母親節,又稱 Mother’s day,是人們對母親表達感激之情和孝順之情的一個重要、特殊的日子。與 ELSA Speak 參考英文母親節祝福語吧!

2025 年母親節是什麼時候?

母親節,又稱 Mother’s Day,是全世界慶祝和紀念母親的日子。母親節通常在每年五月的第二個星期日。 2025 年的母親節將於 2025 年 5 月 11 日星期日舉行。


母親節起源於古希臘和古羅馬的傳說,通常在春天慶祝。如今,希臘人經常隆重地組但是,一些資料認爲,母親節起源於英國,每年復活節前 40天左右舉行,以致敬母親們,孩子們經常向自己的母親贈送鮮花和蛋糕。直到 19世紀,這個活動已經不再多出現了。





Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Mother’s Day!寄給媽媽最好的祝福以説明您讓我周圍的世界綻放!母親節快樂!
Mom, you are an amazing mother, a hero and a loving friend. Thank you for always supporting me. Happy Mother’s Day! Love you, mom!媽媽,您是一位了不起的母親,一位英雄,一位慈愛的朋友。謝謝媽媽一直以來對我的支持。母親節快樂!愛您媽媽!
You are an angel, you make everything more beautiful and you are the most loving mother in this world. You mean so much to me, mom. I love you! Happy Mother’s Day!媽媽,您是天使,您讓一切變得更加美麗,您是世界上最可愛的母親。媽媽對我來說是一個很有意義的人。我很愛您媽媽!母親節快樂!
Thank you for being such a great Mom, teacher and friend. Happy Mother’s Day!感謝您是如此出色的母親、老師和朋友。媽媽,母親節快樂!
Not only a beautiful woman, a great friend and a wonderful mother, you are all this to me and much more. I am so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.您不只是一個美麗的女人、一個好朋友、一個很棒的母親,對我來說,您就是一切。作為您的孩子,我感到非常幸運和自豪。
Your love is like a rainbow that brings color into my world. I am such a lucky daughter/son. I love you so much! Happy Mother’s Day!母愛就像一道彩虹,為我的世界帶來美麗的色彩。您是一個非常幸運的女兒/兒子。我很愛您媽媽!母親節快樂!
Mom, thank you for never leaving me when I am down. I love you so much! Happy Mother’s Day!媽媽,我非常感謝您,因為每次我跌倒時您總是陪在我身邊。我很愛您媽媽!母親節快樂!
May your day be as wonderful and perfect as you are, mommy. Happy Mother’s Day! Always love you!我祝福您有一個像您一樣美好和完美的一天。母親節快樂!媽媽,我永遠愛您!
I hope to be a mother like you. Strong, loving, devoted, inspiring, wonderful and cool! Happy Mother’s Day.我希望將來我也能成為像您一樣的母親。堅強、充滿愛心、奉獻於家庭、鼓舞人心、精彩而平靜。母親節快樂。
Every home, every heart, every feeling, every moment of happiness is incomplete without you. Only you can complete this world. Happy Mother’s Day!每一個家,每一顆心,每一種感覺,每一個幸福的時刻,沒有您都是不完整的。只有您才能完整這個世界。母親節快樂!
A beautiful woman, a great friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more… I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.一個美麗的女人,一個很好的朋友,一個很棒的母親。您對我來說就是這一切,還有更多……我為有一個像您這樣的媽媽感到非常幸運和自豪。
Wishing you a day that’s just like you… really special祝您有一個像您一樣的一天…非常特別
Happy Mother’s Day! I want you to be healthy, happy, loved each and every single day. I love you very much, mommy!母親節快樂!我希望您健康、快樂、熱愛每一天。我很愛您,媽媽!
Wishing you a day filled with goodness and warmth. Wishing you health and happiness, today and forever. Happy Mother’s Day! Love you, mama!祝您有個充滿美好和溫暖的一天。祝您今天到永遠健康快樂。母親節快樂!愛您,媽媽!
Dear mom, you have always been there, when ever i needed you the most. You have always guided me and shown me the right path. Happy Mother’s Day親愛的媽媽,當我最需要您的時候,您總是陪在我身邊。您一直指引著我,為我指明了正確的道路。母親節快樂


Happy Mother’s Day to the multitasking mom! I am so grateful to have you as my mother.祝多任務的媽媽母親節快樂!我很感激有您作為我的母親。
Mom! Your love paints a smile on my heart. Thank you for always being my pillar of strength and safety.媽媽!您的愛為我的心畫上微笑。感謝您一直是我的力量和安全支柱。
Today is your day! Now, let’s celebrate your great life and your tireless efforts to help us become the best versions of ourselves.今天是您的日子!現在,讓我們慶祝您的美好生活以及您為幫助我們成為最好的自己所做的不懈努力。
My beloved mother, your wisdom and compassion shaped me into who I am today. Happy Mother’s Day!我親愛的母親,您的智慧和慈悲塑造了我今天的樣子。母親節快樂!
Happy Mother’s Day to the greatest woman, the best friend, the most talented chef and the most fashion-savvy stylist in the world.祝福世界上最偉大的女人、最好的朋友、最有才華的廚師和最時尚的造型師母親節快樂。


I love you so much. Your warmth and love have always made me feel safe and loved. I hope this moment will bring all the happiness you deserve.我真的很愛您。您的溫暖和愛一直讓我感到安全和被愛。我希望這一刻能帶給您所有應得的幸福。
Today, I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me throughout my life. I hope you have a happy, peaceful and joyful life.今天,我要感謝您一生中為我所做的一切。我希望您有一個幸福、平靜、快樂的生活。
Wishing that all your dreams come true. I want to express my gratitude for the love and care you give me. I hope you always remain healthy.祝您所有的夢想成真。我想對您給予我的愛和關心表示感謝。我希望您永遠保持健康。
You are a symbol of kindness, gentleness, and lots of love. I deeply appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I love you, Mom, very much!您是善良、溫柔和充滿愛情的象徵。我深深感謝您為我所做的一切。我愛您,媽媽,非常愛您!


Thank you for being my first and forever Zalo friend, Mom. Best wishes for Mother’s Day!媽媽,謝謝您成為我第一個也是永遠的 Zalo (có đổi thành Facebook ko nè, TW ko có dùng Zalo) 朋友。母親節最美好的祝福!
Raising me needed a lot of patience; thank you for everything you’ve done!養育我需要很大的耐心;感謝您所做的一切!
Although Mom always jokes about picking me up from the trash can, I know it’s not true (chuckles). Happy Mother’s Day to my dear mom.雖然媽媽總是開玩笑說要把我從垃圾桶裡撿起來,但我知道這不是真的(笑)。祝我親愛的媽媽母親節快樂。
I wonder why Mom always knows where things are, even if we’ve looked everywhere and can’t find them. You are the true MVP!我想知道為什麼媽媽總是知道東西在哪裡,即使我們找遍了所有地方都找不到它們。您才是真正的MVP!
Thank you, Mom, for patiently answering our foolish questions from childhood to now. You are the ultimate Google! Happy Mother’s Day.媽媽,謝謝您從童年到現在耐心地回答我們的愚蠢問題。您是超级棒的谷歌!母親節快樂。
Mom, thank you for tolerating us through our rebellious era. You deserve a medal and many spa days.媽媽,謝謝您包容我們度過了叛逆的時代。您值得一枚獎牌和許多水療日。
I was looking for an ideal Mother’s Day gift for you. But then I realized you had already received it [number] years ago – it’s me!我正在為您尋找一份理想的母親節禮物。但後來我意識到您幾年前就已經收到它了 – 是我!
Sometimes I feel sorry for other people because I have the best mother in the world! Mommy, I love you a lot.有時我會為別人感到遗憾,因為我有全世界最好的媽媽!媽媽,我很愛您。


Today? No. Every day is Mother’s Day. Every day, I want to say “I love you”. I will from now on.今天?不,每天都是母親節。每一天,我都想說「我愛您」。從現在開始我會的。
Sometimes God sends angels. When he can’t, he gives us moms.有時上帝會派遣天使。當他不能時,他給了我們媽媽。
I wish we could be together today, so I could give you the warmest embrace and tell you in person that you’re the greatest person on this Earth and that I am the luckiest to have you as my mother.我希望我們今天能在一起,這樣我就能給您最溫暖的擁抱,並親自告訴您,您是這個地球上最偉大的人,有您作為我的母親是我最幸運的。
Even though I may not be able to call or visit you regularly, I sincerely hope you know that I do love and miss you so much. Always have been and always will be. Today and every other day.儘管我可能無法定期打電話或看您,但我真誠地希望您知道我非常愛您並想念您。過去一直如此,將來也永遠如此。今天和每一天。
You may think that nothing you do is noticed, but I do want you to know how much I value everything you do, no matter how minor. Every single time. I will never stop being grateful for that.您可能認為您所做的一切都不會被注意到,但我確實想讓您知道我有多重視您所做的一切,無論多麼微小。每一次。我永遠不會停止對此表示感激。
Everything I am now is because you love me.我現在的一切都是因為您愛我。
Today I hope that you will always feel cherished, encouraged and respected, because that is exactly how you make me feel every single day.今天,我希望您永遠感到被珍惜、被鼓勵和被尊重,因為這正是您每天讓我感受到的。
Thank you for always encouraging me to be who I am and having faith in my ability to do anything.感謝您一直鼓勵我做我自己,並相信我有能力做任何事。
This Mother’s Day, I just want you to know that I forgive you for all the times you got mad at me for something that [insert sibling name here] did.这个母親節,我只想讓您知道,我原諒您每次因為[在此填兄弟姐妹的名字]所做的事情而生我的氣。
Money may not grow on trees, but thankfully there has always been plenty in the bottom of your purse.錢可能不會從樹上長出來,但值得慶幸的是,您的錢包裡總是有足夠的錢。
Mom, please let me, dad, and [insert sibling name here] do everything for you: laundry, dishes, meals, you name it. Please, enjoy your day to the fullest!媽媽,請讓我、爸爸和[在此填兄弟姊妹的名字]為您做一切:洗衣、洗碗、吃飯,等等。請盡情享受您的一天!
So much of what I adore about my mom inherits from you. I will be forever grateful to have you both.我對我媽媽的愛有很多遺傳自外婆。我將永遠感激有您們倆。
I understand what unconditional love looks like because of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me so much affection.因為您,我明白了無條件的愛是什麼樣子。我從心底感謝您給了我這麼多的感情。


A mother’s love is unconditional.母親的愛是無條件的。
The bond between a mother and child is unbreakable.母親和孩子之間的連結是牢不可破的。
A mother is a child’s first teacher.母親是孩子的第一位老師。
A mother’s hug can heal all wounds.母親的擁抱可以治癒一切傷口。
A mother’s love knows no boundaries.母親的愛是沒有邊界的
A mother’s love is forever.母親的愛是永遠的。
A mother is the heart of the family.母親是家庭的心臟。
A mother’s love is a beautiful flower that never fades.母愛是一朵美麗的花,永不凋謝。
A mother’s love is a symphony of love and tenderness.母愛是一首愛與溫柔的交響曲。
A mother’s love is a gentle breeze on a summer’s day.母愛是夏日裡的一陣微風。
A mother’s love is a steady hand in a turbulent sea.母愛是洶湧大海中堅定的手。
A mother’s love is a guiding light in the darkness.母愛是黑暗中的指路明燈。


MomHello, Xiao Hua is speaking.您好,小花在聼。
ChildMom, it’s me, your favorite child.媽媽,是我,您最愛的孩子。
MomHi there. How’s it going?您好呀。怎麼樣了?
ChildI’m doing good. Mom, do you know what day it is?我做得很好。媽媽,您知道今天是什麼日子嗎?
MomI don’t know. The day when my silly but rich child comes home and takes me out to the biggest shopping mall in town?我不知道。有一天,是我愚蠢但富有的孩子回家並帶我去城裡最大的購物中心賣衣服嗎?
ChildI wish I could. Mom, I’m afraid that I might not be able to be with you today because of my business trip.我希望我能。媽媽,我今天因為出差,恐怕不能陪您了。
MomOh, I’m gonna be so sad.哦,我會很難過的。
ChildMom, I wish I could be home right now, so I could give you the warmest embrace and tell you in person that you’re the greatest person on this Earth and that I am the luckiest to have you as my mother.媽媽,我希望我現在就可以回家,這樣我就可以給您最溫暖的擁抱,並親自告訴您,您是這個地球上最偉大的人,有您作為我的母親是我最幸運的。.
MomDon’t make me cry today, ok? It’s my day.今天別讓我哭好嗎?這是我的一天。
ChildToday? No. Every day is Mother’s Day. Every day, I want to say “I love you”. I will from now on.今天?不,每天都是母親節。每一天,我都想說「我愛您」。從現在開始我會的。
MomGosh! What’s with that smooth-talk? Did your colleagues teach you?天哪!這麼圓滑的談話是怎麼回事?您的同事教過您嗎?
ChildEverything I am now is because you love me.我現在的一切都是因為您愛我。
MomI’m crying, indeed.我在哭的,真的
ChildI miss you a lot, mom.我很想念您,媽媽。
MomWhat? I don’t even know about that!什麼?我怎麽不知道!
MomJust kidding! Please take care. As you said, every day is Mother’s Day, right? So try to finish your trip and pay me a visit as soon as possible, will you?只是在開玩笑!請保重。正如您所說,每天都是母親節,對嗎?所以,請盡快完成您的出差並來看我越早越好,好嗎?
MomAlright. Don’t worry too much. I’m gonna have your dad take me shopping.好吧。別太擔心。我要讓您爸爸帶我去購物。
ChildMom, please know that I do love and miss you so much. Always have been and always will be. Today and every other day.媽媽,請知道我很愛您、想您。過去一直如此,將來也永遠如此。今天和每一天。
MomOk I’ve got it now. I love you too.好的,我現在明白了。我也愛您。
ChildI love you more.我更愛您。
MomOk. I’m hanging up. See ya.好的。我掛了。再見。
ChildBye mom.再見媽媽。
MomGosh! Cringe. But cute.天哪!太肉麻了。但很可愛。

母親節 英文單字

Mother / Mom/ˈmʌðər/ / /mɒm/媽媽
Clean her house/kliːn hɜːr haʊs/打掃她的房子
Go shopping/ɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/去購物
Go out with friends/ɡəʊ aʊt wɪð hɜːr frɛndz/和朋友出去
Prepare meals for family/prɪˈpɛː mɪəlz fɔːr hɜːr ˈfæmɪli/為家人準備飯菜
Take care of children/teɪk keər əv hɜːr ˈʧɪldrən/照顧孩子
Visit parents/ˈvɪzɪt hɜːr ˈpɛərənts/看父母
Work to get money/wɜːk tə ɡɛt ˈmʌni/工作是為了賺錢


母親節的英文縮寫是 Mother’s Day,通常縮寫為 MD.


以上是 ELSA Speak 整理的英文母親節祝福語文章,希望學習者在看完這篇文章後,能夠運用以上的祝福來表達對母親的愛!