2024 年父親節是幾月幾日?
父親節,英文為 Father’s Day,是一個紀念父親的節日。 根據許多國家的習俗,父親節的慶祝時間會有所不同。 對於台灣來說,父親節將訂於 2024 年 8 月 8 日。
台灣的父親節是因為八年的抗日戰爭,犧牲了許多士兵,讓許多家庭失去了父親。 為了紀念這些人,台灣光復後,將 “8月8日” 訂於父親節。 中文的數字 “八” 發音為 “八”,兩個八的發音為 “爸爸”,與口語中的 “爸爸” 發音相似。
1. Dad, thank you for inspiring my life, for giving my love, for being forgiving, for being affectionate, kind and caring. You’re the best!
大致翻譯: 爸爸是啟發我的人,感謝您給我的愛、寬容、愛撫 => 愛護、仁慈和關懷(的人 bỏ đi)。爸爸是最棒的!
2. My love for you is like a freeway during peak hour. It is plagued by the traffic of my teeny tantrums and stop lights of my moody outburst. But at the end of the day it leads straight to just one destination – your heart. I love you Daddy.
大致翻譯.: 我對您的愛就像高峰時段的高速公路。 它會被青少年發脾氣、例假或喜怒無常日子來阻礙。 但最終,這條路直通一站——爸爸的心。 我愛您。
3. If I was to pick an example of what a good man and a great father looks like – I would definitely pick you! Happy Father’s Day!
大致翻譯: 如果讓我選一個好男人和一個偉大父親的例子 – 我肯定會選您! 父親節快樂!
4. You are all the best. Happy Father’s Day.
大致翻譯: 所有最好的都是爸爸。 祝爸爸父親節快樂。
5. I wish you not only the Father’s Day but also every day is the happiest day. I love you.
大致翻譯: 我祝您不僅是父親節,而且您的每一天都是最幸福的一天。 我愛您。
6. The greatest gift, the most wonderful blessing in my life is having you as a Dad! Wishing you happiness and joy on this your day, Father!
大致翻譯: 我一生中最大的禮物和最大的幸福就是有一個像您這樣的父親! 祝爸爸在這一天幸福快樂!
7. Your love for us is unconditional. You always love, care, and struggle hard to make our days better and brighter. Everything you do for us is what only a superhero can do. Happy Father’s Day!
大致翻譯: 父親對我們的愛是無條件的愛。 您一直愛、關心着我們、努力奮鬥,為我們帶來更好、更光明的未來。 您為我們所做的一切都是只有超級英雄才能做到的事情。 父親節快樂!
8. I hope this Father’s Day is as happy and special as you made me feel as my father growing up.
9. If I was given a chance to start all over again, there are a lot of things I’d change about my life except one thing… my dad, who’s been there for me through it all. Love you.
大致翻譯: 如果給我一個機會重新開始,我的生活中有很多事情我想改變,除了一件事之外,那就是您。 您在那裡幫助我度過這一切。 愛爸爸。
10. Every day you worked hard to provide and every day you showed me how much you cared. Your example has influenced my life, you are an amazing Father.
大致翻譯: 每一天您都努力工作,每一天您都讓我感受到您是多麼關心我。 您的榜樣影響了我的一生,您是最好的父親。
11. We’ve created the best memories, the best disasters, the best recoveries, the best life together. Dad, thank you for always being the best!
大致翻譯: 我們一起創造了最美好的回憶、最難忘的災難、最充實的治癒、最美麗的生活。 爸爸,謝謝您永遠是最好的爸爸!
12. Dad, you are an entire alphabet of great: awesome, best, caring, dedicated! Enjoy your day to the fullest!
大致翻譯: 父親,您是偉大的全部字母表:美妙 (awesome)、最好 (best)、關懷 (Carring)、奉獻 (dedicated)! 盡情享受今天吧,爸爸!
13. Thanks for acting like a kid when I was a kid, being a friend when I needed a friend, and being the best parent I could ever ask for. You are the best man on this planet. Happy Father’s Day.
大致翻譯: 爸爸,謝謝您以一個孩子的角色來和我這個孩子一起玩。 感謝您在我需要的時候成為我的朋友,感謝您成為我所希望的最好的爸爸。 爸爸是這個地球上最好的男人。 祝您節日愉快。
14.I wish we could be together today, so I could give you the warmest embrace and tell you in person that you’re the greatest person on this Earth and that I am the luckiest to have you as my father. Thank you for all the sacrifices you make for our family and all the joy and you bring into our lives.
大致翻譯: 我希望您和我今天能夠一起陪伴,這樣我就可以給您一個溫暖的擁抱,並直接告訴您:您是這個世界上最偉大的人,我是最幸運的人,當我成為您的孩子。
15. Whenever I fell, you were there to help me get back on track. I couldn’t be where I am now without you. Happy Father’s Day, Dad. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me!
大致翻譯: 每當我跌倒時,您總是在那裡扶我起來,引導我繼續走我需要走的路。 如果沒有您,我就不會是今天的我。 祝您節日快樂,爸爸。 我很感激您為我所做的一切!
16. Dad, Today I hope that you will always feel loved, supported and respected, because that is exactly how you make me feel every single day.
大致翻譯: 我希望您永遠感到被愛、支持和珍惜,因為這正是您每天讓我感受到的。
17. Not a day goes by when I don’t feel very, exceedingly, extraordinarily, extremely, and incredibly lucky to have an awesome dad like you. I will be forever grateful to be your son/daughter.
大致翻譯: 每一天我都感到很,十分,超級,非常,難以置信的幸運,我有一個像您這樣的好爸爸。 我將永遠感激成為您的兒子/女兒。
18. This should be the most valuable life lesson I’ve ever learned: When all else fails, call Dad.
大致翻譯: 這可能是我學到的最有價值的人生教訓:當一切都不順利而無能為力時,給爸爸打電話。
19. I’m so appreciative of all the things you’ve done for me over all these years that I bought you this 20.000 VND card. Happy Father’s Day. Please enjoy your day to your heart’s content.
大致翻譯: 爸爸,我非常感謝您這些年來為我所做的一切,以至於我給您買了這張2萬現金的賀卡。 父親節快樂。 盡情享受今天吧,爸爸!
20. Life is not a fairy tale, but you raised and treated me like a princess. I love you so much, Dad. The bar for my future boyfriend will never be lowered thanks to you.
大致翻譯: 生活不是童話,但爸爸撫養和對待我像真正的公主一樣。 我非常愛您,爸爸。 我選男朋友的標準再也不會降低了。
21. You’re my Superman, which makes me your super son! Have an awesome Father’s Day, Dad!
大致翻譯: 爸爸是我的超人,幫助我成為您的超級兒子。 祝您節日快樂,爸爸!
22. Happy Father’s Day to the greatest dad, who should win a Nobel Peace Prize for raising and putting up with me.
大致翻譯: 父親節快樂,向世界上最偉大的父親致以這些祝福,他因培養和容忍我的壞習慣而值得獲得諾貝爾和平獎
23. Dad, I was going to give you the best Father’s Day gift ever, but then I remembered you already had me! So, here you’ll be given a pair of leather shoes as a bonus present. Have a great day!
大致翻譯: 爸爸,我本來打算在屬於您的這一天送給您最好的禮物,但後來我想起您有我——您一生中最好的禮物。 於是,在這裡,爸爸得到了一雙皮鞋作為贈送禮物。 祝您節日愉快。
24. Dad, I hope I’ve made you proud. And if not, perhaps you should try lowering your expectations a bit. Have the most awesome Father’s Day ever, Dad!
大致翻譯: 爸爸,我希望我已讓您為我感到驕傲,如果沒有,也許您應該嘗試降低您的標準。 祝您節日愉快!
25. To those who don’t believe in superheroes, I wish you could meet my extraordinary dad. If you ever do, please tell him I love him 3000.
大致翻譯: 對於那些不相信超級英雄的人,我希望你們能見到我非凡的父親。 如果你們遇見他,請告訴他我愛他三千遍。
26. Despite the fact that time and distance may separate us, I hope you know that your guidance, advice, and love have remained with me throughout. Without you, I would not be who I am today. Have a wonderful day, Dad.
大致翻譯: 儘管時間和距離可能將您我分開,但我希望您明白,您的指導、建議和偉大的愛將永遠指引我前進的道路。 沒有您,我就不會是現在的我。 祝您節日愉快,爸爸。
27. You did a brilliant job building a family, Dad! Happy Father’s Day from your greatest projects!
大致翻譯: 爸爸出色地展示了您建立家庭的才能。 祝爸爸從您最自豪的“項目”中有一個愉快的節日。
28. Dad, no matter how tall I’ve grown, you’re always someone to look up to. Always have been and always will be. I appreciate and adore you!
大致翻譯: 爸爸,無論我將來長得多高,您永遠是我尊敬的人。 一直如此,也永遠如此。 我非常感激和愛您,爸爸!
29. I know I never tell you this often, but I love you, Dad. I am so blessed to have you as my father.
大致翻譯: 我知道我從來不常說這些話,但我非常愛您,爸爸。 我很幸運有您作為我的爸爸。
30. Money may not grow on trees, but thankfully there has always been plenty in the bottom of your purse.
大致翻譯: 錢不會從天上掉下來,但我非常感謝您,爸爸,因為總是有很多錢從我的錢包底部出現。
31. Wishing the best dad in the world a Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for always being there for me and guiding me through life. You are my role model and I am grateful to have you as my father.
大致翻譯: 父親節快樂,世界上最好的爸爸! 感謝爸爸一直陪伴在我身邊,指導我的人生。 您是我崇拜的類型,我很感激有您這樣的父親。
32. On this special day, I want to express my gratitude to my dad for his unwavering love and support. You have been my rock and I couldn’t have asked for a better father. Happy Father’s Day!
大致翻譯: 在這個特殊的日子裡,我想對您始終不變的愛和支持表示感謝。 您是我可以依靠的地方,也是我最好的父親。 父親節快樂!
33. To my amazing dad, thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for our family. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. I am proud to be your child and wish you a Happy Father’s Day!
大致翻譯: 感謝我偉大的父親,感謝您為我們的家庭做出的犧牲。 爸爸的辛勞和奉獻是值得讚揚的。 我很自豪能成為您的兒子,祝父親節快樂!
34. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad ever! You have always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. I am grateful for all the love and encouragement you have given me throughout my life.
大致翻譯: 父親節快樂,最好的爸爸! 爸爸一直是我最大的支持者和拉拉隊長。 我感謝您這一生給予我的愛和鼓勵。
35. Dad, you are my hero and my inspiration. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Wishing you a Happy Father’s Day filled with love and joy!
大致翻譯: 爸爸是我的英雄和靈感來源。 謝謝您為我所做的一切。 父親節快樂,充滿愛和歡樂!
36. I am overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude on Father’s Day because I am blessed to have you as my dad.
大致翻譯: 在父親節這一天,我充滿了感激之情,因為我很幸運有您作為我的父親。
37. Being my dad has meant a lot of invested time, energy, and money. You are a generous father and I love you.
大致翻譯: 成為父子意味着投入大量的時間、精力和金錢。 您是一位豪放的父親,我愛您。
38. Thank you for providing stability and protection for our family. I feel safe knowing you have my back.
大致翻譯: 感謝爸爸為我們的家庭提供了穩定和保護。我感到很安全因為我知道您一直在我身後支持我。
39. I’m very grateful to have you as my dad. You are an amazing man.
大致翻譯: 我非常感激有您作為我的父親。 爸爸是一個很棒的人。
40. I’m wishing a great and fun day for a great and fun dad!
大致翻譯: 我希望我很棒又有趣的爸爸度過美好而有趣的一天。
Dad: My dear, who are you on the phone with?
Daughter: I’m facetiming Brother. Dad, come here, he has something to tell you.
Dad: Hello my son. How’s it going?
Son: I’m doing good. Dad, today is your day. Has mom given you her gift?
Dad: Her gift? For me?
Daughter: Dad, today is Father’s Day, your special day.
Dad: Oh, what a nice surprise!
Daughter: Dad, today you should be well-prepared as all the love you’ve given to our family will come back to you a hundred times over today! First, let me, your favorite child, wish you a happy Father’s Day.
Dad: Oke, I’m ready.
Daughter: Dad, not a day goes by when I don’t feel very, exceedingly, extraordinarily, extremely, incredibly lucky to have an awesome dad like you.
Dad: Oh my goddess. That’s so lovely!
Daughter: Dad, I was going to give you the best Father’s Day gift ever, but then I remember you already had me! So, here you’ll be given a 20.000 VND card as a bonus present.
Dad: Oh my… Since when has my little child become so rich like this?
Son: Dad, although time and distance may separate us, your guidance, advice, and love have remained with me throughout. Without you, I would not be who I am today.
Daughter: Ew, that’s so cheesy.
Son: Dad, I know I never tell you this often, but I love you a lot.
Dad: Haha. Thank you so much, my dear. I love you too. You are the loveliest kids on this planet!
女兒:我正在給哥哥打視頻電話。 爸爸,您過來一下,哥哥有話要告訴您。
兒子:我還好。 爸爸,今天是父親節。 媽媽給您送禮物了嗎?
爸爸:禮物? 給爸爸?
女兒:爸爸,今天記得要小心準備好,因為您對我們家的愛會加百倍回報給您的! 首先,讓我來,您親愛的女兒,祝您節日愉快。
爸爸:天啊。 好可愛!
女兒:爸爸,我本來打算在屬於您的這一天送給您最好的禮物,於是,爸爸得到了這張2萬現金的賀卡作為贈送禮物。 祝您節日愉快。
兒子:儘管時間和距離可能將您我分開,但您的指導、建議和偉大的愛將永遠伴隨着我,引導我的整個旅程。 沒有您,我就不會是現在的我。
爸爸:哈哈。 非常感謝我親愛的孩子們。 你們是這個世界上最可愛的孩子!
詞彙 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Father | /ˈfɑː.ðər/ | 父親 |
Dad | /dæd/ | 爸爸 (親密稱呼) |
Fatherhood | /fɑːðərhʊd/ | 父親的身份 |
Parent | /perənt/ | 父母 |
Paternal | /pəˈtɜrnəl/ | 父親的, 父親般的 |
Family | /fæmɪli/ | 家庭 |
Stepfather | /ˈstepˌfɑː.ðər/ | 繼父 |
Father-in-law | /ˈfɑː.ðər ɪn lɔː/ | 岳父 |
Godfather | /ˈɡɒdˌfɑː.ðər/ | 教父 |
Foster father | /ˈfɒs.tər ˈfɑː.ðər/ | 養父 |
H3: 父親性格的詞彙
詞彙 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Wisdom | /wɪzdəm/ | 智慧 |
Strength | /streŋkθ/ | 力量 |
Courage | /kɜːrɪdʒ/ | 勇敢 |
Supportive | /səˈpɔː.tɪv/ | 支持 |
Protective | /prəˈtek.tɪv/ | 保護 |
Strict | /strɪkt/ | 嚴格 |
Loving | /lʌv.ɪŋ/ | 慈愛 |
Patient | /peɪ.ʃənt/ | 耐心 |
Authoritative | /əˌθɒr.ɪˈteɪ.tɪv/ | 權威 |
Understanding | /ʌn.dəˈstæn.dɪŋ/ | 體諒 |
Generous | /dʒen.ər.əs/ | 豪放 |
Disciplined | /dɪs.ɪ.plɪnd/ | 紀律 |
Hardworking | /hɑːdˌwɜː.kɪŋ/ | 勤勞 |
Affectionate | /əˈfek.ʃə.nət/ | 表示愛的, 充滿深情的, 有感情的 |
Reliable | /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/ | 靠譜 |
Adventurous | /ədˈven.tʃə.rəs/ | 喜欢冒险的;大胆创新的 |
Wise | /waɪz/ | 明智 |
Empathetic | /em.pəˈθet.ɪk/ | 同情 |
Fun-loving | /fʌnˌlʌv.ɪŋ/ | 幽默 |
Responsible | /rɪˈspɒn.sə.bəl/ | 有責任 |
Inspirational | /ɪn.spɪˈreɪ.ʃən.əl/ | 勵志 |
Optimistic | /ɒp.tɪˈmɪs.tɪk/ | 樂觀 |
Calm | /kɑːm/ | 冷靜 |
H3: 父子之愛的詞彙
詞彙 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Gratitude | /ˈɡreɪ.tɪ.ˌtjud/ | 感激之情 |
Bonding | /ˈbɒn.dɪŋ/ | 黏,親密關係的形成… |
Respect | /rɪˈspekt/ | 尊重 |
Role model | /ˈroʊl ˌmɒ.dəl/ | 理想型 |
Unconditional love | /ˌʌnkən.ˈdɪ.ʃən.əl ˈlʌv/ | 無條件的愛 |
Admire | /ədˈmaɪər/ | 羡慕 |
Cherish | /ˈtʃer.ɪʃ/ | 珍惜 |
Encourage | /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ | 鼓勵 |
Nurture | /ˈnɜːr.tʃər/ | 撫養 |
Praise | /preɪz/ | 表揚 |
Value | /ˈvæl.juː/ | 貴重 |
Grateful | /ˈgreɪt.fʊl/ | 感激 |
Joy | /dʒɔɪ/ | 喜悅 |
Loyalty | /ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti/ | 忠誠 |
Affection | /əˈfek.ʃən/ | 喜爱 |
Devotion | /dɪˈvoʊ.ʃən/ | 忠誠,忠實, 摯愛… |
Compassion | /kəmˈpæ.ʃən/ | 同情 |
H3: 慶祝父親節的活動詞彙
詞彙 | 發音 | 大致翻譯 |
Celebrate | /ˈselɪbreɪt/ | 紀念,慶祝 |
Gift | /ɡɪft/ | 禮物 |
Card | /kɑːrd/ | 賀卡 |
Family vacation | /ˈfæm.ɪ.li vəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | 家庭假期 |
Camping adventure | /ˈkæmp.ɪŋ ədˈven.tʃər/ | 露營探險 |
Heart-to-heart talks | /hɑːrt tə hɑːrt tɔːks/ | 親密交談 |
Family dinner | /ˈfæm.ɪ.li ˈdɪn.ər/ | 家庭晚餐 |
Barbecue | /bɑːr.bɪ.kjuː/ | 燒烤 |
Picnic | /pɪk.nɪk/ | 野餐 |
Homemade gift | /hoʊmˌmeɪd ɡɪft/ | 自製禮物 |
Photo album | /foʊ.toʊ ˈæl.bəm/ | 相冊 |
Family gathering | /fæm.ɪ.li ˈɡæð.ər.ɪŋ/ | 家庭聚會 |
Cooking together | /kʊk.ɪŋ təˈɡɛð.ər/ | 一起做飯 |
Handwritten letter | /hændˌrɪt.ən ˈlɛt.ər/ | 手寫的信 |
Cookout | /kʊk.aʊt/ | 戶外燒烤派對 |
Surprise party | /sərˈpraɪz ˈpɑːr.ti/ | 驚喜派對 |
Watch a movie together | /wɒtʃ ə ˈmuː.vi təˈɡɛð.ər/ | 一起看電影 |
Play a game | /pleɪ ə ɡeɪm/ | 玩游戲 |
Baking together | /beɪ.kɪŋ təˈɡɛð.ər/ | 一起做蛋糕 |
以上是最精彩、最感人的父親節英文祝福語。 ELSA Speak 希望這篇文章能幫助您在一個非常有意義的日子裡表達對父親的愛。