臺灣經常受到颱風影響,因此「颱風假」的概念應運而生。那麼,「颱風假」用英語應該怎麼說呢?讓我們跟著 ELSA Speak 一起來了解這個概念,以及如何在日常對話中正確運用!
颱風假 英文怎麼說?

「颱風假」是台灣特有的災防假,英文中一般說成 typhoon day 或 typhoon day off 表示,雖然也有人用 typhoon holiday ,但是通常限於探討因為颱風造成民眾得到一天的假期的現象,畢竟用holiday 表達天災造成的停班停課還是有點不太適合喔。
範例對話 | 翻譯 |
A: Are we getting a typhoon day off tomorrow? | A:明天會放颱風假嗎? |
B: I don’t think so. It’s a mild typhoon and they say it won’t even make landfall. | B:應該不會吧。這次是輕颱而且聽說也不會登陸。 |
颱風假 英文詞彙

詞彙 | 翻譯 |
Typhoon | 颱風 (東亞) |
Hurricane | 颶風(美洲) |
Typhoon day off | 颱風假 |
Moderate typhoon | 中度颱風 |
Tropical storm | 熱帶風暴 |
Tropical cyclone | 旋風/熱帶氣旋 |
Typhoon forecast | 颱風預報 |
Eye of the storm | 颱風眼 |
Rainfall | 雨量 |
Tropical depression | 熱帶低氣壓 |
Taiwan’s shield | 護國神山 |
Move | 移動 |
Approach | 接近 |
Hit | 襲來 (颱風襲來某個地方) |
Strike | 襲擊 (颱風襲擊某個地方) |
Form | 生成 (颱風生成) |
Intensify | 增強 (颱風變強) |
Dissipate | 消散、減弱 (颱風減弱) |
Weaken | 逐漸減弱(颱風慢慢變弱) |
Circle | 環繞(颱風環繞移動) |
Spin | 旋轉(颱風圍繞中心旋轉) |
Travel | 移動 (颱風從一地移動到另一地) |
Collide | 撞擊 (颱風撞擊陸地) |
To make landfall | 登陸 |

詞彙 | 翻譯 |
Flooding | 淹水、洪水 |
Strong winds | 強風 |
Heavy rain | 大雨 |
Landslide | 土石流、山崩 |
Gusty winds | 強烈陣風 |
Property damage | 財產損失 |
Housing destruction | 房屋受損 |
Power outage | 停電 |
Crop failure | 農作物失收、農業損害 |
Traffic disruption | 交通堵塞 |
Food shortage | 飢荒、糧食短缺 |
Long-term impacts | 長期影響 |
颱風假 英文公告範例

詞彙 | 翻譯 |
Typhoon day off | 颱風假 |
Typhoon holiday | 颱風假期 |
Office closure | 辦公室關閉 |
Work suspension | 暫停上班 |
School closure | 學校停課 |
Class suspension | 課程暫停 |
Weather warning | 天氣警報 |
Severe weather | 惡劣天氣 |
Emergency situation | 緊急情況 |
颱風假 英文公告例句

公告類型 | 公告內容 | 翻譯 |
General Announcement (一般公告) | Due to the approaching typhoon, the office will be closed tomorrow. Please stay safe and continue to monitor the weather updates. | 由於颱風即將來襲,辦公室將於明日關閉。請保持安全,並持續關注天氣更新。 |
Work Suspension (暫停工作) | In light of the typhoon warning, work is suspended for today. We will notify you when normal operations resume. | 由於颱風警報,今日將暫停工作。我們將在恢復正常運作時另行通知。 |
School Closure (學校停課) | School will be closed tomorrow due to severe weather conditions. Please stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. | 由於惡劣天氣,學校明天將停課。請待在室內並避免外出。 |
Typhoon Holiday Announcement (颱風假通知) | We are officially on a typhoon holiday tomorrow due to worsening weather conditions. Please ensure your safety and follow the instructions from local authorities. | 由於天氣惡化,我們將於明日正式放颱風假。請確保安全,並遵循相關機構的指示。 |
Auto-Reply for Typhoon Day Off (自動回覆 – 颱風假) | Thank you for your email. Due to the typhoon day off, our office is closed. We will respond to your message as soon as we return. Stay safe! | 感謝您的來信。由於颱風假,本辦公室暫時關閉。我們將在恢復工作後盡快回覆您。請注意安全! |
颱風假 英文公告文模板

範例 1: 給員工的颱風假通知
Dear Team, Due to the incoming typhoon, we are announcing a typhoon day off for tomorrow. The safety of our staff is our top priority, and we encourage everyone to stay indoors and avoid traveling unless absolutely necessary. We will provide further updates as the situation develops. Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you once the weather improves. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position] |
範例 2: 給學生的颱風假通知
Dear Students and Parents, In response to the typhoon warning, school will be closed tomorrow to ensure everyone’s safety. Please monitor local news for any weather updates and stay inside during the storm. We will inform you of any changes or when classes will resume. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, [School Name] Administration |
兩天颱風假英文是: Two-day typhoon holiday 或 Two-day typhoon day off.
例句: Due to the typhoon, we are having a two-day typhoon holiday. Please stay safe and indoors. (由於颱風,我們將放颱風假兩天。請注意安全並待在室內。)
明天放颱風假英文是: Typhoon day off tomorrow
例句: The weather forecast has confirmed that a typhoon will hit tomorrow, so we will have a typhoon day off. (天氣預報已確認颱風將於明天登陸,因此我們將放颱風假。)
颱風侵襲英文是: Typhoon strikes 或 The typhoon attacks
例句: The typhoon strikes at midnight, and we are preparing for possible power outages. (颱風在半夜襲來,我們正在準備應對可能的停電。)
班級停課英文是: Class suspension
例句: Due to the typhoon warning, classes are suspended for today, and we will resume once it’s safe. (由於颱風警報,今天課程暫停,我們將在安全後恢復上課。)
中度颱風英文是: Moderate typhoon
例句: The meteorologists have issued a warning for a moderate typhoon expected to make landfall tomorrow. (氣象專家已發出中度颱風警報,預計將於明天登陸。)
在台灣,颱風天不僅是休息的時候,也是你提升英文詞彙、學習更多自然與天氣相關表達的好機會。希望這篇文章能幫助你更了解颱風假,並在日常生活中更流利地運用英語。讓我們一起每天練習,透過 ELSA Speak 提升你的語言能力吧!