“不客氣” 應該是英語學習者太熟悉和流行的詞匯了。但是,由於 “不客氣” 的豐富説法,並不是所有人都知道如何正確使用這些詞。跟 ELSA Speak 一起瞭解最簡單的“不客氣” 英文説法!

“不客氣” 英語是什麽?

當一個人因幫助別人而收到他們的感謝話並禮貌地回答時,會使用英語的不客氣。但是,根據具體情況,答案也會有不同的細微差別。 跟ELSA Speak一起通過如下的兩個例子來了解吧!



  • Anna: Thank for your help, Jack. (Jack,謝謝你的幫助.)
  • Jack: No big deal. (小事,不用謝.)



  • Manager (管理): Thank you so much for helping me to sign the important contract. (謝謝你幫我簽了重要的合同.)
  • Employee (員工): I’m glad I could assist. (可以幫助您我很開心)



No problem.不客氣.A: Thanks for driving me home today. I really appreciate it. 
B: No problem! It was on my way. 
A: 謝謝你今天帶我回家. 我爲這件事很感激。
B: 不客氣! 我順路的.
It’s nothing.沒什麽.A: Thanks so much for helping me out by bringing the appetizers to the party! 
B: It’s nothing! 
A: 非常感謝你幫我把開胃菜帶到聚會上! 
B: 不客氣!
Don’t mention it.不用謝.A: Thank you for helping yesterday! 
B: Don’t mention it 
A: 感謝你昨天對我的幫助
B: 不用謝。
No worries.不客氣.A: Thank you for lending us your tent for camping last weekend. 
B: No worries! We weren’t using it. 
A: 謝謝你們上周末借給我們你的帳篷露營。
B: 不客氣! 我們不需要用它。
No big deal. 小事的/不用謝.A: Thank you for helping me with my homework last night. Thanks to you, I understand the lesson much better. 
B: It’s nothing, No big deal.
A: 謝謝你昨晚幫我做作業。謝謝你,有了你,我對作業更理解了
B: 不客氣,小事的。
Oh! Anytime. 哦,隨時都可以。A: Thanks again for watching my kids while I was at my appointment. 
B: Oh! Anytime. I know it’s hard to find childcare. 
A: 再次感謝您在我去約會的時候照顧我的孩子。
B: 哦,隨時都可以。我知道找到托兒所有多難。
It’s fine.不客氣. A: Thank you so much for helping me move yesterday. I couldn’t have done it without you. 
B: It’s fine, really。
A: 非常感謝你昨天幫我搬家。沒有你我實在做不了的。
B: 不客氣,説實話的。
No sweat.沒問題A: Thanks for sending me those great photos of the wedding. 
B: No sweat! 
A: 感謝您發給我那些很漂亮的婚紗照。
B: 應該的。
Not trouble at all.不客氣。A: Thank you so much for helping me with my presentation. I really appreciate it. 
B: Not trouble at all!.
A: 非常感謝您對我演講的幫助。我真的很感激。
B: 不客氣。
Certainly.當然的.A: Thanks again for helping me move. It went so much faster with two people. 
B: Certainly!
A:  非常感謝你昨天幫我搬家. 兩個人一起走得快很多。
B: 當然的!
Sure thing.不客氣。A: Thanks for your call, Joe. 
B: Sure thing.
A: Joe,謝謝你的來電。
B: 不客氣。


You’re welcome.不客氣。A: Thank you for helping me with the project. 
B: You’re welcome! 
A: 謝謝你幫我做這個項目
B: 不客氣
It was my pleasure.那是我的榮幸。A: I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. 
B: It was my pleasure. 
A: 我真的非常感謝你你已抽出時間給我解釋這個的。
B: 那是我的榮幸。
Think nothing of it.別操心,沒什麽A: Don’t worry about paying me back for dinner. I’ve got you covered. 
B: Think nothing of it. 
A: 不用擔心付給我晚餐錢。我已經處理好這一切了。
B: 別操心,沒什麽
That’s absolutely fine.完全沒問題A: I’m so sorry I’m late for our meeting.
B: That’s absolutely fine. No worries at all. 
A: 很抱歉遲到了參加會議。
B:  完全沒問題。不用擔心
You’re quite welcome.是我的榮幸A: Thank you for the gift. I love it!
B: You’re quite welcome. I’m so glad you like it. 
A: 謝謝你的禮物。我喜歡它
B: 是我的榮幸。你喜歡它我很開心 
Not at all.不客氣A: Thank you for your help with the presentation. 
B: Not at all. I was happy to help. 
A: 非常感謝你對我演講的幫助
B: 不客氣。幫助你我很高興
It was the least I could do.我最起碼能做的事。A: Thanks for coming to my rescue.
B: It was the least I could do. 
A: 謝謝你來救我。
B: 我最起碼能做的事。
I’m happy to help.能有你的幫助我很高興A: Do you need any help with the groceries? 
B: I’m happy to help. 
A: 您需要雜貨的協助嗎?
Please don’t mention it.不客氣A: Thank you for the delicious meal.
B: Please don’t mention it. I enjoyed cooking for you. 
A: 謝謝你的美味佳餚. 
B: 不客氣. 能給你做飯我很高興
I’m at your service.我一直很樂意幫助你。A: Is there anything I can help you with? 
B: I’m at your service. 
A: 有什麽可以幫助你的嗎
B: 我一直很樂意幫助你。
No trouble whatsoever.不用謝。A: Thanks for fixing my computer. 
B: No trouble whatsoever. I’m glad I could help. 
A: 謝謝你已幫我修我的電腦
B: 不用謝。能幫你我很高興
It’s no bother.沒問題。A: Can you please lend me a hand with this? 
B: It’s no bother. I’m happy to help. 
A: 你可以幫我這件事嗎?
B: 沒問題,很高興能幫助你。
I’m glad I could assist.能協助你我很高興。A: Thanks for helping me with my homework. 
B: I’m glad I could assist.
A: 謝謝你幫我做作業。
B: 能協助你我很高興。
It’s nothing at all.沒什麽A: Thank you for the flowers. 
B: It’s nothing at all. I was just thinking of you.
A: 謝謝你那些花 
B: 沒什麽。我只是正在想到你



A: Hey, long time no see! How have you been?
B: I’ve been good, thanks! And you?
A: Not bad. By the way, thanks again for helping me out last month. I really appreciate it.
B: Oh, it was nothing. I’m happy to help.
A: Still, I wanted to say thanks. It meant a lot to me.
B: No problem at all. Anytime you need assistance, just let me know.
A: 喂, 好久不見!最近還好嗎?
B: 我還好,謝謝! 你呢?
A: 我還是一樣。順便謝謝你上個月對我的幫助!我因那件事真的很感謝你。
B: 哦,不客氣。能幫助你我很高興。
A: 反正我還想感謝你。它對我有很大的意義。
B: 不客氣,你需要幫助時,隨時告訴我


Customer: Excuse me, I was looking for this specific book, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Store Clerk: Oh, let me check for you. (Checks inventory) I’m sorry, but it seems like we’re currently out of stock.
Customer: Oh, that’s disappointing. I really needed it for a project.
Store Clerk: Don’t worry, we can always place an order for you. It will arrive in a few days.
Customer: That would be great. Thank you for helping.
Store Clerk: It’s no trouble at all. We’re here to help you find what you need.
Customer: I appreciate that. Thank you.
Store Clerk: You’re welcome. If there’s anything else you need assistance with, feel free to ask.
顧客: 不好意思,我正在找這本書,但到處都找不到。
店員:哦,我幫你查一下。 (檢查庫存)抱歉,我們現在可能沒貨了。

Formal language 和 Informal language 的區別

英語交際總是有兩種方式,正式禮貌溝通方式(Formal language)和親密交際方式(Informal language)。如果您不確定是否記住這兩種方式的所有表達方式,您可以使用:Don’t mention it, It’s nothing。因為這兩種表達方式在任何情況下都可以使用。

以下是 Informal Language 和 Formal Language 的不同説法

Informal LanguageFormal Language
Sure thingYou’re welcome
No worriesCertainly
CoolOf course
It’s all gravyThat’s absolutely fine
Don’t mention it Don’t mention it 
It’s nothingIt’s nothing
No sweatIt’s my pleasure
No problemNot at all

以上是 ELSA Speak 整理關於”不客氣“的 12 種最簡單的英文説法。希望這篇文章可以幫助您更有效地學習和溝通英語。請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的下一篇文章吧!