Idioms 是幫助話語變得更加自然和生動的獨特組詞。與 ELSA Speak 一起了解有趣的 idiom 以每天提升你的英語技能!
idiom 意思
Idiom 中文翻譯爲成語。它們是由我們在日常生活中經常遇到的單字組合而成的特殊組詞或概念。成語的一個特點是它們的意思與每個組成詞的意思完全不同。因此,要清楚地理解一個成語的含義,不可能簡單地將單字的含義放在一起。換句話說,成語是固定的短語,其順序不能改變,也不能增減詞語,往往具有深刻的隱喻意義。
例如: It’s raining cats and dogs.
翻譯: 天下著傾盆大雨。
英語中有很多 idiom,在短時間內學會所有的是「不可能的」。以下是 ELSA Speak 整理的有用秘訣。
- 根據语境和主題
- 不要學太多:成語、俗語沒有一定的規則,很容易造成混亂。一次學習5個成語並經常使用它們會更有效。
- 了解成語的表達狀態:成語常表達情感或狀態。將它們置於與情緒相關的情境中將幫助你更長時間地記住它們並提高你的溝通反應。
- 注意特殊結構:注意無法逐字翻譯的特殊短語。從上下文中預測含義,然後學習細節以建立豐富的成語詞彙。
英語 idiom 的用法
英語成語常用於溝通句子或表達某些事物。它有助於增加你正在談論的問題的吸引力。在某些情況下,英語成語也有助於捍衛你的論點。對於那些正在學習英語交流或想在 IELTS, TOEFL考試中取得高分的人來說,英語成語和俗語也發揮著重要作用。
與自然有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
Under the weather | (感覺不舒服) |
A storm is brewing | 劇變/麻煩即將發生 |
Calm before the storm | 暴風雨前的寧靜(騷亂前的異常寧靜) |
Weather a storm | 度過困難 |
When it rains, it pours | 不幸(壞事接二連三地發生) |
Chasing rainbows | 追求不切實際的(無法實現的) |
Rain or shine | 下雨或晴天(無論條件如何,這都一定會發生) |
Under the sun | 地球上(生活中的一切) |
Once in a blue moon | 千载难逢(極少見發證) |
Every cloud has a silver lining | 不幸之幸(不幸中也有可庆幸的。指灾祸中也有福在)。 |
A rising tide lifts all boats | 水涨船高 (經濟好的時候大家都會受益) |
Get into deep water | 遇到麻煩 |
Pour oil on troubled waters | 調和並緩和緊張局勢 |
Make waves | 引起注意(创造戏剧性的变化) |
Go with the flow | 順其自然(放松,不要强迫) |
Lost at sea | 困惑、迷失(不知道该怎么办) |
Sail close to the wind | 做一些有风险的事情(几乎超出了法律界限) |
Make a mountain out of a molehill | 小事变大/小题大做 |
Gain ground | 發展、進步 |
Walking on air | 非常高興,幸福 |
Many moons ago | 很久以前 |
Castle in the sky | 幻想與不切實際的夢想 |
Down to earth | 現實,不是幻想 |
Salt of the earth | 善良、誠實的人 |
The tip of the iceberg | 冰山一角(只是問題的一角) |
Break the ice | 打破尷尬氣氛 |
Sell ice to Eskimos | 極具很好的說服力(出售沒人需要的東西) |
Bury your head in the sand | 避免真相或困難的情況 |
Let the dust settle | 等待局勢再次穩定 |
Clear as mud | 不清楚,難以理解 |
As cold as stone | 冰冷、沒有感情 |
Between a rock and a hard place | 困境(兩件壞事難以選擇) |
Nip something in the bud | 扼杀在摇篮里 |
Barking up the wrong tree | 誤解了問題,走錯了方向 |
Out of the woods | 擺脫困境 |
Can’t see the forest for the trees | 由於過度關注小細節而看不到大局 |
To hold out an olive branch | 提出調解建議 |
Beat around the bush | 繞圈子,沒有說到重點 |
與金錢有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
Look like a million dollars/bucks | 看起來很神奇而且很有吸引力。 |
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth | 出生於一個富裕而成功的家庭。 |
To go from rags to riches | 努力從貧困走向富裕。 |
Pay an arm and a leg for something | 非常貴的東西。 |
To have sticky fingers | 成為一名小偷。 |
To give a run for one’s money | 努力工作,爭取勝利。 |
To pony up | 支付某物或償還債務。 |
To ante up | 付錢給某人,像 “to pony up.” |
Break even | 收支平衡,不賠錢。 |
Break the bank | 非常貴的東西。 |
To be closefisted | 不想花錢,就像小氣一樣。 |
To go Dutch | 出去吃飯「誰的錢誰自己付」。 |
Shell out money/to fork over money | 花很多錢支付某些東西(通常很貴)。 |
Midas touch | 賺錢的能力很輕鬆 |
In the red/In the black | “In the red” 是你的支出超過收入; “In the black” 是你賺的錢多於花的錢。 |
Receive a kickback | 收受非法金錢/收受賄賂。 |
Live (from) hand to mouth | 沒有多少錢,生活是困難和匱乏的。 |
To be loaded | 有很多錢。 |
Make ends meet | 賺足夠的錢來支付生活費和基本開支。 |
As genuine as a three-dollar bill | 假的東西,不是真的。 |
與身體部位相關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
Rule of thumb | 一般規則,不以科學或研究為基礎的不成文規則。 |
Keep your chin up | 保持精神振奮,堅強,不要讓失敗或困難對你有太大的影響。 |
Find your feet | 自我調整,融入新環境。 |
與食物有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
Spice things up | 做的讓某學更有意思 |
A piece of cake | 這很容易,「就像餡餅一樣簡單」。 |
Cool as a cucumber | 平靜和舒服。 |
A couch potato | 花大量時間看電視,活動較少的人。 |
Bring home the bacon | 工作謀生以養家。 |
In hot water | 處境困難或陷入嚴重麻煩。 |
Compare apples and oranges | 两个不一样的东西是不应该比较的。 |
Not one’s cup of tea | 不是任何人都喜欢或关心的东西。 |
Eat like a bird | 吃得很少。 |
Eat like a horse | 吃得很多。 |
Butter [someone] up | 奉承,奉承某人以獲得支持。 |
Food for thought | 要认真思考的事情。 |
A smart cookie | 聰明的人。 |
Packed like sardines | 人頭攢動,擠滿了人。 |
Spill the beans | 一不小心洩漏了秘密。 |
A bad apple | 對團體中的其他人有負面影響的人。 |
Bread and butter | 有助於支付生活費的工作。 |
Buy a lemon | 購買沒有價值或有問題的物品。 |
A hard nut to crack | 難以接觸、親近或打交道的人。 |
Have a sweet tooth | 喜歡吃甜食。 |
與數字有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
A great one for sth | 對什麽感興趣 |
A new one on me | 奇怪的事 |
A nine day wonder | 生活中最奇怪的事情 |
A nine-to-five job | 無聊的工作 |
A one-night stand | 一夜情 |
A quick one | 快速喝一杯酒 |
A storm in a tea cup | 因小問題而擔心、生氣 |
All in one, all rolled up into one | 全部合而為一,全部捲成一體 |
At one time | 某段已過去的時間 |
At sixes and sevens | 一種混亂的狀態 |
Back to square one | 回到最初 |
Be at one with someone | 與某人統一 |
Be in two minds | 還沒決定 |
Be/get one up on someone | 比某人更有優勢 |
Dresses up to the nines | 穿得很好看 |
For one thing | 因爲一個原因 |
For two pins | 差點 |
Have one over the eight | 喝太多 |
Hold your horse | 等一下 |
In two shakes | 马上, 立刻 |
It’s all one (to me/him) | 都一樣 |
Knock someone for six | 打敗誰 |
My one and only copy | 唯一的人 |
On cloud nine | 雲九上 |
One and the same | 一且相同 |
One for the road | 離開前的最後一杯酒 |
One in a thousand/million | 百里挑一 |
One in the eye for someone | 刺眼 |
One of the boy | 同一群體的人 |
One of these days | 不久 |
One of those days | 倒霉天 |
One too many | 很多酒 |
Put two and two together | 猜對某事 |
Two bites of/at the cherry | 機會來了兩次 |
Two/ten a penny | 容易取得 |
與顏色有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
(Catch someone/be caught) red-handed | (抓住某人/被抓住)當場 |
A black day (for someone/sth) | 黑色的一天 |
A black list | 黑名單 |
A black look | 生氣的樣子 |
A black mark | 黑痕、污點 |
A blue-collar worker/job | 體力勞動 |
A boil from the blue | 閃電新聞 |
A green belt | 一條綠帶 |
A red herring | 打退堂鼓 |
A red letter day | 難忘的一天 |
A white lie | 無害的謊言 |
A white-collar worker/job | 辦公室人員/白領 |
A/the black sheep (of the family) | 家庭與社會的污點 |
A/the blue-eyed boy | 被寵愛的孩子 |
As white as a sheet/ghost | 白得像一張紙/幽靈 |
Be green | 不成熟 |
Be in the black | 有存款 |
Be in the red | 銀行債務 |
Be/go/turn as red as a beetroot | 因為尷尬而臉紅 |
Black and blue | 瘀青 |
Black ice | 黑冰 |
Black out | 暈倒,使停电, 涂黑,盖住,涂掉 |
Blue blood | 皇室血統 |
Disappear/vanish/go off into the blue | 消失 |
Give someone/get the green light | 給誰開綠燈 |
Go/turn grey | 變白 |
Green with envy | 眼红的;非常嫉妒的 |
Grey matter | 头脑 |
Have (got) green fingers | 有绿色的手指,表示“高超的园艺技能” |
In black and white | 白紙和黑墨水 |
In someone’s black books | 不取悅任何人 |
Not as black as one/it is painted | 並不像人們想像的那麼糟糕 |
Once in a blue moon | 千载难逢 |
Out of the blue | 突然;出乎意料地; |
Paint the town red | 與朋友聚會 |
Scream/cry blue murder | 強烈反對 |
See red | 憤怒爆發 |
The red carpet | 熱烈歡迎 |
Till one is blue in the face | 费尽口舌地 |
With flying colors | 出色地完成任務 |
與動物有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
A bird’s eye view | 俯视 |
A busy bee | 忙碌的人 |
A cat nap | 白天睡覺 |
A cold fish | 冷漠的人 |
A dog in the manger | 不希望任何人使用自己不需要的東西 |
A dog’s life | 悲慘的生活 |
In the doghouse | 有人對你生氣或不滿意 |
A fish out of water | 失落的人 |
A fly in the ointment | 一粒鼠粪搅坏一锅汤 |
A guinea pig | 把自己當作實驗對象 |
A home bird | 喜歡待在家裡的人 |
A lame duck | 失敗的人 |
Alone bird/wolf | 常待在家裡的人 |
A rare bird | 稀有物品 |
A sitting duck | 容易受到攻擊 |
A wild goose chase | 毫無結果的搜尋 |
An eager beaver | 工作狂 |
An early bird | 早起的人 |
An odd bird/fish | 怪物的人 |
Badger someone | 纠缠某人 |
Bud someone | 打扰某人 |
Can’t say boo to a goose | 非常胆小,胆小如鼠 |
Do the donkey’s work | 幹单调,无趣的苦差事 |
Dog tired | 筋疲力盡的 |
Donkey’s years | 很久;漫长的岁月;很长的时间 |
Go to the dogs | 堕落 |
Have a bee in one’s bonnet | 被某事困擾 |
Have butterflies in one’s stomach | 着急 |
Have other fish to fry | 有事要做 |
Lead a cat and dog life | 过着猫狗般的生活 |
Let sleeping dogs lie | 不要提起過去的事 |
Let the cat out of the bag | 揭開秘密 |
Make a bee-line for something | 直奔某物 |
Make a big of oneself | 飲食粗俗 |
Not have a cat in hell’s chance | 没有猫在地狱的机会,表示沒有機會了 |
Not have room to swing a cat | 像鼻孔一樣窄 |
Not hurt a fly | 不會傷害任何人 |
Play cat and mouse with someone | 玩貓和老鼠 |
Put the cat among the pigeons | 引起纷争 |
Take the bull by the horns | 不怕困難 |
The bee’s knees | 出色、顶尖的人或物。 |
There are no flies on someone | 很机灵;不会容易上当的人 |
Top dog | 統治者 |
When pigs fly | 絕不可能發生的時候」或「絕無可能的事 |
與學校有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
Sign up for | 報名參加 |
Brush up on | 復習 |
Hand in | 上交 |
Teacher’s pet | 被老師寵愛的學生 |
Drop out (of) | 退出,停止參與 |
Cut class/ skip class/ play hooky | 逃課 |
The school of hard knocks | 透過困難的經驗學習有用的知識 |
與旅行有關的 idiom
成語 | 意思 |
Let one’s hair down | 放松 |
Give sb a lift | 让某人搭便车 |
Hit the road | 上路 |
At the crack of dawn | 黎明 |
Off the beaten track | 遙遠、僻靜 |
At the wheel | 駕車,開車 |
Drive a hard bargain | 討價還價,少一加二 |
Itchy feet | 足瘋 |
Get away from it all | 去某個地方(旅行) |
Travel light/ pack light | 旅行時攜帶的物品很少,通常只攜帶最少的輕型行李 |
Catch the sun/ soak up the sun | 曬太陽 |
Travel on the cheap | 低成本旅行 |
Travel on a shoestring | 低成本旅行 |
Take/catch the red-eye | 航班於深夜起飛 |
Recharge your batteries | 休息以恢復健康 |
與工作有關的 idiom
成語 | 意義 |
A mover and shaker | 意見受到尊重的人 |
Beat around the bush | 繞圈子說話 |
Burn the candle at both ends | 日夜工作 |
Butter someone up | 對某人好是因為你想要某樣東西 |
Call in a favour | 要求某人回報 |
Get off on the wrong foot | 與某人有一個糟糕的開始 |
Get the boot | 被解僱 |
Get your feet under the table | 開始熟悉工作 |
Give someone the sack | 解僱某人 |
Give someone their marching orders | 解僱某人 |
Go the extra mile | 做的比你預期的更多 |
Knuckle under | 停止浪費時間並開始工作 |
Pass the buck | 將責任推給某人 |
Pull a few strings | 利用你對某事的影響力 |
Pull your socks up | 更加努力 |
Pull your weight | 盡自己的一份力量 |
Put pen to paper | 開始寫 |
Put your feet up | 放鬆 |
Show someone the ropes | 告訴某人事情的做法 |
Take on | 僱人 |
The blue-eyed boy | 受到欣赏的人、受宠爱的人 |
Work all the hours that God sends | 利用一切可能的时间工作 |
Work your fingers to the bone | 工作很努力 |
與購物有關的 idiom
成語 | 意義 |
A mover and shaker | 意見受到尊重的人 |
Beat around the bush | 繞圈子說話 |
Burn the candle at both ends | 日夜工作 |
Butter someone up | 對某人好是因為你想要某樣東西 |
Call in a favour | 要求某人回報 |
Get off on the wrong foot | 與某人有一個糟糕的開始 |
Get the boot | 被解僱 |
Get your feet under the table | 開始熟悉工作 |
Give someone the sack | 解僱某人 |
Give someone their marching orders | 解僱某人 |
Go the extra mile | 做的比你預期的更多 |
Knuckle under | 停止浪費時間並開始工作 |
Pass the buck | 將責任推給某人 |
Pull a few strings | 利用你對某事的影響力 |
Pull your socks up | 更加努力 |
Pull your weight | 盡自己的一份力量 |
Put pen to paper | 開始寫 |
Put your feet up | 放鬆 |
Show someone the ropes | 告訴某人事情的做法 |
Take on | 僱人 |
The blue-eyed boy | 受到欣赏的人、受宠爱的人 |
Work all the hours that God sends | 利用一切可能的时间工作 |
Work your fingers to the bone | 工作很努力 |
成語 | 意義 |
A flow will have an ebb | 漲潮必有落潮 |
A lie has no legs | 謊言沒長腳 |
A miss is as good as a mile | 失之毫釐,差之千里 |
A year care, a minute ruin | 一年的關懷,一分鐘的毀滅 |
Actions speak louder than words | 行勝於言 |
Beauty is only skin-deep | 美麗是膚淺的 |
Behind the times | 過時的 |
Beginning is the difficulty | 萬事開頭難 |
Better late than never | 遲做總比不做好 |
Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚,人以群分 |
Bitter pills may have blessed effects | 良藥苦口利於病 |
Busybody | 多管閒事的人 |
Build castles in the air | 做白日夢 |
Caution is the parent of safety | 謹慎小心是安全之源 |
Constant dropping wears stone | 水滴石穿 |
Couch potato | 偷懶的人 |
Do not judge a man by his looks | 勿以外貌取人 |
Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals | 酒後吐真言 |
Fool’s haste is no speed | 欲速則不達 |
God will not buy everything | 有錢不能萬能 |
Grasp all, lose all | 貪多必失 |
Half a loaf is better than no bread | 半條麵包總比沒麵包好;聊勝於無 |
Handsome is as handsome does | 行為美才是真正的美 |
Health is better than wealth | 健康勝於財富 |
Heart of gold | 善良的心 |
Know-it-all | 自以為無所不知的人 |
If the cap fits then wear it | 有則改之 |
If you eat the fruit, you have to think about the one who grows the tree | 吃飯不忘種穀人 |
In for a penny, in for a pound | 得寸進尺 |
It never rains but it pours | 禍不單行 |
Like father like son | 有 其 父 必 有 其 子 |
Love me love my dog | 愛屋及烏 |
Many a little makes a mickle | 千里之行,始於足下 |
Man of his words | 靠譜的人因為他們說到做到並遵守諾言 |
Money makes the mare go | 錢溝通神 |
No guide, no realization | 無師不通 |
No wisdom like silence | 沒有什麽智慧比沉默更重要 |
Nothing venture, nothing win | 孤注一擲 |
One good turn deserves another | 以 眼 還 眼 、 以 牙 還 牙 |
One scabby sheep is enough to spoil the whole flock | 一粒鼠糞攪壞一鍋湯 |
Out of sight, out of mind | 眼不見,心不煩 |
Slow and sure | 緩慢而確定 |
So many men, so many minds | 人多意見也多 |
Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you what you see | 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 |
The early bird catches the worm | 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 |
The empty vessel makes the greatest sound | 雷聲 大 、 雨點 小 |
There’s no smoke without fire | 無風不起浪 |
Threats do not always lead to blows | 會叫的狗是不咬人的狗 |
Time lost is never found | 失去的時間永遠找不回來 |
To kill two birds with one stone | 一舉兩便 |
To let the wolf into the fold | 養虎遺患 ; 養 癰 成 患 |
To run with the hare and hold with the hounds | 腳踏兩隻船、 雙手 抓 魚 |
Traveling forms a young man | 經一事,長一智 |
Two securities are better than one | 两只手比一只手好 |
We have gone too far to draw back | 覆水難收 |
We reap what we sow | 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 |
Worrywart | 自尋煩惱的人 |
Where there is a will, there is a way | 有志者,事竟成 |
Where there’s life, there’s hope | 哪里有生命,哪里就有希望 |
Who breaks, pays | 谁打破了谁就要付出代价 |
Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl | 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 |
Who makes excuses, himself excuses | 谁找借口,谁就找借口 |
You never know your luck | 命運好壞不由己 |
英語 idiom 練習
練習一: 用動物成語填空
1. Rita had __________ in her pants the day before her important exam.
2. I’m going to have a __________ before the next lesson.
3. I take part in a summer camp during the __________ days of July.
4. We knew something __________ was going on when we saw them secretly leave.
5. __________! I’ll come in a minute.
6. If you make a call while you’re cooking dinner, you will kill __________.
7. Who let __________ about our secret meeting?
8. I __________ on candies, so I’m having a stomachache now.
9. She is the __________ of the family, so she is never welcomed here.
10. My shirt was wet because it was raining __________.
1. Ants
2. Cat nap
3. Dog
4. Fishy
5. Hold the horses
6. Kill two birds with one stone
7. The cat out of the bag
8. Pig out
9. Black sheep
10. Cats and dogs
練習二: 選出正確答案
1. It rained __________ and I didn’t have an umbrella!
A. Black and white
B. Blue in the face
C. Out of the blue
Lucy was __________ when she saw her boyfriend go out with another girl.
2. Blue in the face
A. Green with envy
B. Tickled pink
C. Black sheep
3. He was __________ while stealing money.
A. Take the red eye
B. Caught red-handed
4. She has done the test __________. She is really happy now.
A. With flying colors
B. Out of the blue
C. Black and white
5. __________ you can see your idol on the show.
A. Once in a blue moon
B. Paint the town red
C. Green thumb
6. Her grandmother was __________ that she called on her birthday.
A. Red-letter day
B. Tickled pink
C. Green with envy
7. I __________ from the USA to Vietnam last night and now I am exhausted.
A. Paint the town red
B. Have a yellow streak
C. Take the red eye
8. I didn’t like her song, but I told a __________ because I didn’t want to make her sad.
A. Red tape
B. White lie
C. Black sheep
9. The day I got the highest mark was a __________ for me.
A. Red tape
B. Red-letter day
C. White lie
10. My friend refused to try going climbing at the weekend. He had a __________.
A. White lie
B. Red tape
C. Yellow streak
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
C | A | B | A | A |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
B | C | B | B | C |
練習三: 選出正確答案
1. Today is your important test, isn’t it? __________!
A. Break a leg
B. Get cold feet
C. Face to face
2. The picture looks beautiful, but I can’t afford it. It __________.
A. Hits the nail on the head
B. Gives me the cold shoulder
C. Costs an arm and a leg
3. I didn’t sleep last night, so I had to __________ from my parents.
A. Face the music
B. Put my foot in mouth
C. Get off their back
4. We don’t __________ where we should go.
A. Look down our nose at
B. See eye to eye
C. Give a hand
5. We don’t know if the weather will be good enough for going shopping. We’ll have to __________.
A. Keep an eye on it
B. Play it by ear
C. Pay through the nose
6. I __________ the alphabet __________ in the first grade.
A. Gave…a hand
B. Gave…the cold shoulder
C. Learnt…by heart
7. She’ll __________ the baby while her mother is cooking dinner.
A. Keep an eye on
B. See eye to eye
C. Lend a hand
8. I can __________ when you’re too busy.
A. Take it for granted
B. Let off steam
C. Give a hand
9. The climbers were found __________ after the accident.
A. Ups and downs
B. Safe and sound
C. Odds and ends
10. We just have to finish this section, then we’re __________.
A. Ups and downs
B. Safe and sound
C. Home and dry
11. All the police couldn’t find him. Their efforts were __________.
A. In vain
B. The last straw
C. Better safe than sorry
12. Like other people, I’ve had my __________, but life’s like that.
A. Ups and downs
B. Safe and sound
C. Odds and ends
13. __________ was when she couldn’t stop crying.
A. The die is cast
B. Get off her back
C. The last straw
14. He’s just __________ for his benefit. He doesn’t care about anything except for himself.
A. Keeping his shirt on
B. Putting on an act
C. Putting himself in others’ shoes
15. She reads a book after work to __________.
A. Play it by ear
B. Let off steam
C. Pay through the nose
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | C | A | B | B |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
C | A | C | B | C |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
A | A | C | B | B |
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