用英語表達有意思而令人印象深刻的聖誕節祝福語,準備一個有意義的聖誕節!學習這個節日的標準表達、普通祝福語和特殊詞彙。與 ELSA Speak 一起提高你的英語水平,並在這個聖誕節自信地向親戚朋友送上真誠的祝福語!

聖誕節英文是“Christmas”,源自古語“Cristes Maesse”,意思是“基督的盛宴”。這被認為是慶祝耶穌基督的誕生。該假期正式於12月24日晚上至12月25日舉行。聖誕節除了基督教意義外,也是家人在一年的辛苦勞動後團聚、歡聚的節日。
聖誕節祝福語英文中有許多不同的表達方式,既適合交流,也適合寫作,尤其是寫賀卡。與 ELSA Speak 一起了解更多聖誕節祝福金句吧!

例句 | 翻譯 |
Merry Christmas! | 聖誕節快樂! |
Happy Holidays! | 節日快樂! |
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas! | 祝你有個歡樂、平靜的聖誕節! |
May your Christmas be filled with love and happiness! | 願你的聖誕節充滿愛與幸福! |

例句 | 翻譯 |
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! | 祝你和你的家人聖誕快樂! |
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! | 希望你度過一個美好的聖誕節和快樂的新年! |
May the spirit of Christmas bring you joy, peace, and love. | 願聖誕節節的精神為你帶來歡樂、平安和愛。 |
Sending you warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! | 向你致上溫暖的祝福:聖誕快樂、新年快樂! |
>>閲讀更多:感恩節的英文介紹: 由來、祝福語和相關詞彙

例句 | 翻譯 |
Wishing you all the best this Christmas season. | 祝你在這個聖誕節一切順利。 |
May your Christmas be as bright and cheerful as you are! | 願你的聖誕節像你一樣明媚、歡樂! |
Hope the holiday season brings you everything you wish for. | 希望假期能為你帶來你想要的一切。 |
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year ahead! | 祝你一個快樂的聖誕節和成功的新年! |
Hope this festive season brings you peace and joy. | 希望這個節日帶給你平安和歡樂。 |

例句 | 翻譯 |
Have a holly jolly Christmas! | 祝你聖誕節快樂! |
Eat, drink, and be merry! | 吃喝並享受聖誕節! |
Cheers to a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year! | 祝你有個美好的聖誕節和繁榮的新年! |
May your Christmas be full of fun, laughter, and lots of presents! | 願你的聖誕節充滿樂趣、歡笑和許多禮物! |

例句 | 翻譯 |
Merry Christmas! I wish you have a wonderful Christmas day with all the warmest things and full of love. I love you! | 聖誕節快樂!我祝福你有個美好的聖誕節,擁有最溫暖的事物和充滿愛。我愛你 |
Once again, Noel came to our family. By this time, I wish you all the best, stay strong and always happy. Sign: Your lovely daughter. | 聖誕節再一次來到我們家。此時此刻,我祝福你一切都好,身體健康,永遠快樂。簽名:你可愛的女兒。 |
Noel just came, I will beg the Satan Claus to bring you the gifts of love, health and happiness. I wish we will live together forever and share a lot of joys and difficulties as well. | 聖誕節剛來,我就懇求聖誕老人帶給你愛、健康和幸福的禮物。我希望我們永遠生活在一起,分享很多快樂和困難。 |
I was very lucky to be your child. For me, you are the world’s best mommy! You help me with all my difficulties, guide and support me a lots. By this Christmas, I wish you will have a lot of happiness, health and joys. Thank you! | 我很幸運能成為你的孩子。對我來說,您是世界上最好的媽媽!您幫助我解決所有困難,給我很多指導和支持。在這個聖誕節,我祝福您幸福、健康、快樂。謝謝你! |

例句 | 翻譯 |
Noel came to us, honey. I want to say that I love you so much and will stand by you forever. Do not catch a cold, I will be so worried. Wish you the sweetest things! | 聖誕節來找我們了,親愛的。我想說我非常愛你並且會永遠在你身邊。別感冒了,我會很擔心。祝你有最甜蜜的東西! |
You mean the world to me, darling. Wherever you are, you will be my home. You have done a lot of fantastic things for me, that means a lot. Thank you and I love you. | 你對我來說意味著整個世界,親愛的。無論你在哪裡,你都是我的家。你為我做了很多很棒的事情,這意味著很多。謝謝你,我愛你。 |
Give you all the most joyful things which make you smile every day. Give you all the sweetest kisses which make you bright like a star. Merry Christmas my little love! | 給你所有最快樂的事情,讓你每天微笑。給你所有最甜蜜的吻,讓你像星星一樣明亮。聖誕快樂我的小愛! |
Merry Christmas! Don’t forget to wear warm clothes and dream about me every night. Lots of love! | 聖誕節快樂!別忘了穿暖和的衣服,每晚都會夢見我。滿滿的愛! |
>>閲讀更多:有創意的英文新年祝福語,代替 “Happy New Year”

例句 | 翻譯 |
You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas! | 你是特別的,你是獨一無二的;願你的聖誕節也像你一樣特別和獨特!聖誕節快樂! |
With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you. | 向您致以最良好的祝愿,祝您聖誕節快樂、平安。希望一切美好的事都會降臨在你身上。 |
I hope Santa is good to you this year because you only deserve the best. Merry Christmas from our family to yours. | 我希望今年聖誕老人對你好,因為你值得最好的。我們全家祝你聖誕節快樂。 |
Fill your heart with the warmth that is the closeness of your family, friends and loved ones this holiday season and forever. | 在這個節日期間以及永遠,讓你的心充滿家人、朋友和親人的親密溫暖。 |
There are so many gifts I want to give to you this Christmas. Peace, love, joy, happiness are all presents I am sending your way. | 這個聖誕節我想送給你很多禮物。平安、愛、歡樂、幸福都是我送給你的禮物。 |
Christmas is about spending time with family and friends. It’s about creating happy memories that will last a lifetime. Merry Christmas to you and your family! | 聖誕節是與家人和朋友共度時光。這是為了創造終生難忘的快樂回憶。祝你和你的家人聖誕節快樂! |
It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. | 看來聖誕節又到了,又到了迎接新年的時候了。我們祝福你和你所愛的人聖誕節快樂,並祝你在新的一年裡幸福快樂。 |
I hope you know how much I value your friendship. I wish you a very merry Christmas and may we enjoy many more years together as friends. | 我希望你知道我是多麼珍惜你們的友誼。祝你聖誕節快樂,願我們的友誼天長地久。 |
You make the stars shine brighter and the winter days warmer just by being in my life. Merry Christmas to my favourite person in the world. | 你出現在我的生活中,就會讓星星變得更明亮,讓冬天變得更溫暖。祝世界上我最喜歡的人聖誕快樂。 |
Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. | 聖誕節到了。我希望你有一個美好的新年。願每一天都有你的快樂時光。 |

例句 | 翻譯 |
Christmas is about spending time with family and friends. It’s about creating happy memories that will last a lifetime. Merry Christmas to you and your family! | 聖誕節是與家人和朋友共度時光。這是為了創造終生難忘的幸福回憶。祝你和你的家人聖誕快樂! |
May the closeness of friends, the comfort of home, and the unity of our nation, renew your spirits this festive season. Merry Christmas to your family. | 願朋友的親密、家的舒適和我們國家的團結,讓你在這個節日煥發精神。祝你的家人聖誕節快樂。 |
May your Christmas sparkle and your holiday overflow with gifts and love. Merry Christmas! | 願你的聖誕節閃閃發光,你的假期充滿禮物和愛。聖誕節快樂! |
‘Tis the season to wish one another joy and love and peace. These are my wishes for you, Merry Christmas our dear friends, may you feel the love this special day. | 這是互相祝福歡樂、愛與平安的季節。這是我對你的祝福,聖誕節快樂,我們親愛的朋友,願你在這個特別的日子感受到愛。 |
May the lights of Christmas be your guide and the Christmas carols fill you with cheer. Have a happy holiday! | 聖誕節的燈光可能會為你指引,聖誕頌歌會讓你充滿歡樂。祝你假期愉快! |
Wishing you all the best that life can bring, Merry Christmas to you and a year full of blessings. | 祝你生活帶來的所有最美好的東西,聖誕節快樂,充滿祝福的一年。 |
Christmas season is full of magic, gifts, carols and joyous celebration. Have the best Christmas ever. | 聖誕節充滿了魔法、禮物、頌歌和歡樂的慶祝活動。度過最美好的聖誕節。 |
May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Merry Christmas! | 這個節日可能會閃閃發光,願你所有的願望和夢想成真,願你全年都能感受到這種幸福。聖誕節快樂! |
May God bless you with a festive, loving and peaceful celebration this Christmas and all throughout the year. | 願上帝保佑你在今年聖誕節和全年度過一個充滿愛和和平的慶祝活動。 |
You make the stars shine brighter and the winter days warmer just by being in my life. Merry Christmas to my favorite person in the world. | 出現在我的生活中,就會讓星星變得更明亮,讓冬天變得更溫暖。祝世界上我最喜歡的人聖誕節快樂。 |

例句 | 翻譯 |
In the name of ……… shopping center, we send you our warmest greetings for this Christmas along with our best wishes for peace and prosperity alongside your families. | 。。。購物中心,向您致以最熱烈的聖誕節祝福,並祝福您與家人平安、繁榮。 |
Remember that the most important thing on this Christmas is the love that you can give to your loved ones. ……… commercial center wishes you a Merry Christmas. | 記住,這個聖誕節最重要的事情是您可以向您所愛的人表達愛。 …… 商業中心祝您聖誕節快樂。 |
Do not forget that family unity is the greatest treasure we have and the best Christmas gift you can give to your loved ones is affection and love. All the best for everyone. | 不要忘記,家庭團結是我們最寶貴的財富,而您能給你愛的人最好的聖誕禮物就是親情和愛。祝大家一切美好。 |
……… mall wants to send a warm greeting to all its customers, thanking all of you for your preference and wishing you a Merry Christmas. | 。。。購物中心向所有顧客致以溫暖的問候,感謝大家的光臨,並祝大家聖誕節快樂。 |
The loyalty of our customers has made it possible for ……… mall to be one of the most demanded malls on holiday season. Thank you for choosing us and we wish you all a merry Christmas. | 我們客戶的忠誠使。。。購物中心成為節日期間最受歡迎的購物中心之一。感謝您選擇我們,祝大家聖誕節快樂。 |
The best way to receive baby Jesus in our hearts is by being together in harmony with our family sharing beautiful moments that will remain forever in our memory. ……… mall wishes you a merry Christmas. | 慶祝耶穌上帝誕生的最好方式就是與家人在一起,分享永遠留在我們腦海中的最美麗的時刻。。。。購物中心祝您度過一個溫馨祥和的聖誕節。 |

例句 | 翻譯 |
If Christmas is the season to give thanks, my list has to begin with you, my favorite teacher. | 如果聖誕節是表達謝意的季節,那麼我的名單必須從您開始,我最喜歡的老師。 |
Merry Christmas to a teacher who not only taught me from the English textbook, but taught me to love the English language. | 祝老師聖誕節快樂,你不只教我英文課本,還教我熱愛英文。 |
If you ever think that your job as a teacher goes unappreciated, I want to use this Christmas card to tell you that you inspire me every day. | 如果你曾經認為你作為教師的工作不受重視,我想用這張聖誕卡告訴你,你每天都激勵著我。 |
Dear Teacher: Merry Christmas to my teacher, friend and biggest fan. | 親愛的老師:祝我的老師、朋友和最大的粉絲聖誕節快樂。 |
As a teacher you taught me math, but as a person you’ve set an example for how to live a respectable life. Thank you and Merry Christmas. | 作為一名老師,您教我數學,但作為一個人,您為如何過著受人尊敬的生活樹立了榜樣。謝謝你,聖誕節快樂。 |
Merry Christmas to the teacher who first met me as a bratty trouble-maker, but hung in there and taught me how to behave respectfully. | 祝老師聖誕節快樂,第一次見到我時,我是個頑皮的麻煩製造者,但你堅持了下來,教我如何表現得有禮貌。 |
Merry Christmas, teacher. I hope you get the same amount of gifts as you’ve given me — that’s a lot! | 聖誕節快樂,老師。我希望您能收到和給我一樣多的禮物——太多了! |
At first, I was so afraid of taking your class, but you made learning more fun than I imagined. Thank you and Merry Christmas. | 當初,我很害怕上你的課,但你讓學習比我想像的更有趣。謝謝你,聖誕節快樂。 |
>>閲讀更多:最美,最有意義代替 happy teachers day 的祝福語

詞彙 | 翻譯 | 例如 |
Christmas | 聖誕節 | Christmas comes but once a year. 翻譯: 聖誕節一年只有一次。 |
Santa Claus | 聖誕老人 | Santa Claus is the personification of Christmas. 翻譯: 聖誕老人是聖誕節的化身。 |
Reindeer | 馴鹿 | Father Christmas travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. 翻譯: 聖誕老人乘坐馴鹿拉的雪橇旅行。 |
Sled/ Sleigh | 雪橇 | They traveled across the snow in a sleigh. 翻譯: 他們乘坐雪橇穿越雪地。 |
Snowman | 雪人 | Dani’s making a snowman. 翻譯: 丹尼正在堆雪人。 |
Elf | 精靈 | In sleep he looked delicate, more elf than goblin, almost beautiful. 翻譯: 睡夢中的他看起來很精緻,更像是精靈而不是妖精,幾乎是美麗的。 |
A carol | 頌歌 | The Carol Album is a carol record with a difference. 翻譯: 《頌歌專輯》是一張與眾不同的頌歌唱片。 |
Church | 教會 | All are not saints that go to church. 翻譯: 並不是所有去教會的人都是聖人。 |
Mistletoe | 槲寄生 | The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees. 翻譯: 槲寄生是一種寄生在樹上的植物。 |
Chimney | 煙囪(孩子們相信聖誕老人會通過這裏進入房子) | He believes Santa Claus comes in through the chimney. 翻譯: 他相信聖誕老人是從煙囪進來的。 |
Snowflakes | 雪花 | Snowflakes were patting against the windowpane. 翻譯: 雪花拍打著窗上。 |
Fireplace | 壁爐 | A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace. 翻譯: 壁爐裡熊熊燃燒著歡迎的火。 |
詞彙 | 翻譯 | 例如 |
Turkey | 火雞 | Shall we have fish instead of turkey today? 翻譯: 今天我們吃魚代替火雞嗎? |
Gingerbread man | 薑餅人 | The Gingerbread Man Summary A fox ate a smart cookie. 翻譯: 薑餅人劇情簡介: 一隻狐狸吃了一塊聰明的餅乾。 |
Candy cane | 拐杖糖 (多顔色) | Anybody out there know Candy Cane? 翻譯: 有人知道拐杖糖嗎? |
Eggnog | 聖誕節的傳統飲料 | It’s a Christmas party with eggnog, cookies. 翻譯: 這是一個有蛋酒和餅乾的聖誕晚會。 |
Yule Log Cake | 聖誕樹幹蛋糕 | I made a chocolate yule log cake with red bauble decorations! 翻譯: 我做了一個帶有紅色小玩意裝飾的巧克力聖誕樹幹蛋糕! |
Apple Cider | 蘋果酒 | If too thick, thin with a small amount of apple cider. 翻譯: 如果太濃稠,可以用少量蘋果酒稀釋。 |
Christmas Ham/ Yule Ham | 聖誕火腿 | Need a glaze or just tips on how to cook your Christmas ham? 翻譯: 需要釉料或只是關於如何烹飪聖誕火腿的技巧嗎? |
詞彙 | 翻譯 | 例如 |
Christmas card | 聖誕卡 | Clarence sent him a Christmas card every year. 翻譯: 克拉倫斯每年都會寄一張聖誕卡給他。 |
Christmas stocking | 聖誕襪 | The Christmas stocking bulged with goodies. 翻譯: 聖誕襪裡裝滿了好吃的東西。 |
Bauble | 裝飾品 | The jewels, the diamonds, the baubles you’re so fond of? 翻譯: 您最喜歡的珠寶、鑽石、裝飾品? |
Ribbon | 絲帶 | She wrapped the present and tied it with ribbon. 翻譯: 她把禮物包起來,並用絲帶綁起來。 |
Fairy lights | 仙女燈 | Fairy lights are a staple way to add festive cheer to any home. 翻譯: 仙女燈是為任何家庭增添節日氣氛的主要方式。 |
Ornament | 裝飾品(掛在松樹上) | The flowers were put on the table for ornament. 翻譯: 鮮花被放在桌子上作為裝飾品。 |
Wreath | 聖誕花圈 | They twisted flowers into a wreath. 翻譯: 他們把花扭成花圈。 |
Candle | 蠟燭 | Half the candle had burnt away. 翻譯: 蠟燭已經燒掉一半了。 |
詞彙組 | 翻譯 |
Family reunion | 家庭團聚 |
To celebrate the day | 慶祝這一天 |
To capture the moment | 捕捉瞬間 |
Trim the tree | 裝飾松樹 |
Take the wishes of happiness | 寄給幸福的祝福 |
Season of love and happiness | 愛與幸福的季節 |
Christmas comes but once a year | 聖誕節不過一年一次 |
All my Christmases have come together | 我所有的聖誕節都在一起了 |
Eat, drink and be merry | 吃喝並享受聖誕節 |
To raise a glass or two | 舉杯慶祝 |
To tighten the bond | 拉緊關係 |
與聖誕節相關的成語 (Idiom)
Idiom – 成語 | 翻譯 |
Cut someone to ribbons | 批評某人 |
Don’t Look a Gift horse in the mouth | 收到禮物時覺得感激,即使沒有必要 |
The More the Merrier | 越多越好 |
Like Turkeys voting for Xmas | 即使結果不好也要接受 |
White elephant | 交換禮物的遊戲但收到的禮物是不想要的 |
Pigs in blankets | 將香腸包裹在培根上 |
- Xmas: 「Christmas」的縮寫,是「聖誕節」一詞的縮寫形式。 (註:“X”並不代表”Christ”,而是來自希臘語“Χριστός”(Christos)的字母)。
- Xmas Eve: “Christmas Eve”的縮寫,意思是聖誕節前夕(24/12).
回答: 聖誕節英文可以說:
- Christmas Eve: 聖誕節前夕 (24/12)
- Christmas Day: 聖誕節 (25/12)
回答: Xmas 或者 X’mas 都可以.
Merry christmas是英文的聖誕節祝福嗎?
回答: Merry christmas 就是英文的聖誕節祝福
以上文章專門為聖誕節整理了有意義的祝福和豐富的詞彙。如果你想了解更多英語詞彙以及對農曆新年等其他節日的祝福,請關注 ELSA Speak 以了解更多!