新年來臨,春天將至,這是人們互相傳遞健康、平安與幸福祝福的時刻。與ELSA Speak一起參考2024年最簡短、有創意且有意義的新年快樂英文祝福語吧!


單字 發音翻譯
Festive spirit/ˈfɛstɪv ˈspɪrɪt/節慶精神
Family reunion/ˈfæmɪli rɪˈjuːniən/家庭團聚
New Year’s resolution/njuː jɪəz ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/新年決心
Celebration of life/ˌsɛlɪˈbreɪʃən ʌv laɪf/慶祝生命
New Year’s Eve party/njuː jɪəz iːv ˈpɑːrti/除夕派對
Year-end review/jɪə-ɛnd rɪˈvjuː/年終總結
Traditional food/trəˈdɪʃənl fʊd/傳統美食
Decorate the house/deˈkɔːr.eɪt ðə hɑʊs/家居裝飾
Sweep the floor, clean the house/swiːp ðə flɔːr, kliːn ðə hɑʊs/打掃家裡
Go to pagoda to pray for…/ɡoʊ tə pəˈɡoʊdə tə preɪ fɔːr/到廟祈求…
Go to flower market/ɡoʊ tə ˈflaʊər ˈmɑːrkɪt/逛花市
Visit relatives and friends/ˈvɪzɪt ˈrɛlətɪvz ənd frɛndz/拜訪親友
Exchange New Year’s wishes/ɪkˈsʌndʒ ˈnjuː jɪrz wɪʃɪz/新年祝福
Dress up/drɛs ʌp/穿戴漂亮
Prepare five-fruit tray/prɪˈpɛr faɪv ˈfruːt treɪ/擺放五果盤
Ask for calligraphy pictures/æsk fɔːr kælɪɡræfi ˈpɪktʃərz/請書法字
Expel evil/ɪkˈspɛl ˈiːvəl/驅邪
Family reunion/ˈfæmɪli rɪˈjunɪn/家人團聚
First visit/fɜːrst ˈvɪzɪt/進家門
Give lucky money to sb/ɡɪv ˈlʌki ˈmʌni tuː ˈsʌmbədi/給人壓歲錢
Honor the ancestors/ˈhɒnər ði ˈænsɛstərz/追思祖先
Worship the ancestors/ˈwɔːʃɪp ði ˈænsɛstərz/祭拜祖先
Watch the fireworks/wɑːtʃ ði ˈfaɪrˌwɜːrks/觀賞煙火
Receive red envelope/rɪˈsiːv rɛd ˈɛnvəloʊp/收紅包
Avoid doing sth/əˈvɔɪd ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/禁忌事項
To make offerings/tuː meɪk ˈɒfərɪŋz/祭拜
Watch Tao Quan show/wɑːtʃ ˈtaʊ ˈkwɑːn ʃoʊ/觀看《灶君》節目
Release fish/birds back into the wild/rɪˈliːs fɪʃ/bɜːrdz bæk ˈɪntu ðə waɪld/放生魚/鳥
Burn joss paper/gold paper/bɜrn ˈdʒɑːs ˈpeɪpər/燒紙錢
Buy new clothes/new shoes/new household items/baɪ nuː ˈkluːðz/購買新衣/鞋/家庭用品
Send the Kitchen God to heaven/sɛnd ðə ˈkɪtʃən ɡɑd tə ˈhɛvən/送灶神上天
Picking buds/ˈpɪkɪŋ bʌdz/摘取新年的第一片福葉
Play chess/pleɪ tʃɛst/下棋
Visit ancestors’ grave/ˈvɪzɪt ˈænsɛstərz ɡreɪv/掃墓


Happy New Year!新年快樂!
Happy Lunar New Year!祝賀農曆新年。
May all your new year wishes come true.願你在新的一年裡,所有的願望都成真!
Wishing you all the magic of the new year.希望新的一年裡,好運常伴你左右。
Security, good health and prosperity.安康繁榮。
A myriad things go according.萬事如意。
Congratulations and be prosperous.恭喜發財。
Plenty of health.祝你在新的一年身體健康。
Money flows in like water.財源滾滾。
Wishing you health and happiness in the year to come.祝你在新的一年身體健康,幸福美滿。
Live up to 100 years.長命百歲。
I hope that the coming year brings you peace and prosperity.希望新年能為你帶來平安與繁榮。
Cheers to the New Year! May 2024 be an extraordinary one.新年快樂!希望 2024年對你來說是特別的一年。
Life is short. Dream big and make the most of 2024!人生短暫,夢想無限,請在 2024年勇敢追逐夢想吧!
It is time to forget the past and celebrate a new start. Happy New Year!是時候放下過去,迎接新的開始了。新年快樂!
Happy New Year! I hope all your endeavors in 2024 are successful.新年快樂,願你在 2024年所有的努力都能取得成功。


May you and your family have happiness and prosperity in the New Year.祝你和家人新年快樂,幸福繁榮。
Have a great New Year’s celebration with your family.祝你度過一個美好且與家人在一起的新年假期。
To be with you, every moment is a special time. I wish you a very happy New Year.有你在身邊,每一刻對我來說都是特別的。祝你新年快樂。
An old year passed, a new year has come. I hope you will achieve your dreams.舊年已過,新年將至。願你的夢想在新的一年裡得以實現!
May you and your beloved people have a wonderful time in the new year.祝你和你的親人在新年裡度過美好的時光。
I hope that in years you will have good health, plain sailing in your work and your life.祝你新年健康,工作和生活一帆風順。
Every dream comes true with you on new year days. Happy New Year, with my love.願你在新年裡的所有夢想都成真。新年快樂,我的愛!
May the new year bring to you love and luck on your path towards your choice.願新年為你帶來愛情,並在你選擇的道路上一路順風。
In this New Year, I wish you to achieve all your goals in life, and get success at every step of life, enjoy a wonderful 2024.在新的一年裡,願你實現人生目標,在每個階段都取得成功,享受 2024年的美好時光。
Forget the pains, sorrows, and sadness behind, Let us welcome this New Year with a big smile, Wishing you a Happy New Year!讓我們忘掉所有的痛苦、煩惱和悲傷,帶著燦爛的笑容迎接新年吧。新年快樂!


I feel very lucky because my family always supports me. I want to wish you a happy new year for my fantastic family!我感到非常幸運,因為得到了家人的支持。我想祝福我的家人新年快樂,幸福美滿!
I waited a whole year just for this time to return to my lovely home to celebrate New Year’s Eve with my dear family. Happy New Year everyone!我等了一整年,終於可以回到溫暖的家,與我親愛的家人一起迎接新年。大家新年快樂!
Thank you everyone for always loving me. Wishing our family a happy new year, peace and prosperity.感謝大家一直以來的愛護。祝福家人新年安康繁榮。
It’s great that I’m a part of my family. I love you all. Happy New Year!能成為這個家庭的一員真是太好了。我愛你們每一個人。新年快樂!
Happy New Year to my family! Here’s to a year full of joy and laughter!祝我們家在新的一年裡,永遠快樂幸福!


I wish you happiness, good health, and well-being from the bottom of my heart!從心底祝福爸爸媽媽永遠幸福,身體健康,平安如意。
I’d like to thank you for lifting me every time I am down and encouraging me to move forward. Have a beautiful year!感謝爸爸媽媽每當我跌倒時都扶我一把,並且總是鼓勵我向前進。祝我的親愛的父母新年快樂!
I hope our New Year celebrations are full of love and laughter. Wishing you all a fun-filled and healthy life!希望我們的家在新的一年裡,永遠充滿愛與笑聲。祝爸爸媽媽永遠快樂幸福!
Happy New Year! Thank you for everything you do for me. Wishing you good health!新年快樂,爸爸媽媽,感謝你們為我所做的一切。願你們身體健康!


Wishing you a joyful and prosperous Lunar New Year, grandma and grandpa!祝爺爺奶奶新年快樂,繁榮昌盛。
May the new year bring happiness and good fortune to my grandparents!願新的一年為爺爺奶奶帶來更多的幸福與好運。
Wishing you a healthy and joyful Tet, grandpa and grandma!在這個新年,我祝爺爺奶奶身體健康,幸福美滿。
Sending my warmest wishes to my beloved grandparents on this Lunar New Year!值此農曆新年,敬上我最美好的祝福給爺爺奶奶。
Happy New Year, grandparents! Wish you many more healthy years ahead, living to a hundred years old.新年快樂,爺爺奶奶!祝你們身體健康,長命百歲!


We spent a wonderful year together. I hope my love will always be happy and be with you forever!我們一起度過了一個美好的年頭。願我的愛人永遠幸福,與我長相廝守!
Wish you a more beautiful new year and always love me like now!願你在新的一年裡更加美麗,永遠像現在這樣愛我!
You don’t know how important you are to me. Happy New Year my honey. I love you!你不知道你對我有多麼重要。新年快樂,我愛你!
You helped me feel the true love of life. Happy New Year, I really love you!你讓我感受到了生活中的真愛。新年快樂,我愛你。
Another year filled with sweet memories and joyous time has passed. You have made my year very special, and I wish for you to continue to do so. With you around, every moment is a special occasion for me. I love you, and wish you a very Happy New Year.又一個充滿甜蜜回憶與快樂的年頭過去了。你讓我的一年變得如此特別,我希望這能一直延續下去。有你在身邊,每一刻都是特別的。我愛你,祝你新年快樂!
We spent a wonderful year together. I hope my love will always be happy and be with you forever!我們一起度過了一個美好的年頭。願我的愛人永遠幸福,與我長相廝守!
You made all my wishes come true last year. For the coming year and all the years after that, my only wish is that you will be with me forever. Happy New Year!你在過去的一年裡,實現了我所有的夢想。在新的一年和未來的歲月裡,我唯一的願望就是你能永遠陪伴在我身邊。祝你新年快樂!
I want to give you all the best wishes in the new year for you. Hope that we will be together and have a nice new year!老公想要送給老婆新年的美好祝福,願我們永遠相伴,共度幸福新年。
New year, I just wish you lots of health. As for happiness and joy, I hope that I will be the one to bring those things to you. Love you so much!在新的一年裡,我只希望你有健康的身體,至於幸福和快樂,我會為你帶來。愛你!
One year being with you is the best thing in my life. Hopefully we will hold hands together for 365 more beautiful days. I wish you a warm new year!能與你共度一年是我生命中最美好的事情。希望我們能再攜手走過美好的 365天。祝你新年溫暖幸福!


A New Year, a new start and way to go! Wish you a successful and glorious New Year!新的一年,新的開始,新的道路,祝你取得成功,輝煌燦爛。
Wishing you much prosperity, good health and good luck!祝你新年繁榮昌盛,身體健康,萬事如意!
I wish that you achieve all your life goals and find success at every step. Happy New Year!祝你實現所有人生目標,並在每一個步伐中取得成功。新年快樂。
All I treasure is our friendship and wish you find the coming year as wonderful as our friendship.我們的友誼是我最珍惜的一切。希望你能有一個像我們友誼一樣美好的新年。
Wish you and your family a joyful, healthy, prosperous and happiest new year ahead! Happy New Year.祝你和家人新年快樂,健康,繁榮,幸福。新年快樂!
May the new year bring to you warmth of love, and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination.希望新年能帶給你愛的溫暖,並有光明指引你走向美好的事物。
I hope that the new year will be the best year of your life. May all your dreams come true and all your hopes be fulfilled!希望新年成為你人生中最好的一年。願你的夢想成真,所有希望都能實現。
Remember all the good memories you have made and know that your life will be so full of wonders in the coming year. Happy New Year!請永遠記住那些美好的回憶,並記得你的人生在新的一年裡將充滿奇蹟。新年快樂。
The past year has been a special year in my life because I met you. Wish you and your family a happy new year!過去的一年對我來說很特別,因為我遇到了你。祝你和家人新年幸福快樂!
I am fortunate to have friends who bring so much joy to this life. I can’t imagine what it would be like without you cheering me on. Have a great New Year’s celebration.我真的很幸運有你這樣的朋友,帶來許多歡樂。如果沒有你的鼓勵,我無法想像會怎樣。祝你有一個美好的新年假期。


Happy New Year my boss! May your leadership continue to guide us to success.新年快樂,老闆,希望您的英明領導能繼續帶領我們走向成功。
Wishing you a Lunar New Year filled with prosperity, health, and great success. Happy New Year!祝老闆新年繁榮昌盛,身體健康,事業有成。新年快樂!
May the New Year bring you endless opportunities and many new achievements. Happy Lunar New Year!希望新年能為老闆帶來更多的機會和新的成就。新年快樂!
Looking forward to another year of professional growth under your leadership. Happy New Year!期待在老闆的領導下,又迎來一個蓬勃發展的新年。新年快樂!
Happy New Year! Wishing you a year of tremendous success in your career and an abundance of happiness and peace at home with your family.新年快樂!願您在新的一年裡事業蒸蒸日上,與家人共度幸福安康的時光。
Happy Lunar New Year! May your year be as wonderful and inspiring as you are.祝賀農曆新年!希望老闆度過一個與您同樣富有靈感的美好新年。
Wishing you a prosperous and joyful Lunar New Year. Your leadership is a true inspiration to us all.祝老闆新年繁榮昌盛,笑口常開。您的領導力是我們的靈感來源。
May this Lunar New Year bring you success, health, and happiness. Thank you for your guidance and support through the past years.希望新年為您帶來更多的成功、健康和幸福。感謝您在過去一年中對我們的指導和支持。
May this New Year bring you more happiness, health, and prosperity.希望新年能為老闆帶來無盡的快樂、健康和繁榮。
The past year working with the Boss has been a blessing for me. Wishing you boss a warm and meaningful Tet holiday.能和老闆共事的一年是我的幸運。祝老闆新年溫暖而充滿意義。


From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to wish you a New Year filled with good health, success in business and new achievements. Happy New Year!從心底裡祝願我們尊敬的客戶在新的一年裡身體健康,事業有成,並取得更多的新成就。新年快樂!
Thank you for being our customer. We look forward to serving you in 2024 and wish you peace, happiness, and abundant good health in the new year.感謝您成為我們的客戶。很榮幸在2024年為您服務,並祝願您新年平安、幸福、健康。
Thank you for all the work and trust in us. We are looking forward to a New year filled with more work and opportunities from you. Happy New Year!感謝您對我們的工作以及信任。新年快樂!
We sincerely wish you a wonderful and happy new year! Let the coming year be filled with prosperity and contentment! We wish you good luck and reach your goals in 2024!真誠祝願您有一個美好而幸福的新年!願新年充滿繁榮與圓滿!我們祝願您在 2024年幸運連連,實現所有目標!
May this 2024 bring you and your company success, happiness and prosperity. May all your dreams and plans turn into reality and all your efforts come into great achievements. Happy New Year!希望 2024年能為您和您的公司帶來更多的成功、幸福與繁榮。願您所有的夢想和計劃都能實現,所有的努力都能收穫成果。
[Company name] wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.【公司名稱】祝您新年平安、快樂與繁榮。感謝您持續支持和與我們合作。我們期待在未來的日子繼續與您合作。
Thank you for using our company’s services/products. Wish you all the best in the new year!感謝您選擇我們公司的服務/產品。祝您新年萬事如意!
Thanks for being such a wonderful customer the entire year. May prosperity and blessings come your way this new year! Happy new year!感謝您過去一年中成為我們的尊貴客戶。祝您新年繁榮昌盛,福氣滿滿。新年快樂!
Your support has been the key ingredient to our success. Thank you for being our customer and for all your cooperation. We wish you a happy new year!您的熱情支持是我們成功的重要一環。感謝您成為我們的客戶和合作夥伴。祝您新年安康、繁榮!


Happy New Year to my dear teacher. Hope this New Year you succeed, prosper and be happy forever!親愛的老師,新年快樂!願新的一年帶給您成功、事業興旺和永遠的幸福!
I hope that in the new year, you will have many more achievements in your teaching career!希望在新的一年,老師能在教學事業上取得更多的成就!
On the occasion of New Year, wishing your family happiness in the New Year and everything is the best!值此新年之際,祝願老師和家人新年快樂,萬事如意!
Dearest teacher, you provided me with knowledge that lights the way to success. Blessing for the New Year敬愛的老師,您給了我很多知識,照亮了我通往成功的道路。祝老師新年平安!
I’m lucky to have a wonderful teacher like you. Hope your New Year is as wonderful as you are.我很幸運能成為一位如此了不起的老師的學生。祝您新年充滿幸福!
May your New Year be as rewarding as my time in class with you has been. Best wishes to an awesome teacher.祝老師新年和美好時光一樣精彩,就像我在課堂上跟您一起度過的時光。送上我最美好的祝福給我最敬愛的老師!
Thank you for teaching me so many things. Happy New Year!感謝您教會我這麼多。祝您新年快樂!
Before you were my teacher, I found school boring. Then you came along and filled me with enthusiasm. Thanks and Happy New Year.在遇到您之前,我一直覺得上學很無聊。您讓我對學習充滿熱情。非常感謝您,老師,新年快樂!
As the New Year approaches, I thank all those who made a difference in my life. Thank you, teacher.新的一年來臨,我要感謝老師,您讓我的生活變得不一樣。非常感謝您,老師!
Wish my teacher a new year full of health and prosperity to your family!祝老師新年健康,闔家幸福,萬事如意!


詩句 (English)作者 (Author)翻譯 
Stir the eggnog. Lift the toddy.Happy New Year, everybody!Ring out the old, ring in the new,Ring, happy bells, across the snow:The year is going, let him go;Ring out the false, ring in the true.Alfred Lord Tennyson攪拌雞蛋酒,抱起孩子,新年快樂,向大家致以祝福!讓舊年逝去,迎接新年,快樂的鐘聲穿透厚的積雪:舊年已去,讓它隨風而逝;讓錯誤過去,迎接正確。
Another fresh new year is hereAnother year to live!To banish worry, doubt, and fear,To love and laugh and give!William Arthur Ward又一個光明的新年來臨,又一個新的一年要活!驅散憂慮、懷疑與恐懼,去愛、去大笑、去付出!
Congratulations! Today is your day.You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.You can steer yourself any direction you choose.Dr. Seuss恭喜你!今天是屬於你的日子。你已經到達了偉大的地方!你將繼續前行!你的腦海裡裝滿了智慧,你的雙腳合適鞋子。去走你所選擇的路吧!~蘇斯博士
Tonight’s December thirty-first,Something is about to burst…Hark, it’s midnight, children dear.Duck! Here comes another year!Ogden Nash今晚,12月31日,某些東西準備好要轟然作響……聽著,孩子們,午夜已至。快來!又一個年頭即將過去!~詩人奧格登·納什


範文 1

Chinese new year is a traditional Chinese festival. We also call it the spring festival. It is on lunar january 1st. On New year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drinks like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner.

After dinner, we always watch tv new year programmes. We had a wonderful evening on New year’s eve. On the first day of the spring festival, most people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. For breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. After breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. On the second and third day, we visited friends and relatives. Everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.




範文 2 

Amongst the special holidays in my country, New Year is my favorite one. New Year is an occasion for everyone to get together in a warm and exciting atmosphere. Before New Year, everyone prepares many things like plants or foods and decorates their house. I plant a lot of beautiful flowers in front of my house and buy clothes, foods in preparation for New Year. Besides, most of the streets are beautifully decorated with colorful lights and flowers. During New Year, I spend much time visiting my relatives, friends, and colleagues, especially in the first 3 days. I give them sincere wishes for the new year. New Year is also a period when children can receive lucky money. There is a funny thing that people try to avoid arguments or saying any bad things throughout New Year, which makes the New Year atmosphere like heaven to me. I love New Year!



範文 3

Lunar New Year is a special occasion when all family members gather to celebrate the beginning of a new year.. New year is mostly held at the end of January and the beginning of February. People usually prepare special traditional food, clean, repaint the house and spend time with family and friends. Almost all families buy peach or apricot blossoms to decorate the house. People visit relatives’ houses on the first day of the new year and give lucky money to children or the elderly. All Taiwanese love this period of time so much and look forward to it every year.






迎接新的一年 的英文是 Welcoming the New YearEmbracing the New Year.

提前祝你新年快樂 英文是什麽?

提前祝你新年快樂 的英文是 Wishing you a Happy New Year in advance.


以上是 ELSA Speak 整理的關於英文新年祝福語的文章, 希望在閱讀完這篇文章後,您能與家人、朋友共度一個愉快的節日。請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的後續文章!