英文面試不僅是一次挑戰,更是一個展示溝通能力與自信心的機會。在本文中,ELSA Speak 將分享常見的英文面試問題,並指導你如何有效回答。同時,我們還會提供必要的英文面試技巧,幫助你做好萬全準備,提升面試成功率。


- 了解公司的業務領域、核心價值觀與企業文化。
- 明確職位要求與所需技能。
- 練習回答基本問題,如自我介紹、優勢與劣勢、工作經驗等。
- 準備一些能向面試官提問的問題。
- 學習行業相關詞彙,並熟悉如何在句子中使用它們。
- 溫習文法,以減少回答時的錯誤。
- 學習更多商用英文詞彙與語法以提升英語專業
- 與朋友或家人練習,或者對著鏡子模擬對話。
- 錄音或錄影以檢視自己的發音與表達方式。
- 使用 ELSA Speak 模擬實時面試并與 AI 共同改善英語能力
- 保持自信,注意眼神交流與微笑。
- 穿著正式且符合職場禮儀的服裝。
- 履歷(CV)、求職信(Cover Letter)、相關證書等。
- 規劃好交通路線,確保準時到達。
- 提升自信心: 熟悉常見問題與回答技巧後,你將更鎮定地應對面試,減少緊張感。
- 展現專業形象: 清晰的發音、合適的詞彙使用以及流暢的表達將讓你在面試官面前更具競爭力。
- 提高應變能力: 充分練習能夠幫助你快速反應,避免回答時猶豫或停頓過久。

ELSA Premium – 功能齊全、優惠特價
ELSA Premium 1 year:原價:5.250元 現在 2.755元
- ELSA 字典
- 課程内容持續更新
- 200+ 關於工作和生活的主題
- 8000+ 課程
- 學習時間無限制

Can you introduce yourself? (你可以介紹一下自己嗎?)
建議回答簡潔明瞭,控制在 1-2 分鐘內:
- 姓名、年齡。
- 學歷背景(畢業於哪所學校)。
- 過往工作經歷。
- 結尾強調:表達自己與應聘職位的匹配度,以及能為公司帶來價值。
My name is [Name]. I recently graduated from [University] with a degree in [Field]. I am passionate about [specific interest] and have experience in [relevant skills]. |
我的名字是 [Name]。我最近從 [University] 畢業,獲得 [Field] 學位。我對 [specific interest] 充滿熱情,並且擁有 [relevant skills] 的相關經驗。
範例 1: Software Engineer Interview Response
Hello, my name is [Name], and I am a passionate software engineer with [X] years of experience in [frontend/backend/full-stack] development. I specialize in [technologies, e.g., JavaScript, React, Node.js, Python] and have a strong background in building scalable and efficient applications. In my previous role at [Company Name], I worked as a [Job Title], where I was responsible for [specific responsibilities, e.g., developing enterprise applications, optimizing system performance, leading a technical team]. One of my key achievements was [mention a success, e.g., improving system efficiency by 30%, leading a project that increased customer engagement]. I thrive on solving complex technical challenges and continuously learning new technologies. Currently, I’m expanding my expertise in [mention any new skills or technologies], and I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills to your team. |
您好,我的名字是 [名字],我是一名充滿熱情的軟體工程師,擁有 [X] 年的開發經驗。我主要專注於 [主要技術,如前端開發/後端開發/全端開發],熟悉 [列舉技術,如 JavaScript、React、Node.js、Python 等]。
在過去的幾年裡,我曾在 [公司名稱] 擔任 [職位],負責 [具體工作內容,如開發企業級應用、優化系統效能、領導技術團隊],並成功 [舉例你的成就,如提升系統效能 30%、帶領團隊完成某個關鍵專案]。
我熱愛解決複雜的技術挑戰,並持續學習新技術。目前,我正在學習 [正在學習的技術或領域],希望能進一步提升自己,為公司帶來更大的價值。很高興有這個機會與您交流!
範例 2: Marketing Manager Interview Response
Hello, I’m [Name], a marketing professional with [X] years of experience specializing in brand strategy, digital marketing, and social media management. I have a proven track record in developing innovative marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness and customer engagement. In my previous role at [Company Name], I was responsible for [specific tasks, e.g., developing marketing strategies, analyzing data-driven insights, overseeing social media campaigns]. I successfully [mention an achievement, e.g., increased social media engagement by 50%, boosted product sales by 200% through a targeted campaign]. I’m highly data-driven and always looking for ways to optimize marketing efforts through SEO, content marketing, and paid advertising. I’m also passionate about staying ahead of industry trends, particularly in AI-driven marketing and automation tools. I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise and creativity to your team. |
您好,我是 [名字],目前是一名市場行銷專家,在品牌策略、數位行銷和社群媒體經營方面擁有 [X] 年的經驗。我曾在 [公司名稱] 擔任 [職位],負責 [具體工作,如品牌推廣、行銷策略制定、數據分析],並成功 [舉例具體成果,如提高社群媒體互動率 50%、推動某項產品銷量成長 200%]。
我擅長利用數據驅動決策,規劃創新的行銷策略,並透過 SEO、內容行銷和廣告投放來提升品牌影響力。我也樂於與跨部門團隊合作,確保行銷計畫能有效執行並帶來實際成效。
我熱愛市場行銷這個行業,並持續關注最新的行銷趨勢,如 AI 行銷、自動化工具等。我期待能將我的經驗與創新思維帶入貴公司,為品牌成長帶來更多可能性。
What are your strengths? (你的優勢是什麼?)
- 確定該職位所需的關鍵特質。
- 連結自身的優勢,使其與應聘職位匹配。
- 與其單純列舉優勢,不如提供實際例子。
My key strengths include [Strength 1], [Strength 2], and [Strength 3]. These skills have helped me excel in my career, and I continuously work on improving them. For example, in my previous role at [Company Name], I used [Strength 1] to [specific achievement]. Additionally, my ability to [Strength 2] allowed me to [another achievement]. I believe these strengths will enable me to contribute effectively to your team. |
我的主要優勢包括 [優勢 1]、[優勢 2] 和 [優勢 3]。這些技能幫助我在職涯中取得成功,我也持續努力提升自己。
例如,在我之前於 [公司名稱] 的工作中,我運用了 [優勢 1] 來 [具體成就]。此外,我的 [優勢 2] 讓我能夠 [另一個成就]。我相信這些能力能幫助我為貴公司帶來貢獻。
範例 1: Software Engineer
My key strengths include problem-solving, adaptability, and collaboration. As a software engineer, I enjoy tackling complex challenges and finding efficient solutions. For instance, in my previous role at [Company Name], I optimized an existing system, improving its performance by 30%. I’m also highly adaptable, quickly learning new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead in the fast-evolving tech industry. Lastly, I work well in teams, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration to drive projects forward. |
我的核心優勢包括 問題解決能力、適應力和團隊協作能力。作為一名軟體工程師,我樂於挑戰複雜的技術問題並找到高效的解決方案。
例如,在我之前於 [公司名稱] 的工作中,我優化了一個系統,使其效能提升 30%。此外,我適應力強,能夠快速學習新技術,緊跟科技趨勢。最後,我擅長團隊合作,確保順暢的溝通與協作,推動專案成功進行。
範例 2: Marketing Manager
My strengths include creativity, data-driven decision-making, and strategic thinking. For example, I developed a social media campaign that increased engagement by 50%, leveraging both creative content and analytical insights. I’m highly data-driven, using metrics to refine strategies and improve ROI. Additionally, I excel at long-term planning, ensuring marketing efforts align with business goals. These strengths enable me to drive impactful marketing strategies that deliver results. |
我的優勢包括 創造力、數據分析能力和策略思維。
例如,我曾策劃一項社群媒體行銷活動,使互動率提升 50%,這得益於我對創意內容與數據分析的結合。我也非常重視數據導向決策,能夠透過指標來調整行銷策略並提升投資報酬率 (ROI)。此外,我擅長長期規劃,確保行銷策略與企業目標一致。這些能力讓我能夠推動有影響力的行銷計畫,創造卓越成果。
What are your weaknesses? (你的弱點是什麼?)
- 選擇一個不會嚴重影響工作的弱點。
- 轉化弱點為提升改進動力。
- 提供你正在克服這個弱點的方法。
My biggest weakness is [Weakness], but I have been actively working on improving it. In the past, I [explain how this weakness affected you], but I have taken steps such as [mention how you are improving, e.g., training, new strategies, seeking feedback] to address it. For example, in my previous role at [Company Name], I [give a specific example of improvement]. While I still have room to grow, I’ve made significant progress and continue to work on refining this skill. |
我的主要弱點是 [弱點],但我一直在積極改進這方面的能力。過去,我曾經 [說明這個弱點對你的影響],不過我已經採取措施,例如 [說明如何改善,例如參加培訓、學習新策略、尋求反饋],來克服這個挑戰。
舉例來說,在我之前於 [公司名稱] 擔任 [職位] 時,我 [提供一個具體的改善案例]。雖然我仍然有成長空間,但我已經取得顯著進步,並會持續努力提升這項技能。
範例 1: Software Engineer
My biggest weakness is public speaking. As a software engineer, I used to focus more on technical work and found it challenging to present ideas to large audiences. To improve, I started taking part in team meetings, presenting my work, and even attending public speaking workshops. Recently, I successfully led a technical presentation for my department, which boosted my confidence. While I’m still working on it, I’ve made significant progress in becoming a more effective communicator. |
範例 2: Marketing Manager
I tend to be a perfectionist, which sometimes slows down my workflow as I spend extra time refining details. However, I’ve learned to balance quality with efficiency by setting clear deadlines and prioritizing key tasks. For instance, I now use project management tools to stay on track and ensure I don’t spend too much time on minor details. This approach has helped me become more productive without compromising quality. |
Why do you want to work for our company? (為什麼你想在我們公司工作?)
- 展現你對公司的興趣與熱情。
- 連結這份工作與你的職業目標。
- 強調你能為公司帶來的貢獻。
I’m excited about the opportunity to work at [Company Name] because of [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. First, I admire [Company’s mission, values, or reputation], and I believe my skills in [Your Strengths] align well with your company’s goals. Second, I’m particularly interested in [specific project, product, or industry expertise the company is known for], and I would love to contribute my experience to help drive its success. Lastly, I see this role as a great opportunity for me to grow and collaborate with talented professionals in [mention something specific about the team, company culture, or leadership]. I’m confident that my background in [Your Expertise] combined with my passion for [Industry/Skill] would allow me to make a meaningful contribution to your team. |
我對 [公司名稱] 感到非常興奮,主要有三個原因:[原因 1]、[原因 2] 和 [原因 3]。
首先,我很欣賞貴公司的 [公司使命、價值觀或聲譽],而且我認為我的技能(如 [你的專長])與貴公司的目標高度契合。其次,我對 [公司擅長的特定領域、產品或專案] 特別感興趣,我希望能貢獻自己的經驗來推動這方面的成功。最後,我認為這個職位能讓我與優秀的專業人士合作,並在 [提及公司文化、團隊或領導風格] 中成長。
我相信,我在 [你的專業領域] 的經驗,加上我對 [產業或技能] 的熱情,能夠為貴公司帶來價值,並且在這個團隊中發揮所長。
範例 1: Software Engineer
I’m excited about the opportunity to work at [Company Name] because of its reputation for innovation and excellence in technology. I admire how your company is pushing the boundaries in [specific area, e.g., AI development, cloud computing], and I would love to contribute my skills in [programming language, problem-solving, system design] to your projects. Additionally, I appreciate the company’s emphasis on collaboration and professional growth, which aligns with my goal of continuously improving as a developer. I believe this role is the perfect fit for my expertise and ambition, and I’m eager to be part of a team that’s shaping the future of technology. |
我對 [公司名稱] 感到興奮,因為貴公司在科技領域的創新與卓越表現。我很欣賞貴公司在 [具體技術領域,例如 AI 開發、雲端運算] 的突破,並希望能運用我的 [程式語言、問題解決能力、系統設計] 來貢獻其中。
範例 2: Marketing Manager
I want to work at [Company Name] because of its strong brand presence and commitment to innovation in marketing strategies. Your company has successfully created impactful campaigns that resonate with audiences, and I’m excited about the possibility of bringing my expertise in digital marketing, content strategy, and analytics to further enhance your brand. Moreover, I appreciate the company’s culture of creativity and data-driven decision-making, which aligns perfectly with my approach to marketing. I’m eager to contribute my skills and be part of a team that continuously delivers outstanding results. |
我想加入 [公司名稱],因為貴公司擁有強大的品牌影響力,並且在市場行銷方面不斷創新。我一直很欣賞貴公司成功打造的行銷活動,能夠真正與受眾產生共鳴,而我希望能夠運用自己在數位行銷、內容策略與數據分析方面的經驗,來進一步提升品牌影響力。
Why did you leave your last job? / Why did you quit your job?(你離開/辭去上一個工作的原因為何?)
- 委婉地解釋客觀原因(如被裁員、主動離職、公司裁減人手)。
- 連結離職原因與你的職業發展方向。
- 切勿說前公司或前同事的壞話。
I left my previous job because [Reason 1], and I was looking for an opportunity that would allow me to [Reason 2 – career growth, new challenges, better alignment with goals]. During my time at [Previous Company], I gained valuable experience in [mention skills or accomplishments], but I felt it was the right time to take on new challenges and expand my expertise in [specific area]. I believe that [Company Name] offers the perfect environment for me to contribute my skills while continuing to grow professionally. |
我離開上一份工作是因為[原因 1],並且我正在尋找一個能夠讓我[原因 2——職業發展、新挑戰、更符合目標]的機會。
範例 1:
I left my previous job because I was looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow. While I enjoyed working at [Previous Company] and gained strong experience in [specific skill or field], I wanted to expand my skill set and take on more responsibilities. I’m particularly excited about this role at [Company Name] because it aligns with my long-term career goals and offers opportunities to work on [specific projects or skills]. I believe my experience and enthusiasm would make me a great fit for your team. |
我離開上一份工作是因為我正在尋找新的挑戰與成長機會。我在 [前公司] 工作時,積累了豐富的經驗,特別是在 [具體技能或領域] 方面,但我希望能夠進一步拓展自己的技能,承擔更多責任。
我對 [新公司名稱] 這個職位特別感興趣,因為它與我的長期職業目標一致,並且能夠讓我參與 [具體的專案或技能] 的工作。我相信我的經驗和熱情能夠讓我成為貴公司的一員,並帶來價值。
範例 2:
I left my last job because I wanted to transition into a role that better aligns with my career aspirations. While I gained valuable experience in [previous role], I realized that my passion lies in [specific industry, skill, or responsibility]. I’m excited about this opportunity at [Company Name] because it offers a chance to leverage my skills in [specific area] while continuing to learn and grow in a direction that aligns with my long-term goals. |
Describe your work experience, and what is your most significant accomplishment?(請簡述你的工作經驗。你最大的工作成就為何?)
使用 STAR 原則 來組織回答:
- S – Situation: 描述背景與當時的情況
- T – Task: 說明職責與挑戰
- A – Action: 詳細說明你採取了哪些具體措施來解決問題或完成任務
- R – Result: 強調成果,並盡可能以數據或指標來衡量
注意: 不要過於誇大個人功勞,要提及團隊合作與同事的貢獻。
I have [X] years of experience in [industry/field] and have worked in roles focused on [key responsibilities]. Throughout my career, I have developed expertise in [mention key skills], allowing me to contribute effectively to my teams and projects. One of my most significant accomplishments was [describe achievement]. In my previous role at [Company Name], I [explain what you did], which resulted in [quantifiable impact, such as revenue growth, efficiency improvement, or project success]. This experience not only strengthened my skills in [mention relevant skill] but also demonstrated my ability to [mention key trait, such as problem-solving, leadership, or innovation]. I’m excited to bring my experience and skills to [Company Name] and contribute meaningfully to your team. |
我擁有 [X] 年的 [產業/領域] 經驗,曾擔任過負責 [主要職責] 的職位。在我的職業生涯中,我培養了 [關鍵技能],這使我能夠有效地貢獻於團隊和專案。
我最重要的成就是 [描述成就]。在我之前於 [公司名稱] 擔任 [職位] 時,我 [具體描述你做了什麼],最終帶來了 [量化影響,例如提升營收、提高效率、成功完成專案]。這段經歷不僅增強了我的 [相關技能],也展現了我 [關鍵特質,例如解決問題能力、領導力或創新精神]。
我很期待將我的經驗與技能帶到 [公司名稱],並為您的團隊做出貢獻。
範例 1: Software Engineer
I have five years of experience as a software engineer, specializing in backend development and system optimization. I have worked extensively with technologies such as Python, Java, and cloud computing to build scalable applications. One of my most significant accomplishments was optimizing a database query system at [Previous Company], which reduced processing time by 40% and improved system performance. This not only enhanced user experience but also saved the company significant infrastructure costs. This achievement reinforced my problem-solving skills and deepened my knowledge of performance optimization. I am eager to apply these skills to new challenges at [Company Name]. |
我擁有五年的軟體工程師經驗,專注於後端開發與系統優化。我擅長使用 Python、Java 以及雲端運算技術來構建可擴展的應用程式。
我最重要的成就是在 [前公司] 優化了一個資料庫查詢系統,使處理時間降低了 40%,並顯著提升了系統效能。這不僅改善了使用者體驗,也為公司節省了大量基礎設施成本。
這項成就讓我更精通於效能優化與問題解決能力,我期待能將這些技能應用於 [公司名稱],解決更多技術挑戰。
範例 2: Marketing Manager
I have eight years of experience in digital marketing, with a strong focus on brand strategy, content marketing, and social media management. I have successfully led marketing campaigns that increased brand awareness and customer engagement. My most significant accomplishment was launching a social media campaign for [Previous Company] that increased engagement by 60% and boosted sales by 25% in just three months. By leveraging data analytics and audience insights, I was able to craft compelling content that resonated with our target market. This experience strengthened my ability to develop data-driven strategies, and I look forward to bringing my expertise to [Company Name] to drive impactful marketing initiatives. |
我最重要的成就是在 [前公司] 推出了一個社群媒體行銷活動,使品牌互動率提升了 60%,並在三個月內將銷售額提高了 25%。透過數據分析與受眾洞察,我制定了能吸引目標客群的內容策略。
這次經歷讓我更擅長制定數據驅動的行銷策略,我期待能將這些專長帶到 [公司名稱],推動有影響力的行銷活動。
Tell me why you are the best candidate for this job. Can you give us a reason to hire you?(請說明你為什麼是這份工作的最佳人選。能否給我們一個雇用你的理由?)
- 將你的技能與經驗與職位要求聯繫起來
- 展示你的獨特之處
- 強調你能為公司帶來的價值與貢獻
I believe I am the best candidate for this job because of my [mention key strengths, e.g., skills, experience, unique qualities]. My background in [mention relevant industry or role] has given me [specific expertise or accomplishment], which directly aligns with the requirements of this role. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully [mention a key achievement, e.g., increased efficiency, led a project, solved a problem], which demonstrates my ability to deliver results. Additionally, I am highly [mention soft skills, e.g., adaptable, collaborative, proactive], making me an excellent fit for your team. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills to [Company Name] and am confident that my experience and passion will make a meaningful impact. |
我認為自己是這份工作的最佳人選,因為我具備 [關鍵技能、經驗或特質]。我在 [相關產業或職位] 的經歷,使我具備 [具體專業能力或成就],這與這個職位的需求高度契合。
在 [前公司],我成功 [描述一項具體成就,例如提升效率、領導專案、解決問題],這證明了我能夠產出具體成果。此外,我具有 [提及軟實力,例如適應力強、擅長團隊合作、主動積極],能夠很好地融入團隊並發揮影響力。
我對 [公司名稱] 提供的機會感到非常興奮,相信我的經驗和熱情能為公司帶來實質貢獻。
範例 1: Software Engineer
I believe I am the best candidate for this role because of my strong technical skills, problem-solving mindset, and ability to work well in a team. With [X] years of experience in software development, I have built and optimized scalable applications using [mention key technologies, e.g., JavaScript, React, Python]. At [Previous Company], I led a project that improved system performance by 30%, demonstrating my ability to write efficient code and optimize processes. I am also a strong team player, collaborating closely with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality products. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise to [Company Name] and help develop innovative solutions that drive business success. |
我相信自己是這個職位的最佳人選,因為我擁有扎實的技術能力、出色的問題解決能力,以及良好的團隊合作精神。我在軟體開發領域有 [X] 年經驗,專精於 [核心技術,例如 JavaScript、React、Python],並且能夠開發和優化高效能的應用程式。
在 [前公司],我帶領專案團隊成功提升系統效能 30%,這證明了我撰寫高效能程式碼和優化流程的能力。我也樂於與跨部門團隊合作,確保專案順利推進並達成目標。
我對能夠在 [公司名稱] 貢獻我的技術專長感到非常期待,希望能夠幫助公司開發創新的解決方案,推動業務發展。
範例 2: Marketing Manager
I am the best candidate for this job because of my expertise in digital marketing, data-driven decision-making, and creative campaign strategies. With [X] years of experience in marketing, I have successfully developed and executed campaigns that increased brand engagement and revenue. At [Previous Company], I launched a targeted social media campaign that boosted engagement by 50% and increased conversion rates by 25%. I thrive in fast-paced environments and excel at analyzing market trends to develop impactful marketing strategies. I am excited to bring my skills to [Company Name] and help drive growth through innovative marketing initiatives. |
我是這份工作的最佳人選,因為我在數位行銷、數據分析和創意策略方面有豐富的經驗。我在行銷領域有 [X] 年經歷,擅長規劃和執行能夠提升品牌影響力的行銷活動。
在 [前公司],我策劃了一個精準投放的社群媒體行銷活動,使互動率提升 50%、轉換率提高 25%。我擅長分析市場趨勢,並制定有效的行銷策略,確保每一筆行銷投資都能帶來最大效益。
我希望能將這些經驗帶到 [公司名稱],並透過創新的行銷方式,幫助公司進一步擴展市場並提升品牌價值。

問題 | 翻譯 | 回答範例 |
Can you describe a challenging situation you faced? | 你能描述一個曾經遇到的困難情境嗎? | During my internship, I had to resolve a client issue under tight deadlines. I prioritized tasks and communicated effectively to deliver results. |
How do you prioritize tasks when multitasking? | 當同時處理多個任務時,你如何確定優先順序? | I make a list, rank tasks based on urgency and importance, and allocate time accordingly. |
What unique skills do you bring to this position? | 你帶來了哪些特別的技能? | I bring expertise in [specific skill], along with adaptability and strong interpersonal skills. |
How do you deal with criticism? | 你如何處理批評? | I view criticism as an opportunity to grow. I listen carefully and apply constructive feedback. |
What’s your biggest professional achievement? | 你職業生涯中最大的成就是什麼? | My biggest achievement was leading a team to complete a high-profile project ahead of schedule. |
How do you stay updated with industry trends? | 你如何保持對行業趨勢的了解? | I regularly read industry blogs, attend webinars, and follow thought leaders on social media. |
Tell me about a mistake you made at work. | 請講述一次你犯的錯誤 | I once miscommunicated a deadline, but I quickly corrected it, apologized, and ensured the project was completed on time. |
How do you handle conflicts in the workplace? | 你如何處理工作中的衝突? | I address conflicts calmly, listen to all sides, and work towards a fair resolution. |
What would your colleagues say about you? | 你的同事會如何形容你? | My colleagues would describe me as dependable, approachable, and a great team player. |
What do you know about our company? | 你對我們公司了解多少? | I know your company values innovation and teamwork. I’m particularly impressed by [specific project or achievement]. |

問題 | 翻譯 | 回答範例 |
Write a short introduction about yourself. | 撰寫一段簡短的自我介紹。 | My name is [Name]. I hold a degree in [Field] and have [X years] of experience in [Industry]. My passion lies in [specific area]. |
Describe your ideal job. | 描述你的理想工作。 | My ideal job allows me to leverage my skills in [specific skill] while contributing to meaningful projects and growing professionally. |
Explain how you handle tight deadlines. | 解釋你如何處理緊迫的截止期限。 | I prioritize tasks, communicate proactively with the team, and maintain focus to meet deadlines efficiently. |
Write about a challenging project you completed. | 描述你完成過的一個具有挑戰性的專案。 | I led a team to deliver a complex project on time by implementing clear communication and strong organizational skills. |
Outline your career goals in five years. | 你的五年職業目標是什麼? | In five years, I aim to advance into a leadership role and contribute significantly to the company’s success. |
Describe your leadership style. | 描述你的領導風格。 | My leadership style focuses on collaboration, clear communication, and empowering team members to achieve their best. |
Share your thoughts on teamwork versus individual work. | 分享你對團隊合作與獨立工作的看法。 | Both are important, but I believe teamwork fosters creativity and better results when combined with individual accountability. |
Explain the importance of time management. | 解釋時間管理的重要性。 | Time management ensures productivity and helps achieve goals efficiently while reducing stress. |
Write about a skill you’ve recently learned. | 撰寫你最近學到的一項新技能。 | Recently, I learned [specific skill], which has improved my efficiency in [specific area]. |
Summarize why you are the best candidate for this job. | 總結為什麼你是這個職位的最佳候選人。 | I possess the skills, experience, and enthusiasm required for this role, making me confident in my ability to contribute effectively. |

問題 | 翻譯 | 回答範例 |
If you were given a tight deadline, how would you handle it? | 如果你被指派一個重要但期限緊迫的專案,你會如何處理? | I would prioritize the most urgent tasks first, communicate with the team to ensure alignment, and remain focused on completing each step efficiently. |
Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer. | 請講述一次你如何應對一位難纏的客戶。 | I once handled a situation where a customer was unhappy with a service. I listened actively, apologized for the issue, and offered a solution that met their needs. |
Describe a time when you had to work under pressure. | 請描述一次你在壓力下工作的經驗。 | During a project deadline, I managed multiple tasks under pressure by staying organized, focusing on key priorities, and collaborating with my team to meet the deadline. |
How do you deal with an unexpected problem at work? | 你如何處理工作中突發的問題? | I stay calm, assess the situation, gather relevant information, and then make an informed decision or consult with a team member if necessary. |
Have you ever had to make a difficult decision at work? | 你是否曾在工作中做過艱難的決策? | Yes, I had to decide between two project options. I evaluated both based on time, resources, and outcomes, and chose the one that aligned with our company goals. |
How do you handle criticism? | 你如何應對批評? | I accept criticism constructively, focusing on the areas I can improve, and I apply feedback to grow both personally and professionally. |
Describe a time when you made a mistake and how you fixed it. | 請描述一次你犯錯並如何解決的經驗。 | I made a mistake in communicating a project update to a client. I quickly acknowledged the error, apologized, and clarified the situation to restore trust. |
What steps do you take to ensure successful team collaboration? | 你會做什麼來確保團隊合作成功? | I encourage open communication, set clear expectations, and ensure that each team member feels valued and contributes to the project’s success. |
How would you prioritize your work if you have multiple tasks with the same deadline? | 如果你有多項工作且截止日期相同,你會如何確定優先順序? | I would break down the tasks by urgency, assess their impact, and focus on completing the most critical ones first while managing my time effectively. |
Tell me about a time when you had to lead a team through a challenging project. | 請描述一次你如何帶領團隊完成一個具挑戰性的專案。 | I led a team through a complex project by assigning clear roles, maintaining constant communication, and motivating everyone to stay focused on the shared goal. |

問題 | 翻譯 | 回答範例 |
What do you know about our company culture? | 你對我們的公司文化了解多少? | I know that your company values innovation, teamwork, and employee development. I am impressed by your commitment to sustainability and community involvement. |
How do you handle working in a multicultural environment? | 你如何在多元文化的工作環境中處理工作? | I embrace diversity and adapt by learning from others, respecting different perspectives, and finding common ground to achieve team success. |
How would you manage remote teams? | 你會如何管理遠端工作團隊? | I would use tools like video calls and collaborative platforms to maintain communication and ensure everyone is aligned on goals and deadlines. |
What steps would you take to ensure productivity while working remotely? | 你會怎麼做來確保遠端工作的效率? | I would set clear goals, maintain regular check-ins with the team, and encourage self-discipline and time management. |
How do you stay motivated while working remotely? | 你如何保持遠端工作的動力? | I create a structured schedule, set daily goals, and stay connected with my team to maintain motivation and accountability. |
Describe a time when you worked with an international team. | 請分享一次你與國際團隊合作的經驗。 | I collaborated with an international team on a project, overcoming time zone differences by scheduling meetings at convenient times and fostering effective communication. |
What is your experience with virtual collaboration tools? | 你是否有使用虛擬協作工具的經驗? | I have experience using tools such as Zoom, Slack, and Trello for virtual collaboration, project tracking, and maintaining team engagement. |
How would you adapt to a fast-paced work environment? | 你如何適應快節奏的工作環境? | I thrive in fast-paced environments by staying organized, prioritizing tasks effectively, and staying flexible to adjust to changing circumstances. |
What is your approach to learning new technology? | 你如何學習新技術? | I proactively seek out training resources, experiment with new tools, and ask for feedback to ensure I master new technology quickly and efficiently. |
Can you work under pressure and tight deadlines? | 你能在壓力和緊迫的截止期限下工作嗎? | Yes, I excel under pressure by maintaining focus, prioritizing tasks, and using time management techniques to ensure I meet deadlines without compromising quality. |

拖延時間思考的句型 (Buying Time)
句型 | 翻譯 |
That’s an interesting question, let me think for a moment. | 這是一個有趣的問題,讓我想一下。 |
I haven’t thought about that before, but I can tell you what I think now. | 我之前沒有想過這個問題,但我可以現在談談我的想法。 |
Can you give me a moment to gather my thoughts? | 你可以給我一點時間思考嗎? |
Let me take a second to process that. | 讓我花點時間思考一下這個問題。 |
That’s a tough one, but I’ll do my best to answer. | 這是一個不容易的問題,但我會盡力回答。 |
I’m not entirely sure about that, but I can tell you about my experience in a similar situation. | 我不太確定這個問題,但我可以分享一下自己在類似情況下的經驗。 |
Let me think for a second, I want to make sure I give you the best response. | 讓我想一下,我希望能給你最好的回答。 |
巧妙迴避問題的句型 (Avoiding the Question)
句型 | 翻譯 |
I’m not familiar with that specific topic, but I can tell you about my experience in [related area]. | 我對這個特定主題不太熟悉,但我可以談談自己在 [相關領域] 的經驗。 |
That’s a great question, but I believe the most important thing to focus on is [related topic]. | 這是一個很好的問題,但我認為最重要的是關注 [相關主題]。 |
I don’t have direct experience with that, but I have worked on [similar task], which required similar skills. | 我沒有直接的經驗,但我曾處理過 [類似任務],需要類似的技能。 |
I’m not sure how to answer that, but I can give you an example of when I [related action]. | 我不確定如何準確回答這個問題,但我可以舉個例子,說說當我 [相關行動] 時的情況。 |
That’s an area I haven’t worked in much, but I am eager to learn more and develop in this field. | 這方面我沒有太多經驗,但我很樂意學習並在這個領域發展。 |
I don’t have the exact answer to that, but I can provide some insights into how I approach similar situations. | 我沒有確切的答案,但我可以分享一些我處理類似情況的方法。 |
I haven’t encountered that situation yet, but I would approach it by [related action or strategy]. | 我還沒遇過這種情況,但如果發生,我會通過 [相關行動或策略] 來處理。 |

工作面試 英文範例
角色 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
Interviewer (面試官) | Welcome to ABC Corporation, David. My name is Tom, it’s a pleasure to meet you. | 歡迎來到ABC公司,David。我是 Tom,很高興見到你。 |
Interviewee (求職者) | Hello, nice to meet you too. | 你好,很高興見到你。 |
Interviewer | How are you today? I hope you’re feeling well. | 今天你怎麼樣?希望你一切都好。 |
Interviewee | I am doing well, thank you for asking. How about yourself? | 我很好,謝謝你的關心。你呢? |
Interviewer | I’m doing great, thanks. We appreciate you coming in for the interview. I hope you didn’t have trouble finding our office. | 我很好,謝謝。我們很感謝你來參加這次面試,希望你找到我們辦公室時沒有遇到困難。 |
Interviewee | No, I found the office easily. I had a chance to talk with one of your engineers while waiting, and it was a nice conversation. | 沒有,我很容易就找到了。我在等待時還有機會與你們的一位工程師交談,這是一場很有趣的對話。 |
Interviewer | That’s great to hear. David, shall we begin? | 很高興聽到這樣的回饋。David,我們開始吧? |
Interviewee | Yes, of course. | 好的,當然。 |
Interviewer | First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m the manager of the engineering department here, and we have an open position. We’ve been interviewing candidates to fill this position as soon as possible. | 首先,讓我介紹一下自己。我是這裡的工程部主管,我們目前有一個職缺,正在尋找合適的候選人,希望能儘快填補這個職位。 |
Interviewee | Yes, I read about the position on your website, and after reviewing the requirements, I feel that my qualifications are a good match. | 是的,我在貴公司的網站上看到這個職缺,在查看了相關要求後,我認為自己的技能與這份工作非常匹配。 |
Interviewer | We currently have several ongoing projects, and the team is working hard. We hope to continue being busy for the long term. | 目前我們正在進行多個項目,團隊工作非常努力。我們預計會有長期繁忙的工作量。 |
Interviewee | What are the essential qualifications required for the position? | 這個職位的主要要求是什麼? |
Interviewer | This is an entry-level engineering position, and we offer a lot of training. However, we do require at least a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, and any relevant experience would be an advantage. | 這是一個初級工程師職位,我們會提供全面的培訓。不過,我們要求至少擁有計算機工程學士學位,如果有相關經驗的話,會是一個加分項。 |
Interviewee | What kind of experience would you consider as relevant experience in this field? | 你認為哪些類型的經驗對這個行業來說是相關的? |
Interviewer | Even though we provide training, it would be helpful if you have practical experience with programming, database systems, or application development. | 雖然我們提供培訓,但如果你有實際的編程、數據庫系統或應用程式開發經驗,那將非常有幫助。 |
Interviewee | My final school project involved developing a mobile app, so I have experience in both mobile and web application development. | 我在大學的畢業專案涉及開發一款行動應用程式,因此我有移動應用和網頁應用開發的經驗。 |
Interviewer | That’s good to hear. Which university did you graduate from? | 很棒,你是從哪所大學畢業的? |
Interviewee | I graduated from DEF University with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. I worked as a computer lab tutor for 2 years, helping students with their projects and learning various programming languages. | 我畢業於 DEF 大學,獲得計算機科學學士學位。我還曾在電腦實驗室擔任助教兩年,幫助學生完成項目,並學習不同的程式語言。 |
Interviewer | What are you looking for in a job? | 你在這份工作中尋找的是什麼? |
Interviewee | I’m looking for a position that will allow me to grow in my career. I want to be part of a company where I can continuously learn and develop professionally. | 我希望能找到一份有助於我職業發展的工作。我希望能加入一家讓我能夠持續學習和成長的公司。 |
Interviewer | You are right. There’s a lot of room for growth and advancement here. What do you consider your greatest strengths? Why should I hire you? | 這是一個很好的想法。我們這裡有很多成長和晉升的機會。你最大的優勢是什麼?為什麼我應該聘請你? |
Interviewee | I’m a hard worker and a fast learner. I’m very enthusiastic about new technologies, and my colleagues find me easy to work with. | 我是一個努力工作且學習能力很快的人。我對新技術充滿熱情,同事們覺得我很容易合作。 |
Interviewer | That’s great. Now, would you be willing to work overtime if needed? | 這聽起來很棒。如果有需要,你願意加班嗎? |
Interviewee | Yes, I’m open to working overtime when necessary. | 是的,如果有需要,我願意加班。 |
Interviewer | Sometimes the workload can be overwhelming, but we appreciate employees who are flexible. | 有時候工作量可能會很大,但我們非常感謝那些願意靈活應對的員工。 |
Interviewee | I understand. While in school, I managed a heavy course load and worked part-time, so I’m used to balancing multiple tasks. | 我理解。在學習期間,我曾經一邊應對繁重的課程,一邊兼職工作,所以我已經習慣於同時處理多項任務。 |
Interviewer | Do you have any questions for me? | 你有什麼問題想問我嗎? |
Interviewee | No, I think I have a clear understanding of the position. The fact that you offer training is really appealing to me. I would love the opportunity to join your team. | 沒有,我認為自己已經對這個職位有了很好的了解。公司提供培訓這一點對我來說非常吸引人。我很期待能有機會加入你們的團隊。 |
Interviewer | David, it’s a pleasure meeting you. You seem like a strong candidate. We will be in touch within the next week. | David,很高興認識你。你看起來是一位很有潛力的候選人。我們會在一週內與你聯繫。 |
Interviewee | It was a pleasure meeting you as well. Thank you for your time. | 我也很高興認識你。謝謝你抽時間與我面試。 |
Interviewer | Thank you for coming today. | 感謝你今天來參加面試。 |
角色 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
Interviewer (Nhà tuyển dụng) | Welcome, David! It’s great to meet you. I’m Mr. Wang, and I’ll be conducting your interview today. | 歡迎你,David!很高興見到你。我是王先生,今天由我來進行你的面試。 |
Interviewee (Ứng viên) | Hello, Mr. Wang. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for this opportunity. | 你好,王先生。很高興見到您。感謝您給我這個機會。 |
Interviewer | How are you today? | 你今天怎麼樣? |
Interviewee | I’m doing well, thank you for asking. How about you? | 我很好,謝謝您的關心。您呢? |
Interviewer | I’m doing well, thank you. Let’s get started. Can you please tell me a bit about yourself and your professional background? | 我很好,謝謝你的關心。我們開始吧!你可以簡單介紹一下自己和你的職業背景嗎? |
Interviewee | Sure! I’m David, and I’ve been working in software development for the last two years. I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from DEF University. | 當然可以!我是 David,在過去兩年裡一直從事軟體開發工作。我畢業於 DEF 大學,主修計算機科學。 |
Interviewer | That’s great. Could you tell me why you want to work with our company? | 很好。你可以告訴我為什麼想加入我們公司嗎? |
Interviewee | I have always admired your company’s innovation in technology and its global reach. I believe my technical skills and experience align well with your projects. | 我一直很欽佩貴公司在技術上的創新以及其全球影響力。我相信我的技術能力和經驗與貴公司的項目非常契合。 |
Interviewer | That’s good to hear. Can you give an example of a challenging situation at work and how you handled it? | 很高興聽到這樣的想法。你可以舉個例子,說明在上一家公司遇到的困難情況以及你是如何應對的嗎? |
Interviewee | Sure! In my previous job, we faced a situation where a major software bug was delaying the project. I took the initiative to organize the team, and we worked together to resolve the issue quickly. | 當然!在我的上一份工作中,我們遇到了一個嚴重的軟體漏洞,導致項目進度延遲。我主動組織團隊,共同快速解決了這個問題。 |
Interviewer | That’s impressive. Now, what would you say is your greatest strength and how does it benefit the company? | 令人印象深刻。那麼,你認為自己最大的優勢是什麼?這將如何為公司帶來價值? |
Interviewee | I believe my greatest strength is my ability to adapt quickly to new technologies and solve problems efficiently. This helps the company by ensuring we meet deadlines and stay ahead of the competition. | 我認為我最大的優勢是能夠快速適應新技術並高效解決問題。這有助於確保項目按時完成,並讓公司在競爭中保持領先。 |
Interviewer | That’s very useful. Now, working in our company means dealing with clients from different countries. How do you handle cross-cultural communication? | 這對公司來說非常重要。在我們公司工作,意味著需要與來自不同國家的客戶交流。你如何處理跨文化溝通呢? |
Interviewee | I have experience working in diverse teams and have learned the importance of being respectful and adaptable to different cultural norms. I make an effort to listen actively and clarify any misunderstandings. | 我有與多元化團隊合作的經驗,並且深知尊重和適應不同文化規範的重要性。我始終保持積極傾聽,確保溝通清晰,以避免誤解。 |
Interviewer | That’s very important. Do you have any questions about our company or the role? | 這點非常重要。你對我們公司或這個職位有任何問題嗎? |
Interviewee | Yes, I would like to know more about the team I would be working with and the projects they are currently working on. | 有的,我想了解更多關於我將加入的團隊,以及他們目前正在進行的項目。 |
Interviewer | We have a great team, and currently, they’re working on a new mobile application. We are looking for someone who can contribute their expertise and help push the project forward. | 我們擁有一個很棒的團隊,目前他們正在開發一款新的行動應用程式。我們正在尋找能夠發揮專業能力,幫助加快項目進度的人才。 |
Interviewee | That sounds very exciting! I would be thrilled to be a part of such an innovative project. | 這聽起來很有趣!我會很高興能成為這樣一個創新項目的一部分。 |
Interviewer | We’re glad to hear that! Thank you for your time today, David. We will be in touch soon with the next steps. | 很高興聽到你這麼說!感謝你今天抽出時間,David。我們會很快與你聯繫,告知下一步的安排。 |
Interviewee | Thank you, Mr. Wang. I appreciate this opportunity, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. | 謝謝您,王先生。我非常感謝這次機會,也期待能盡快收到您的回覆。 |
視訊面試 英文範例
角色 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
Interviewer (面試官) | Welcome, David! It’s great to meet you virtually. I’m Manager Lee, and I’ll be conducting your interview today. | 歡迎你,David!很高興透過視訊與你見面。我是李經理,今天由我來進行你的面試。 |
Interviewee (應聘者) | Hello, Manager Lee. Thank you for having me today. | 你好,李經理。感謝您今天抽出時間與我面試。 |
Interviewer | How are you doing today? | 你今天怎麼樣? |
Interviewee | I’m doing great, thank you. And yourself? | 我很好,謝謝您。您呢? |
Interviewer | I’m doing well, thank you for asking. Let’s get started. Could you please tell me a little bit about yourself and your background? | 我很好,謝謝你的關心。我們開始吧!你可以介紹一下自己並分享一些經驗嗎? |
Interviewee | Sure! My name is David, and I graduated with a degree in Computer Science. I have experience working as a software developer for two years, specializing in mobile applications. | 當然可以!我叫 David,畢業於計算機科學專業。我有兩年軟體開發經驗,專注於行動應用程式。 |
Interviewer | That’s great. Can you share with me why you’re interested in working at our company? | 很好。你可以分享一下為什麼想加入我們公司嗎? |
Interviewee | I’ve always admired your company’s reputation for innovation and high-quality products. I believe my skills and experience would be a good match for the work here. | 我一直很欽佩貴公司在創新和高品質產品方面的聲譽。我相信我的技能和經驗與這個職位非常契合。 |
Interviewer | I’m glad to hear that. Since this is a video interview, we value strong communication skills. Can you tell me how you handle communication in a team? | 很高興聽到這樣的想法。由於這是一場視訊面試,我們非常重視溝通能力。你可以告訴我你在團隊中是如何進行溝通的嗎? |
Interviewee | I believe clear and open communication is key to working well in a team. I always make sure to actively listen to my colleagues and ask for clarification if I’m unsure about something. | 我認為清晰且開放的溝通是團隊合作的關鍵。我總是積極傾聽同事的意見,並在不確定時主動詢問,以確保理解正確。 |
Interviewer | That’s a very good approach. Since we’re currently working remotely a lot, how do you feel about working in a remote setting? | 這是一個很好的方法。由於我們現在有很多遠端工作,你對此有什麼看法? |
Interviewee | I’m very comfortable with remote work. I’ve been working remotely for the past year, and I’ve become very proficient at using communication tools like Zoom and Slack to stay connected with my team. | 我對遠端工作感到很自在。在過去一年裡,我一直是遠端工作,並且已經熟練掌握了 Zoom 和 Slack 等溝通工具,以保持與團隊的聯繫。 |
Interviewer | That’s good to hear. Now, let’s talk about your problem-solving skills. Can you give an example of a challenging situation you faced at work and how you overcame it? | 這聽起來很棒。現在,讓我們談談你的問題解決能力。你可以舉一個例子,說明你在工作中遇到的困難情況以及你是如何解決的嗎? |
Interviewee | Sure. Last year, I was working on a project where we encountered an unexpected technical issue. I collaborated with my team to identify the root cause, and we worked together to find a solution. | 當然可以。去年,我參與的一個項目遇到了突發的技術問題。我與團隊緊密合作,找出問題的根本原因,並共同解決了它。 |
Interviewer | Great teamwork! Now, do you have any questions for me about the position or the company? | 很棒的團隊合作!現在,你對這個職位或公司有任何問題嗎? |
Interviewee | Yes, I would love to know more about the growth opportunities within your company. How does your company support employee development? | 有的,我想了解更多關於貴公司的職業發展機會。貴公司如何支持員工的成長呢? |
Interviewer | We offer continuous training programs and provide opportunities for employees to attend industry conferences and workshops. We believe in supporting our employees’ career growth. | 我們提供持續的培訓計畫,並為員工提供參加行業研討會和會議的機會。我們非常重視員工的職業發展。 |
Interviewee | That sounds like a great opportunity for professional growth. I’m very excited about the possibility of joining your team. | 這聽起來是一個很棒的職業發展機會。我對於能夠加入貴公司感到非常期待! |
Interviewer | We’re glad to hear that! Thank you for your time today, David. We will be in touch soon to discuss the next steps. | 我們很高興聽到你的想法!感謝你今天抽出時間,David。我們會很快與你聯繫,討論下一步的安排。 |
Interviewee | Thank you, Manager Lee. I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to hearing from you. | 謝謝您,李經理。我非常感謝這次機會,也期待能盡快收到您的回覆。 |
英文面試大學 範例
角色 | 對話 | 翻譯 |
Interviewer (面試官) | Welcome to the interview, David. My name is Professor Chen, and I’m glad to meet you. | 歡迎來到面試,David。我是陳教授,很高興見到你。 |
Interviewee (申請者) | Hello, Professor. It’s nice to meet you as well. | 您好,陳教授。很高興見到您。 |
Interviewer | How are you today? | 你今天怎麼樣? |
Interviewee | I’m doing well, thank you for asking. How about you? | 我很好,謝謝您的關心。您呢? |
Interviewer | I’m doing well, thank you. Let’s begin. Can you tell me why you chose to apply to our university? | 我很好,謝謝你。我們開始吧!你可以告訴我為什麼選擇申請我們的大學嗎? |
Interviewee | I’ve heard great things about your university’s reputation, especially in the field of computer science. I believe it will provide me with excellent learning opportunities. | 我聽說貴校的聲譽非常好,特別是在計算機科學領域。我相信這所學校能為我提供優秀的學習機會。 |
Interviewer | That’s good to hear. What are your academic interests, and how do you think our program will help you achieve your goals? | 很高興聽到這一點。你對哪些學術領域感興趣?你認為我們的課程如何幫助你實現目標? |
Interviewee | I am very interested in software development and artificial intelligence. I believe your program offers a strong curriculum and research opportunities in these areas. | 我對軟體開發和人工智慧非常感興趣。我相信貴校在這些領域的扎實課程和研究機會對我會非常有幫助。 |
Interviewer | I see. It’s important to have a clear vision for your future. What are your long-term career goals? | 我明白了。有明確的未來願景非常重要。你的長期職業目標是什麼? |
Interviewee | My long-term goal is to work in the tech industry, focusing on developing cutting-edge software solutions, possibly with an international company. | 我的長期目標是從事科技行業,專注於開發先進的軟體解決方案,並與國際公司合作。 |
Interviewer | That’s a very solid goal. How do you plan to contribute to our campus community? | 這是一個非常明確的目標。你計畫如何為我們的大學社群做出貢獻? |
Interviewee | I would love to join student clubs related to technology and software development, and also help organize workshops or events that bring students together to share knowledge. | 我希望能參加與科技和軟體開發相關的學生社團,也樂於協助組織研討會或活動,以促進學生之間的交流與知識分享。 |
Interviewer | That’s a wonderful approach. Can you tell me more about your extracurricular activities during high school? | 這是一個很好的想法。你能談談你在高中時參加過哪些課外活動嗎? |
Interviewee | I was actively involved in our school’s robotics club, and I also volunteered as a tutor for younger students. These experiences taught me leadership and teamwork skills. | 我積極參與學校的機器人社團,還擔任志願家教,輔導年幼的學生。這些經驗讓我學到了領導力和團隊合作能力。 |
Interviewer | It sounds like you have valuable experience. Finally, do you have any questions about our university or the program? | 聽起來你有很寶貴的經驗。最後,你對我們的大學或課程有什麼問題嗎? |
Interviewee | Yes, I would like to know more about the opportunities for internships and research projects within the department. | 是的,我想進一步了解貴系提供的實習機會和研究項目。 |
Interviewer | We have several partnerships with local and international companies that offer internship opportunities, and there are research projects available for students to participate in. | 我們與國內外多家公司合作,提供實習機會。此外,也有學生可以參與的研究項目。 |
Interviewee | That sounds great! I’m really excited about the possibility of joining your program. | 這聽起來太棒了!我真的很期待能加入貴校的課程。 |
Interviewer | We are glad to hear that. Thank you for your time, David. We will notify you about the next steps in the admission process soon. | 我們很高興聽到你的想法。感謝你的時間,David。我們會很快通知你錄取流程的下一步。 |
Interviewee | Thank you, Professor. I appreciate your time and consideration. | 謝謝您,陳教授。我非常感謝您的時間與考量。 |
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