9 月 28 日對學生來說是個特別有意義的日子,表達「尊師重道」精神,感謝老師、對老師表示知恩。立即加入 ELSA Speak 尋找有意義的祝福,而不是「教師節快樂」!



教師節錄在 9 月 28 日,這一天是春秋時期偉大的思想家、教育家「至聖先師」-孔子的生日。他一生致力於教育事業,創立了「非歧視教育」、「因材施教」等多種教學方法​​,為許多普通人創造了學習機會,奠定了現代教育的基礎。相傳,孔子有三千多個弟子,其中《史記》記載的「賢人」有七十二位,幫助傳播孔子的思想。

鑑於孔子對教育的巨大貢獻,台灣政府於 1952 年將孔子的生 日 9 月 28 日定為教師節,以表彰所有教師。


Teacher’s Day/ˌviːetnəˈmiːz ˈtiːtʃə(r) deɪ/教師節
Visit teacher’s house/ˈvɪzɪt ˈtiːtʃə(r)’s haʊs/看老師家
Pay tribute/peɪ ˈtrɪbjuːt/表示感謝
Success/attainment/səkˈses/ – /əˈteɪnmənt/成功/成就
Vocational guidance/vəʊˈkeɪʃənl ˈɡaɪdns/職業指導
Would-be teachers/wʊd-bi ˈtiːtʃə(r)/未來的教師
Academic transcript/ˌækəˈdemɪk ˈtrænskrɪpt/學術成績單
Grading schedule/ˈɡreɪdɪŋ ˈskedʒuːl/評分錶
Results certificate/rɪˈzʌlt sərˈtɪfɪkət/結果證書
Completion certificate/kəmˈpliːʃn sərˈtɪfɪkət/結業證書
Graduation certificate/ɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn sərˈtɪfɪkət/畢業證書
Class head teacher/klæs hed ˈtiːtʃər/班主任
Classroom teacher/ˈklæsruːm ˈtiːtʃər/任課老師
Credit mania/ˈkredɪt ˈmeɪniə/成就病
Credit-driven practice/ˈkredɪt ˈdrɪvn ˈpræktɪs/成就病
Curriculum (pl. curricula)/kəˈrɪkjələm/課程
Subject head/ˈsʌbdʒɪkt hed/門課班主任
Teacher training/ˈtiːtʃər ˈtreɪnɪŋ/教師培訓
Distance education/ˈdɪstəns ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/遠距培訓
Vocational training/voʊˈkeɪʃənl ˈtreɪnɪŋ/職業培訓
Class management/klæs ˈmænɪdʒmənt/課室管理
High distinction/haɪ dɪˈstɪŋkʃn/優秀
Request for leave of absence/rɪˈkwest fər liːv əvˈæbsəns/請假(學習、教學)
Teaching aids/ˈtiːtʃɪŋ eɪdz/教具
Pass (an exam)/pæs/考過(考試)
Class observation/klæs ˌɑːbzərˈveɪʃn/課堂觀察
Take/sit an exam/teɪk/ /sɪt ən ɪɡˈzæm/參加考試
Civil education/civics/ˈsɪvl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ /ˈsɪvɪks/公民教育/公民
Continuing education/kənˈtɪnjuː ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/繼續教育
Courseware/kɔːrs wer/電子課件
Course book/textbook/teaching materials/kɔːrs bʊk/ /ˈtekstbʊk/ /ˈtiːtʃɪŋ məˈtɪriəlz/課件
Lesson/unit/lesn/ /ˈjuːnɪt/課/單元
Visiting lecturer/visiting teacher/ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ ˈlektʃərər/ ˈtiːtʃər/客座講師/客座教師
Voice recording/vɔɪs rɪˈkɔːrdɪŋ/錄音
Extra class/ˈekstrə klæs/輔導課
Term paper/tɜːrm ˈpeɪpər/學期論文
Graduation ceremony/ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn ˈserəmoʊni/畢業典禮
Schoolyard/skuːl jɑːrd/校園


Appreciate teachers/əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt ˈtiː.tʃərz/感恩老師
Honor educators/ˈɒn.ər ˈed.jʊ.keɪ.tərz/致敬教師
Give gifts/ɡɪv ɡɪfts/贈送禮物
Send thank-you notes/send θæŋk juː nəʊts/發送感謝信
Organize celebrations/ˈɔː.ɡə.naɪz ˌsel.ɪˈbreɪ.ʃənz/組織慶祝活動
Show gratitude/ʃəʊ ˈɡræt.ɪ.tjuːd/表達感激之情
Express admiration/ɪkˈspres ˌæd.mɪˈreɪ.ʃən/表示羡慕
Prepare performances/prɪˈpeər pəˈfɔː.mənsɪz/準備表演
Write letters/raɪt ˈlet.əz/寫信
Plan events/plæn ɪˈvents/策劃活動
Congratulate teachers/kənˈɡræt.jʊ.leɪt ˈtiː.tʃərz/祝賀教師們
Share memories/ʃeər ˈmem.ər.iz/分享回憶
Deliver speeches/dɪˈlɪv.ər ˈspiː.tʃɪz/發表演講
Organize activities/ˈɔː.ɡə.naɪz ækˈtɪv.ɪ.tiz/組織活動
Take photos/teɪk ˈfəʊ.təʊz/拍照
Offer flowers/ˈɒf.ər ˈflaʊ.ərz/送花
Sing songs/sɪŋ sɒŋz/唱歌
Create thank-you videos/kriˈeɪt θæŋk juː ˈvɪd.i.əʊz/創建感謝視頻
Arrange student performances/əˈreɪndʒ ˈstjuː.dənt pəˈfɔː.mənsɪz/安排學生的表演
Prepare a tribute/prɪˈpeər ə ˈtrɪb.juːt/準備感謝的話


To the greatest teacher in the world, Happy Teachers’ Day! Thank you for everything!祝福世界上最偉大的老師,教師節快樂!謝謝您所做的一切!
Thank you for helping me gain more knowledge. I’ve always been grateful for your teaching credit.感謝您幫助我獲得更多知識。我一直很感激您的教學功勞。
In my eyes, you are the greatest teacher. I hope that you will always be dedicated as you are now. Happy Teachers’ Day.在我眼裡,您是最偉大的老師。我希望您永遠像現在一樣奉獻。教師節快樂。
Do you know that you are the teacher I admire the most? Thank you for your valuable knowledge. Wishing you happiness and success in life!您知道您是我最敬佩的老師嗎?感謝您提供寶貴的知識。祝您生活幸福、成功!
Dear my teacher, thank you for always supporting and motivating me during my learning process. Have a wonderful  Teachers’ Day!親愛的老師,感謝您在我學習過程中一直以來對我的支持與激勵。祝您教師節愉快!
Happy Teachers’ Day! Thank you for making the lesson more interesting!教師節快樂!感謝您讓課程更有趣!
You are the one who brings the light of knowledge to me. I love you so much!您是帶給我知識之光的人。我真的很愛您!
Thank you for helping me supplement my knowledge and studying skills. Wishing you happiness and good health.感謝您幫助我補充我的知識和學習技能。祝您幸福快樂、身體健康。
Thank you for always taking care of us and reassuring us that all of us were doing well. You are the most wonderful teacher! Thank you for everything!感謝您一直以來對我們的照顧,並向我們保證我們所有人都做得很好。您是最棒的老師!謝謝您所做的一切!
Thank you for teaching and leading me to be successful as I am today. Happy Teachers’ Day!感謝您的教導和帶領我取得今天的成功。教師節快樂!
Thank you a lot, teacher! You gave us a lot of priceless advice so that I can complete myself.非常感謝您,老師們!您給了我們很多無價的建議,讓我能完善自己。
My dear teachers, thank you for lighting up the dream fire in me. I love you so much!親愛的老師們,感謝您們點燃了我心中的夢想之火。我真的很愛您們!
On the occasion of  Teachers’ Day, I wish you and your family good health, happiness, and success in life.在本教師節來臨之際,祝福您及家人身體健康、幸福美滿、生活順利。
I feel grateful to have you in my life. You are not only my teacher who brings me knowledge but also my greatest inspirer. Happy  Teachers’ Day!我很感激生命中有您。您不僅是我的老師,為我帶來了知識,也是我最大的啟發者。教師節快樂!
I have become a good citizen thanks to the teacher’s merit. I hope you are always happy and dedicated to work. Happy Teachers’ Day!感謝老師的功勞,我成為了好公民。我希望您永遠快樂並專注於工作。教師節快樂!
Your dedication is our inspiration. Thank you for always being devoted to the teaching profession. Happy Teachers’ Day!您的奉獻是我們的靈感。感謝您一直以來對教學事業的奉獻。教師節快樂!
Happy  Teachers’ Day! We are grateful to you today and every day in life!教師節快樂!我們今天以及生活中的每一天都感謝您!
I am lucky to have you as a teacher. You are so wonderful. Wishing you a  Teachers’ Day full of joy and happiness.我很幸運有您這樣的老師。您太棒了。祝您有個充滿歡樂和幸福的教師節。
To the world you may be just a teacher but to me you are the most wonderful inspirer. Happy Teachers’ Day!對世界來說,您可能只是一位老師,但對我來說,您是最美妙的啟發者。教師節快樂!
Thanks for being my teacher. Happy  Teachers’ Day!謝謝您成為我的老師。教師節快樂!


To the greatest teacher in the world, I wish you a Happy Teachers’ Day! Thank teachers for everything!給世界上最棒的老師,祝您教師節快樂!感謝老師們所做的一切!
Dear teachers, Happy Teachers’ Day! You’re like a burning torch which lights the way for us.親愛的老師們,教師節快樂!您就像一把燃燒的火炬,為我們照亮前進的道路。
On Teachers’ Day in Taiwan, we would like to send best wishes to you. Wishing you a glorious and steady step on your career path.值此台灣教師節之際,我們向您致以最美好的祝福。祝您在職業道路上邁出輝煌、穩健的一步。
Thank you teachers for teaching and leading me to the success I have today. Happy Teacher’s Day, your day!感謝老師們的教導和帶領我取得今天的成功。教師節快樂,您的一天!
Teachers, you have always been the parents, the sibling, the friend who stayed by and followed us. I hope to stick with you in the years to come.老師們,您們一直是陪伴我們、追隨我們的父母、兄弟姊妹、朋友。我希望在未來的歲月裡能和您們在一起。
It’s because of you, I’ve come to love English.因為您,我愛上了英文。
My dear teachers, thank you for keeping up the dream in me, I love you, teachers!親愛的老師們,謝謝您們讓我堅持著夢想,我愛您們老師們!
You gave me the strength I needed to take the first step towards my dream with English.您給了我所需的力量,讓我朝著英語夢想邁出了第一步。
Thank you for inspiring us, guiding us and making us what we are today.感謝您激勵我們、指導我們並使我們成為今天的我們。
I have this day thanks to the teacher’s merit. I hope you will always be happy and happy. Grateful Teacher’s Day!我有今天,多虧了老師的功德。希望您永遠幸福快樂。感恩教師節!
You are the special person that illuminates my path.您是那個特別的人,照亮了我知識的道路。
Thanks for teaching us how to read and write. Thanks for teaching us all the good things.感謝您教導我們如何閱讀和寫作。感謝您教導我們所有美好的東西。



Dear dedicated teacher, I would like to say thank you for all the valuable lessons you have taught us! You are our second father who gave us helpful advice to become who we are today. Happy Teachers’ Day!親愛的老師,我想對您教給我們的所有寶貴課程表示感謝!您是我們的第二位父親,為我們提供了有益的建議,使我們成為今天的人。教師節快樂!
You are the great ocean of knowledge. Thank you for dedicating yourself to the education career and teaching us to become good citizens as we are now. Wishing you good health and success.您就是知識的大海。感謝您致力於教育事業並教導我們成為現在這樣的好公民。祝福您身體健康、事業成功。
On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, with all my heart, I wish you full of joy in life and success in the career path.值此教師節來臨之際,我衷心祝福您生活充滿歡樂,事業成功
I wish that I could show my gratitude to you. However, it is hard to express by speech. I just hope this little card can show a part of my warmest appreciation from the bottom of my heart.我希望我能向您表達我的謝意。然而,很難用語言來表達。我只希望這張小卡片能一部分地表達我發自內心最熱烈的感激。
I would like to say thank you to the one who led and accompanied me from the first step on my knowledge path. Wishing you a fulfilling and happy life.我要感謝從我知識之路的第一步起一直引領和陪伴我的人。祝您生活圓滿、幸福。
You are a hero in my book. Happy Teachers’ Day to you!您是我書中的英雄。祝您教師節快樂!
Sir, you are the pinnacle of knowledge and diligence. I would be grateful to God if I could become half of you. Happy Teachers’ Day to the most respected teacher!先生,您是知識和勤奮的頂峰。如果我能成為您的一半,我會感激上帝。祝最受尊敬的老師教師節快樂!
You are my second mother. Wish you happiness, beauty and success in your career.您是我的第二個母親。祝您幸福、美麗、事業成功。
Thank our teacher for loving us like a mother for the 3 academic years of high school. Wishing you a wonderful and full-of-love Teachers’ Day!感謝老師像母親一樣愛我們高中三年。祝您有個美好又充滿愛的教師節!
Wishing you will always be beautiful, talented and enthusiastic as you are at present!祝您永遠像現在一樣美麗、有才華、有熱情!
You are one of the most gorgeous people in my eyes. I hope you will never stop your dedication and enthusiasm in work.您是我眼中最美麗的人之一。我希望您永遠不會停止對工作的奉獻和熱情。
You have taught me more than the books. You have especially taught me about patience and diligence which impressed me the most. I am blessed to have you in life!您教我的比書本上的還要多。您特別教給我的耐心和勤奮,這讓我留下了最深刻的印象。我很幸運生命中有您!
Without you, we could have been lost. Thank our teacher for guiding, inspiring and helping us to become who we are today.沒有您,我們可能會迷路。感謝我們老師的指導、啟發和幫助我們成為今天的我們。


Thanks to my beloved teacher, I have got more knowledge of [the subject]. Thank you for everything!感謝我敬愛的老師,讓我對這門學科有了更多的了解。謝謝您所做的一切!
Thank you for all the lessons that you have taught me. I promise I will try my best to get better grades in your subject next semester!感謝您教給我的所有課程。我保證下學期我會盡力在您們的學科上取得更好的成績!
Thank you for teaching me a subject I thought I would never understand or be interested in. Thank you for making learning fun.感謝您教我一門我認為永遠無法理解或感興趣的學科。 感謝您讓學習變得有趣。
It has been an honor to have learned so many things from you. Thanks for inspiring me!很榮幸能從您身上學到很多。謝謝您給我啟發!
It’s been a major honor to be in your classes. You taught us valuable lessons in the most straightforward and interesting way! Thank you for always being enthusiastic!能夠上您的課是我的榮幸。您以最直接、最有趣的方式給我們上了寶貴的一課!感謝您一直以來的熱情!
Thanks to you, I’ve loved this subject more than before. I hope you will always keep this positive energy and continue to inspire students in the future as you do at present.謝謝您,我比以前更喜歡這個學科了。希望您能一直保持這種積極能量並在未來繼續像現在一樣激勵給學生。
I never thought I would love this subject without your inspiration. I sincerely thank you.如果沒有您的靈感,我從沒想過我會喜歡上這個主題。我真誠地感謝您。
Thank you for lighting up the flame of love for the subject.感謝您點燃對這個主題的愛


Thank you for being our teacher and giving us valuable advice!感謝您作為我們的老師並給予我們寶貴的建議!
Your dedication inspires us. Thank you for your devotion!您的奉獻精神激勵著我們。感謝您的奉獻!
I’m grateful to have met a teacher who inspires and helps me grow.我很慶幸能遇到了一位激勵我、幫助我成長的老師。
I feel lucky to have a teacher who recognizes my talents and motivates me.我很幸運有一位能認得出我的才能並激勵我的老師。
Your wisdom and kindness guide us to be better people.您的智慧和善良引導我們成為更好的人。



Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.Malala Yousafzai請記住:一本書、一支筆、一個孩子和一位老師可以改變世界。
A teacher who loves learning earns the right and the ability to help others learn.Ruth Beechick熱愛學習的老師有權利和能力幫助別人學習。
Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.APJ Abdul Kalam教師是一個非常崇高的職業,它塑造一個人的品格、才幹和未來。如果人們記得我是一位好老師,那將是我最大的榮譽。
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.William Arthur Ward平庸的老師講述。好老師會解釋。優秀老師示範。偉大的老師鼓舞人心。


The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.最好的老師是發自內心的教學,而不是書本上的教學。
What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.老師是什麼,比他教什麼重要。
I am not a teacher, but an awakener.我不是老師,而是覺醒者。
The influence of a great teacher can never be erased.偉大導師的影響力是永遠無法抹去的。
The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.教學的藝術就是協助發現的藝術。



Taiwan Teachers’ Day, celebrated on September 28, holds significant meaning for every teacher and student. Upon arriving at school, my first impression is that the school looks more beautiful than usual today. The schoolyard is clean and adorned with neatly arranged rows of seats. Above the stage, the words “Taiwanese Teachers’ Day Celebration” are prominently displayed in the center of the banner. The ceremony starts promptly at seven-thirty. A crisp drum sound signals the students to settle down in their seats. Then, there are the opening musical performances. Next is the principal’s speech, followed by the students’ gratitude toward their teachers. After the ceremony concludes, my friends and I present fresh flower bouquets to our teachers. From the bottom of my heart, I feel immensely grateful to our teachers for educating us to become good individuals.


9 月 28 日是台灣教師節,對每位老師和學生來說都具有重要的意義。到了學校,我的第一印像是今天的學校比平常漂亮多了。校園乾淨整潔,一排排座位排列整齊。舞台上,橫幅中央醒目地寫著「慶祝台灣教師節」的字樣。儀式於七點三十分準時開始。清脆的鼓聲響起,示意學生在座位上穩定坐下。然後是開幕音樂表演。接下來是校長致辭,接著是學生對老師的感謝。儀式結束後,我和我的朋友們向老師們獻上了鮮花。我從心底非常感謝老師們,教育我們成為好人。


Taiwanese Teachers’ Day is a meaningful occasion to express gratitude to those who have taught us to become individuals, imparting knowledge for everyone to build the future. That is why on this day, each of us is eager to find the most creative and meaningful gifts to present to our teachers. However, as students who have yet to earn money, we understand that precious gifts are not necessarily the most expensive; they come from our hearts. I remember last year when I gave my teacher a special gift—one that I made myself. It brought me happiness. I crafted it with all my heart, showing my respect for my teacher. I will always cherish my teachers and remember them in my heart for the rest of my life.




Teacher’s Day in Taiwan, celebrated on September 28th each year, has always been a special occasion for me. Every year, I eagerly look forward to this day to express my gratitude to the teachers who have taught and supported me throughout my studies. I usually prepare a bouquet of flowers and a congratulatory card to give to my teachers.

On this day, our school organizes many interesting cultural activities. I participate in a performance with my classmates, and the atmosphere is so joyful and warm. I feel very proud to stand on stage, along with everyone, to send our best wishes to our teachers. Teacher’s Day is not just an occasion for appreciation but also a beautiful memory that reminds me of the importance of education and the people who dedicate themselves to the noble profession of teaching.


每年 9 月 28 日是台灣的教師節,對我來說一直是個特別的日子。每年,我都熱切地盼望著這一天,向在我求學期間教導和支持我的老師們表達我的謝意。我通常會準備一束鮮花和一張賀卡送給我的老師。



以上是 ELSA Speak 想為您提供的所有教師節祝福語,希望您能在這篇文章之後與您的老師一起度過一個愉快的教師節!