萬聖節是西方國家非常重要的節日之一。與ELSA Speak一起參考下面有趣的萬聖節祝福語!


在英語中,萬聖節是 All Hallows Eve(諸聖節前一天晚上)的縮寫。萬聖節是許多西方國家歷史悠久的節日。這個節日一般在每年陽曆10月31日舉行。過去,萬聖節是西方國家因天主教目舉行的。



萬聖節起源於凱 Celtic人-2000年前生活在英國,愛爾蘭,法國北部土地上的民族的古代 Samhain節。Samhain 節於 10 月 31 日舉行以慶祝新年、慶祝豐收、標誌著夏季的結束和冬季的過渡。

1840 年代愛爾蘭移民到美國,幫助將萬聖節引入該國文化。漸漸地,萬聖節成為世界各地流行的節日。



萬聖節期間,著名的口號是“Trick or Treat!”成為節日氣氛中不可或缺的一部分。當孩子們穿上戲服去敲門時,這句話被用來索取糖果或禮物,同時給大人和孩子帶來歡樂和興奮。這也是表達萬聖節悠久傳統的一種方式,讓節日變得又有趣又多彩。


Haunted house/ˈhɔːn.tɪd haʊs/鬼屋
Trick-or-treat/ˌtrɪk ə ˈtriːt/不给糖就捣蛋
Spooky cookies/spoo-kee kook-eez/幽靈餅乾
Mummy cupcakes/muhm-ee kuhp-keks/木乃伊紙杯蛋糕
Hot apple cider/haht ap-uhl sahy-der/熱蘋果汁
Gummy worms/guhm-ee wurmz/軟糖蠕蟲
Costume party/ˈkɒs.tjuːm ˈpɑːr.ti/化裝舞會
Cobweb-covered/ˈkɑːb.web ˈkʌv.ərd/蜘蛛網覆蓋
Eerie music/ˈɪə.ri ˈmjuː.zɪk/怪異的音樂
Moonlit night/ˈmuːn.lɪt naɪt/月夜
Pumpkin carving/ˈpʌm.kɪn ˈkɑːr.vɪŋ/南瓜雕刻
Cauldron bubbling/ˈkɔːl.drən ˈbʌb.lɪŋ/女巫的鍋泡泡
Witches’ brew/ˈwɪtʃɪz bruː/女巫的釀造
Costume contest/ˈkɒs.tjuːm ˈkən.test/服裝比賽



Happy Halloween!萬聖節快樂!
Wishing you a night of wicked fun and eerie surprises!祝您有個充滿邪惡樂趣和怪誕驚喜的夜晚!
May your Halloween be full of spooky delights and hair-raising adventures!願你的萬聖節充滿怪異的樂趣和令人毛骨悚然的冒險!
Here’s to a bewitching Halloween filled with enchantment and magic!這是一個充滿魔法和恐怖的有趣萬聖節!
Let the spirits of Halloween guide you to a night of frightful fun!讓萬聖節的靈魂引導你度過一個可怕的歡樂之夜!
Wishing you a chilling and thrilling Halloween night under the moon’s eerie glow!祝您在陰森恐怖的月光下度過一個寒冷而刺激的萬聖節之夜!
May your Halloween be a symphony of spookiness and laughter!願你的萬聖節成為一曲怪異與歡笑的交響樂!
Wishing you a pumpkin-spiced, ghoul-infested, and wickedly good time this Halloween!祝您在這個萬聖節度過一個南瓜味的、食屍鬼出沒的、邪惡的美好時光!
Let the spirits of the night bring you tricks and treats to remember!讓夜晚的精靈為您帶來難忘的戲法和美食!
May your Halloween be a cauldron of fun, brimming with enchantment and excitement!希望你的萬聖節充滿神奇的樂趣,充滿魔法和興奮!
Here’s to a spellbinding Halloween, when the ordinary turns extraordinary!祝你一個有趣的萬聖節,讓平凡變得非凡!


Wishing you a spooktacular Halloween!祝您有個驚心動魄的萬聖節!
May your Halloween be filled with eerie excitement!希望你的萬聖節充滿恐怖的樂趣!
Have a ghostly good time on Halloween!祝你度過一個又有趣又恐怖的萬聖節時光!
Wishing you a wickedly wonderful Halloween night!祝你有個又美好又恐怖的萬聖節之夜!
May your night be filled with screams of delight!希望您的夜晚充滿歡樂的尖叫聲!
Happy Halloween, you little monsters!萬聖節快樂,你們的一些小怪物!
I hope your Halloween is fang-tastic!我希望你的萬聖節非常精彩!
Have a boo-tiful and spooky Halloween!祝你有個充滿詭異氣氛的萬聖節!
May your Halloween be as creepy as you want it to be!願你的萬聖節如你所願,令人毛骨悚然!
Trick or treat, may your night be sweet and eerie!不給糖就搗蛋,願你的夜晚甜蜜而詭異!
Wishing you a hauntingly happy Halloween!祝你有一個可怕但有趣的萬聖節!
May your Halloween be filled with chills and thrills!願您的萬聖節充滿寒冷和刺激!
Boo to you from our crew! Happy Halloween!我們團隊的問候!萬聖節快樂!
Wishing you a howling good time this Halloween!祝你度過一個又有趣又恐怖的萬聖節時光!
Have a bone-chilling and hair-raising Halloween!祝你度過一個令人毛骨悚然的萬聖節!


I’m here for the boos and treats, not the ghosts and tricks!我是來享受美酒糖果的,不是來看鬼戲的!
Eat, drink, and be scary!吃、喝、嚇人!
Witch-ing you a Happy Halloween!萬聖節快樂!
I’m just here for the candy!我就是來吃糖的!
Ghosts have real spirit!鬼有真靈!
Have a fa-boo-lous Halloween!祝你度過一個美好而恐怖的萬聖節!
I’m too cute to spook!我太可愛了嚇不到任何人!
I’m here for the boos, brews, and broomsticks!我是來喝酒、煮水、拿掃把飛的!
Wishing you a spooktacular funny Halloween!祝您萬聖節快樂、有趣!
I’m a drop-dead gorgeous vampire, literally!我確實是一個華麗的吸血鬼!
I’m the ghost with the most (candy)!我是(糖果)最多的鬼!
Keep calm and give me candy!保持冷靜並給我糖果!
Wishing you a Halloween full of enchant-mint and spells of laughter!祝您有個充滿魔法薄荷和歡笑的萬聖節!
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!稻草人為何獲獎?因為他在自己的領域很出色!
When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween.當黑貓徘徊、南瓜閃閃發光時,祝你在萬聖節好運。
Why did Dracula become a vegetarian? Because biting necks was a pain in the neck!德古拉為何成為素食主義者?因為咬脖子是一件很麻煩的事!
I’m just here for the candy and the boos!我就是來吃糖喝酒的!
Why don’t mummies take vacations? They’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!木乃伊為什麼不去度假?他們擔心自己會放鬆並破裂!
Halloween is the one time of year when parents encourage their kids to take candy from strangers.萬聖節是一年中父母鼓勵孩子從陌生人那裡拿走糖果的唯一時刻。
I’m just a girl who loves her mummy!我只是一個愛木乃伊的女孩!
Why was the math book sad on Halloween? Because it had too many problems!數學書為什麼萬聖節難過?因為它的問題實在太多了!
You’re so sweet, it’s spooky!你太可愛了,真可怕!
I’m here for the treats, not the tricks!我是來吃糖的,不是來詭計的!
What do you call a ghost’s true love? His ghoul-friend!什麼叫鬼的真愛?是他的木乃伊女友!


Babe, you’re the treat that makes my Halloween complete!親愛的,你是讓我的萬聖節變得完美的禮物!
You’re my favorite Halloween treat, sweet and spooky all at once!親愛的,你是我最喜歡的萬聖節禮物,既甜蜜又可怕!
Wishing my boo-tiful love a Halloween filled with spooky surprises!祝我美麗的愛人有個充滿詭異驚喜的萬聖節!
I’m under your spell, and I love every minute of it. Happy Halloween, my enchanting love!我被你催眠了,我喜歡你的每一分鐘。我的仙女萬聖節快樂!
With you, every day feels like Halloween because you bring magic and excitement to my life. Happy Halloween, my love!有你在我身邊,每一天都像萬聖節一樣,因為你為我的生活帶來了魔力和興奮。萬聖節快樂,我的愛!
You’re the pumpkin to my patch, the ghost to my boo, and the love of my life. Happy Halloween, my dearest!你是我生命中的南瓜,我心中的幽靈,也是我一生的摯愛。萬聖節快樂,我的愛!
Our love is so magical that it’s like Halloween every day, full of enchantment and wonder. Happy Halloween, my magical sweetheart!我們的愛是如此神奇,每天都像萬聖節一樣,充滿魔力和奇蹟。萬聖節快樂,我的神奇愛人!
May our love be as enduring as the legends of Halloween. Happy Halloween, my forever love!希望我們的愛情能夠像萬聖節的傳說一樣天長地久。萬聖節快樂,我永遠的愛人!
I love you more than all the candy in the world, and that’s a lot of love. Happy Halloween, my sweet!我愛你勝過世界上所有的糖果,這是一份偉大的愛。萬聖節快樂,我甜蜜的愛人!
You’re the best treat I could ever ask for, and I’m grateful for you every day. Happy Halloween, my love!你是我能要求的最好的回報,我每天都感激你。萬聖節快樂,我的愛!



Trick or treat, my friend! May your Halloween be filled with fun and sweet surprises.不給糖就搗蛋,我的朋友!願您的萬聖節充滿樂趣和甜蜜的驚喜。
Wishing you a spooktacular Halloween, my spooky pal! Have a frighteningly good time!祝你度過一個恐怖的萬聖節,我的幽靈夥伴!享受可怕的時光吧!
Hope your Halloween is a real scream, my friend! Enjoy the eerie adventure.希望你的萬聖節過得愉快,我的朋友!享受可怕的冒險。
You’re a boo-tiful friend! May your Halloween be filled with spooky fun and lots of laughter.你是個美麗的朋友!希望您的萬聖節充滿樂趣和歡笑。
Happy Halloween, my wickedly awesome friend! Let’s make some hauntingly good memories together.萬聖節快樂,我可怕又很好的朋友!讓我們一起創造可怕而美好的回憶。
I’m so lucky to have a friend as fang-tastic as you! Have a Halloween filled with chills and thrills.我很幸運有一個像你這樣的好朋友!祝你度過一個充滿寒冷和刺激的萬聖節。
Boo to you from our crew, my spooky mate! Happy Halloween and a night of epic fun.哦,我們團隊的問候,我的幽靈夥伴!萬聖節快樂,祝你度過一個難忘的有趣夜晚。
Wishing you a hauntingly happy Halloween, my ghoulfriend! Let’s enjoy the magic of the night together.祝你有個又恐怖又有趣的萬聖節,我的食屍鬼朋友!讓我們一起來感受夜晚的魅力吧。
May your Halloween be as creepy as you want it to be, my boo buddy! Let the scares begin!希望你的萬聖節像你想要的那樣恐怖,我的朋友!讓威脅開始吧!
I’m here for the treats, not the tricks, my friend! Happy Halloween and let’s indulge in some delicious candy.我是來領糖果的,不是來受騙的,朋友!萬聖節快樂,享受美味的糖果吧。


Wishing my beloved family a Halloween filled with spooktacular adventures and laughter!祝我愛的家人度過一個充滿可怕冒險和歡笑的萬聖節!
May this Halloween bring our family closer and fill our hearts with spooky joy. Happy Halloween, dear family!希望這個萬聖節能讓我們的家人更親密,讓我們的心中充滿異想天開的歡樂。萬聖節快樂,親愛的家人!
To my spook-tacular family, let’s enjoy the magic of Halloween together and make unforgettable memories!獻給我那令人毛骨悚然的家人,一起享受萬聖節的魔力,創造難忘的回憶吧!
On this Halloween night, may our family be blessed with love, happiness, and lots of delicious treats.在這個萬聖節之夜,願我們的家人充滿愛、幸福和許多美味佳餚。
Boo to you, my dearest family! Let’s have a spine-tingling and heartwarming Halloween celebration.我親愛的家人好!我們一起慶祝一個刺激又溫馨的萬聖節吧。
I’m so grateful to have a family as fang-tastic as ours. Happy Halloween, my beloved clan!我很感激有一個如此美好的家庭。萬聖節快樂,我親愛的家人!
May this Halloween be a time of togetherness, joy, and spooky surprises for our wonderful family.希望這個萬聖節對我們美好的家庭來說是一個團結、歡樂和怪異的驚喜的時刻。
Halloween is a time for family, fun, and fantastic memories. Wishing our family the spookiest and happiest Halloween ever!萬聖節是一個充滿家庭、歡樂和美好回憶的時刻。祝福我們全家度過最恐怖和快樂的萬聖節!
You are my family, my love, and my spooky companions on this Halloween journey. Let’s enjoy it to the fullest!在這個萬聖節之旅中,你們是我可怕的家人、我的愛人和我的朋友。我們一起盡情享受吧!


Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative.Judy Gold萬聖節是表達真正創造力的機會。
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.William Shakespeare加倍、加倍的辛勞和麻煩;火燃燒和大鍋泡沫。
On Halloween, you get to become anything that you want to be.Ava Dellaira在萬聖節,你可以成為任何你想要的人。
Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet.Seanan McGuire萬聖節將恐懼包裹在純真之中,彷彿它是一種微酸的甜食。
Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves.Elvis Duran萬聖節不只是裝扮,更是尋找我們內心的幻想和服裝。
Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.Tim Burton對我們中的一些人來說,每一天都像萬聖節,對吧?


Hope you are blessed with an amazing treat and tricks, tonight. Have a wicked and safe Halloween to you.希望今晚您能收到精美的禮物和惡作劇。祝您有個恐怖又安全的萬聖節。
Happy Halloween to all the lovely monsters around me! May the frightful night of Halloween bring you many surprises and a full basket of fun like candies.祝我身邊所有可愛的怪物萬聖節快樂!希望恐怖的萬聖節之夜能帶給你很多驚喜,也帶給你一籃像糖果一樣充滿樂趣的東西。
Wishing you a Halloween full of treats! Remember that if you eat them all at once, you may turn into a green monster.祝你度過一個充滿糖果的萬聖節!請記住,如果你一次吃掉它們,你就會變成綠色怪物。
The night is alive with whispers and creaking floors. Happy Halloween! Hope you have more fun on Halloween than a vampire in a blood bank!這個夜晚充滿了竊竊私語和吱吱作響的地板聲。萬聖節快樂!希望你比在血庫裡的吸血鬼更開心!
I hope you have a pleasantly frightful and fun night this Halloween. Wish you a very amazing Halloween!我希望你度過一個既恐怖又有趣的萬聖節。祝您有個美好的萬聖節!
Happy Halloween, I hope the holiday crawls with happiness and is spooked with a lot of fun! Enjoy trick-or-treating!萬聖節快樂,我希望這個假期充滿幸福,充滿樂趣!享受「不給糖就搗蛋」的樂趣!
May all good sprites take over the bad sprites and make this year wonderful. Have a cheerful Halloween.願所有的好精靈取代壞精靈,讓今年變得美好。度過一個愉快的萬聖節。
Witching you a howl-ing good and frightfully fun Halloween night. I hope you get all the treats and none of the tricks. Happy Halloween!祝您有個充滿嚎叫和恐怖樂趣的萬聖節之夜。希望你能得到所有的糖果,而不是詭計。萬聖節快樂!
Happy Halloween! Hope you have a de-frightful Halloween and all your screams come true.萬聖節快樂!希望你度過一個不再可怕的萬聖節,所有的尖叫聲都成真。
May your Halloween be filled with fun and magical surprises as well as a lot of treats. Have a safe Halloween!希望你的萬聖節充滿樂趣和神奇的驚喜以及大量的糖果。祝你萬聖節安全!
I wave my wand and put on my cape and wish you lots of treats coming your way. Happy Halloween!我揮動魔杖和斗篷,祝你有很多醣果。萬聖節快樂!
May all good sprites take over the bad sprites and make this year wonderful. Have a cheerful Halloween.願所有的好精靈取代壞精靈,讓今年變得美好。祝你度過一個愉快的萬聖節。
I hope your Halloween is a howling good time! May the spirits of Halloween make all your spooky wishes come true.希望你的萬聖節是一個充滿嚎叫的美好時光! 願萬聖節的精靈讓您所有的怪異願望成真。
Tonight, I am wishing you an unforgettable Halloween adventure filled with creepy memories and deadly encounters. Happy Halloween!今晚,祝您度過一次難忘,充滿可怕的回憶和致命的遭遇的萬聖節冒險。萬聖節快樂!


Are you dressed as an angel or is that just the real you?你打扮得像個天使,還是真正的你?
Even on Halloween, I promise I won’t “ghost” you.即使在萬聖節,我也保證不會「鬼化」你。
I’m not a pirate but I think I see treasure.我不是海盜,但我想我看到了寶藏。
I don’t want your candy because the sweetest treat would be your number.我不要你的糖果,因為最甜蜜的禮物就是你的號碼。
I know what you should be for Halloween: mine.我知道萬聖節你該是什麼:我的。
Why spend on a doll costume, if you were born with that sweet look?如果你天生就有甜美的外表,為什麼要花錢買娃娃服裝呢?
I’d walk through 1,000 haunted houses for the chance to ask you out.我會走過 1000 個鬼屋,只為有機會約你出去。
Are you a witch? Because I’m definitely under your spell.你是女巫嗎?因為我絕對被你催眠了。
I couldn’t decide on a costume tonight, so can I just go as your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner?我無法決定今晚要穿什麼,所以我可以只做你的男朋友/女朋友/情人嗎?
This season is sweet and fun – no wonder it makes me think of you. Hope you have a great Halloween.這個季節甜蜜而歡快——難怪它讓我想起你。希望您度過一個愉快的萬聖節。
If you were mine, I’d give you all treats and no tricks.如果你是我的話,我只會送你禮​​物,不會有詭計。
I think I’m going to have to put a spell on you to keep you away from my candy, because you are so sweet.我想我得用魔法讓你遠離我的糖果,因為你太甜了。
I don’t want a trick, with you a treat would be interesting.我不想詭計,和你這份禮物會很有趣。
You’re the only candy I need this Halloween.你是我這個萬聖節唯一需要的糖果。
Are you a monster? Because you look Frankenfine.你是怪物嗎?因為你看起來和 Frankenstein 一樣好。
It should be called hallowin, because I win every time I see you.它應該被稱為 Hallowin,因為每次見到你我都贏。
Are you a vampire? Because this is feeling like love at first bite.你是吸血鬼嗎?因為這就像第一口咬就愛上的感覺。
I wish you were Snow White so I could wake you up with a kiss.我希望你是白雪公主,這樣我就能用一個吻叫醒你。
I wish I could cast a spell on you and keep you with me all night long.我希望我能用魔法讓你整夜陪伴在我身邊。
Are you a jack-o-lantern? Because you’re lighting up the room.你是南瓜燈嗎?因為你照亮了整個房間。
Everyone says you’re a witch because you trapped me with your love spell.每個人都說你是女巫,因為你用愛情魔法困住了我。
It’s a good thing I dressed up as a zombie, otherwise I would have died when I saw you.還好我裝扮成了zombie,不然一見到你我就死了。
I’m not a pumpkin, but I’d be happy to be your pie!我不是南瓜,但我很樂意成為你的蛋糕!



Halloween is a popular festival that takes place on October 31st every year in many Western countries. Nowadays, it is also celebrated in Asian countries like Vietnam. For this special event, people would dress up like their favorite characters in horror movies or stories, such as Frankenstein, werewolves, witches, etc. Additionally, they would decorate their houses with skulls, jack-o-lanterns, and brooms. The most popular Halloween activity is probably going trick-or-treating. In the evening, children would wear unique Halloween costumes and go to people’s houses saying “Trick or Treat?” to ask for candies. Halloween is such an interesting festival for everyone to have fun.


萬聖節是許多西方國家每年 10月31日舉辦的一個流行節日。今日,越南等亞洲國家也慶祝這個節日。為了這個特別的活動,人們會打扮成自己最喜歡的恐怖電影或故事中的角色,例如 Frankenstein、狼人、女巫等。 此外,他們還會用頭骨、南瓜燈和掃帚來裝飾自己的房子。最受歡迎的萬聖節活動可能是「不給糖就搗蛋」。晚上,孩子們會穿上獨特的萬聖節服裝,到別人家說 “Trick or Treat“(不給糖就搗蛋)?”索取糖果。萬聖節是一個非常有趣的節日,讓每個人都可以玩得開心。


As a person who is very into making costumes and dressing up, I always look forward to the Halloween festival, which is celebrated on October 31st every year. My family is also interested in Halloween, so we always decorate our house and make handmade costumes with each other. This year, I want to impress everyone, so I have prepared materials to make a mermaid costume by myself. The reason why I want to dress up as a mermaid is because I really like Princess Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”, which is a famous Disney movie. Even though my costume would not be scary, I believe that it could impress everyone. 


作為一個非常喜歡製作服裝和打扮的人,我一直很期待每年10月31日慶祝的萬聖節。我的家人也對萬聖節感興趣,所以我們總是裝飾我們的房子並一起製作手工服裝。今年,我想給大家留下深刻的印象,所以我準備了材料,自己製作一套美人魚服裝。我之所以想打扮成美人魚,是因為我很喜歡 Disne y著名電影《小美人魚》中的 Ariel 公主。雖然我的服裝不會嚇人,但我相信可以讓大家留下深刻的印象。


Last year, I came across a Halloween decoration contest on Facebook, so I immediately persuaded my family to sign up. The contest’s rules were simple; all we had to do was decorate our house and front yard with fun and creative decorations related to Halloween. After that, we needed to take photos of our work and submitting on Facebook for judging. My family spent a week planning and buying materials. It took us about 2 weeks to finish decorating because all of our decorations were handmade. Surprisingly, we won the third prize and received $250! It was such a memorable Halloween for us. Even though we don’t enter any decoration competition this year, we still decorate our house to impress other people in the neighborhood.


去年,我在 Facebook 上看到了萬聖節裝飾比賽,所以我立即說服家人報名參加。比賽規則很簡單:我們所要做的就是用與萬聖節相關的有趣且富有創意的裝飾品來裝飾我們的房子和前院。然後,我們需要把我們的作品拍照起來並在 Facebook 上提交以供評審。我的家人花了一周時間規劃和購買材料。我們花了大約兩週的時間才完成裝飾,因為我們所有的裝飾品都是手工製作的。令人驚訝的是,我們獲得了三等獎,並獲得了 250 美元!這對我們來說是一個難忘的萬聖節。儘管我們今年沒有參加任何裝飾比賽,但我們仍然裝飾我們的房子以便給鄰居留下深刻的印象。


以上是總結了 70多個萬聖節祝福語的文章,大家可以參考一下。希望讀完這篇文章後你會有一個愉快的萬聖節,請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的下一篇文章吧!