你掌握如何用英文說謝謝了嗎?日常生活中,我們肯定會遇到需要說謝謝的情況,但如果我們一直把 ”Thank you“ 應用於所有情況,那會很無聊是不是?

帶著希望幫助你們進步,加強英語交流的重要組成部分,ELSA Speak 整理了一份詳細完整表達感謝的方式總結,請參考!


定義:為了表達對幫助過我們的人的感激之情,我們經常用「謝謝」這兩個詞。同時,用英語(或台灣語)表達感謝,我們會根據語境和目的,結合不同的詞語和語調,創造出不同的 “感激程度”。

在英語中,我們都知道 “謝謝” 為 “Thank you”。但實際上,根據不同的情況,有許多不同的表達方式。



  • Thank you:  謝謝你!
  • Thanks!: 謝謝啊!
  • Thanks a lot! : 多謝!
  • Thank you so/very much!: 非常感謝!
  • Thanks (a lot) for + V-ing/ noun (phrase)!: 非常感謝你!
  • Thank you (so/ very much) for + V-ing/ noun (phrase)!:(非常)感謝+因为/关于/為了 + V-ing/名詞
  • Thanks a million (for + V-ing/ noun (phrase)): 十分感謝
  • Thanks a bunch! : 多謝啊!
  • Sincerely thanks!: 衷心感謝!
  • Thank you/thanks in advance!: 那先謝謝你了!
  • Thanks again!: 再次謝謝!




You are so kind 

You are so kind 意思是你人真好,你很好,常与“Thank you!”、“Thanks!”等句子连用,以额外輔助。

例如: Thank you for the ride! You are so kind.


It is/was very kind of you to + V0 … 

使用“is”或“was”取決於我們要感謝的事情是發生在過去還是剛發生。這句話也經常與“Thanks/Thank you…!”這句話一起使用。補充並表示您非常友善地…

例如:It was very kind of you to drive me home last night. Thank you!


I owe you one 

I owe you one 常與‘Thank you!’, ‘Thanks!’ 等句子一起使用。以額外輔助。這句話主要用在關係比較親近的人身上,表示我欠你一個人情/幫助,…!


  • A: Alright, your car is fixed
  • B: Thank you very much! I owe you one!


  • A:好,你的車修好了。
  • B:非常感謝!我欠你一個人情!

I can’t thank you enough (for + V-ing/ noun (phrase))

這個英文的謝謝句子結構比‘Thanks a lot!’ 更正式,這意味著我對你的感謝還不夠(為…)。

例如: This is amazing. I can’t thank you enough.


I really appreciate it/that/noun (phrase) 

I really appreciate it/that/noun (我真的很感激)經常與句子‘Thanks!’/‘Thank you!’/v.v.等一起使用。更明確、更真誠地表達說話者的讚賞和尊重。除了使用‘it’ 或 ‘that’之外,我們還可以用名詞(片語)來代替它們,以清楚地表達我們所欣賞的是什麽)。

例如:Thank you for your support! Our team really appreciate it.


You are the best 

You are the best (你是最好的/第一!) 語氣歡快、友好,並且根據具體情況,帶有一點興奮。可以與‘Thank you!’/ ‘Thanks!’ 一起使用,或者如果說話者覺得說“謝謝”太禮貌了,可以用它來代替“謝謝”。


  • A: I heard you had a sore throat, so I made you some lemon and ginger honey.
  • B: Oh, Daniel, you are the best!


  • A:聽說你喉嚨發炎了,所以我幫你做了一杯檸檬薑蜂蜜。      
  • B:哦,Daniel,你是最好的!

You are so sweet

You are so sweet(你是如此甜蜜/善良/可愛)有一種歡快、親密、視情況而定、有點興奮的語氣,只適用於親密的人。可以與 ‘Thank you!’/ ‘Thanks!’/… 一起使用,或者如果說話者覺得說“謝謝”太禮貌了,則可以用它來代替“謝謝”。


  • A: Happy birthday, Sarah! Here’s a home-made cake for you.
  • B: Thank you, David! You are so sweet.


  • A: 生日快樂,Sarah!這是給你的自做蛋糕。
  • B:謝謝你,David!你真可愛。


I’m so grateful/ thankful for + noun (phrase)

I’m so grateful/thankful to – 我非常感激/感謝…可以在演講和撰寫正式文件時使用。

例如: Mr. David, I’m so grateful/ thankful for your support and encouragement. I am always glad to be a part of your team.


I can’t express how grateful/ thankful I am for + noun (phrase)

在演講和撰寫正式文件時使用 – 意思是我無法表達我對…的感激/欣賞。

例如:Ms. Rose, to be honest, I can’t express how grateful/ thankful I am for your understanding and kindness.


I would like to express my gratitude (to + noun (phrase) (指人)) + for + noun (phrase)


例如:Dear Ms. Lee, First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for your constant support and trust.


I highly appreciate it/ that/ noun (phrase)

I highly appreciate it/that/noun (phrase)——我非常珍惜//欣賞那個/…這句話經常與 ‘Thanks!’/ ‘Thank you!’等句子一起使用。


例如: Thank you so much for the presentation! I highly appreciate your effort.


I want/ would like you to know how much I value + noun (phrase)

意思是我希望你知道我有多支持/欣賞!這句話經常用來表達對你來說意義重大的事情的感激之情。可以在說話或寫感謝信/電子郵件時使用。當我們使用動詞「want」時,正式程度較低,而當我們使用「would like」時,正式程度較高。

例如: Emily, I really want you to know how much I value your condolence and encouragement. Without you, I don’t think I could have overcome such a great loss.  

大致翻譯: Emily,我真的想讓你知道我有多重視你的哀悼和鼓勵。如果沒有你,我想我無法克服如此巨大的損失。

No words can express how thankful/ grateful I am for + noun (phrase)


例如: Dear Angelina, No words can describe how thankful/ grateful I am for your help.
大致翻譯:尊敬的 Angelina 女士, 沒有任何言語可以形容我對你的幫助的感激之情




Thank you for contacting me/ us (about/ regarding + noun (phrase))


例如:Dear Mr. Anderson, First of all, thank you for contacting me…

大致翻譯:尊敬的 Anderson 先生, 首先,感謝您與我聯係,…

Thank you for reaching out to me/ us (about/ regarding + noun (phrase))

這句話的意思是感謝您聯絡我/我們(關於…)。與第一句話類似,這句話也用在電子郵件的開頭,以感謝某人主動給您發送電子郵件。動詞短語「reach out to」的意思是「跟…聯絡」。

例如:Dear Mr. Williams, Thank you so much for reaching out to us about the date and time of our next meeting…

大致翻譯:尊敬的 Williams 先生, 非常感謝您就我們下次會議的日期和時間與我聯繫……

Thank you for informing me/ us of + noun (phrase) 

感謝您告知我們……這就是這句話的意思。這句話用在電子郵件的開頭,以感謝之前透過電子郵件告訴您某事的人。短語「告知某人」‘inform somebody of’ 描述了告知某事給某人的行為。

例如: Dear Ms. Chuang, First of all, thank you for informing us of the delay in the delivery of your order. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience…

大致翻譯:尊敬的 Chuang 女士, 首先,感謝您通知我們訂單交貨延遲的情況。對於由此給您帶來的不便,我們深表歉意…

Thank you for raising your concern(s) (about…)


例如:Dear Ms. Brown, Thank you for raising your concern about the progress of the StarX project!…

大致翻譯:尊敬的 Brown 女士, 感謝您表達對StarX項目進展的擔憂!

Thank you for your (prompt) reply

Thank you for (prompt) reply! 感謝您的快速回覆!這句話用在電子郵件的開頭,以回應其他人的(快速)電子郵件回覆。名詞 “reply” 的意思是「回應」。其前面的形容詞「prompt」的意思是「快速」。

例如: Dear Jack, Firstly, thank you for your prompt reply!…

大致翻譯: 尊敬的 Jack 先生, 首先,感謝您的快速回覆!

Thank you for the information (about…) 


 例如:Dear Rebecca, Thank you for the information!…

大致翻譯:尊敬的 Rebecca 女士,謝謝您提供的資訊!

Thank you (in advance) for your cooperation 

當電子郵件收件人之前收到並滿足我們的請求時,我們會在電子郵件開頭使用這句話(不帶“提前” – ‘in advance’)。我們在電子郵件末尾使用這句話(帶有“提前”‘in advance’)來提前感謝他們對我們上述請求的配合,並含蓄地表明我們希望他們能夠配合。

 例如:Dear Chen, Firstly, thank you so much for your cooperation!…

大致翻譯:尊敬的 Chen 先生, 首先,非常感謝您的合作!

Thank you for your consideration


例如: Thank you for your consideration! I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Zhang Jia Ling


Thank you for your understanding!


例如:Once again, I apologize for asking you to complete this urgent task on your day off. Thank you for your understanding!…




除了以上幾種常用的英語表達方式之外,ELSA Speak 還整理了具體情況下具體的、詳細的表達方式。


Thank you for always being there for me.
Thank you for your unconditional love and support.感謝你们的愛護與支持。
I am grateful for the warmth and joy you bring to our family.
Thank you for providing a loving and nurturing home.感謝你们给我一個充滿愛和養育的家。
Thank you for teaching me valuable life lessons.感謝你們教導我人生中寶貴的課程。
Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in me.感謝你們對我堅定不移的支持與信任。
Your love and encouragement have given me the strength to overcome challenges.
Thank you for always being my rock and my safe haven.感謝你们一直是我的依靠和避風港。
Your presence and love have made our house a home.你的存在和愛使我們的房子成為一個家


Thank you for always being there for me, supporting me through thick and thin.感謝你一直在我身邊,風雨同舟地支持我。
I am grateful for your love and devotion.我非常感謝你的愛和奉獻。
Thank you for making me a better person.謝謝你讓我成為一個更好的人。
I appreciate your patience and understanding, especially during difficult times.感謝你的耐心和理解,尤其是在困難時期。
I am grateful for every moment we have shared together, for the love and happiness you bring into my life.
Thank you for the laughter and joy you bring into my life.感謝你為我的生活帶來歡笑和歡樂。
Thank you for my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life.感謝我的伴侶、我最好的朋友和我一生的摯愛。
Thank you for being the anchor that keeps our family grounded and strong.感謝你成為我們家庭紮根和堅強的支柱。


例如 大致翻譯 
Thank you for always being my lighthouse and inspirer!y謝謝您一直是我的燈塔和激勵者!
Thank you for guiding me through not onl lessons but also stages of life!感謝您不僅指導我完成課程,也指導我人生的各個階段!
I’m very lucky to have you as my teacher.我很幸運有您作為我的老師
I’m always touched by your warmth, sincerity and devotion.我總是被您的溫暖、真誠和奉獻所感動。


Thank you for always being there for me.謝謝你一直陪在我身邊。
I’m incredibly grateful for your friendship.我非常感激能成為你的朋友。
Words cannot express how much I appreciate you.言語無法表達我對你的感激之情。
Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face.謝謝你總是帶給我微笑。
I appreciate your constant support and encouragement.感謝你一直以來的支持與鼓勵。
Your friendship is a blessing. Thank you for being in my life.你的友誼對於我是一種祝福。謝謝你出現在我的生命中。
Thank you for always understanding and supporting me.
Thank you for always being there to listen.感謝你一直在場聆聽。
Thank you for being an incredible friend and making my life brighter.感謝你成為一位令人難以置信的朋友,讓我的生活變得更加美好。


  • Thank you for this lovely gift! I love it!


  • How do you know I want this? You are thoughtful as always. Thank you so much! 


  • What a meaningful gift! Thanks a lot!

翻譯為: 多麼有意義的禮物啊!非常感謝!

  • You must have put your heart and soul into preparing this present. I can’t thank you enough.    

翻譯為: 為了準備這份禮物,你一定花了不少功夫。我不知道該怎麼謝謝你。


  • I see you as not only my boss but also my inspirer. Thank you for everything!


  • I can’t thank you enough for your support, patience and valuable pieces of advice.


  • To me, you are not only a co-worker but also a friend or a mentor. Thank you for what you have done for me!


  • Thank you so much for making this company, my second family!

翻譯為: 感謝您讓這家公司成為我的第二個家庭!



正常回答 大致翻譯
You’re welcome!不客氣!
Don’t mention it!別提了!
Never mind!沒關係!
No big deal!沒什麽大不了的!
Not at all!不用謝
Think nothing of it!別想他了!
That’s alright.沒關係。
That’s okay.沒關係
I’m always happy/ willing to help.我很高兴/愿意提供帮助。

H3: 優雅的回答方式

You’re welcome! It was my pleasure to assist.别客氣!我很高興為您提幫助。
It’s nothing, really. I’m just glad I could help.
I appreciate your kind words. It means a lot to me.我很感激你的讚美。這對我來說意義重大。 
I’m honored to have been able to help.我很榮幸能夠幫助你
It’s my pleasure to assist you.很高興為你提供幫助
Thank you for acknowledging my efforts.感謝你認同我的努力。
I’m glad I could be of assistance. Thank you for your appreciation.我很高興能為你提供幫助。謝謝你的讚賞。

以上是在許多不同情況下如何用英語說謝謝的詳細而完整的總結。 ELSA Speak 希望透過本文您可以自信有效地使用它!