了解除了之外英文的含義與用法——這是一個常見的連接詞,有助於讓句子更加連貫且富有意義。ELSA Speak 提供關於除了英文用法的實用資訊,幫助你更清楚地理解如何在日常交流與正式文本中應用這個詞。
Key takeaways |
“In addition to” 的意思是「除了某事之外」、「此外還有」、「在…之外」,用於提及在已有事物或情況之上的額外事物。 除了英文用法: In addition to + Noun/Ving 應注意區分: 當作連接詞時,「In addition」可以獨立位於句首, 「In addition to」與「An addition to」的結構截然不同 |

在英文中,短語 “In addition to” 通常用來表達 “除此之外” 的意思,表示除了剛提到的內容外,還有其他同樣重要的因素或方面。這是一種連接句子的方式,有助於以清晰且連貫的方式補充信息。
發音方式: / ɪn əˈdɪʃ.ən tuː /
例子 | 翻譯 |
In addition to his beautiful face, he is also famous for his talent. | 除了英俊的外貌,他還以才華著稱。 |
In addition to taking part in courses of soft skills, the children enroll on other courses for their life in the future. | 除了參加軟技能課程,孩子們還報名其他課程以為未來做準備。 |

In addition to + Noun/ Pronoun/V-ing |
- In addition to studying for the exam, she also works part-time.
翻譯: 除了準備考試以外,她還做兼職工作。
- He enjoys playing tennis in addition to football
翻譯: 除了足球以外,他還喜歡打網球。
- In addition to them, we invited a few other friends to the party.
翻譯: 除了他們之外,我們還邀請了幾位其他朋友來參加派對。

在這種情況下,In addition 獨立用於句首,後接逗號,用於介紹除了前一句提到的內容之外的其他信息。
注意: 當 In addition 作為連接詞時,不與介詞 To 一起使用。 |
例子 | 翻譯 |
He is a talented football player. In addition, he is also a good student in my class. | 他是一位才華橫溢的足球運動員。此外,他還是我們班的一名優秀學生。 |
Learning another language can help to improve children’s job prospects in the future. In addition, it also boosts their self-esteem. | 學習另一種語言可以提升孩子的職業前景。此外,還能提高他們的自尊心。 |
Additionally, 是 addition 的副詞形式,其含義與 In addition 相近,通常位於句首。
Additionally (adv.) + Clause (子句) |
- Additionally, I can speak two languages.
翻譯: 此外,我還能說兩種語言。
另外,副詞 Moreover/Furthermore 的含義和用法也與 Additionally 類似。
除了 結構與「額外添加」的結構不同
另一個容易與 In addition to 混淆的結構為:
Something is an addition to something else |
- This car is an addition to my car collection.
翻譯: 這輛車是我豪華車收藏中的一個補充。
- Your help will be a valuable addition to our success.
翻譯: 你的幫助是我們成功的重要補充因素。
>>阅读更多:While 是什麼意思?結構、含義、用法及附答案練習

練習 1: 用 In addition to 重新改寫以下句子
- He ordered a cake and a cup of coffee.
In addition to __________________________________ - She is good at not only English but also Chinese.
In addition to ___________________________________ - Aside from being a famous writer, he is also a singer.
In addition to ___________________________________
4. There is a book and a pencil on my table.
In addition to ___________________________________
練習 2: 選擇適當的單詞填入空格
- I love reading books in the early morning. _____________, I also love cooking my own breakfast. (In addition to/ In addition/ An addition to)
- This factor is _______ to our research, which is expected to change the result dramatically. (in addition to/ in addition/ an addition to)
- __________ this course, he also recommended you to enroll in an extra course. (In addition to/ In addition/ An addition to)
答案 :
練習 1:
- In addition to a cake, he ordered a cup of coffee.
- In addition to English, she is also good at Chinese.
- In addition to being a famous writer, he is also a singer.
- In addition to a book, there is a pencil on my table.
練習 2:
- In addition
- in addition to
- In addition to


詞性 | 用法 | 結構 |
介詞 | 補充信息 | Besides + 名詞/動詞 |
副詞 | 強調補充或添加 | Besides, + Clause (子句) [主詞+動詞+(受詞)] |
- Besides her beauty, Marina is also known for her talent.
翻譯: 除了她的美貌,Marina 還因她的才華而聞名。
- After Mary gains a huge sum of money, she buys an apartment. Besides, she plans to travel around the world.
翻譯: 在瑪麗得到一大筆錢後,她買了公寓。除此之外,她還計畫環遊世界。
Except/Except that (連接詞)
前一句 + except/except that + 後一句 |
- In my opinion, this apartment is pretty good except/ except that its location is a little bit inconvenient.
翻譯: 我覺得這間公寓除了位置有一點不方便之外,其他都相當好。
Except/Except for (介詞)
except/except for + 名詞/動詞 |
- Except for this requirement, I can accept your offer.
- I can accept your offer except/ except for this requirement.
翻譯: 除了這項要求之外,我接受你的提議。
Except 和 except for 之間有細微差別。
Except 通常與同一主題相關,通常不放在句首。
- Except for 通常涉及另一主題,可能帶有一些遺憾之意,可以放在句首。
aside from/ apart from/ other than (介詞)
aside from/ apart from/ other than + 名詞/動名詞 |
- I went shopping this afternoon. Apart from buying a beautiful dress, I also bought the high-heeled shoes.
翻譯: 我今天下午去逛街。除了買了一件漂亮的洋裝之外,我還有買高跟鞋。
說明: 根據句意,這裡的apart from解釋為「除了…之外,還有」,等於besides。
- Other than the entrance fee, this amusement park is attractive.
翻譯: 除了入場費之外,這個遊樂園很吸引人。
說明: 根據句意,這裡的other than 解釋為「除了…之外,其它都」,等於except。
透過本文,ELSA Speak 詳細解釋了除了英文except、beside等詞的意思,並提供了基礎例句。同時還介紹了除了以外英文和除了還有英文等相關用法,幫助您擴展詞彙量,靈活運用於日常溝通中。想了解更多英文語法如:either、while、if等用法,請關注 ELSA Speak,祝您學習順利!