這些英文短句不僅激勵人心,還幫助我們更深入地理解生活和語言。與 ELSA Speak 一起探索關於生活、自我和家庭的英文短句吧!
詞彙 | 音標 | 翻譯 |
Pain | /peɪn/ | 痛苦 |
Gain | /ɡeɪn/ | 達到,成就 |
Smarter | /ˈsmɑːrtər/ | 更聰明 |
Harder | /ˈhɑːrdər/ | 更努力 |
Nothing | /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ | 沒什麼 |
Impossible | /ɪmˈpɒsəbl/ | 不能 |
Together | /təˈɡɛðər/ | 一起 |
Change | /tʃeɪndʒ/ | 改變 |
World | /wɜːrld/ | 世界 |
Genius | /ˈdʒiːniəs/ | 天才 |
Percent | /pərˈsɛnt/ | 百分比 |
Inspiration | /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ | 感興趣 |
Ninety-nine | /ˈnaɪnti ˈnaɪn/ | 九十九 |
Perspiration | /ˌpɜːrspəˈreɪʃn/ | 努力, 奮鬥 |
Stand | /stænd/ | 站立 |
Outside | /ˈaʊtsaɪd/ | 外面 |
Anyone | /ˈɛniwʌn/ | 任何人 |
Asks | /æsks/ | 問 |
Outstanding | /ˌaʊtˈstændɪŋ/ | 突出 |
Argue | /ˈɑːrɡjuː/ | 爭吵 |
Idiot | /ˈɪdiət/ | 愚蠢人 |
Drag | /dræɡ/ | 拉 |
Level | /ˈlɛvl/ | 階級 |
Beat | /biːt/ | 擊敗 |
Experience | /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ | 經驗 |
Death | /dɛθ/ | 死亡 |
Telling | /ˈtɛlɪŋ/ | 信號 |
Fired | /ˈfaɪərd/ | 被解雇 |
Future | /ˈfjuːtʃər/ | 未來 |
Depends | /dɪˈpɛndz/ | 屬於 |
Dreams | /driːmz/ | 夢想 |
Hesitate | /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/ | 猶豫 |
Sleep | /sliːp/ | 睡覺 |
Get | /ɡɛt/ | 變得 |
Older | /ˈoʊldər/ | 變老 |
Level up | /ˈlɛvəl ʌp/ | 升級 |
Clumsy | /ˈklʌmzi/ | 笨拙 |
Floor | /flɔːr/ | 地面 |
Hates | /heɪts/ | 憎恨 |
Bullies | /ˈbʊliz/ | 惡霸 |
Way | /weɪ/ | 路 |
Procrastinating | /proʊˈkræstɪneɪtɪŋ/ | 延遲 |
Intensive | /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/ | 深入 |
Research | /ˈriːsɜːrtʃ/ | 研究 |
Art | /ɑːrt/ | 藝術 |
Nothing | /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ | 無所事情 |
Perfect | /ˈpɜːrfɪkt/ | 完美 |
Fake | /feɪk/ | 虛假 |
Hair Stylists | /ˈherˌstaɪlɪsts/ | 髮型師 |
Pillow | /ˈpɪloʊ/ | 枕頭 |
Hairstyle | /ˈherˌstaɪl/ | 髮型 |
Behind | /bɪˈhaɪnd/ | 背後 |
Successful | /səkˈsɛsfəl/ | 成功 |
Person | /ˈpɜːrsn/ | 人 |
Substantial | /səbˈstænʃl/ | 顯著 |
Amount | /əˈmaʊnt/ | 數量 |
Coffee | /ˈkɔːfi/ | 咖啡 |
Balanced | /ˈbælənst/ | 適當 |
Diet | /ˈdaɪət/ | 飲食,節食 |
Cookie | /ˈkʊki/ | 餅乾 |
Hand | /hænd/ | 手 |
Choose | /tʃuːz/ | 選擇 |
Hope | /hoʊp/ | 希望 |
Way | /weɪ/ | 走道 |
Turn back | /tɜrn bæk/ | 轉身 |
Work out | /wɜrk aʊt/ | 滿足 |
See life | /siː laɪf/ | 看待人生 |
Journey | /ˈdʒɜrni/ | 旅行 |
Kindness | /ˈkaɪndnəs/ | 仁慈 |
Asset | /ˈæsɛt/ | 財產 |
Billionaire | /ˌbɪljəˈnɛr/ | 富翁 |
Fairy tales | /ˈfɛri teɪlz/ | 童話 |
Mythical | /ˈmɪθɪkəl/ | 神話,虛構 |
Peace | /piːs/ | 平靜 |
Judgmental | /dʒʌdˈmɛntl/ | 判斷 |
Glances | /ˈɡlænsɪz/ | 眼神 |
Shine | /ʃaɪn/ | 閃耀 |
Earning | /ˈɜrnɪŋ/ | 賺更多 |
Extra money | /ˈɛkstrə ˈmʌni/ | 更多的錢 |
Save | /seɪv/ | 儲蓄,節省 |
Spending | /ˈspɛndɪŋ/ | 花費 |
Smart | /smɑːrt/ | 聰明 |
Show | /ʃoʊ/ | 展示 |
River | /ˈrɪvər/ | 河流 |
Deeper | /ˈdiːpər/ | 越深 |
Quieter | /ˈkwaɪətər/ | 越安靜 |
Soft heart | /sɔːft hɑːrt/ | 柔軟的心 |
Weak | /wiːk/ | 脆弱 |
Brave | /breɪv/ | 勇敢 |
Express | /ɪkˈsprɛs/ | 表達 |
Feelings | /ˈfiːlɪŋz/ | 情緒 |
Quietly | /ˈkwaɪətli/ | 安靜 |
Dumbfounded | /ˌdʌmfˈaʊndɪd/ | 迷茫 |
Stumbling | /ˈstʌmblɪŋ/ | 跌倒 |
Reach | /riːtʃ/ | 達到 |
Sunny | /ˈsʌni/ | 陽光 |
Heart | /hɑːrt/ | 內心 |
Wake up | /weɪk ʌp/ | 波動 |
Concern | /kənˈsɜːrn/ | 關心 |
Wounds | /wuːndz/ | 傷口 |
Deep | /diːp/ | 深刻 |
Regret | /rɪˈɡrɛt/ | 遺憾 |
Outcome | /ˈaʊtkʌm/ | 結果 |
Choice | /tʃɔɪs/ | 選擇 |
Road | /roʊd/ | 道路 |
Blocked | /blɒkt/ | 被阻止 |
Opened | /ˈoʊpənd/ | 已開通 |
Bullies | /ˈbʊliz/ | 惡霸 |
Scary | /ˈskɛri/ | 可怕 |
Indifferent | /ɪnˈdɪfərənt/ | 冷漠 |
Debug | /ˈdiːbʌɡ/ | 除錯 |
Pessimist | /ˈpɛsɪmɪst/ | 悲觀者 |
Difficulty | /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ | 困難 |
Opportunity | /ˌɑːpərˈtjunɪti/ | 機會 |
Optimist | /ˈɑːptɪmɪst/ | 樂觀者 |
Sunshine | /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ | 陽光 |
Shadows | /ˈʃædoʊz/ | 黑暗 |
Achievement | /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ | 成功 |
Hope | /hoʊp/ | 希望 |
Confidence | /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ | 自信 |
Invincible | /ɪnˈvɪnsɪbəl/ | 不可戰勝 |
Limit | /ˈlɪmɪt/ | 限制 |
Realization | /ˌriːəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ | 實現 |
Doubts | /daʊts/ | 懷疑 |
Single | /ˈsɪŋɡl/ | 單身 |
Relationship | /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ | 關係 |
Freedom | /ˈfriːdəm/ | 自由 |
Curse | /kɜːrs/ | 詛咒 |
Opportunity | /ˌɒpərˈtjunɪti/ | 機會 |
Terms | /tɜːrmz/ | 條件 |
Apologize | /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ | 抱歉 |
Prince charming | /prɪns ˈtʃɑːrmɪŋ/ | 浪漫王子 |
Ending | /ˈɛndɪŋ/ | 結束 |
Recognizing | /ˈrɛkəɡnaɪzɪŋ/ | 意識到 |
Rescued | /ˈrɛskjuːd/ | 被拯救 |
Awesome | /ˈɔːsəm/ | 精彩 |
Terms | /tɜːrmz/ | 條件 |
Grow | /ɡroʊ/ | 成長 |
Individual | /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ | 個人 |
Rehearsal | /rɪˈhɜːrsl/ | 排練 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
No pain no gain. | 苦練成才。 |
All for one, one for all. | 所有為一人,一人為所有。 |
A winner never stops trying. | 成功的人永不停止努力。 |
Work smarter not harder. | 聰明地工作,不要努力工作。 |
I can’t, you can’t but we can. | 我不能,你不能,但我們一起就可能。 |
Nothing is impossible. | 沒有什麼是不可能的。 |
Together we change the world. | 一起,我們改變了整個世界。 |
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. | 天才只有1%來自天賦,99%來自努力。 |
There is a will, there is a way. | 有意志的地方就有路。 |
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. | 今天學習,明天領導。 |
Not perfect but only. | 不完美但是唯一。 |
This too, shall pass! | 一切都會過去。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
I’m going to stand outside. So if anyone asks, I am outstanding. | 我會站在外面。如果有人問,我會是最突出的那個。 |
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. | 不要與愚蠢的人爭吵。他會把你拉到同一層次並用他的經驗打敗你。 |
Death is life’s way of telling you you’ve been fired. | 死亡是生活告訴你已經被解雇的信號。 |
The future depends on your dreams. So don’t hesitate to sleep. | 未來屬於你的夢想。那麼,還猶豫什麼呢?快去睡覺吧。 |
Don’t get older. I level up. | 我沒有變老,我在「升級」。 |
I’m not clumsy. The floor just hates me, the table and chair are bullies, and the walls get in my way. | 我不是笨拙。地板討厭我,桌椅是惡霸,牆壁擋住了我的路。 |
I’m not procrastinating. I’m doing intensive research on the art of doing nothing. | 我沒有拖延。我在深入研究無所事情的藝術。 |
I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not fake. | 我可能不完美,但至少我不虛假。 |
I don’t need hairstylists, my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning. | 我不需要髮型師,每天早上枕頭會給我一個新的髮型。 |
Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of coffee. | 每個成功的人背後都有大量的咖啡。 |
A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand. | 均衡飲食就是每隻手拿一塊餅乾。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
Choose hope, you will see a way, and choose to turn back, everything will not work out well. | 選擇希望,你會找到出路;選擇回頭,一切都不會如願。 |
See life as a journey, with a beginning and an end. | 把生活當作一場旅行,有開始也有結束。 |
If kindness is like an asset, I might have become a billionaire. | 如果仁慈是一種財產,我已經成為富翁了。 |
Fairy tales, although mythical, will help the soul to be at peace. | 童話雖荒誕,卻能讓心靈得到平靜。 |
Never believe what you see and never say everything you think. | 不要相信你看到的一切,也不要說出你想的所有。 |
Instead of paying attention to other people’s judgmental glances, try to let yourself shine even more. | 與其在意別人的批評目光,不如努力讓自己更加閃耀。 |
Earning lots of extra money is the best way to save on spending. | 賺更多錢是支出的最佳節省方式。 |
Smart people know when to show, when not to be like a river that is deeper and quieter. | 聰明的人知道什麼時候表現,什麼時候像深沉的河流一樣安靜。 |
In this cruel world, having a soft heart is not weak but brave. | 在這個殘酷的世界裡,擁有一顆柔軟的心不是軟弱,而是勇敢。 |
There are days when I don’t know how to express my feelings, because I’m not sad, not happy, but quietly and dumbfounded. | 有些日子不知道如何表達自己的心情,既不悲傷也不快樂,只是靜靜地發呆。 |
Without pain, without experiencing stumbling, it is impossible to reach the end. | 不經歷痛苦,不經歷挫折,就無法走到最後。 |
It’s sunny outside, it’s like my heart can’t wake up. | 外面太陽正好,像我的心無法掀起波瀾。 |
Even words of late concern can’t make up for the deep wounds. | 即使晚來的關懷也無法彌補已經深深的傷口。 |
Whatever the outcome, do not regret and regret when you have made a choice. | 無論結果如何,都不要後悔做出自己的選擇。 |
When one road is blocked, another will be opened. | 當一條路被堵住時,會有另一條路被打開。 |
Bullies are not as scary as people who are indifferent to everything that is happening. | 惡霸者不如冷漠無情的人可怕。 |
Instead of feeling guilty on your own, why not find a way to debug it from within. | 與其自責,不如從內心尋找解決問題的方法。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
Don’t wait for an opportunity, create it. | 不要等待機會,要創造機會。 |
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. | 對世界來說,你可能只是沙粒。但對某人來說,你就是整個世界。 |
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. | 世上唯一的幸福就是愛與被愛。 |
Age is just a number, not a state of mind or a reason for any type of particular behavior. | 年齡只是一個數字,不是心靈的狀態或任何具體行為的理由。 |
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. | 你永遠不會老到無法設定新目標或做一場新夢。 |
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. | 成功不是終點,失敗不是終局:持續奮鬥的精神才是重要的。 |
It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. | 不論你走得多慢,只要不停下來就好。 |
If you don’t walk today, you’ll have to run tomorrow. | 如果今天不走,明天你將不得不跑。 |
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. | 前進的秘訣就是開始。 |
No one is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. | 值得你的人不會讓你流淚。 |
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do. | 生活中最大的快樂是做那些別人說你不能做的事情。 |
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. | 你的生活不會因機會而變得更好,而是因改變而變得更好。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
The most beautiful thing about learning is that no one takes that away from you. | 學習的最大好處是沒有人可以奪走它。 |
Once you stop learning, you’ll start dying. | 一旦你停止學習,生命也隨之枯竭。 |
Study the past if you would define the future. | 如果你想定義未來,就要學習過去。 |
If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance. | 如果你認為教育費用昂貴,那就試著估算無知的代價。 |
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. | 如果你不想學習,沒有人能幫助你。如果你決心學習,沒有人能阻止你。 |
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. | 對那些今天就做好準備的人來說,教育是通往未來和明天的通行證。 |
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. | 教育不是為生活做準備,教育本身就是生活。 |
What we learn with pleasure we will never forget. | 學習我們喜歡的東西讓我們永遠不會忘記。 |
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching. | 永遠不要停止學習,因為生活永遠不會停止教導。 |
Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back. | 學習就像逆水行舟,不進則退。 |
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. | 21世紀的文盲不再是不會讀寫的人,而是那些不能學習、不願學習和不肯復習的人。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
Hate has a reason for everything but love is unreasonable. | 討厭一個人可能有理由,但愛一個人卻無法解釋。 |
Love means you never have to say you’re sorry. | 愛意味著永遠不必說對不起。 |
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. | 沒有人值得你流淚,因為值得的人不會讓你哭泣。 |
In a lover’s sky, all stars are eclipsed by the eyes of the one you love. | 在戀人的天空下,所有的星星都被你愛人的眼睛遮住。 |
I love you without knowing how, why, or even from where… | 我愛你,無需知道為什麼、如何,甚至從何而來… |
A simple “I love you” means more than money. | 金錢無法與一句簡單的「我愛你」相比。 |
Love is not getting, but giving. | 愛不是我們得到的,而是我們付出的。 |
We are most alive when we’re in love. | 我們感到最為鮮活時就是當我們在愛。 |
Don’t stop giving love even if you don’t receive it. Smile and have patience. | 不要放棄愛,即使你沒有得到它。微笑並保持耐心。 |
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. | 對這個世界來說,你可能只是一個人。但對某個人來說,你就是整個世界。 |
By miles, you are far from me. By thoughts, you are close to me. By heart, you are in me. | 距離上,你離我很遠;思念上,你離我很近;感情上,我的心已經在你身上了。 |
Love is real, real is love. | 愛情是真實,真實是愛情。 |
Love is friendship set to music. | 愛情是友誼的共鳴。 |
Romance is the glamor which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze. | 浪漫是一種光彩,將日常生活的灰燼變成金色的雲彩。 |
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. | 有時候,心可以看到眼睛看不到的東西。 |
Love and a cough cannot be hide. | 愛情就像咳嗽一樣,無法隱藏。 |
Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. | 當對方的幸福比你的幸福更重要時,那就是愛。 |
The love we give away is the only love we keep. | 我們付出的愛,是唯一會留在我們身邊的愛。 |
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. | 愛與被愛是雙方面的感受。 |
Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you. | 愛不需要你去尋找,它會找到你。 |
The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are. | 無論你在哪裡,愛與被愛的機會依然存在。 |
A loving heart is the truest wisdom. | 充滿愛的心是最真誠的智慧。 |
Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it. | 愛像一陣風,你看不見但能感受到。 |
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. | 愛讓你的靈魂走出它的藏身之處。 |
Where there is love there is life. | 有愛的地方就有生命。 |
We accept the love we think we deserve. | 我們允許那份我們認為值得收到的愛。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. | 最好的朋友是在你悲傷時或在你開心時陪伴你的人。 |
Friendship starts with a smile, grows with talking and hanging around, and ends with a death. | 友誼始於微笑,進展於故事和聚會,只在我們離世時才結束。 |
To like and dislike the same things, is indeed true friendship. | 同時愛與恨一樣東西,這才是真正的友誼。 |
Be slow in choosing a friend but slower in changing him. | 選擇朋友要慢慢來,換朋友時要更慢。 |
The only way to have a friend is to be one. | 擁有朋友的唯一方法就是自己成為一個朋友。 |
Friendship flourishes at the fountain of forgiveness. | 友誼在寬恕的泉水旁茁壯成長。 |
Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer. | 真正的愛是稀有,真正的友誼更為罕見。 |
Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. | 真正的朋友難以尋找,難以離別,也不能忘記。 |
Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies. | 友誼是一個靈魂在兩個身體裡共鳴。 |
There are no such things as strangers, only friends that we have not yet met. | 世上沒有陌生人,只有我們還未見過的朋友。 |
No man is whole of himself, his friends are the rest of him. | 沒有人是完美的,朋友就是我們所缺少的那一部分。 |
True friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. | 真正的友誼即使在遙遠的距離中也會繼續發展。 |
Friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. | 友誼就像良好的健康,當失去時才知道它的價值。 |
Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones who help you get back up. | 有時候那些你以為會在你跌倒時踢你一腳的人,卻是會幫你站起來的人。 |
Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer. | 朋友是那些稀有的人,他們會問候你,並且等待你的回答。 |
Everyone hears what you have to say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say. | 每個人都聽你要說的話。朋友會聽你說的話。最好朋友會聽你沒說的話。 |
Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. | 不要悲傷於說再見,再見是為了我們能再次相見,而再次相見,不管是短暫的相聚還是經過一生後的相逢,都是必然的。 |
A friend is one with whom you are comfortable, to whom you are loyal, through whom you are blessed, and for whom you are grateful. | 朋友是那些讓我們感到舒適、忠誠,給予我們祝福,讓我們感到感激的人。 |
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. | 我們在生活中走著不同的道路,但無論我們走到哪裡,我們都會帶著彼此的一部分。 |
The real test of friendship is can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple? | 真正的友誼考驗是你能否與朋友坐在一起,什麼也不做,並享受那完全平凡的生活時刻。 |
A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. | 一個好朋友就像四葉草,很難找到,擁有了便是幸運。 |
Best friends make the bad times good and the good times unforgettable. | 好朋友讓糟糕的時刻變得更好,讓美好的時刻變得難忘。 |
Only a true friend would be that truly honest. | 真正的朋友是那些誠實的人 |
A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. | 甜美的友誼滋潤著我們的心靈。 |
Good friends never let you do stupid things. | 好的朋友永遠不會讓你做愚蠢的事。 |
Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, but about being separated and knowing nothing will change. | 友誼不是無法分離,而是即使分開了,也不會改變。 |
Best friends are the people in your life that make you laugh louder, smile brighter and live better. | 好朋友是那些讓你笑得更大聲、笑得更燦爛,並且活得更好的人。 |
Constant use had not worn ragged the fabric of their friendship. | 真摯的友誼將永遠持久於時間與距離。 |
句子 | 名人 | 翻譯 |
Don’t worry about many things at once. Start small, think big. | Steve Jobs | 不要同時擔心太多事情。從小事開始,放眼大局。 |
Learn continually. There’s always one more thing to learn. | Steve Jobs | 不斷學習。總會有更多的東西要學。 |
It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. | Bill Gates | 慶祝成功是好的,但更重要的是要注意失敗中的教訓。 |
Life is not fair, get used to it! | Bill Gates | 生活永遠不會公平,習慣它吧! |
Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world… If you do so, you are insulting yourself. | Bill Gates | 不要將自己與這個世界上的任何人比較……如果你這樣做,你就是在侮辱自己。 |
You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you. | Barack Obama | 你不能讓失敗來定義自己。你必須讓失敗來教導你。 |
Change is never easy, but always possible. | Barack Obama | 改變從來不容易,但總是可能的。 |
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. | J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, and the Sorcerer’s Stone | 不要執著於夢想而忘記了當下的生活。 |
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. | Mark Twain | 人生中最重要的兩天是你出生的那一天和你發現自己為什麼出生的那一天。 |
Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. | Coco Chanel | 成功會來到那些不知道失敗是無法避免的人。 |
I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. | Marilyn Monroe | 我是個自私、缺乏耐心且常常焦慮的人。我經常犯錯、失去控制,有時無法控制自己。但如果你無法在我最糟糕的時候善待我,那麼你也絕對不配擁有我最好的時刻。 |
I love those who can smile in trouble. | Leonardo da Vinci | 我喜歡那些即使遇到困難也能微笑的人。 |
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. | Walt Disney | 開始的方式就是停止談論問題,並著手去做。 |
If I fail, I try again, and again, and again… | Nick Vujicic | 如果我失敗了,我會再試一次,再試一次,再試一次…… |
Successful people always have two things on their lips: 1. Silence, 2. Smile. | Mark Zuckerberg | 成功的人總是在他們的唇邊掛著兩件事:一是沉默,二是微笑。 |
Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. | Jack Ma | 今天困難,明天更糟糕,但後天將會陽光明媚。 |
I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. | Michael Jordan | 我可以接受失敗,每個人在某些事情上都會失敗。但我不能接受的是不去努力。 |
Stay hungry, stay foolish. | Steve Jobs | 保持飢渴,也保持愚蠢。 |
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. | William James | 相信生活是值得的,信念會將其變為現實。 |
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. | Steve Jobs | 時間是有限的,所以不要浪費它在過別人的生活。 |
Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. | Allen Saunders | 生活是那些在我們有其他計劃時發生的意外。 |
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. | Albert Einstein | 一個從不犯錯的人也永遠不敢挑戰自己。 |
The heart, like the stomach, wants a varied diet. | Gustave Flaubert | 心臟就像胃,它也需要多樣化的飲食。 |
The trick in life is learning how to deal with it. | Helen Mirren | 生活的祕訣就是你必須學會與它談判。 |
Life is too important to be taken seriously. | Oscar Wilde | 這個生命確實重要,所以你必須認真生活。 |
句子 | 電影(年份) | 翻譯 |
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. | Forrest Gump (1994) | 人生就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。 |
You can’t handle the truth! | A Few Good Men (1992) | 你無法承受真相! |
To infinity and beyond! | Toy Story (1995) | 無限,甚至更遠! |
Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. | Dead Poets Society (1989) | Carpe diem. 把握今天,年輕人。過一個不平凡的人生。 |
Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. | Batman Begins (2005) | 為什麼我們會跌倒?為的是學會如何站起來。 |
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. | The Dark Knight (2008) | 你要麼作為英雄死去,要麼活得夠久,看到自己成為反派。 |
Just keep swimming. | Finding Nemo (2003) | 只要繼續游下去。 |
Hakuna Matata. It means no worries. | The Lion King (1994) | Hakuna Matata. 它的意思是無需擔憂。 |
I’m the king of the world! | Titanic (1997) | 我是世界之王! |
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. | Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) | 生活過得很快。如果你不時停下來四處看看,你可能會錯過它。 |
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. | Invictus (2009) | 我是我命運的主人,我是我靈魂的船長。 |
Do or do not, there is no try. | Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) | 要做就做,不要嘗試。 |
句子 | 名人 | 翻譯 |
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. | Stephen Covey | 我不是環境的產物。我是自己決定的產物。 |
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. | Eleanor Roosevelt | 我今天的我是我昨天的選擇帶來的。 |
I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. | Louisa May Alcott | 我不怕風暴,因為我正在學習駕駛自己的船。 |
I am not a has–been. I am a will–be. | Lauren Bacall | 我不曾閃耀,但我將在未來閃耀。 |
I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down. | Abraham Lincoln | 今天我成功了,因為有一個朋友相信我,而我不忍讓他失望。 |
I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying. | Nelson Mandela | 我不是聖人,除非你認為聖人是那些不斷努力的罪人。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
Family is family. | 家人就是家人。 |
Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. And having both is a blessing. | 有一個回去的地方是家。有一個愛的人是家庭。擁有兩者就是福氣。 |
Home is where you are loved the most and act the worst. | 家是我們表現得最愚蠢但卻被最愛的地方。 |
Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing. | 沒有什麼比回家吃好吃的,休息更美好。 |
Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family. | 我們可能改變很多事情,但開始還是結束家人永遠在一起。 |
Families are like music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song. | 家庭就像音樂,有高有低,但始終是一首好歌。 |
Family members are like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. | 家人就像樹枝——向不同的方向伸展,但永遠有共同的根源。 |
Family is where life begins and love never ends. | 家庭是愛無止境的生命開始。 |
The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege. | 家庭的愛與朋友的敬仰遠比財富和特權更重要。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. – Charles Kingsleigh | 唯一能達到不可能的方法就是相信它是可能的。 |
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill | 成功不是終點,失敗也不是終局:重要的是繼續前行的勇氣。 |
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. – Vince Lombardi | 成功者與其他人之間的差異不在於力量的匱乏,也不在於知識的缺失,而在於意志的不足。 |
The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same. – Colin R. Davis | 通往成功的道路與通往失敗的道路幾乎一樣。 |
Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. – Winston S. Churchill | 成功就是從一次次失敗中跌倒再爬起而不失去熱情。 |
I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. – Thomas Jefferson | 我相信運氣,而我發現工作越努力,我的運氣越好。 |
No pain, no gain. | 沒有跌倒,就沒有成功。 |
The harder you work, the luckier you get. | 你越努力,運氣越好。 |
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. | 你走得多慢並不重要,只要你不停止前進。 |
Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t. | 力量不來自於你能做的事,而是來自於你克服那些你以為無法做到的事情。 |
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. | 相信自己和你擁有的一切。請記住,你內心的力量永遠比任何障礙都大。 |
Don’t be afraid to give up the good and go for the great. | 為了追求偉大的目標,不要害怕放棄。 |
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. | 成功是由每天重複的小努力累積而成的。 |
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. | 唯一能做偉大工作的方式就是熱愛你所做的事。 |
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. | 不要因為需要完成它的時間而放棄夢想。時間無論如何都會過去。 |
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. | “成功”出現在“工作”之前的唯一地方只有在字典裡。 |
You have the power to change your life. Don’t wait for it to happen. Take action now. | 你完全有能力改變自己人生的軌跡。不要等待它發生。現在就行動吧。 |
句子 | 名人 | 翻譯 |
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. | Winston Churchill | 悲觀者在每個機會中看到困難。樂觀者在每個困難中找到機會。 |
Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you. | Walt Whitman | 永遠向著陽光看去,陰影將落在你身後。 |
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. | Helen Keller | 樂觀是引領我們邁向成功的信念。沒有希望和信心,我們無法完成任何事情。 |
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. | Albert Camus | 在冬季的寒冷中,我發現內心中有一個不可戰勝的夏天。 |
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. | Franklin D. Roosevelt | 實現明天的唯一限制是我們今天的疑慮。 |
I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. | Winston Churchill | 我是個樂觀者,做其他事情似乎沒有什麼用處。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
I am not single. I am in a long-term relationship with freedom. | 我不是單身。我正處於與自由的長期關係中。 |
Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. | 單身不僅僅是一種狀態。這是一個形容詞,用來描述一個人足夠堅強,能夠生活並享受生活,而不需要依賴他人。 |
Being single is not a curse. It’s an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize. – Mandy Hale | 單身不是詛咒。這是你按照自己的方式生活,無需道歉。 |
I don’t need a prince charming to have my own happy ending. – Katy Perry | 我不需要浪漫的王子來實現我的幸福結局。 |
Happily Single is recognizing that you don’t need or want to be rescued from your life by a handsome prince because your life is pretty awesome, as is. – Mandy Hale | 在單身時感到快樂,這意味著你不需要或不想被浪漫的王子拯救,因為你的生活已經非常精彩。 |
Being single isn’t a time to be looking for love. Use that time to work on yourself and grow as an individual. | 單身不是用來尋找愛情的時間,而是用來自我提升和成長的機會。 |
句子 | 翻譯 |
Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. | 今天困難,明天更糟糕,但後天將會陽光明媚。 |
You’ll never be brave if you do not get hurt. You’ll never learn if you do not make mistakes. You’ll never be successful if you do not encounter failure. | 如果你不曾受傷,你永遠不會有勇氣。如果你不曾犯錯,你永遠無法學到任何東西。如果你沒有經歷失敗,你永遠無法成功。 |
You cannot heal the world until you heal yourself. | 在你治癒自己之前,你無法治癒別人的傷口。 |
Enjoy life! This is not a rehearsal. | 生活不是彩排,盡情享受吧! |
On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men. | 在通往成功的道路上,沒有懶惰者的腳印。 |
Life is a story. Make yours the best seller. | 人生是一個故事,讓你的人生成為最暢銷的書吧。 |
People don’t leave because things are hard. They leave because it’s no longer worth it. | 人們不會因困難而離開,而是因為它不再值得。 |
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. | 生活總是給你第二次機會,那就是明天。 |
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. | 不要哭泣因為它已過去,應該微笑因為它已發生。 |
Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie. | 寧願被真相傷害,也不願被謊言安撫。 |
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. | 你只有一次生命。但如果你活得正確,一次就足夠了。 |
以上是一些有關友情、愛情和家庭等多個主題的精選英文短句。希望 ELSA Speak 能幫助你在閱讀這篇文章後,找到一些有意義的句子來使用!