum has many interactive exhibits for children.
翻譯: 博物館有許多適合兒童的互動展品。
Interactively – 互動英文副詞

- In a way that involves people working together and having an influence on each other.
(人們一起工作並彼此互相影響的方式。) - In a way that involves direct communication between a user and a machine, such as a computer or software.
- The program lets students work interactively with each other.
翻譯: Chương trình cho phép học sinh tương tác với nhau một cách trực tiếp. - The app allows you to learn interactively by completing tasks and receiving feedback.
翻譯: 該應用程式允許你通過完成任務和接收回饋來進行互動式學習。

同義詞 | 意思 | 例如 |
Communicate | 交流/溝通 | Employees need to communicate effectively with each other. (員工之間需要有效的溝通。) |
Engage | 參加 | Students engage in various activities during the school year. (學生在學年期間參加各種活動。) |
Connect | 連接 | The app allows users to connect with friends easily. (該應用程式允許用戶輕易與朋友連接。) |
Collaborate | 合作 | Researchers often collaborate to make new discoveries. (研究人員經常合作以取得新發現。) |
Converse | 交談 | She loves to converse with people from different cultures. (她喜歡與來自不同文化的人交談。) |
Relate | 相處融洽 | He can relate well with his colleagues. (他能與同事很好地相處融洽。) |

反義詞 | 意思 | 例如 |
Ignore | 忽略 | He tends to ignore his colleagues during meetings. (他在開會時往往忽略同事。) |
Avoid | 避免 | She avoids interacting with strangers. (她避免與陌生人交往。) |
Isolate | 隔離 | The hermit chose to isolate himself from society. (這位隱士選擇將自己與社會隔離。) |
Disconnect | 中斷 | The power outage disconnected the internet for hours. (停電導致網路中斷數小時。) |
Neglect | 忽視 | She neglected to communicate her needs to her team. (她忽視了向團隊傳達她的需求。) |
Shun | 迴避 | He was shunned by his peers for his unconventional ideas. (由於他的想法不同尋常而受到同事的迴避。) |


例句 | 翻譯 |
Before I move on, does anyone have questions? Please feel free to interact with me at any time. | 在我繼續之前,有人有疑問嗎?請隨時與我互動。 |
This session is designed to encourage interaction between the presenter and the audience. | 本次會議旨在鼓勵演講者和觀眾之間的互動。 |
Let’s make this presentation more interactive by using polls and real-time feedback. | 通過使用民意調查和即時回饋來使演講更具互動性。 |
I encourage you all to interact with each other as we discuss these ideas during the presentation. | 我鼓勵大家在演講期間討論這些想法時相互交流。 |
Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions, I want this to be a more interactive session. | 如果你有任何問題,請隨時打斷,我希望這是一個更具有互動性的會議。 |
At the end of this report, we’ll have an interactive Q&A session where I can address your concerns. | 在本報告的最後,我們將舉行互動問答環節,是我可以解決你疑慮地方。 |

説話者 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
A: | “Hi! How do you usually interact with new team members?” | “你好!你通常如何與新團隊成員互動?” |
B: | “I try to spend some time getting to know them and make sure they feel comfortable.” | “我試著花一些時間去了解他們,並確保他們感到舒適。” |
説話者 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
A: | “What did you think about the meeting?” | “你對這次會議有什麼看法?” |
B: | “It was great! The interaction between departments was really effective.” | “太棒了!部門之間的互動真的很有效。” |
説話者 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
A: | “I’ve heard this app is very interactive. What do you think?” | “我聽說這個應用程式的互動性很強。你覺得怎麼樣?” |
B: | “Yes, it makes communication much easier with its interactive features!” | “是的,它的互動功能讓溝通變得更加容易!” |
説話者 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
A: | “Do you find this website interactive?” | “你覺得這個網站有互動性嗎?” |
B: | “Yes, it’s full of interactive elements, such as videos and quizzes.” | “是的,它充滿了互動元素,例如視頻和測驗。” |
説話者 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
A: | “How do you interact with clients in your business?” | “你如何與業務中的客戶互動?” |
B: | “We use both email and phone calls to keep in touch and offer interactive support.” | “我們使用電子郵件和電話來保持聯繫並提供互動支持。” |
説話者 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
A: | “What makes a good interactive learning environment?” | “什麼造出良好的互動學習環境?” |
B: | “It’s when the students can actively participate, ask questions, and engage with the material.” | “這是學生可以積極參與、提出問題並參與材料的時候。” |
有了剛剛學到的知識,你準備好在英語交流中使用 “interact” 這個詞進行互動了嗎?定期練習可以更有自信地溝通!與 ELSA Speak 一起了解更多知識以提高你的溝通能力吧!