為了讓文章更具吸引力、流暢且容易贏得讀者的青睞,我們需要使用連接詞來連接句子,例如 while。跟著 ELSA Speak 一起來學習 while例句及其相關用法吧!

While 結構是什麼?

While 結構是什麽?

While 結構用於句子中,表示 “當……時” 或 “在……期間”,當兩件事情或行動同時發生時會使用這個結構。為了更清楚地了解這個結構,我們來看看以下例句:

  • While my mom is cooking a meal, I am doing my homework. 

大致翻譯: 當我媽媽在做飯時,我正在做作業。

  • While my husband was fixing the fan, I was eating fruit. 

大致翻譯: 當我丈夫在修理風扇時,我正在吃水果。

while 用法

While 用法

While 結構在句子中有兩個位置,這是日常生活中常見的用法。我們來看看下面的表格,了解如何在句子中使用 while 結構以及具體例句。

While 的位置While 結構公式例句
While 位於句首While 主語 + 動詞,主語 + 動詞While he is dancing, she is reading the newspaper. 
大致翻譯: 當他在跳舞時,她正在看報紙。
While 位於句中連接兩個子句主語 + 動詞 while 主語 + 動詞He met my mother while I was studying at school.
大致翻譯: 當我在學校學習時,他遇到了我媽媽。


含有 while 的特殊短語

包含 while 的特殊短語

“While” 還可以與其他短語結合,形成在考試如 IELTS、TOEIC、TOEFL 等中常見的高分詞彙。以下是一些相關短語供大家參考。

包含 while 的短語意思例句
Quite a while 已經過了一段很長的時間It has been quite a while since I last saw Jack.
大致翻譯: 自從我上次見到 Jack 已經過了很久了。
While away用某事消磨時間I whiled away the morning by talking with my best friends. 
大致翻譯: 我通過與最好的朋友們聊天來打發早上的時間。
Worth one’s while值得付出努力It would be worth your while reading this research about the environment because it is full of rare information.
大致翻譯: 研究這個環境是值得的,因為它充滿了罕見的信息。
All the while這段時間以來There I was thinking you studied hard at school but you slept all the while.
大致翻譯: 我以為你在學校努力學習,但你卻一直在睡覺。
While the cat’s away, the mice will play可以隨意做事,沒人管I’d never leave my children at a place where they can be alone while I’m going on business. As they say, while the cat’s away, the mice will play.
大致翻譯: 當我出差時,我絕不會讓我的孩子獨處,正如他們所說:貓不在,老鼠翻天。

when while 差異

While 和 when 的區別
While 的結構 When 的結構
用法While 結構通常用於描述兩個動作同時發生,並且可能持續一段時間,常用進行時態。When 結構通常用來描述單一動作,發生時間很短,常用一般過去時或一般現在時。
例句He was playing games while I was studying. 
大致翻譯: 當我學習時,他在玩遊戲。
He was shocked when I told him about Lily’s marriage.
大致翻譯: 當他聽到我說 Lily 的婚禮時,他感到震驚。

whilst while分別

區分 whilst 和 while


當作為連接詞或關係副詞時,”whilst” 和 “while” 意思相同,可以互換使用。

例子: Alex felt so bored whilst/while Sam was away for school. 

大致翻譯: 當 Sam 去遠處上學時,Alex 感到非常無聊。


While 結構Whilst 結構
用法“While” 比 “Whilst” 使用更為普遍 While 是日常生活中使用更為常見。然而,在書面語中,”whilst” 結構會讓句子顯得更加正式。
例子Would you like something to drink while we’re waiting?
大致翻譯: 我們等的時候你想喝點什麼嗎?
Whilst I appreciate your help, I want to do this by myself. 
大致翻譯: 我感謝你的幫助,但我想自己完成這件事。

While 練習題附答案

練習 1: 填入 While 或 When

1. I often ate chocolate, ……..I was a child.

2. We saw the first signs of summer,…………………..we were driving down the road.

3. We first met each other……….we were staying in Korea. 

4. …………… Alex got up yesterday, the rain was falling. 

5. I will text you…………….I get home. 



練習 2: 選擇正確的詞填入句子

1. I saw her while/when I was on my way home.

2. While/when he was young, he used to smoke.

3. Tom had a terrible accident while/when he was a child.

4. While/when Mary was taking a bath, the phone rang.

5. While/when we lived in Korea, we met many interesting people.

6. Where are my friends while/when I most need them?

7. While/when I was driving, I listened to a radio program.

8. Who did you meet while/when you arrived at the party?

9. While/when I was speaking, they were thinking of something else.

10. I had many problems while/when I was a teenager.



練習 3: 重新寫句子,使用 “when” 或 “while”

1. I was making dinner. My brother was watching television.

2. We were watching a movie. A friend came over.

3. We were watching the movie. We were laughing.

4. The movie ended. I turned off the TV.

5. I was talking on the phone. My friend was reading a newspaper.

6. My friend stood up to leave. It was midnight.

7. He touched the door knob. We heard a thud on the roof.


1. While I was making dinner, my brother was watching television.

2. We were watching the movie when a friend came over.

3. While we were watching the movie, we were laughing.

4. When the movie ended, I turned off the TV.

5. While I was talking on the phone, my friend was reading a newspaper.

6. My friend stood up to leave when it was midnight.

7. When he touched the doorknob, we heard a thud on the roof.

While 應用練習


While 中文是什麼?

While 在中文是「在…期間」。

While 後面加什麼?

在 “while” 後面通常加一個子句,描述同時發生的行動。

While 發音是什麽?

“While” 在英語中的發音是 /waɪl/.

以上是關於 while 結構的用法和分別的介紹,希望這些信息能幫助你更好地掌握這兩個連接詞,請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的其他文章哦!