你是否正在為如何撰寫一封吸引招聘方的求職信而煩惱?一封條理清晰且說服力強的求職信,能讓你在眾多候選人中脫穎而出。與 ELSA Speak 一起學習求職信的結構和撰寫技巧,結合大量的英文求職信範例,幫助你自信地打造一份專業的求職信。現在就開始行動吧!
Cover letter 是什麼?

Cover Letter 也稱為求職信,是應聘者向招聘方提交的簡要描述文件,通過工作經驗和相關技能,證明自己適合應聘職位。
Cover letter重要嗎?

- 幫助招聘方理解申請原因: 這是你展示對公司了解以及職業期望的機會。
- 提供應聘者的概述信息:
- 以簡潔的方式總結個人信息。
- 幫助招聘方快速掌握關鍵信息。
- 創造突破機會:
- 在首次接觸中留下積極印象。
- 強調你的突出技能和經驗,展示你的能力。
求職信(Cover letter)與履歷(CV)和簡歷(Resume)的區別?

整體來看,求職信與簡歷的差異不大。但以下表格ELSA Speak列出了在撰寫這三類文檔時需要注意的重點:
類型 | Cover Letter | CV | Resume |
內容 | 工作經驗、技能、成就、職業願景與未來目標 | 個人信息、教育背景、工作經驗、技能、成就、獎項 | 工作經驗、教育背景 |
長度 | 不超過1頁 | 1-2頁 | 1頁 |

- 聯繫資訊: 包括應聘者的基本資訊,如姓名、電話號碼、地址及個人電子郵件。
- 開頭部分: 說明你應聘該職位的原因,以及為什麼招聘方應該選擇你。
- 正文部分: 具體闡述你的經驗與技能,證明你適合該職位。
- 結尾部分: 表達感謝並希望能與招聘方面談交流的意願。

與 ELSA Speak 一起參考以下建議吧!

ELSA Premium 一年 – 最優惠
原價:5,250元 現在 2,888元
ELSA Premium 還有另外以下的學習包:
ELSA Premium 三個月:原價:2,100元 現在 945元
求職信 聯繫信息
- 姓名
- 目前或最近的工作職位
- 電子郵件
- 電話號碼
- 常住地址或目前所在地
- 社交媒體帳號(非必填)
- 個人網站/部落格(非必填)
Jason Chang Sales Executive Phone: +886-912-345-678 Email: [email protected] Address: Xinyi Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan |
求職信 開頭部分
在求職信的開頭段落,請以正式的問候開始,接著提到你正在應聘的職位,以及你如何得知該招聘信息。這部分僅需用 1-2 句簡潔表達即可。
Dear Mrs. Bai Huizhen – Manager of the Human Resources Department of ABC Co., Ltd., Through the 104 Job Bank platform, I learned that your company is recruiting for the position of Sales Executive for a new product line. With my in-depth professional knowledge and extensive work experience, I am confident in my ability to excel in your company’s professional and dynamic work environment. |
求職信 主要內容
在正文部分,建議用 5-7 行的文字表達,並根據具體內容分成幾個小段。內容可以包括:學歷背景、工作經驗、在工作中累積的硬技能和軟技能。優先強調與應聘職位相關的信息,這將成為你吸引招聘官的加分項,讓你在眾多應聘者中脫穎而出。
As one of the top ten outstanding graduates from National Chengchi University, I am highly confident in my knowledge in the field of Economics and Finance. Moreover, my 4 years of experience as a Sales Executive at XYZ Co., Ltd. have equipped me with excellent multitasking skills and the ability to coordinate seamlessly across departments to ensure maximum work efficiency. One of my notable achievements at my previous company was receiving the “Outstanding Employee of the Year” award for two consecutive years, achieving 230% of the assigned KPI. In addition, with my proficiency in both English and Chinese in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), I am fully capable of handling consultancy tasks for markets requiring these languages. |
求職信 結尾部分
最後,請以一段感謝語和正式的結尾詞作為收尾,並簽上名字。一些常用的英文結尾詞包括 “Kind regards”、“Best Regards” 或 “Sincerely”。
“Towards customers and for customers” is the operating principle of your company, and is also my own working rule. I believe that this harmony in working style will help me have the opportunity to develop myself to contribute more to your company. Thank you for spending your valuable time with me. I hope to meet you at the interview to discuss more deeply about the job as well as myself. Kind regards, Jason Chang |
>>閲讀更多:英文信件結尾不要只寫 Best regards ,總結寫英文信件結尾的方法

Cover letter 怎麼寫讓自己在招聘官的眼中更具吸引力?以下是一些由 ELSA Speak 提供的實用建議 !
建議求職信的篇幅控制在 A4 紙的 ½ 或 ⅓ 頁內。
求職信可以以紙本或電子檔的形式提交。如果是以電子檔形式線上傳送,建議使用 .pdf 格式,以避免字體格式錯誤的情況,特別是當招聘官使用不同的文件閱讀器時。
字體的選擇對於求職信的整體設計同樣重要。為了讓求職信易於閱讀,建議使用以下字體:英文:Arial、Times New Roman、Calibri、Tahoma 和 中文:微軟正黑體 (Microsoft JhengHei),標楷體 (PMingLiU),華康中圓體 (DFKai-SB)
- 統一字體: 整封求職信應使用相同字體,保持一致性。
- 字體大小: 建議選擇 10pt – 12pt,確保易於閱讀。
- 行距: 選擇 1.15 – 1.5 行距,讓排版更顯清爽。
- 雙語字體: 若求職信包含中英雙語內容,請選用支持雙語顯示的字體,例如: 微軟正黑體 (Microsoft JhengHei) 或 Arial Unicode MS。

ELSA Speak 建議,不要將求職信與履歷表一起作為郵件的附件發送,而是將撰寫好的求職信直接作為 電子郵件的正文內容 傳送給招聘官。
在擇寫求職信 標題中,可使用以下格式:
求職信 + 應聘職位 + 應聘者姓名,以便招聘官在篩選郵件時能快速識別。
此外,請確保 求職信與履歷表的設計風格一致,這將使你的應聘資料更加統一且美觀。

- 內容過長:
- 求職信的篇幅應控制在 A3 紙的 ½ 至 ⅔ 頁內。
- 避免冗長,集中表達具體且有價值的信息。
- 使用簡短句子,並分段呈現,以提高閱讀體驗。
- 缺乏對公司的了解:
- 詳細了解公司信息 (如公司名稱、成立年份、經營模式、地址等).
- 確保自己的專業能力與公司工作環境的契合度。
- 過於以自我為中心:
- 強調你能為公司帶來的價值,而不僅僅是滿足個人需求。
- 了解招聘官的期待,並針對其需求調整求職信內容。
- 設計不當:
- 求職信無需過於花哨的設計,除非應聘創意類行業。
- 優先考慮簡潔清晰的排版,並加入少量設計細節以突出亮點。
- 拼寫和語法錯誤:
- 仔細檢查拼寫和語法錯誤,這是求職信的基本要求。
- 使用如 Word 或 Google Docs 這類工具,幫助檢查和修正錯誤。
專業、深刻的 cover letter 範例合輯 (求職信範例)

Cover letter英文模板
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], My name is [Your Name], I graduated from OOOO university and majored in OOOO study. I found the job posting from [where you found or which websites (e.g. tw.elsaspeak website )], and I’m interested in OOOO. I’d love to put my skills to work for your clients. I’m a [your previous job experiences] with OO years of experience providing excellent services to clients ranging from potential users to regular customers. I can clearly understand our personal differences, everyone life background and different values. Always put myself in others’ position. My most recent campaign for OOO Corp. This is a brief summary of the project results: Project A: [job description, result] Project B: [job description, result] etc. In reference to your requirements in the job description, I have: 1. Effective communication skills, both oral and written 2. Strong presentation skills from my minor in mass communications 3. Proficiency with word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software 4. Collaborated Closely and Thoughtfully With Web Production Team … I am an positive person and confident that my experience, particularly within the field of internet marketing, as well as my ability to communicate to workmates and clients. It make me a strong candidate for the [job you apply for]. I’m available to talk at your convenience. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your full name] |
OO公司 您好, 我是OOO,畢業於OOOO。對貴公司經營理念相當認同,一直期待能為之效力。在 [網站地址]看到貴公司誠徵網路行銷一職,即前來投遞履歷。 我在網路產業有OO年工作經驗,曾規劃、執行過近百個大型網路行銷專案,以下是專案成果簡述: 專案A:工作簡述、成效數據 專案B:工作簡述、成效數據 專案C:工作簡述、成效數據 其中OOO專案更為客戶創造300%收益,獲得OOO大獎。 我的個性OOOOOO,也具備OOO證照,相信我的特質與專業技能符合貴公司網路行銷職務,也能為貴公司帶來OOO貢獻。感謝您撥冗閱讀,希望有機會加入為貴公司效力。 OOO 敬上 |
按行業分類的cover letter英文範例
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am writing to apply for the [Position Title] at [Company Name]. With my background in [specific field] and passion for [specific aspect related to the role], I am eager to contribute to your team. In my previous experience at [Previous Company/University], I developed strong skills in [key skills related to the position]. For example, I [specific achievement or responsibility]. These experiences have prepared me to excel in [specific responsibilities of the applied role]. I am impressed by [specific company value or achievement] and look forward to the opportunity to bring my skills and enthusiasm to your team. Thank you for considering my application, and I hope to discuss my qualifications further in an interview. Best regards, [Your Name] |
尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我特此寫信申請 [公司名稱] 的 [職位名稱]。憑藉我在 [具體領域] 的知識基礎以及對 [與職位相關的某一方面] 的熱情,我非常期待能為貴公司團隊做出貢獻。 在 [前公司/學校名稱] 工作期間,我培養了 [與職位相關的主要技能] 等強大技能。例如,我曾經 [具體的成就或職責]。這些經驗讓我為 [申請職位的具體職責] 做好了充分的準備。 貴公司在 [公司價值觀或成就] 上的表現令我深感敬佩,我希望能將自己的技能與熱情融入貴公司的團隊中。感謝您考慮我的申請,我期待有機會進一步交流,介紹我的技能如何為貴公司增值。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
學生和實習生的cover letter 範例
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am writing to express my interest in the [Internship Position] at [Company Name]. As a final-year student majoring in [Your Major] at [Your University], I have developed foundational knowledge in [relevant skills/subjects] and am eager to apply this in a real-world setting. During my academic journey, I have completed projects such as [specific project or coursework], which enhanced my skills in [specific skill]. Additionally, I actively participated in [club/organization], where I developed [soft skills like teamwork or leadership]. I believe that my enthusiasm to learn, coupled with my dedication, would make me a valuable addition to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to [Company Name]. Sincerely, [Your Name] |
尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我寫這封信是為了表達我對 [公司名稱] 提供的 [實習職位名稱] 的濃厚興趣。我是 [大學名稱] [專業名稱] 的應屆畢業生,期間學習了 [相關技能/課程],希望能將所學知識應用於實際工作環境中。 在學習期間,我參與了 [具體項目或課程],通過這些經驗提高了 [具體技能]。此外,我積極參加 [社團/組織名稱],並在此期間發展了 [軟技能,如團隊合作、領導力] 等能力。 我相信,我的學習熱情與全心投入將為貴公司帶來價值。感謝您抽空審閱我的申請,我非常期待能與您交流,探討我如何為 [公司名稱] 的發展貢獻力量。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
缺乏經驗應徵者的cover letter 範例
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am excited to apply for the [Position Title] at [Company Name]. Although I am at the beginning of my career, I bring a strong academic background in [Your Field] from [Your University] and a passion for [specific interest related to the position]. During my studies, I gained practical knowledge through [projects, internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering], which helped me build skills in [specific skills, e.g., communication, problem-solving]. Additionally, I am proficient in [relevant technical skills or languages]. I am eager to bring my dedication and willingness to learn to your esteemed company. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my skills align with the needs of your team. Kind regards, [Your Name] |
尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我非常高興能申請 [公司名稱] 的 [職位名稱]。雖然我處於職業生涯的初期階段,但我擁有 [專業領域] 的扎實學術背景(畢業於 [大學名稱]),並對 [與職位相關的特定興趣] 懷有極大的熱情。 在學習期間,我透過 [專案、實習、兼職工作或志願活動] 積累了實際經驗,從而培養了 [特定技能,如溝通能力、解決問題能力] 等技能。此外,我還精通 [相關技術技能或語言]。 我熱切希望能將我的奉獻精神和學習熱情帶到貴公司。我期待能與您進一步交流,探討我的技能如何滿足貴公司團隊的需求。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
高級管理職位的cover letter 範例
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am writing to express my interest in the [Senior/Managerial Position] at [Company Name]. With over [X years] of experience in [Your Field/Industry], I have honed my expertise in [specific expertise, e.g., strategic planning, team leadership]. In my previous role as [Your Previous Position] at [Previous Company], I successfully [specific accomplishment, e.g., increased revenue by X%, streamlined operations, led a team of Y members]. These experiences have strengthened my ability to [key strength related to the new role]. I am impressed by [specific company achievement or value], and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific company goal]. I would welcome the chance to discuss how my leadership and vision can bring value to your team. Warm regards, [Your Name] |
尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我寫這封信是為了表達我對 [公司名稱] 提供的 [高階職位名稱] 的濃厚興趣。憑藉在 [專業領域] 超過 [X 年] 的經驗,我已在 [具體專業技能,如策略規劃、團隊領導] 方面積累了深厚的專業知識。 作為 [前公司名稱] 的 [先前職位名稱],我成功地 [具體成就,如提升收入 X%、優化流程、領導 Y 名成員的團隊]。這些經歷進一步強化了我在 [與新職位相關的主要強項] 方面的能力。 貴公司在 [具體成就或價值觀] 上的傑出表現令我印象深刻。我非常期待有機會為 [公司具體目標] 做出貢獻。我期待能與您交流,分享我的領導力和願景如何為貴公司團隊帶來價值。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
行業細分的cover letter 範例
IT 行業求職信 英文範例 (Software Developer)
Subject: Application for the Position of Software Developer Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am writing to express my enthusiasm for the Software Developer position at [Company Name]. As a [number of years]-year experienced developer with a strong passion for cutting-edge technology, I believe my skills and background align perfectly with your team’s needs. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully [mention a significant achievement, e.g., “developed and deployed a web application that increased user engagement by 30%”]. I am proficient in [list key programming languages or tools, e.g., Python, JavaScript, and cloud technologies], and I thrive in collaborative environments where innovation and efficiency are prioritized. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of your dedication to [specific company value or project, e.g., “driving innovation in AI-powered solutions”]. I am eager to contribute my expertise to furthering these goals while expanding my skill set in [specific area, e.g., machine learning or DevOps]. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background and skills can contribute to the success of your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of an interview. Best regards, [Your Full Name] |
主旨: 應徵軟體開發人員職位 尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我寫這封信是為了表達我對應徵 [公司名稱] 的軟體開發人員職位的濃厚興趣。憑藉 [X 年] 的工作經驗和對尖端技術的熱情,我深信我的技能與背景能完全符合貴團隊的需求。 在之前於 [前公司名稱] 擔任的職位中,我成功地 [描述具體成就,例如:「開發並部署了一個網頁應用程式,提升用戶互動率 30%」]。我精通 [列舉主要程式語言或工具,例如:Python、JavaScript 及雲端技術],並能在注重創新與效率的合作環境中表現卓越。 我對 [公司名稱] 致力於 [公司價值或具體專案,例如:「推動人工智慧解決方案的創新」的承諾深感敬佩。我期待運用我的專業技能協助貴公司達成這些目標,並進一步拓展我在 [特定領域,例如:機器學習或 DevOps] 的能力。 我期望能有機會與您討論我的經驗與技能如何為貴團隊的成功作出貢獻。感謝您考慮我的申請。我期待能收到您的回覆,安排面試事宜。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
Manufacturing Engineering 行業求職信 英文範例
Subject: Application for the Position of Manufacturing Engineer Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am writing to express my interest in the Manufacturing Engineer position at [Company Name]. With a degree in [Your Engineering Degree] and [number of years] years of experience in [specific manufacturing area, e.g., process optimization and quality control], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team. At [Previous Company], I spearheaded [specific project, e.g., “the implementation of lean manufacturing techniques, reducing production costs by 15%”]. My expertise in [specific skills, e.g., Six Sigma methodologies and CAD software] has enabled me to enhance operational efficiency while maintaining the highest quality standards. I am impressed by [Company Name]’s commitment to [specific company value or project, e.g., “developing sustainable manufacturing solutions”]. I am eager to bring my problem-solving skills and technical acumen to your organization to drive continuous improvement and innovation. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can support [Company Name] in achieving its goals. Thank you for considering my application, and I hope to discuss my candidacy further in an interview. Best regards, [Your Full Name] |
標題: 應徵製造工程師職位 尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我寫這封信是為了表達我對應徵 [公司名稱] 的製造工程師職位的興趣。憑藉 [您的工程領域學位] 和 [X 年] 在 [特定製造領域,例如:流程優化與品質管控] 的工作經驗,我相信自己能有效為貴公司的團隊作出貢獻。 在 [前公司名稱] 工作期間,我成功領導了 [具體專案,例如:「實施精益製造技術,將生產成本降低 15%」]。我熟練掌握 [具體技能,例如:Six Sigma 方法與 CAD 軟體],能夠在保持最高品質標準的同時提升運營效率。 我對 [公司名稱] 致力於 [公司價值或專案,例如:「開發可持續生產解決方案」] 的承諾深感敬佩。我希望運用自己的問題解決能力與技術專長,推動公司在創新與持續改進方面的發展。 我期望能有機會與您進一步討論我如何協助 [公司名稱] 實現既定目標。感謝您考慮我的申請,我期待能在不久的將來參加面試。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
English Teaching 行業求職信 英文範例
Subject: Application for the Position of English Teacher Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am excited to apply for the English Teacher position at [School Name]. As a certified ESL instructor with [number of years] years of experience teaching English to students of diverse backgrounds, I am confident in my ability to create an engaging and supportive learning environment. In my previous role at [Previous School/Institute], I successfully [specific achievement, e.g., “designed interactive lesson plans that improved student language proficiency by 20% over one academic year”]. My teaching philosophy emphasizes [specific approach, e.g., “practical communication skills and cultural immersion”], which I believe aligns with [School Name]’s mission to [specific mission, e.g., “foster global citizens through language education”]. I am particularly interested in joining your team because of [specific reason, e.g., “your innovative curriculum and focus on student-centered learning”]. I am confident my skills in [specific skills, e.g., curriculum design, classroom management, and assessment development] will contribute positively to your school community. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and passion for teaching can benefit [School Name]. Best regards, [Your Full Name] |
主旨: 應徵英語教師職位 尊敬的 [招聘官姓名], 我非常高興能申請 [學校名稱] 的英語教師職位。作為一名具備 ESL 教學資格的教師,擁有 [X 年] 教授來自不同背景學生的英語經驗,我深信自己能創造一個充滿活力的學習環境,幫助學生實現更大的進步。 在之前於 [學校名稱/中心名稱] 的工作中,我成功地 [具體成就,例如:「設計互動式教案,使學生的英語應用能力在一學年內提升了 20%」]。我的教學理念專注於 [具體方法,例如:「實用的溝通技能和文化融入」],這與 [學校名稱,例如:「通過語言教育培養全球公民」] 的使命非常契合。 我特別希望加入貴校的團隊,因為 [具體原因,例如:「創新且以學生為中心的課程設計」]。我相信自己在 [具體技能,例如:課程設計、課堂管理以及測驗開發] 方面的專長,能為學校社群帶來積極的貢獻。 感謝您考慮我的求職申請。我希望能有機會與您進一步討論我的教學經驗和熱情,並如何為 [學校名稱] 帶來益處。 此致敬禮, [您的姓名] |
一句點睛之筆的求職信就是通往夢想工作的鑰匙。希望 ELSA Speak 分享的這些英文求職信範例,能成為您征服招聘官的利器,幫助您離職業成功更近一步。祝您好運!