情人節快到了,你知道情人節快樂英文是什麼嗎?立即加入 ELSA Speak 學習如何用英語說 “情人節”、“七夕節” 和 “情人節快樂” 以及與情人節相關的英文課程!





但有一天,織女奉玉皇大帝之命,必須返回天庭。 牛郎痛苦地追了上去,卻被兩界交界的天河攔住了。牛郎就在那裡等着,不肯離開。


2024 年七夕節將於陽曆 8 月 10 日星期六舉行。近年來,這個節日受到了年輕人的廣泛關注。










除了”Valentine’s Day”, 七夕節還有其他英文名稱例如: 

  • Chinese Valentine’s Day: 七夕節是中華文化中的節日,所以被稱為 “Chinese Valentine’s Day”. 
  • Qixi Festival: “Qixi” 是 “七夕” 的拼音。

因此 “Chinese Valentine’s Day” 和 “Qixi Festival” 都是指七夕節。


  • I will celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with my wife. 


  • We will celebrate Qixi Festival together this year.




You are my everything. I love you more than words can express.你是我的全部。我對你的愛無法用語言來表達。
Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat.每次看到你我的心跳都會加快。
I never knew true love until I met you.在遇見你之前,我從來不知道真正的愛情。
I am so grateful to have you in my life. You make every day worth living.我很感激生命中有你。你讓每一天都過得有價值。
I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.我想用我的餘生讓你幸福。
You are the love of my life, and I can’t imagine living without you.你是我一生的摯愛,我無法想象沒有你的生活。
I will always cherish and love you, no matter what happens.無論發生什麼,我都會永遠珍惜和愛你。
I am so lucky to have you by my side. You make me a better person.我很幸運有你在我身邊。你讓我成為一個更好的人。
I never want to take a single moment with you for granted.我永遠不會把和你在一起的一刻視為理所當然。
I am so grateful for your love and support. You are my rock.我非常感謝您的愛和支持。你是我堅強的後盾。
I didn’t think I could ever believe in happiness until I met you. Happy Valentine’s Day!我曾經以為我無法相信幸福,直到遇見你。祝你情人節快樂!
On this Valentine’s Day, just like every day, all I have is my love for you.情人節和其他日子一樣,因為我擁有的就只有對你的愛。
I just want to say that I love you a lot and I’m missing you… But I promise that we’ll celebrate this day with lots of love and happiness.我只想說我愛你,非常想念你……但我保證我們會充滿愛和幸福地慶祝情人節。
I wanna tell you that you are my life. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I can’t stay without you.我只想說你是我生命中的一切。我愛你到心底。我的生活不能沒有你。
Nothing is going to change my love for you because you are my soul.沒有什麼可以改變我對你的愛,因為你是我的靈魂。
If someone asked me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder, hold you close, and answer with a smile: “Like this!”如果有人問我美好的生活是什麼樣的,我會靠在你的肩上,緊緊地擁抱你,微笑着回答:“就像這樣!”
Thinking of you! Dreaming of You! Hugging you! Missing you! Wishing you! I Love You! Happy Valentine’s Day!我總是想起你!夢見你!擁抱你!想你!祝你一切順利!情人節快樂!
You make the abnormal seem normal and the normal seem fun. You truly make everything around you better; this is why I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!你讓我悲傷的日子變得正常,讓我平常的日子變得更加快樂。這也是我一直愛你的原因。情人節快樂我親愛的!
Darling, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky. Happy Valentine’s Day!親愛的,我對你的愛高如天,深如海。祝你情人節快樂!


You are the first guy to help me feel gentle and warm. Being with you makes me feel safe and peaceful. Happy Valentine’s Day!你是第一個讓我感受到溫柔和溫暖的人。當我和你在一起時,我總是感到安全和平靜。祝你情人節快樂!
Looking at you, I can see your sincerity, your kindness, and your great love for me. Love you forever.當我看着你時,我看到了你的真誠、你的善良以及你對我的愛。我永遠愛你!
I lack you like a blue sky and no sunlight, like a deserted night with no stars. I wish I could be together forever and love each other like now.我沒有你,就像沒有陽光的藍天,就像沒有月亮和星星的空夜。我希望我們能永遠在一起,像現在一樣彼此相愛。
I used to think true love never existed until I met you. Thank you for bringing me this sweet aftertaste. I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day!曾經我以為今生不存在真愛,直到遇見你。謝謝你給我帶來最甜蜜的回味。我愛你!祝你情人節快樂!
My heart only once opened the door, welcomed you in, and closed the door for a thousand years!我的心只打開過一次,歡迎你,然後就關上了一千年。
You don’t say much but you always understand me. Having you with you is the best thing in my life. I love you!你話不多,但你總能理解我的感受。有你在我身邊是我一生中最美好的事情。我真的很愛你!
This year’s Valentine’s Day, I have you by your side. Hopefully next year and next year too.這個情人節,我有你在我身邊。希望明年和之後的幾年都是這樣。
I feel like the happiest girl in the world because I have a wonderful man around – that’s you. Happy Valentine’s Day!我覺得我是世界上最幸福的女孩,因為我身邊總是有一個很棒的男人——那就是你。情人節快樂!
Every beat of my heart tells me how much I love you. It is impossible to live without you. Happy Valentine’s Day my sweetheart.我的每一次心跳都在提醒我我有多愛你。沒有你的生活對我來說是不可能的。祝我心愛的人情人節快樂!
Happy Valentine’s Day to my beloved. Thanks for coming into my life and making it special forever.情人節快樂,我的愛人。感謝你進入我的生活並讓我的生活變得如此特別。


I always sink in your eyes every time I look at it. Your eyes are as beautiful as our love, sparkling but very real.每次我看着你的眼睛,我總是迷失在它們之中。你的眼睛和我們的愛一樣美麗,閃閃發光,但又非常真實。
If you let me choose a thousand times, the person I choose is still you and only you. Happy Valentine’s Day!如果讓我選擇一千次,我會選擇的人仍然是你,而且只能是你。情人節快樂我的愛人!
I don’t know what the future will be, but I know yesterday I loved you, and today I love you more.我不知道未來會怎樣,但我知道昨天我很愛你,今天我更愛你。
You are the sun of my life. You bring light to my soul. Thank you so much and love you forever! Happy Valentine’s Day!你是我生命中的太陽。你給我的靈魂帶來光明。謝謝你,非常愛你。情人節快樂!
You are a dream girl. Childish and brashy, but mature enough and serious enough in our love story. I love all that belongs to you – my little girl! Wishing you a warm Valentine’s Day. Love you forever!你是一個有夢想的女孩。你很幼稚也經常撒嬌,但你在愛情上足夠成熟和認真。我愛你的一切,我的小女孩!祝你度過一個溫暖的情人節!永遠愛你!
You are the most meaningful and sweet gift for me on this Valentine’s Day.你是這個情人節給我最有意義、最甜蜜的禮物。
Your love has helped me feel the wonderful things in life. And what I do because I want to tell you that I love you.你的愛幫助我實現了生命中最美妙的事情。我所做的一切都是因為我想告訴你我非常愛你。
If one day I make you sad, you could use a gun and shoot me. But don’t shoot me in the heart, because you are in there.如果有一天我讓你傷心了,請用槍射我。但別朝我的心開槍,因為裡面有你。
In your eyes, I see tomorrow. In your arm I found love. Loving you today and always.在你的眼裡,我看到了明天。在你的懷裡我找到了愛。愛你今天和永遠。
I’m the luckiest to have you in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day my beautiful wife!我覺得我生命中擁有你是最幸運的人。祝你情人節快樂,我美麗的妻子!
A day without you is a day without sun, a night without you is a night without moon; a life without you is a life without life.沒有你的日子,是沒有太陽的日子,沒有你的夜晚,是沒有月亮的夜晚。沒有你的生活真是毫無意義。
As busy as we get, we need to be reminded that we are still sweethearts. Valentine’s Day is a good day for me to stop and realize how wonderful you make me feel. Happy Valentine’s Day.無論我們有多忙,都需要提醒我們,我們仍然是戀人。情人節對我來說是一個從忙碌中休息一下的好日子,並意識到你讓我感覺多麼美好。祝你情人節快樂!
Love is too weak a word for what I feel for you. One life is too small a time to express how madly I am in love with you.“愛”這個詞不足以表達我對你的感情。生命太短暫,無法表達我對你的感情有多燃燒。
This Valentine’s Day I long for your sweet kisses, your warm embrace, and the magic that binds our hearts together. Happy Valentine sweetheart!這個情人節,我期待收到你甜蜜的親吻、溫暖的擁抱以及將我們的心連在一起的魔力。祝你情人節快樂。
Sweeter than the candies, lovelier than the red roses, more huggable than soft toys, that’s what you’re. Here’s wishing you a sweet Valentines Day that’s as special as you’re.比糖果更甜蜜,比紅玫瑰更可愛,比任何毛絨玩具更想抱,這就是你。祝願情人節像你一樣特別。
I love now, tomorrow and today, and if God give me the time… I’ll love you ’till the end of my life…我現在、今天和明天愛你,上帝給了我時間……我會愛你直到我生命的盡頭……
I didn’t think that I could ever believe in happiness until I met you. Happy Valentine’s Day!我曾經以為我無法相信幸福,直到遇見你。情人節快樂!
On this Valentine’s Day, just like every day, all I have is my love for you. Though the distance separates us and time keeps us going on our own way, every day I will hold in my heart the care and blessing for you and I will never let you go.在這個情人節,就像每一天一樣,我只有對你的愛。雖然距離將我們分開,但時間卻讓我們一直在我們的路上。每一天我都會把對你的關心和祝福記在心裡,永遠不會離開你。
I just want to say that I Love You A lot and I’m Missing You…But I promise that we’ll celebrate this day with lots of love and happiness..我想說我非常愛你、想念你……但我保證我們會用很多愛和幸福來慶祝這一天。
I wanna tell you that you are my life. I love you from bottom of my heart. I can’t stay without you. You are my valentine.我想告訴你,你是我生命的全部。從內心深處愛你。我不能沒有你。你是我的愛人。
In your eyes, I see tomorrow…In your arm I found love..Loving you today and always.在你眼裡,我看到了明天……在你懷裡,我找到了愛。愛你今天和永遠。
Nothing gonna change my love for you because you are my soul.沒有什麼可以改變我對你的愛,因為你是我的靈魂。
If I could change the alphabet, I would put U and I together!如果我可以改變字母表的順序,我會把字母 I (我) 放在字母 U (你) 旁邊。


A wife like you is a pure blessing for life. I Love you so much, dear wife. Happy Valentine’s Day!有你這樣的妻子是我一生中最幸運的事。我非常愛你,情人節快樂!
A wife like you is a treasure for anyone. My life would be incomplete if you were not in it. I love you truly madly and deeply! Happy Valentine’s day!像你這樣的妻子是我的寶藏,沒有你我的生活就不完整。我真的瘋狂而深深地愛着你。祝我心愛的妻子情人節快樂。
I’m the luckiest to have you in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day my beautiful wife!我覺得我生命中擁有你是最幸運的人。祝你情人節快樂,我美麗的妻子!
I would choose you again and again. Happy Valentine’s Day to the woman of my dreams.我永遠會一次又一次地選擇你。祝我夢中妻子情人節快樂!
Thanks for being you and for being mine. Happy Valentine’s Day!謝謝你一直都是你和是我的。祝你情人節快樂!
What would I do without you by my side? Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life.沒有你在身邊我可以做什麽呢?祝你情人節快樂,我一生的摯愛。
You are my best friend, my partner, and my soulmate. I love you!你是我最好的朋友,也是我的同伴和知己。我真的很愛你!
You’re the reason I am who I am today. Thank you for everything you do for our family. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!你是我成為今天這個版本的原因。感謝你為我們家庭所做的一切。祝你情人節快樂,我的愛人!
You ask me: “If we divorce, what will you get three things?” I think I will take the house, take the children, and take you. This whole life I won’t let you leave me.別問我離婚了我會帶走哪三樣東西?我會帶走房子,帶走孩子,帶走你。我這輩子都不會讓你離開我。
I’m not afraid to work hard. I’m not afraid of being old and ugly. I’m just afraid of marrying you, I can’t take care of you.我不怕辛苦。我也不怕變老、變醜。我只是怕娶你之後,我就照顧不了你了。


Happy Valentine’s Day, husband. Thank you for loving me and making me feel special every day!祝我親愛的丈夫情人節快樂!謝謝你愛我,讓我每天都變得更特別!
Thank you for always making me feel special. You are the best husband in the world and a perfect gift for my life.謝謝你總是讓我感覺自己很特別。你是世界上最好的丈夫,也是我生命中最好的禮物。
You still make me laugh. You still give me butterflies. And I’m still falling for you every single day. Happy Valentine’s Day!你總是讓我開懷大笑,你總是給我愛的感覺。每一天過去我仍然愛你。情人節快樂!
You are a wonderful husband. Hope the present good will last forever. Wish my husband a happy Valentine’s Day.你一直是一個很棒的丈夫。希望現在的美好能夠永遠持續下去。情人節快樂,我親愛的丈夫!
Thank you lover for always being by your side and setting up for you and our kids. I love you!謝謝你們一直在我身邊,照顧我和我們的孩子。我真的很愛你!
I’ve always worked hard to give myself and our children a prosperous life. Thank you for all your efforts. I love you more because of that. Love you forever!你一直在努力工作,就是為了我和我們的孩子能夠過上更加富裕的生活。感謝你們的不懈努力,我也因此更加愛你們。永遠愛你!
I can’t forget the day you shyly proposed to me. I can’t forget the day we got married. I will forever remember our sweet moments. Wish my husband a happy Valentine’s Day. Love you forever!我永遠忘不了你害羞地向我求婚的那一天。我也無法忘記我們結婚的那一天。我將永遠記住這些甜蜜的時刻。祝老公情人節快樂,永遠愛你!
I liked you at first sight. Until now when we got married, but I still can’t stop falling in love with you. He is still the same, always considerate and attentive like the new day. Love forever!我對你一見鍾情。即使現在我們結婚了,我還是無法停止痴情你。你還是老樣子,總是像我們剛見面時那樣體貼、周到。我會永遠愛你。
Happy husbands love a happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you honey for always being with me. Love you!祝我深愛的丈夫情人節快樂。謝謝老公一直在我身邊,我真的很愛你!
Everyone admires me for having a good husband. And I’m very proud of that. What I have now is thanks to you. Thank you, my dear husband. Love you!大家總是羨慕我,因為我有一個好丈夫。我對此感到非常自豪。我現在擁有的一切都是你的功勞。謝謝親愛的,非常愛你!
You still make me laugh. You still give me butterflies. And I’m still falling for you every single day. Happy Valentine’s Day!你總是讓我微笑,你總是給我帶來愛。每一天過去,我依然愛你,從未改變。情人節快樂,我親愛的丈夫!
You are a wonderful husband. Hope the present good will last forever. Wish my husband a happy Valentine’s Day.你一直是一個很棒的丈夫。我希望現在的美好能夠永遠持續下去。情人節快樂,親愛的丈夫!
Thank you lover for always being by your side and setting up for you and our kids. I love you!謝謝你,親愛的,一直在我身邊,照顧我和我們的孩子。我真的很愛你!


Another Valentine’s Day has gone by, and neither of us has a partner. But no issue. Thankfully, we still have one another. Greetings on Valentine’s Day, dear friend!又一個情人節過去了,我們倆都沒有找到自己的“另一半”。不過沒關係,幸好我們還有彼此。情人節快樂,我親愛的朋友。
Thank you for being there for so long. Wishing you a warm Valentine’s Day!謝謝你陪伴我這麼久。祝你度過一個溫暖的情人節!
We have been friends for a long time. We celebrate Valentine’s Day together every year and this year too. Wish my friend a happy Valentine’s day!我們已經是很長時間的朋友了。每年我們都會一起慶祝情人節,今年也不例外。祝你情人節快樂!
Wish you a happy Valentine’s Day! When I have a boyfriend, you can have a boyfriend. Be together forever!祝我的朋友情人節快樂!等我有男朋友了,到那時候你才能有男朋友呀。永遠在一起,親愛的!
If you don’t have anyone around on Valentine’s Day you can reach me. Because I am too!如果情人節那天你身邊沒有人,可以給我打電話。因為我也是!
Another Valentine’s Day passed, you and I have no lover. But no problem. Fortunately, we still have each other. Happy Valentine’s Day to my friends.又一個情人節過去了,你我都還沒有找到屬於自己的愛情。但沒關係。幸好我們還有彼此。祝我的朋友情人節快樂。
Farewell lover, best friend is still there. Thank you for being there for so long. Wishing you a warm Valentine’s Day.當你和你的愛人分手時,你最好的朋友還在。謝謝你這麼長時間以來一直在我身邊。祝你度過一個溫暖的情人節。
Until you find the other half of your life I will always be here and wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.在你找到餘生之前,我會一直在這裡祝你度過一個溫暖的情人節。




You’re my favorite.你是我的最愛。
Valentine, I’m yours.Valentine,我是你的。
I never liked Valentine’s Day until I met you.遇見你之前,我從不喜歡情人節。
You make me love Valentine’s Day.你讓我愛上了情人節。
Cupid called, he says you’ve stolen my heart.丘比特打來電話,他說你偷走了我的心。
We’re better together.我們在一起會更好。
Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.每個愛情故事都很美麗,但我們的故事是我最喜歡的。
You are my greatest adventure.你是我最棒的冒險。
Still crushing on you since the moment we met.從我們見面的那一刻起,我就一直暗戀你。
The best things in life are better with you.生活中最美好的事情因你而變得更美好。
Life is better when we’re going through it together.當我們共同度過難關時,生活會更加美好。
Love you today, tomorrow and forever.今天愛你,明天愛你,永遠愛你。
You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.你或許只能握住我的手一小會兒,但你卻能永遠握住我的心。
I love you the most.我最愛你。
I love you more with each day.我一天比一天更愛你。
Will you accept this rose?你會接受這朵玫瑰嗎?
Every day with you is like Valentine’s Day.和你在一起的每一天都像情人節。
Be mine forever.永遠是我的。
You complete me.你使我變得更完整。
Luckily I’m in love with my best friend.幸運的是我愛上了我最好的朋友。
Found my soulmate.找到了我的靈魂伴侶。
Valentine’s Day looks great on us.我們覺得情人節過得很愉快。
You’re my better half.你是我的另一半。
There’s no better match than me and you.再也沒有比我和你更般配的了。
We just get better with time. I love you.隨着時間的推移,我們會變得更好。我愛你。


You must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day.你一定很累了,因為你已經在我腦海里跑了一整天。
Valentine’s Day looks amazing on us!我們度過了一個美妙的情人節!
Consider this post my Valentine’s Day card.將此帖子視為我的情人節卡片。
Valentine’s Day sucks, but you don’t.情人節很糟糕,但你不會。
All you need is love (and chocolate).你所需要的只是愛(和巧克力。
You’re the only person I send the heart-eyes emoji to.你是我唯一發送愛心眼表情包的人。
Roses are red. Violets are blue. My Valentine’s date is cuter than you.玫瑰是紅色的。紫羅蘭是藍色的。我的情人節約會對象比你更可愛。
Found the person who annoys me the least and called it love.找到最不讓我煩惱的人並稱之為愛。
If we were on a sinking ship, I’d share my door with you.如果我們在一艘正在下沉的船上,我會與你分享我的門。
I’d press pause on my favorite song for you.我會為你暫停我最喜歡的歌曲。
I love you for being my emergency contact.我愛你,因為你是我的緊急聯繫人。
I love you even when I’m hangry.即使我飢餓難耐,我仍然愛你。
The world needs more love and less work emails.世界需要更多的愛,更少的工作郵件。
Cupid called, he wants his arrow back.丘比特呼喚道,他想要回他的箭。
I think about you more than I think about food.我對你的思念遠勝於對食物的思念。
Happy Valentine’s Day to my (almost) better half!祝我的(幾乎)更好的一半情人節快樂!
I love you more than chocolate.我愛你勝過巧克力。
You’re so lucky to have me.你真幸運有我。
I’d give up cheese for you.我願意為你放棄起司。
Consider this your Valentine’s Day gift.就把它當作你的情人節禮物吧。
If I had feelings I’d have them for you.如果我有感情,我會把它給你。
You’re the wind beneath my wings.你是我翅膀下的風。


Being single on Valentine’s Day is so much better than dating someone who would buy you a teddy bear.在情人節單身比和一個送你泰迪熊的人約會要好得多。
All of me loves all of me.我愛我的一切。
Netflix is my one true love.Netflix 是我的真愛。
Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?當你可以入睡時為何還要墜入愛河?
I’m going to spend Valentine’s Day with my true love: food.我要和我的真愛:食物一起度過情人節。
Dear Cupid: Forget the guy, just send the candy.親愛的丘比特:忘掉那個男人,只要送糖果就行了。
Reminder: All candy will be 50% off tomorrow!提醒:明天所有糖果五折優惠!
Can’t wait to spend Valentine’s Day with my boyfriends — Ben & Jerry.迫不及待想和我的男朋友 Ben & Jerry 一起度過情人節。
Sorry, I’m in a relationship with champagne.抱歉,我和香檳有緣分。
Happy Valentine’s Day to the couple who always welcomes me as a third wheel.祝那對總是把我當成電燈泡來對待的夫婦情人節快樂。
Happy Valentine’s Day to me, my cat and my glass of wine.祝我和我的貓以及我的那杯酒情人節快樂。
Spending Valentine’s Day with my favorite person: myself.和我最喜歡的人一起度過情人節:我自己。
I followed my heart and it led me to the fridge.我跟隨自己的心意,它把我帶到了冰箱面前。
Happy Valentine’s Day to myself. I love you.祝我自己情人節快樂。我愛你。
The best part about being single on Valentine’s Day? Not having to share your dessert.情人節單身最開心的事是什麼?不用和別人分享你的甜點。



And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.Kiersten White而我會選擇你;在百輩子、百個世界、無論哪種現實,我都會找到你、選擇你。
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever.Rabindranath Tagore我似乎以無數種形式、無數次、生生世世、世世代代愛着你,直到永遠。
I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.Arwen in The Lord of the Rings我寧願與你共度一生,也不願獨自面對這世間所有的歲月。
I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.Baby in Dirty Dancing我害怕走出這個房間,並且永遠不會在我的餘生中感受到和你在一起時那種感覺。
It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous, that you realize just how much you love them.Agatha Christie這是一個奇怪的想法,但只有當你看到人們看起來很可笑時,你才會意識到你有多愛他們。
Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.Franklin P. Jones愛情並不能讓世界運轉,愛情才是讓旅途變得有價值的原因。
Much love, much trial, but what an utter desert is life without love.Charles Darwin你愛的越多,挑戰就會越多,但是沒有愛的生活就會像荒漠一樣。
The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.Helen Keller世界上最美好、最美麗的事物是看不見、聽不到的,而必須用心去感受。
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.Harry in When Harry Met Sally當你意識到你想與某人共度餘生時,你會希望餘生儘快開始。
I love you like crazy, baby, Cuz I’d go crazy without you.Pixie Foudre寶貝,我瘋狂地愛你,因為沒有你我就會發瘋。
…I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.John Green..我愛上了你入睡的樣子:慢慢地,然後一下子就這樣了。
True love stories never have endings.Richard Bach真正的愛情故事永遠沒有結局。
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.Maya Angelou全世界,沒有人像你一樣對我有心。全世界,沒有一個人像我一樣對你有愛。
For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person.Stephanie Perkins對於我們兩個人來說,家不是一個地方,而是一個人。
Love is friendship that has caught fire.Ann Landers愛情是燃燒起來的友誼。
Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.Audre Lorde每一次愛,都愛得深沉,彷彿是永遠。
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.Aristotle愛情是由一個靈魂寄宿在兩個身體里而形成的。
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone — we find it with another.Thomas Merton愛情是我們真正的命運。我們無法獨自找到生命的意義——我們需要與他人一起找到它。
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.Wuthering Heights無論我們的靈魂是由什麼構成的,他的靈魂和我的靈魂都是一樣的。
Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.Loretta Young愛情不是你找到的東西,而是它找到你的東西。
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.George Sand生命中只有一種幸福,那就是愛與被愛。
Where there is love, there is life.Gandhi有愛的地方就有生活。
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.Lao Tzu被人深愛會給你力量,深愛一個人會給你勇氣。
I can’t see anything I don’t like about you.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind我看不出你有什麼我不喜歡的地方。
I think I’d miss you even if we’d never met.The Wedding Date我想即使我們從未見過面,我也會想念你。
You want the moon? Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.It’s a Wonderful Life你想要月亮嗎?只要你說一句話,我就會用套索套住它,把它拉下來。
No, I like you very much. Just as you are.Bridget Jones’s Diary不,我很喜歡你。不管你現在是什麼樣子。
Home is wherever I’m with you.Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros有你的地方,就是家。
I look at every day with you as a gift.Yellowstone我把和你在一起的每一天都視為一份禮物。
To me, you are perfect.Love Actually對我來說,你是完美的。
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.Taylor Swift你是我一生中最好的東西。
You’re my lobster.Friends你是我的龍蝦。
I love you and I like you.Parks and Recreation我愛你,我喜歡你。
Some people are worth melting for.Frozen有些人值得為之融化。
If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.The Notebook如果你是一隻鳥,我也是一隻鳥。
Three words, eight letters. Say it and I’m yours.Gossip Girl三個詞,八個字母。說出來我就屬於你了。
I just called to say I love you.Stevie Wonder我打過來只為了說我愛你。
You’re my person.Grey’s Anatomy你是我的人。
There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love.Bob Dylan為了讓你感受到我的愛,我願意做任何事。
All of me, loves all of you.John Legend屬於我的一切,愛屬於你的一切。
It’s a love story, baby just say yes.Taylor Swift這是個愛情故事,寶貝,只要答應就好。
You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.Pride and Prejudice你讓我着迷,身體和靈魂,我愛,我愛,我愛你。從今天起我再也不想離開你了。
People do fall in love. People do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance that anyone’s got for true happiness.Breakfast at Tiffany’s人們確實會墜入愛河。人們確實會彼此歸屬,因為這是每個人獲得真正幸福的唯一機會。
I’ve come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.Sense and Sensibility我來到這裡不抱有任何期望,只是想表達,現在我可以自由地表達,我的心現在屬於你,並且永遠屬於你。
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile, cause you’re amazing, just the way you are.Bruno Mars當你微笑時,整個世界都會停下來,凝視你一會兒,因為你就是那麼迷人。
Love is old love is new, love is all love is you.The Beatles愛是舊的,愛是新的,愛是全部,愛是你。
To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.Madonna勇敢就是無條件地愛一個人,不求任何回報。


Chinese Valentine’s Day /ˈtʃaɪˈniːz ˌvælənˈtaɪnz deɪ/七夕節(農曆七月初七)
Weaver Girl /ˈwiːvər ɡɜːrl/織女
Cowherd /ˈkaʊˌhɜːrd/牛郎
Magpie /ˈmæg.paɪ/喜鹊
Milky Way/ˈmɪl.ki weɪ/銀河
Valentine’s Day/ˈvæl.ən.taɪnz deɪ/情人節
Have a feeling for sb/hæv ə ˈfiː.lɪŋ fɔːr səmˈbɒ.di/對某人有感情
Valentine card/ˈvæl.ən.taɪnz kɑːrd/情人節賀卡
Love at first sight/lʌv æt fɜːrst saɪt/一見鍾情
Candlelit dinner/ˈkændlˌlɪt ˈdɪnər/燭光晚餐
Go to the cinema/ɡoʊ tə ðə ˈsɪnəˌmə/去劇院看電影
Outdoors eating/ˈaʊtdɔːrz ˈiːtɪŋ/出去吃
Walking in the park/ˈwɔːkɪŋ ɪn ðə pɑːrk/在公園散步
Have a picnic/hæv ə ˈpɪknɪk/去野餐
Propose marriage/prəˈpoʊz ˈmɛrɪdʒ/求婚
Box of chocolates/bɒks əv ˈtʃɒk.lətz/巧克力盒



Ask someone out on a date

“Ask someone out on a date”意思是邀請某人出去約會。當您想邀請某人參加正式約會時,可以使用此短語。這是一個常見的表達方式,當您想要表達與您喜歡的人共度獨處時光的明確意圖時,通常會使用此表達方式。


  • Will you go out on a date with me? 


  • It’s been a while since we had a nice dinner together. I would love to have a romantic dinner with you on Valentine’s Day.


Ask someone to be your Valentine

“Ask person to be your Valentine”意思是邀請某人成為你的愛人。當您想邀請某人成為您這一天特別的人時,通常會在情人節使用這句話。這可能是開始一段關係的邀請,或者只是想讓那個人在情人節成為一個特別的朋友。


  • Will you be my Valentine?


  • I know we just met, but would you like to be my Valentine?



在上面的文章中,ELSA Speak 整理了用英語邀請,情人節快樂英文以及情人節英文祝福語。希望這篇文章不僅能幫助您度過一個更浪漫的情人節,還能讓學習英文變得更有趣!