動詞三態是英文書本上極度熟悉的表示動詞形式的知識,在學習過程中用到的很多。與 ELSA Speak一起學習動詞三態的用法以便可以準確流利地使用英語!
- 正確使用動詞時態
- 為了理解句子的意思
英語中,句子的意思可以根據所使用的動詞形式而改變。例如,在 “I went to the store yesterday”這句話中,動詞「went」是簡單過去形式,表達過去發生的動作。
- 有效溝通
- 為了提高考試成績
熟練使用三態動詞形式是 IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL等英語考試的重要組成部分…

您可以應用規則動詞表來更好地記住動詞三態 英文。將它們分成具有相似特點的動詞組,這樣將幫助您比單獨學習每個單字更好地記住。
請參考如何將動詞分為以下 4 組:
- 第 1 組:具有 3 個相似形式的動詞(AAA 形式)。例如: hit – hit – hit
- 第 2 組: 具有相同的不定式和過去分詞形式的動詞(ABA 形式). 例如: become – became – become
- 第 3 組: 具有相同的過去式和過去分詞形式的動詞(ABB 形式). 例如: bring – brought – brought
- 第 4 組: 有3種不同形式的動詞 ( ABC 形式). 例如: awake – awoke – awoken

要記住所有這些動詞,您可以使用 Spaced Repetition 方法。這意味著,例如,今天你學習了10個單詞,你將在1天、3天、7天、2週後複習這10個單字……第二天你重複這個過程。這有助於詞彙逐漸滲入記憶並使其難以忘懷。為了讓記憶更有效,你可以將 Spaced Repetition 方法與英語學習應用程式 ELSA Speak 結合。
該應用程式不僅可以幫助你科學地複習詞彙,還提供「課程集」功能,幫助你在「建立新列表」中創建自己喜歡的單字列表,並在「我的列表」中反覆練習。你也可以從 ELSA 學生創建的現有字典清單中探索和了解更多資訊。因此,你可以根據個人化的 Spaced Repetition 時間表練習詞彙、語法和發音技巧,確保你記住地更久、發音地更準確。
- I go to school every day. (V1: Go)
- Yesterday, I went to the market. (V2: Went)
- She has gone to the store. (V3: Gone)
V1 動詞的定義和用法

這是動詞的基本形式。有 3 種符號方法: V1、V、V0 是表示不定動詞形式的符號 (infinitive verb).
- Watch /wɒtʃ/
- See /siː/
- Push /pʊʃ/
- Go /ɡoʊ/
- Eat /iːt/
- Speak /spiːk/
- Write /raɪt/
- Read /riːd/
有 To 的不定式動詞 (to infinite)
用法 | 例子 | 翻譯 |
做爲主語 | To lean out of the window is dangerous. | 將身體探出窗外是危險的。 |
給主語補意 | Her dream is to become a doctor. | 她的夢想是成為一名醫生。 |
做動詞的賓語 | She wants to travel around the world. | 她想去世界各地旅行。 |
做形容詞的賓語 | I am happy to see you. | 我很高興見到你。 |
給名詞或代詞補意 | He has a plan to improve his English. | 他有一個提高英語水平的計劃。 |
在間接引語中 | She asked him to help her. | 她請求他幫助她。 |
用來代替關係子句 | There is a lot of work to do. | 還有很多工作要做。 |
用在名詞或不定代名詞後表達目的或已預期結果 | He needs someone to talk to. | 他需要有人傾訴。 |
用在too 和 enough后 | – The coffee is too hot to drink – The coffee is not cool enough to drink. | – 咖啡太熱了,喝不了– 咖啡不夠涼,無法喝。 |
用於感嘆或表達夢想的句子 | To think that he could have won the prize! | 沒想到他居然還能得獎! |
沒有 To 的不定式動詞 (bare infinitive)
用法 | 例子 | 翻譯 |
用在情態助動詞後 | You must go now. | 你現在必須走。 |
Let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice + 賓語等動詞后 | She made him do his homework. | 她讓他做作業。 |
had better, would rather, had sooner 等動詞組的後面 | You had better leave now. | 你最好現在就離開。 |
why 或者 why not 后 | Why wait? | 爲什麽要等待? |
在命令句中 | Stand up! | 站起倆! =>來! |
V2 動詞的定義和用法
定義: V2 或者 V-ed, 是英語動詞的過去形式。這種形式描述過去發生的動作。
列如 => 例如: Swam (游泳了), Drove (開車了), Bought (買了), Caught (抓了), Wrote (寫了), Flew (飛了), Took (拿了), Gave (給了),…
V2 動詞的用法
V2 動詞主要用於描述簡單過去式的動作和狀態
- I went to the supermarket last night.
翻譯: 我昨晚已去了超市。
- I watched that movie 2 months ago.
翻譯: 我兩個月前已看了那部電影。
V3 動詞的定義和用法
V3 或者 Vpp 是英語動詞的過去分詞形式。這種形式用於表達在另一個動作或已完成的動作之前發生的動作
例如: Eaten (吃), Fallen (摔倒), Found (找到), Known (知道), Lost (丟), Made (做), Ridden (騎), Run (跑), Said (說), Sold (賣), Sent (寄/發),…
用法 | 例子 | 翻譯 |
用於完成時態 | I have lived here for 2 years. | 我在這裡住了兩年了。 |
用於被動句 | The flowers were watered by my father. | 這些花是我父親澆水的。 |
用作形容詞,表示一個人對某個動作或事件的感受 | I was disappointed with the film. | 我對這部電影感到失望。 |
作為形容詞或壯詞,與被動動詞意義相同 | The police has found the stolen car. | 警方已找到被盜的汽車。 |
用於分詞組代替主語+被動動詞來連接或縮短具有相同主語的兩個句子 | 主動句: She enters. She is accompanied by her friend. 被動句: She enters, accompanied by her friend. | 她進來了。她由她的朋友陪同。她在朋友的陪同下進來了。 |
用於縮短關係子句 | Half of the people who were invited to the party didn’t turn up. => Half of the people invited to the party didn’t turn up. | 一半的受邀者沒有來參加聚會。 |
用於第三類條件句描述過去不真實的動作 | If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake. | 如果我知道你要來,我就會烤蛋糕了。 |
- 過去完成式 (Past Perfect): 理論與練習
- 不定代名詞 (Indefinite pronouns): 用法和題庫
- Used to, be used to, get used to 的構造在英文中的用法是什麼?區別和練習示例以避免混淆
- 一月到十二月的英文縮寫:閱讀方法和記憶技巧
- If 用法,概念,結構與練習: 一、二、三,混合
- 被動語態是什麽?探索公式、結構和註釋以及應用練習,以避免混淆
- 使役動詞 (Causative Verb): 定義、用法、結構和避免用錯的應用練習
- 現在完成式 (Present Perfect): 公式、用法和應用練習
- 及物動詞是什麼?及物動詞不及物動詞分辨的方法

區分動詞三態 英文
動詞形式 | 定義 | 用法 |
V1 | 不定式 | 描述大概的動作 |
V2 | 過去式 | 描述過去的動作 |
V3 | 過去分詞式 | 描述在另一個動作之前發生的動作 |

規則動詞是指在不定詞 (V1) 上加上 -ed 形成簡單過去 (V2) 和過去分詞 (V3) 形式的動詞。
V1 | V2 | V3 | 意義 |
play | played | played | 玩 |
love | loved | loved | 愛 |
stop | stopped | stopped | 停 |
你應該記住一些在動詞上加上 -ed 的規則:

- 以輔音結尾的動詞,元音在輔音之前,需要將最後一個音加倍後再加上ed
例如: clap – clapped, stop – stopped, snap – snapped
解釋: Stop → Stopped
解釋: 動詞「stop」以輔音「p」結尾,「p」之前是元音「o」。加上 “-ed” 形成過去式時,我們需要把最後的輔音 “p” 加倍為 “pp”,這樣“stop”就變成了 “stopped”。
- 以e結尾的動詞只需加上-d即可
例如: love – loved, dive – dived
解釋: Love → Loved
解釋: 動詞 “love” 以字母 “e” 結尾。當加上 “-ed” 形成過去式時,只需在詞尾加上 “-d”,而不加上 “e”,這樣 “love” 就變成了 “loved”。

不規則動詞是由沒有任何一定規格的簡單過去式(V2)和過去分詞(V3)形式組成的動詞。英語中有大約 600 個不規則動詞,你應該知道至少 360 個最常見的不規則動詞。
V1 | V2 | V3 | 翻譯 |
cost | cost | cost | 費用 |
cut | cut | cut | 切 |
hit | hit | hit | 打 |
let | let | let | 允許 |
put | put | put | 放 |
read | read | read | 讀 |
set | set | set | 設置 |
spread | spread | spread | 傳播 |
ABB式的不規則動詞 (V2=V3)
V1 | V2 | V3 | 翻譯 |
buy | bought | bought | 買 |
sell | sold | sold | 賣 |
hold | held | held | 組織 |
tell | told | told | 說,講 |
think | thought | thought | 想 |
bring | brought | brought | 帶 |
meet | met | met | 見 |
keep | kept | kept | 保持 |
sleep | slept | slept | 睡覺 |
find | found | found | 找到 |
seek | sought | sought | 搜索 |
teach | taught | taught | 教 |
spend | spent | spent | 花 |
send | sent | sent | 發/寄 |
stand | stood | stood | 站 |
feel | felt | felt | 覺得 |
catch | caught | caught | 抓/趕 |
hear | heard | heard | 聼 |
build | built | built | 建造 |
ABC式的不規則動詞 (V1≠V2≠V3)
V1 | V2 | V3 | 翻譯 |
ride | rode | ridden | 騎 |
drive | drove | driven | 開車 |
shake | shook | shaken | 搖 |
choose | chose | chosen | 選/選擇 |
break | broke | broken | 弄破 |
speak | spoke | spoken | 說 |
write | wrote | written | 寫 |
eat | ate | eaten | 吃 |
fall | fell | fallen | 掉 |
forget | forgot | forgotten | 忘 |
begin | began | begun | 開始 |
drink | drank | drunk | 喝 |
know | knew | known | 知道 |
fly | flew | flown | 飛 |
go | went | gone | 走 |
see | saw | seen | 看/看到 |
grow | grew | grown | 長大 |
swim | swam | swum | 游泳 |
do | did | done | 做 |
ABA式的不規則動詞 (V1=V3)
V1 | V2 | V3 | 翻譯 |
run | ran | run | 跑 |
come | came | come | 到 |
become | became | become | 成爲 |
overcome | overcame | overcome | 越過 |
V1 | V2 | V3 |
I play piano every week. 翻譯: 我每週都會彈鋼琴。 | I played the piano yesterday. 翻譯: 我昨天彈鋼琴了。 | I have played the piano for many years. 翻譯: 我彈鋼琴很多年了。 |
He is studying for the test. 翻譯: 他正在為考試而學習。 | He studied for the test last week. 翻譯: 他上週為考試而學習。 | He had studied for the test before the exam started. 翻譯: 他在考試開始前就已經準備好了。 |

V1 | V2 | V3 |
I go to the park every Sunday. 翻譯h: 我每個星期天都會去公園。 | I went to the park last Sunday. 翻譯: 上週日我去了公園。 | I have gone to the park many times. 翻譯: 我去過公園很多次了。 |
She eats breakfast at 7 a.m. 翻譯: 她早上7點吃早餐。 | She ate breakfast at 7 a.m. yesterday. 翻譯: 她昨天早上7點吃了早餐。 | She has eaten breakfast already. 翻譯: 她已經吃過早餐了。 |

練習一: 使用 V2 動詞完成下列句子。
1. She_____(go) to the park yesterday.
2. She ______(not like) the food at the restaurant.
3. The movie __________(start) before I arrived.
4. The house ________(build) in the early 20th century.
5. I ________ (used to) live in a small town.
STT | 答案 |
1 | went |
2 | didn’t like |
3 | had started |
4 | was built |
5 | used to live |
練習二: 將下列主動句轉換為過去式被動句。
1. John wrote a letter.
2. They cooked dinner last night.
3. She bought a new car.
4. We visited the museum yesterday.
5. The teacher gave us a test.
STT | 答案 |
1 | A letter was written by Jotin |
2 | Dinner was cooked by them last night |
3 | A new car was bought by her |
4 | The museum was visited by us yesterday |
5 | We were given a test by the teacher |
練習三: 將括號內的動詞變位以完成句子
1. I (eat) breakfast at 7 am every day.
2. She (work) hard to finish her project at the end of week.
3. The children (play) in the park all day long.
4. I (go) to the movies last night.
5. He (see) a beautiful girl at the park.
6. They (make) a delicious cake for my birthday last month.
7. I (take) a picture of the beautiful sunset.
8. She (come) to my house yesterday.
9. I (be) born in Hanoi.
10. They (have) been to the beach many times.
STT | 答案 |
1 | I eat breakfast at 7 a.m every day. |
2 | She has worked hard to finish her project at the end of the week. |
3 | The children play in the park all day long. |
4 | I went to the movies last night. |
5 | He sees a beautiful girl at the park. |
6 | They made a delicious cake for my birthday last month. |
7 | I take a picture of the beautiful sunset. |
8 | She came to my house yesterday. |
9 | I was born in Hanoi. |
10 | They have been to the beach many times. |

ELSA Speak 希望以上文章能幫助你更瞭解英文中的動詞三態是什麼,動詞三態表以及動詞三態變化整理表。請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的下一篇文章哦!