生日是你回顧過去一年並帶著希望和信念展望未來的機會。為了幫助您更有效地自學英語口語,ELSA Speak 已經總結了所有的生日快樂英文祝福語,來一起參考吧!



Celebrate /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/慶祝
Fantastic day /fænˈtæs.tɪk/美好的一天
Until/ənˈtɪl/, /ʌnˈtɪl/直到
Surround /səˈraʊnd/圍繞
Flame of passion/fleɪm/, /ˈpæʃ.ən/激情的火焰
Epic /ˈep.ɪk/壯麗
Skinned knees/-skɪnd/, /niː/擦傷的膝蓋 


  • It’s time to celebrate! 

大致翻譯: 現在是慶祝的時刻了!

  • All the best on your special day! 

大致翻譯: 祝你在這特別的日子裡一切順利!

  • I hope you have a fantastic day! 

大致翻譯: 希望你有美好的一天!

  • May your birthday be filled with laughter! 

大致翻譯: 祝你的生日充滿笑聲!

  • Wishing you a day that is as special as you are! 

大致翻譯: 祝你度過一個像你一樣特別的日子!

  • Happy birthday! May all your dreams come true. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!希望你所有的夢想成真。

  • Wishing you a day filled with love and happiness. 

大致翻譯: 祝你的一天充滿愛和幸福。

  • Happy birthday! May this year bring you success and fulfillment. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你今年成功和成就。

  • Sending you warm birthday wishes and lots of joy on your special day. 

大致翻譯: 在你特別的日子裡送上溫暖的生日祝福和很多快樂。

  • Happy birthday! May your life be as bright and beautiful as you are. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你的生活像你一樣光明美麗。

  • Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and blessings. 

大致翻譯: 祝你一年充滿愛、笑聲和幸運。

  • Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true and bring you happiness. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你所有的願望成真,帶給你快樂。

  • Sending you birthday hugs and kisses. Have a wonderful day! 

大致翻譯: 送你生日的擁抱和親吻。祝你有美好的一天!

  • Wishing you good health, happiness, and success on your birthday. 

大致翻譯: 祝你生日健康、幸福和成功。

  • Happy birthday! May you always be surrounded by love and laughter. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你永遠被愛和笑聲圍繞。

  • Wishing you a year filled with adventures, opportunities, and love. 

大致翻譯: 祝你一年充滿冒險、機會和愛。

  • Wishing you endless joy and happiness on your birthday. 

大致翻譯: 祝你生日無盡的快樂和幸福。

  • Happy birthday! May this day bring you lots of love and unforgettable memories. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願這一天給你帶來許多愛和難忘的回憶。


  • Happy birthday! Remember, age is just a number. In your case, a really big number!

大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!請記住,年齡只是一個數字而已。在你的情況下,這個數字真是驚人!

  • Happy birthday! You’re not getting older, you’re just increasing in value like a fine wine. 

大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!你並沒有變老,你只是像一瓶好酒一樣升值!

  • Congratulations on surviving another year of your life! Here’s to many more and even more gray hairs. 


  • Happy birthday! Don’t worry about your age, it’s not like you can do anything to change it. Just embrace the wrinkles and enjoy the ride! 

大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!別擔心年齡,因為你無法改變它。接受皺紋,享受生活吧!

  • Congratulations on reaching the age where it takes longer to recover from a night out than it does to complete a marathon. Happy birthday! 

大致翻譯: 歡迎來到這個年紀:現在從一個晚上玩樂後恢復精力所需的時間,比完成一場馬拉松還要久。生日快樂!

  • Happy birthday! Remember, you’re not getting older, you’re just becoming a classic, like a vintage car or a collectible toy. 

大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!記住,你並不是變老了,你只是變成了古董,就像一輛古車或一個珍貴的收藏品。

  • Congratulations on turning age! You’re now officially old enough to complain about the younger generation and their music. Enjoy your oldies playlist! 

大致翻譯: 恭喜你又長大了一歲!現在你可以抱怨年輕一代和他們的音樂風格了。享受你的老歌單吧!

  • Congratulations on reaching the age where it takes longer to scroll down to your birth year. Happy birthday! 

大致翻譯: 祝賀你到了需要更多時間才能捲動找到出生年份的年齡。生日快樂!

  • You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birthday! 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂啊,你比昨天老,但比明天年輕!


  • Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 用微笑來計算你的人生,而不是眼淚。用朋友來計算你的年齡,而不是歲數。祝你生日快樂!

  • A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you wish may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 生日那天的一個願望,任何你要求的你都會得到,任何你尋求的你都能找到,任何你想要的總是會實現。祝你生日快樂!

  • Another adventure filled year awaits you. Welcome it by celebrating your birthday with pomp and splendor. Wishing you a very happy and fun-filled birthday!

大致翻譯: 又一年充滿冒險的旅程在等著你。以華麗的方式慶祝你的生日吧。祝你生日快樂,充滿歡樂!

  • May the joy that you have spread in the past come back to you on this day. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 願過去你散播的歡樂在這一天回到你身邊。祝你生日很快樂!

  • Happy birthday! Your life is just about to pick up speed and blast off into the stratosphere. Wear a seat belt and be sure to enjoy the journey. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂!你的人生將加速並衝向平流層。繫好安全帶,享受這段旅程吧。祝你生日快樂!

  • I wish you full of happiness and love. May all your dreams turn come true and may lady luck visit you everyday. Happy birthday to one of the greatest people I’ve ever known.

大致翻譯: 願你永遠充滿快樂和幸福。所有的夢想都能實現,幸運仙女每天都會敲你的門。祝你生日快樂,致我認識的最棒的人之一。

  • Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in the beautiful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever.

大致翻譯: 你的生日是新的365天旅程的第一天。成為生活刺繡中最美的一根線,讓這一年變得精彩。

  • Blowing out another candle on your cakes means that you have lived another year of joy, and that you have made this world a better place. I wish you have a delightful birthday!

大致翻譯: 吹滅生日蛋糕上的每一根蠟燭意味著你度過了一年充滿歡樂,讓世界變得更美好。 祝你有一個難忘的生日!

  • Here is my birthday wish for you: I hope you will never stop enjoying every small thing in life. Because that’s what makes life worth living. I hope that you take time to enjoy the present while working for a better future. I hope your year will be full of memories, happiness, and adventure.

大致翻譯: 這是給你的生日祝福:願你不斷享受生活中的每一點小確幸,這才是生活的意義所在。願你享受今天,並為更美好的明天努力。願你的來年充滿快樂和冒險。



  • Wishing happy birthday to the best person I’ve ever met in this world.

大致翻譯: 祝世界上我遇到最棒的人生日快樂。

  • Thank you for all the memories we have. Without you the world would have been colorless to me.

大致翻譯:  感謝你給我們所有的回憶。沒有你,世界對我來說是無色的。

  • Dear sweetheart, you are the reason why I smile every day. Our flames of passion will never be extinguished and may our love shine brightly to bring you a wonderful birthday. I love you and Happy Bday!


  • To the world, you may just be one person. But to me, you are the world. Wonderful Birthday, my darling!

大致翻譯: 對世界而言,你可能只是某個人。但對我而言,你就是我的全世界。生日快樂,親愛的!

  • I just want to say how grateful I am to have you in my life. Best birthday to you and thank you for always being there for me. I love you so much!

大致翻譯: 我只想說,我很感激有你在我的生活中。祝你有一個最美好的生日,謝謝你一直在我身邊。我非常愛你!

  • Sweetheart, may you receive everything that you have wished for on your birthday! I love you to infinity and beyond!

大致翻譯: 親愛的,願你在生日那天能實現所有的願望!我非常愛你,更多!

  • Happy birthday to the love of my life! Every moment with you is a blessing. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我的愛人!每一刻和你在一起都是一種祝福。

  • Happy birthday, my love! Thank you for filling my life with so much love and happiness. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我的愛! 謝謝你讓我的生活充滿愛和幸福。

  • To the one who makes my heart skip a beat, happy birthday! May this year bring us even closer and make our love stronger. 

大致翻譯: 送給讓我心跳加速的人,生日快樂!希望這一年讓我們更接近,讓這份愛更強烈。

  • Happy birthday, my sweetheart! You are the reason behind my smile and my happiness. I love you more than words can express. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我的親愛!你是我所有的靈感來源。我愛你勝過言語所能表達的。

  • On your special day, I want to remind you how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, love! 

大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,我想讓你知道你對我有多重要。生日快樂,我的愛!

  • To the person who stole my heart, happy birthday! I am grateful every day for having you in my life. 

大致翻譯: 給偷走我心的人,生日快樂!感謝每天都有你在我生命中。

  • To the love of my life, happy birthday! You bring sunshine and warmth to my world every day. 


  • Happy birthday, my darling! May your day be as lovely and handsome as you are. 

大致翻譯: 生日快樂,我親愛的。願你有一個像你一樣美好的日子。


  • Happy birthday, Mom Dad! Wishing you a day filled with love, joy, and wonderful memories. 

大致翻譯: 祝爸爸媽媽生日快樂!祝願爸爸媽媽有一個充滿愛、快樂和美好回憶的一天。

  • To the best parents in the world, happy birthday! Thank you for always being there for me and for your unconditional love. 

大致翻譯: 送給世界上最棒的父母,祝爸爸媽媽生日快樂!感謝爸爸媽媽一直在我身邊,給我無條件的愛。

  • Sending you heartfelt wishes on your special day, dear Mom Dad. May you have a year filled with happiness, good health, and success. 

大致翻譯: 送上滿滿愛意的生日祝福給爸爸媽媽。希望爸爸媽媽有一個充滿幸福、健康和成功的一年。

  • Happy birthday to the most respected parents! I’m grateful for everything you do for our family. May your birthday be as special as you are. 

大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的父母生日快樂。我感謝爸爸媽媽為我們家庭所做的一切。希望爸爸媽媽的生日能像你們一樣特別。

  • On your special day, I want to express my deep love and appreciation for all that you’ve done for me. Happy birthday, Mom and Dad! 

大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,我想表達我對父母深深的愛和感謝。祝爸爸媽媽生日快樂!

  • To my wonderful Mom, happy birthday! You are my role models and my biggest source of inspiration. May your day be filled with love and joy. 

大致翻譯: 送給我最棒的媽媽:生日快樂!媽媽是我的榜樣和最大靈感來源。希望媽媽的每一天都充滿愛和快樂。

  • Happy birthday to my incredible Dad! Thank you for always supporting me and believing in me. Have a fantastic day filled with wonderful surprises. 

大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的爸爸生日快樂!感謝爸爸一直以來的支持和信任。祝爸爸有一個美好的一天。

  • Happy birthday to the most loving Mom Dad! Your love and guidance have shaped me into who I am today. Enjoy your special day! 

大致翻譯: 祝我最愛的兩個人生日快樂!媽媽爸爸的愛和指引讓我成為今天的我。請好好享受這個特別的日子!

  • When asked who my favorite real-life superhero is, I always say ‘It’s my mom.’ Have an amazing birthday, Wonder Mom!

大致翻譯: 當被問到我最喜歡的現實生活中的超級英雄是誰時,我總是說“那是我的媽媽。”祝媽媽生日快樂!

  • To the world you may be one person, but to me you are the whole world. Happy Birthday Mom!

大致翻譯: 對全世界來說,媽媽只是一個人,但對我來說,媽媽就是全世界。祝媽媽生日快樂!

  • You are my first friend, my best friend, and my forever friend. I can’t wait to help you celebrate your birthday!

大致翻譯: 媽媽是我的第一個朋友、最好的朋友,也是永遠的朋友。我迫不及待地想幫媽媽慶祝生日!

  • Growing up, I always admired your awards. Today, I have to say that you deserve the Best Dad in the World award for all that you do. Have a happy birthday, Dad. You deserve the best!

大致翻譯: 長大後,我一直欽佩爸爸的成就。今天,我想說爸爸值得獲得“世界最佳父親獎”,因為爸爸為我們做的一切。祝爸爸生日快樂,爸爸值得擁有最好的一切。

  • I always wanted to grow up to be just like you, and I still haven’t changed my mind. You are my perfect example of strength and love, and I aspire to be the same type of dad to my kids that you have always been for me. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 我一直希望能像爸爸一樣長大,這個願望一直沒有改變。爸爸是堅毅和愛的完美榜樣,我也希望成為像爸爸那樣的好父親。祝爸爸生日快樂!

  • Happy birthday to the best father ever. I remember when you cleaned up my skinned knees, held my hand across the street, taught me how to reach for the stars. You are my inspiration and my hero.

大致翻譯: 祝世界上最棒的爸爸生日快樂。我記得當爸爸幫我清洗膝蓋上的擦傷,牽著我的手過馬路,教我如何追求夢想。爸爸是我的靈感和英雄。

  • All your life, you’ve worked towards making our wishes come true. Today, it’s your turn to make some wishes. Happy Birthday, Dad!



  • Happy birthday to the most amazing person in the world – me! 

大致翻譯: 祝世界上最棒的人生日快樂——我!

  • Wishing a very happy birthday to myself. May I continue to grow and achieve my dreams. 

大致翻譯: 祝自己生日快樂。希望自己能繼續成長並實現自己的夢想。

  • Happy birthday to me! Cheers to another year of adventures and growth. 

大致翻譯: 祝自己生日快樂!為新的一年滿是冒險和成長而乾杯。

  • Happy birthday to the one and only me. May I always be surrounded by positivity and success. 

大致翻譯: 祝獨一無二的自己生日快樂。希望我的周圍永遠充滿正能量和成功。

  • Here’s to another year of learning, growing, and becoming a better version of myself. Happy birthday to me! 

大致翻譯: 祝我生日快樂!這又是一年學習、成長並成為更好的自己的機會。

  • Happy birthday to the incredible person that I am. May I continue to shine and make a positive difference in the world. 

大致翻譯: 祝我這個了不起的人生日快樂。希望自己繼續閃耀,並在這個世界上創造積極的影響。

  • Sending warm wishes and self-love on my special day. Happy birthday to me! 

大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,送上溫暖的祝福和愛給自己。祝我生日快樂!

  • Happy birthday to the amazing person that I am becoming. May this year bring me closer to my dreams and aspirations. 

大致翻譯: 祝我正在努力成為的了不起的人生日快樂。希望新的一年能讓我更接近我的夢想和渴望。

  • Wishing myself a birthday filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments. 

大致翻譯: 祝我生日快樂,願我的生日充滿笑聲、愛和難忘的時刻。

  • Happy birthday to the strong and resilient person that I am. May I always find the courage to overcome challenges and achieve greatness. 

大致翻譯: 祝強大堅韌的自己生日快樂。希望我總能找到勇氣克服挑戰,取得成功。

  • Happy birthday to the fabulous person that I am. May I continue to sparkle and inspire those around me. 

大致翻譯: 祝我這個了不起的人生日快樂。希望自己繼續閃耀,並激勵身邊的人。



  • Happy birthday to my wonderful brother! May your special day bring you happiness, love, and endless joy. 

大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的哥哥生日快樂!希望這個特別的日子帶給你無盡的幸福、愛和快樂。

  • Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, dear my sister. May all your dreams and wishes come true. 

大致翻譯: 送給我親愛的姐姐,最幸福的生日祝福。願你的所有願望都能成真。

  • Happy birthday to my amazing sibling! Thank you for always being there for me. May your day be filled with unforgettable moments and good times. 

大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的弟弟生日快樂!感謝你一直在我身邊。希望你的生日充滿難忘和美好的時刻。

  • Wishing you a fantastic birthday, my dear sibling! May this year be filled with love, success, and endless opportunities for you. 

大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的妹妹生日快樂!希望你今年充滿愛、成功和寶貴的機會。

  • Happy birthday to my wonderful sister! May your day be filled with laughter, joy, and precious memories. 

大致翻譯: 祝我最棒的妹妹生日快樂!希望今天你的每一刻都充滿笑聲、快樂和寶貴的回憶。

  • Happy birthday to my cute sister! Thank you for being my best friend and constant support. May your special day be as amazing as you are. 

大致翻譯: 祝我可愛的妹妹生日快樂!感謝你一直是我的好朋友並且一直幫助我。希望這個特別的日子和你一樣美好。

  • Wishing my dear sibling a birthday filled with blessings, success, and a lifetime of happiness. You deserve all the best. 

大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的哥哥生日快樂,願你的生日充滿快樂、成功和幸福。你值得擁有最好的一切。

  • It’s my brother’s birthday. Now you’ve more grown up. Every year you’re becoming more perfect. Happy birthday my sister! 

大致翻譯: 祝我弟弟生日快樂。你已經長大了,每年都變得更加完美。弟弟,生日快樂!

  • Wishing my brother a very happy birthday and I hope you get what you wished for. Love my brother dear. 

大致翻譯: 祝我哥哥生日快樂。希望你的生日充滿幸福,願你實現所有的願望。愛我的哥哥。

  • It’s your birthday. Now you’ve more grown up. Every year you’re becoming more perfect. Happy birthday my sister!

大致翻譯: 今天是你的生日,你已經長大了。每年你都變得更加完美。祝我親愛的妹妹生日快樂!

  • Wishing my brother a very happy birthday and i hope you get what you wished for. Love my brother dear.

大致翻譯: 祝我哥哥生日快樂,希望你的生日充滿幸福,願你實現所有的願望。愛我的哥哥。

  • You are a person who always deserves the best and obviously nothing less. Wish your birthday celebration will be as fantastic as you are. Happy birthday.

大致翻譯: 姐姐,你值得擁有最好的,這是理所當然的。希望你的生日如你所期待的一樣美好。生日快樂。

  • Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday.

大致翻譯: 讓我們點燃蠟燭,慶祝你這個特別的日子。生日快樂。


  • Happy birthday to my best friend! Thank you for always being there for me and for making life so much more fun. 

大致翻譯: 祝我最好的朋友生日快樂!感謝你一直在我身邊,讓我的生活變得更加有趣。

  • Wishing my dearest friend a year filled with happiness, laughter, and love. Have an amazing birthday! 

大致翻譯: 祝我親愛的朋友生日快樂。希望新的一年充滿幸福、笑聲和愛情。

  • Happy birthday to my partner in crime! We’ve shared so many incredible moments together, and I can’t wait for more adventures with you. 

大致翻譯: 祝我的好朋友生日快樂!我們一起分享了很多美好的時刻,我很期待與你有更多新的冒險。

  • To my lifelong friend, happy birthday! I am grateful for your presence in my life. 

大致翻譯: 我生命中的朋友,生日快樂!我很感激你在我的生活中出現。

  • On your special day, I want to express how grateful I am to have you as my friend. Happy birthday, and here’s to many more years of friendship! 

大致翻譯: 在這個特別的日子裡,我想表達對我們友誼的感激。生日快樂,希望我們能做更多年的朋友!

  • Wishing my incredible friend the happiest of birthdays! You bring so much joy and laughter into my life. 

大致翻譯: 祝最棒的朋友生日快樂!你給我的生活帶來了很多歡樂和笑聲。

  • To my amazing friend, happy birthday! You make everyday brighter with your presence. Here’s to another year of unforgettable memories. 

大致翻譯: 我的好朋友,生日快樂!你讓我的每一天都充滿光彩。祝你在新的一年裡留下難忘的回憶。

  • Happy birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you never talk to.

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!願你的Facebook牆上充滿你從未聊天的人的留言。

  • You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 今天你比昨天老,但比明天年輕,生日快樂!

  • Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.

大致翻譯: 祝你生日快樂,你是少數幾個我不用Facebook提醒就能記住生日的人之一。

  • Happy Birthday! You know, you don’t look that old. But then, you don’t look that young, either.

大致翻譯: 生日快樂!你知道嗎,你看起來並沒有那麼老。但之後,你也看起來沒那麼年輕。

  • You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 你只年輕一次,但你可以不成熟一輩子。生日快樂!

  • People say that the heroes are one in many many thousands, but I say that a friend like you is always one in the lifetime. Happy Birthday to you!

大致翻譯: 人們常說英雄是千里挑一,但我說像你這樣的朋友是一生中唯一的。祝你生日快樂!

  • Hey I just wanted to you to know that whenever you have a crazy idea, my only question will be: What time?. And remember to have a great birthday!

大致翻譯: 嘿,我只是想說每當你有一個瘋狂的想法時,我唯一的問題是:幾點?記得要有一個很棒的生日!

  • A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Thank you for being that friend, and Happy Birthday.

大致翻譯: 一個朋友是理解你過去,相信你未來,接受你真實的自己,即使你正在變老。感謝你成為這樣的朋友,生日快樂。

  • You understand me like nobody else. Thank you for always being there listen, I have a sibling in you my friend. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 你以一種別人無法做到的方式理解我。感謝你一直在那裡傾聽,你就像我的兄弟一樣。生日快樂!

  • Best friend: someone who you can be yourself with, someone who you can have pointless conversations with, someone who still likes it even when you are weird, someone who forgets to buy you a birthday gift…that’s why I came up with this card only. Happy birthday my best friend!

大致翻譯: 好朋友:在他身邊你可以做你自己,可以整天聊天,可以接受你的瘋狂,會忘記在生日時買禮物給你…這就是我帶著這張卡片來的原因。祝我最好的朋友生日快樂!

  • My best friend is even sweeter than cakes, more colorful than confettis, and hotter than a candles. And it’s today her birthday. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 我的朋友比蛋糕更甜美,比花朵更絢麗,比蠟燭更火熱。今天是她的生日。生日快樂!

  • We’re different in lot of ways, but that’s what makes us such good friends. Puzzle pieces need to be different to fit together! Happy birthday to my most favorite piece!

大致翻譯: 我們有很多不同之處,但這使我們成為最好的朋友。就像拼圖需要不同才能契合。祝我最喜歡的拼圖塊生日快樂!


  • Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 祝你在這個特別的日子裡每一刻都充滿笑容……希望你度過美好的時光,幸福的生日!

  • Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires! Here’s wishing you a day full of pleasant surprises! Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 希望你的特別日子能帶給你所有心中渴望的一切!在這裡祝你驚喜連連!生日快樂!

  • On your birthday we wish for you that whatever you want most in life it comes to you just the way you imagined it or better. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 在你的生日,我們祝願你生活中最想要的一切都能如你所願甚至更好地到來。生日快樂!

  • Sending your way a bouquet of happiness…To wish you a very happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 送你一束幸福之花……祝你生日快樂!

  • Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating another year of your life! My wish for you on your birthday is that you are, and will always be, happy and healthy. Don’t ever change! Happy birthday my dear.

大致翻譯: 言語不足以表達我對你慶祝生命又一年的喜悅!我對你生日的願望是你現在和未來都幸福健康。永遠不要改變!生日快樂,我的朋友。


  • Just like a fine wine, you seem to get better with age. Happy birthday, handsome guy!

大致翻譯: 像一瓶美酒,你似乎隨著年齡的長大變得更加美味。生日快樂,帥哥!

  • Sending some love to the most charming man in my life. You always bring the best out of me. I do not know how you do it, but I love you for that. Happy Birthday.

大致翻譯: 把愛送給我生命中最迷人的男人。你總是讓我變得更好。我不知道你是怎麼做到的,但我因為這一點而愛你。生日快樂。

  • Happy Birthday to a great guy! You do so much for others. I hope you can take some time for yourself on your big day. You deserve it as much as anyone, and more than most.

大致翻譯: 祝一個了不起的男人生日快樂!你為他人做了那麼多。我希望你能在這個特別的日子裡給自己一些時間。你和所有人一樣,甚至比所有人都更值得這樣的待遇。

  • I am blessed to have a buddy like you. Happy birthday, dear friend. May your special day be loaded with happiness and love.

大致翻譯: 我真幸運能有你這樣的朋友。生日快樂,親愛的朋友。願你的特別日子充滿幸福和愛。

  • Today is your day, live it like you are the king of the world and don’t mind what others say, this day is just for you! Happy birthday.

大致翻譯: 今天是你的日子,活得像你是世界之王,不必在意別人怎麼說,這一天只屬於你!生日快樂。


  • Hey it’s your birthday today and I just wanted to let you know that you’ll never have to face problems alone. I could not be able to solve every problem but I’ll always be there for you when you need me.

大致翻譯: 嘿,今天是你的生日,我只想讓你知道你永遠不會獨自面對困難的問題。也許我不能解決所有問題,但我會在你需要的時刻一直在這裡。

  • When I think back to all the things we’ve been through, I’m so thankful that I got to go through which with you by my side. Happy birthday to you, it have always been great to work with you.

大致翻譯: 當我想到我們一起經歷的事情時,我真的很感激有你在身邊。生日快樂,很高興能和你一起工作。

  • Very candle on your cake is another year I’ve been lucky to know you! Happy Birthday to the most wonderful colleague I’ve known!

大致翻譯: 你蛋糕上的每一支蠟燭都代表了我們相識的一年。祝我了不起的同事生日快樂!

  • If your birthday is half as amazing as you are, it gonna to be epic. Happy birthday to the best friend and colleague that a person could ask for!

大致翻譯: 如果你的生日能有你一半精彩,那它就已經非常輝煌了。祝我們擁有最好的朋友和同事生日快樂!

  • Hey, thanks for just being you. You are one of a kind and my best friend. Happy birthday and I hope with can have more chances to work together.

大致翻譯: 嘿,感謝你做你的自己。你是最好的同事和朋友。生日快樂,希望我們有更多的機會一起工作。

  • Happy birthday to the coolest boss ever! May your leadership continue to inspire and guide us towards success. 

大致翻譯: 祝我們最酷的老闆生日快樂!願您的領導才能繼續激勵我們,引領我們走向成功。

  • Wishing our awesome boss a fabulous birthday! May you always be surrounded by loyal and hardworking employees like us. 

大致翻譯: 祝我們的偉大老闆生日快樂!希望您一直有我們這樣忠誠和勤奮的員工。

  • Happy birthday to the boss with the best sense of humor! Your wit and charm make the workplace so much more enjoyable. 

大致翻譯: 祝我們幽默感極佳的老闆生日快樂!您的智慧和魅力讓工作變得更加有趣。

  • Happy birthday to the most dynamic and innovative boss! Your leadership style is truly inspiring and pushes us to think outside the box. 

大致翻譯: 祝我們充滿活力和創意的老闆生日快樂!您的領導風格真正激勵並推動我們進行創造性思考。

  • Wishing our boss a birthday filled with love, happiness, and appreciation. Thank you for being an exceptional leader! 

大致翻譯: 祝老闆在新的一歲裡充滿愛、幸福和感恩心。感謝您成為一位出色的領導者!

  • Happy birthday to our visionary boss! Your guidance and strategic thinking have taken our team to new heights. 

大致翻譯: 祝我們有遠見的老闆生日快樂!您的指導和戰略思維讓我們達到了新的高度。


  • A great teacher is one who knows their students, motivates them, and helps them evolve. You are definitely one of the greatest. Thank you for all your guidance and all you have taught me. I wish you a happy birthday and many more birthdays to come.

大致翻譯: 一位出色的老師是那些了解他們的學生,激勵他們並幫助他們成長的人。老師絕對是最偉大的人之一。感謝老師的所有指導和教導。祝您生日快樂,收到更多的生日禮物。

  • Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar as a kite, thank you for being my friend, mentor and light. Happy birthday!

大致翻譯: 感謝老師教導我讀書、寫字,引導我分辨對與錯。感謝老師讓我知道夢想,讓我飛得更高更遠,成為我生命中的光芒、指導者,也是我的朋友。祝您生日快樂。

  • Happy birthday to you, I always hope you have lots of luck and lots of smiles on your lips. Even if we mischief and make you sad, we honestly love you.

大致翻譯: 祝老師生日快樂,我希望您永遠幸運、笑容滿面。雖然我們有時頑皮搗蛋,使您難過,但我們真心愛您。

  • A great thanks to you! You are our teachers who give us a voice, an image and a thought to help build our lives.

大致翻譯: 最誠摯的感謝之詞送給您!您給了我們建議、夢想,幫助我們打造人生。

  • We would like to send our sincere and deepest gratitude to you, the second father in our life. We wish you a healthy, happy, lucky and happy new age!

大致翻譯: 我們送給您最深、最誠摯的感謝,您是我們生命中的第二位父母。祝您新的一歲身體健康、幸福、好運、萬事如意!

  • I wish that I could show my gratitude to you. However it is hard to express by speech. I just hope this little card can show a part of my warmest appreciation from the bottom of my heart.

大致翻譯: 願我能表達我對您無盡的感激。但實在難以言說,希望這張卡片能代表我內心深處對您的誠摯感謝。


以上是由 ELSA Speak 匯集的有意義的生日快樂英文祝福語,希望在讀完這篇文章後,您能在這個主題上更有效地交流。請努力學習哦!