Congratulations 意思

「Congratulate」是一個動詞,congratulations 中文的意思是「祝賀」,用來祝賀某人或祝賀某人因為某事。除了使用動詞「Congratulate」來表達祝賀,外國人還會使用名詞「Congratulations」(簡稱:Congrats)來表達簡短的祝賀語。因此,Congratulations 縮寫是「Congrats」。


  • I have the honor to congratulate you – 我很榮幸祝賀你
  • The guests rose to congratulate the old prince – 賓客們起立祝賀年長的王子
  • Oh yes, let me congratulate you on your achievement – 哦,是的,讓我祝賀你取得的成就。
  • Bless you – 祝福你們


以下是英文祝賀句子的結構以及 congrats用法:

Congratulate (sb on sth/doing sth): 祝賀某人因為什麼成就/因為做了什麼

例如: I want to congratulate you guys on finishing this week presentation 

大致翻譯: 首先,我要祝賀你們完成了本週的演講。

You deserve sth/doing sth: 你值得擁有什麼


  • You deserve it! 

大致翻譯: 你真是值得擁有!

  • You deserve all incredible accomplishments!

大致翻譯: 你應該得到所有這些了不起的成就!

  • You deserve getting all of the recognition!

大致翻譯: 你應該得到所有的關注和認可。

Congratulations / Congrats on your achievements / accomplishments / success!: 祝賀你的成就/成績/成功!

例如: I heard that you have won the first prize. Congratulations on this achievement. I already know it will be one of many. 

大致翻譯: 我聽說你剛贏得了第一名。祝賀你取得這個成績。我肯定這次勝利只是你未來許多成就中的一個。

Kudos (to you for sth): 祝賀你因為什麼

例如: I’ll never not be proud of you. Kudos to you for what you’ve achieved. 

大致翻譯: 我永遠不會停止為你感到驕傲。祝賀你所取得的一切。

Congratulations! / Congrats!

例如: You passed the exam! I hope you’re proud of yourself for all the efforts you have made. Congratulations!

大致翻譯: 你考上了!我希望你回顧付出的努力時,會感到自豪。祝賀你!

Three cheers for sth: 鼓掌祝賀

例如: Three cheers for our team!

大致翻譯: 為我們的團隊鼓掌吧!

Here’s to sb/sth: 舉杯祝賀某人/某事

例如: Here’s to the happy couple! 

大致翻譯: 舉杯祝賀這對夫妻吧!

Way to go!: 做得好


  • Nice job, guys! Way to go!

大致翻譯: 大家做得好!真是太棒了!

  • Way to go on your award

大致翻譯: 祝賀你得獎了!

Congratulation 句子祝賀的結構


Congratulations on your amazing achievement!祝賀你取得了如此出色的成就!
Good job on nailing that presentation!恭喜你成功完成了精彩的演講!
Well done on finishing the project ahead of time!恭喜你提前完成了這個專案!
Good for you on getting that promotion!恭喜你升職!
You rock! Your creativity is inspiring!你太棒了!你的創意令人欽佩!
That’s the way to show them how it’s done!沒錯!讓他們看看怎麼做!
That’s the best you’ve ever done這是你做過的最棒的事情。
Keep working, you’re getting better繼續努力吧,你做得非常好。
I’m happy to see you working like that看到你這麼努力工作,我很高興。
You’re on the right track now你走在正確的道路上。
Keep up the good work繼續發揮吧。
That’s the right way to do it這就是做事的正確方法。
You have done a great job!你做得非常好。
You’re getting better every day你每天都在進步。
You’ve just about mastered that你剛剛掌握了這一點。
Nothing can stop you now沒有什麼可以阻止你。
Many happy returns of the day願你每天都幸福滿滿。
That is better than ever這是比任何事情都好。
You’re really growing up你真的在成長。
That’s the way to do it這是正確的方向。


We are delighted to congratulate you.我們非常高興祝賀你。
I extend my sincere congratulations.我誠摯地向你表示祝賀。
Heartfelt congratulations on your success.衷心祝賀你的成功。
Our warmest congratulations go out to you.我們向你致以最熱烈的祝賀。
Let us join together in congratulating you.讓我們一起祝賀你。
With many congratulations on your success.為你的成功送上無數祝賀。
It gives us great pleasure to congratulate you.我們非常高興能夠祝賀你。
We are proud to offer our congratulations.我們驕傲地向你表示祝賀。



Success comes only to those who believe in themselves and are prepared to win. Good Luck.成功只屬於那些相信自己,隨時準備戰鬥並獲勝的人。祝你幸運!
Moving on to a new stage in life can be a challenging process. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors, you will be great!開始新的旅程從來都不容易。我希望你的所有努力都能得到應有的回報,帶來幸運和成功!
Always keep your head up with a smile on the face. Giving best wishes and all the happiness in this world.抬起頭來,保持微笑。送給你世上所有的幸福和美好。
Don’t be afraid of moving forward. The future is bright.不要猶豫,勇敢向前。未來會對你微笑!
Don’t look back! For a bright future is ahead of you.別回頭,光明的未來就在你眼前!
Winning is not everything but wanting to win is everything. Go Ahead…BEST OF LUCK!勝利並非一切,對勝利的渴望才是你內在的力量。前進吧,祝你幸運!
Never doubt your abilities for a moment in life…Wish you good luck and ALL THE BEST.永遠不要懷疑自己的能力,即使只是一秒鐘。希望幸運和所有美好的都會來到你身邊。
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. Go Ahead…BEST OF LUCK!生活就是體驗。體驗越多,收穫越多!前進吧,祝你幸運!
There are so many choices on how to celebrate your award. I’m sending you congratulations, a fist-bump, a high-five, a pat on the back, and a hearty good-work. You are a dreamer and a doer, which is a powerful combination that inspires others.有很多方式來祝賀你獲得的獎項。我想送給你無數的祝賀語,一個歡迎的拳頭碰撞,一個高興的擊掌,一個鼓勵的拍背,還有一句真誠的讚美——你做得非常好。你是一個有夢想又敢於行動的人,是一個激勵所有人的強大組合。
As a brother, I would love to say kudos to you for all your hard work. I saw you burn the midnight oil every single day and now, I am immensely happy that you got accepted by your dream university.作為哥哥,我想祝賀你所有付出的努力。我看到你每晚熬夜學習,所以現在我非常非常高興你被錄取到你夢想中的大學。
Three cheers for passing the entrance exam with flying colors, darling!祝賀我的寶貝女兒,以如此輝煌的成績考上大學!
So here is the big day for my sister. You are graduating and my happiness has no measure. You did pursue your academic dreams.今天是姐姐的大日子了。你即將畢業,我沉浸在無比的幸福中。你真的實現了自己的學習夢想。
Dear Brother, as your life together unfolds may love always be with you. Congratulations on your marriage.致哥哥,當你們的共同生活之門慢慢打開時,我希望愛情永遠與你們同在。祝賀你們的婚禮。
Hooray for your tremendous accomplishment!為你的偉大成就喝彩!
Saluting your success and looking forward to more in the future.祝賀你的成功,並期待未來更多的成就。
To a bright future filled with further success. Congrats!為更加光明的未來和更多的成功而努力。祝賀你!
Celebrating the person you are, and the success you’ve achieved. Congratulations!敬你這個人和你所取得的成就。祝賀你!
Your success story continues… Many congratulations on this new chapter!你的成功故事還在繼續……祝賀你這個新篇章!


True winners like yourself won’t boast, so let me brag for you. You’ve arrived at this proud moment, set high standards, and raised the bar for everyone.勝利者通常不會自誇,所以讓我來替你告訴全世界吧:你已經達到了這個令人驕傲的時刻,將標準提升到了一個新的高度,讓他人仰望並努力達到你的水平。
Way to go on your award. You certainly deserve it. You put in the time, energy, sweat, and dedication to get here.恭喜你獲得這個獎項。你非常值得。你為此投入了大量的時間、精力、汗水和奉獻,才走到了今天。
The success you achieve today is the result of your hard work and your never give up spirit. Hold your head high always and look forward to the future, it says you have lots of achievements yet to fulfill.你今天的成功正是你不懈努力和永不放棄的意志的甜美果實。繼續昂首面對未來,那裡還有許多成就等待你去征服。
Wealth does not come to people by chance or luck, it comes to people who consciously show interest and have invested hard work just like you did.豐富的生活從不會偶然來臨,也不是靠運氣得來的,它只屬於那些真正感興趣並為之投入努力的人,就像你一樣。
So excited to see my favorite lovebirds accomplish great things together. May your love experience last forever. Congratulations.能看到我喜愛的這對小麻雀一起達成人生中的美好成就,真是令人興奮。願你們的愛情永遠長久。祝賀你們。
Congrats on your little miracle! Wishing your family plenty of love, health, and happiness now and throughout life. (New baby congratulations)祝賀這個小小的奇蹟誕生。願你的小家庭充滿愛、健康和幸福,從現在到永遠。
Fantastic news! Keep up the good work and more power to you.這真是一個好消息!繼續努力工作,保持充沛的精力吧。
Take a bow for the phenomenal job you’ve done!向你驚人的工作成果致敬!
Here’s to your well-earned triumph!這是你應得的勝利!
You did it! Savor the moment and enjoy your success.你做到了!享受這一刻,享受你的成功。
So proud to see you realize your dreams. Big congratulations.看到你實現了自己的夢想,我感到非常自豪。給你一個大大的祝賀。


Well done on the completion of the project. You finished it with detail, style, and within the schedule. You never cease to amaze me.恭喜你完成了這個專案。你不僅完成得非常細緻,還帶有你個人的印記,並且按時交付。你總是讓我驚喜不已。
Ever since I met you, I knew you had a special quality that deserved top recognition!從我認識你的那一刻起,我就知道你擁有那些特質,這些特質將來一定會讓所有人都對你刮目相看!
I am very proud to say that I found the most sincere, hardworking employee in this office and today I am very happy to announce that you are our new supervisor in our office.我非常自豪能在這個辦公室中找到你這樣一個真誠又勤奮的人,今天我很榮幸地宣佈,你將成為我們辦公室的新經理。
As your peer, I’m proud to know you. For all the times you’ve gone above and beyond, your promotion is well-earned. Enjoy and celebrate yourself today!作為你的同事,我感到非常驕傲。在你多次超越期望之後,這次升職是完全值得的。享受這份喜悅,來慶祝一下吧!
After so many early mornings and late nights at the office, you definitely earned this promotion. Your determination, thoughtfulness and ambition have taken you far, and I know you have many more amazing goals to reach.在公司裡那些早出晚歸的日子後,你完全配得上這次升職。你的決心、細心和抱負讓你走得這麼遠,我確信你還有更大的目標等待你去實現。
You’ve completed the tasks. You’ve shown an incredible drive to get where you are now.你已經完成了交付的任務。你展現出了非凡的意志力,帶你走到了今天的位置。
Another task was completed successfully and on time. Kudos to you. It is always a pleasure to work alongside you. Witnessing you achieve your tasks and milestones with such enthusiasm is impressive.又一項任務出色且按時地完成了。恭喜你。我總是很高興並榮幸與你共事。看到你這麼有熱情和熱忱地完成任務並達成目標,真的非常令人印象深刻。
May you do well and come out with flying colors… ALL THE BEST!祝你工作順利,萬事如意… 所有的好事都會降臨到你身上!
May you fly high in life & success be with you always.送上我的祝福,願你步步高升,成功輝煌!
This is just the beginning of your greatness. Many congratulations!這只是你偉大成就的開始。衷心祝賀你!
What a fantastic achievement! My heartfelt congratulations to you.這是一項了不起的成就!我誠摯地向你表示祝賀。
Delighted to celebrate your impressive achievement!為你令人印象深刻的成就而歡慶!



Congratulations on your graduation! Sending you our best wishes for a happy and successful future.恭喜你畢業了!祝你未來幸福快樂,事業成功。
Hard work. Dedication. Perseverance. You did it! Congratulations on your graduation!努力工作。奉獻。堅持。你做到了!恭喜你畢業了!
You did it, grad! I knew you could! Congratulations. I’m so proud of you.你做到了,畢業了!我早就知道你能行!恭喜你。我為你感到驕傲。
Here’s to your bright future! Congrats on your graduation!這是屬於你的光明未來!恭喜你畢業了!


Congratulations to the happy couple! We’re thrilled for you and wish you all the best.祝賀這對幸福的新人!我們為你們感到高興,祝你們一切順利。
Cheers to you both. Congratulations on your wedding day!恭喜你們兩位。祝你們婚禮快樂!
Wishing you a sweet and happy life together. Congratulations.祝你們共度甜蜜幸福的生活。祝賀你們。
Best wishes to you both. May your marriage bring you a lifetime of happiness!祝福你們。願你們的婚姻帶來幸福的人生!


Cheers! You deserve nothing but the best for your retirement.恭喜你!在退休生活中,你值得擁有最好的一切。
Wishing you the best in your retirement. You will be missed by everyone!祝你退休後一切順利。大家都會懷念你的。
Congratulations on your retirement. Wishing you the best of luck in this new chapter of your life. You deserve it!恭喜你退休了。祝你在這人生的新篇章中一切順利。你應得的!
Here’s to new adventures! Happy retirement!這是新的冒險開始!恭喜你退休了!


Happy Anniversary to my dearest friends! Wishing you many more years of happiness.祝我最親愛的朋友們紀念日快樂!祝你們有更多幸福的歲月。
Happy Anniversary. There’s no one I’d rather spend my life with.紀念日快樂。沒有誰比你更適合與我共度一生了。
YOU + ME = LOVE. Happy Anniversary!你 + 我 = 愛情。紀念日快樂!
Happy Anniversary to my one and only. I love you so very much.祝我唯一的愛人紀念日快樂。我非常愛你。


Congrats on your new baby! We’re so happy for you. Hoping everyone is healthy and happy.祝賀你的新生寶寶!我們為你感到高興。希望大家都健康快樂。
Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. Welcome little one!祝賀你家裡的最新成員。歡迎你,小寶寶!
We can’t wait to meet your little one! Congrats!我們迫不及待想見到你的小寶寶!恭喜你!
Sending a warm welcome to your newest family member. Congrats on your little bundle of joy!送上對你家裡最新成員的熱烈歡迎。祝賀你的小寶貝!


Wishing you many happy memories in your new home! Congrats.祝你在新家裡留下許多快樂的回憶!恭喜喬遷之喜。
Congrats on your new house! We can’t wait to see it.恭喜你搬進新家!我們迫不及待想去看看。
Welcome home. Here’s to new beginnings and new memories.歡迎回家。這是新的開始,也是新回憶的起點。
Happy New Home! It’s the perfect place for you.恭喜搬新家!這個地方真是為你量身打造的。


Congrats on landing the new job. Your team is lucky to have you!恭喜你找到新工作。你的團隊真是幸運有你!
Congratulations. You’re going to rock this new job!恭喜你。你一定會在這份新工作中做得很好!
You should be really happy and proud of your promotion. You’ve worked so hard for it!你應該為自己的晉升感到高興和自豪。你為此付出了很多努力!
Congrats on the promotion! You deserve it.恭喜你升職了!你值得擁有這一切。



Applause, Bravo, Take a bow, Encore用於讚美某人在成功或表演後拍手鼓掌、喝采、鞠躬、要求再次表演
Woo-Hoo, Hooray, Yippee, Yee-haw, Hurrah, Huzzah用來表達喜悅或興奮歡呼、太好了、欣喜若狂、祝賀、快樂、祝賀
Cheers, Hats off to you, Here’s to you用於祝賀或讚美某人,通常在節日或慶典中恭喜你、祝你幸福、榮耀你
Good job, Great job, Excellent job用於讚揚完成了出色的工作做得好,出色的工作,卓越的成就
Keep up the great work, Keep going, Keep believing用來鼓勵某人繼續他們的好工作繼續這樣,保持良好工作,堅持下去,保持信心
Nice job, Nice one, Nice going, Nicely done用於讚揚完成了出色的工作好的工作,卓越的成就,做得好
So thrilled for you, So tickled for you用來表達對別人成功的喜悅和滿意為你感到高興,為你感到興奮,為你感到快樂
Way to be, Way to work, Way to shine用於稱讚和鼓勵某人在工作或成功上的表現做得好,走在正確的方向,工作出色,閃耀吧
不使用 Congratulation 來表達祝賀的方法


Congratulation 還是 congratulations?

  • Congratulation


例如: I passed the entrance exam. – Really? Congratulation!

大致翻譯: 我通過了入學考試。——真的嗎?恭喜你!

  • Congratulations


例如: Give Laura my congratulations when you see her.

大致翻譯: 當你見到Laura時,請代我向她表示祝賀。

Congratulations to 還是 congratulations on?

  • Congratulations to 

“Congratulations to”意思是“祝賀你”。當你使用“you”時,你正在具體地祝賀某一個人。

例如: Congratulations to you and your lover!

大致翻譯: 祝賀你和你的愛人!

  • Congratulations on 

“Congratulations on” 用於當你想對某人在他們生活中的特殊事件中表達喜悅或分享快樂時。

例如: Congratulations on your wedding day!

大致翻譯: 祝賀你的結婚日!

以上是關於 Congratulation 的總結文章。希望這篇文章能幫助學習者運用這些句型。請繼續關注 ELSA Speak 的後續文章!